In the early morning, in the restaurant on the ground floor of the stone villa.

Jiang Shou, who was busy in front of the kitchen counter, and Jiang Xiao, who was eating at the table, stopped, turned his head, and saw the blind girl coming in from the door.

She had changed back her robe, and in her arms she was holding a beautiful crystal dragon egg.

I just don't know when this little guy will be born.

The blind girl put the crystal dragon egg on the dining table, took over the dinner plate handed by Jiang Shou, and said softly, "What happened last night?"

"Ah?" Jiang Xiao froze for a moment, of course, she also knows how powerful the blind woman's perception is. Last night, Jiang Xiao didn't sleep well. After waking up in the middle of the night, she turned over the box to find a mobile phone and recharge ... .

According to her perception ability, if she was upstairs, if she was awake, she knew exactly what Jiang Xiao was doing, I'm afraid ... she also knew that Jiang Xiao stared at the mobile phone and looked at it for a long time.

The blind woman picked up a slice of orange, and said lightly, "When you go home, you are not in the right mood and your face is very bad."

"Ha ha." Jiang Xiao smiled, "You can still see my face?"

Blind girl: "Expression."

"Hmm ..." Jiang Xiao was relieved. It seemed that she was not asking Jiang Xiao to stare at the cell phone in a daze at night.

Jiang Xiao replied, "I went to find the ice praying forest to go on a mission. You know how miserable the cry of the ice monsters is, and I am upset."

Blind girl: "Oh."

No one spoke in the restaurant, except for the slight noises that people made while eating.

Jiang Xiao was silent for a long time, and said, "I leave a bait to station in the birch forest. There are many new savages and some humans settle in. I stay in the birch forest. I can grasp the situation in real time and teach students by the way.

In the same way, I will send another bait to guard the ancient Gucheng city, and there is still a bait left by us, pretending to be a tree owl demon, what do you think?

Of the two main creatures in the eastern land of Liaoning, I will also become a tree dwarf, which can be of some use. The ice soul's rank of ice is too high, and I can only rely on the ice praying forest. "

The blind woman chewed the beef carefully, swallowed her belly, and then responded, "You are the captain."

"Well." Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "Habits have discussed with teammates."

The blind woman picked up the slim hand of the chopsticks, and after a few seconds, she said softly, "OK."

Jiang Xiao's bait star technique has come to the quality of the candle moon, and there are three more baits available.

After completing the Zhongji land mission perfectly, Jiang Xiao was going to send two bait to guard two cities.

First, consolidate its position in the two cities.

There is no doubt that Baihualin and Pagoda are qualified to unify the area where they live, and a large share of fresh blood is settled in. Jiang Xiao does not want those who are late to not know him.

Although Jiang Xiao is not their tribal chief or city owner, he still hopes to be an uncrowned king. At any time, he has an absolute appeal.

Secondly, after coming out of the North Third Area, in other areas, the biological rank is mostly high. If the bait performs the task alone, it will also be caught in a quagmire.

In addition to the above reasons, Jiang Xiao hopes to quickly improve his combat skills.

At this time, his bow and arrow skills were still gold quality lv.8, and his fighting knife skills were only worth gold quality lv.3 after being trained by Marda.

Once these two skills have entered the platinum ranks, it means not only that the skills are more subtle, but also that Jiang Xiao can be transformed into a star!

Withered bow star map!

And Marda's fighting knife star map!

The ancient monks and ghosts are all masters of sparring.

If Marda is not dead, if she is still under the control of her mother Leanna, I am afraid that at this moment, Marda is already in the Xinghai period.

Her physical quality is absolutely enough. She survives in the training space of the star power, which is extremely strong, even higher than the concentration of star power in the different worlds and the power world. Marda's physical conditions have long allowed her to advance to Xinghai. It's over.

However, she died, taking away all the skills in her head.

Jiang Xiao rescued Marda, released her painful soul, and also took over her body, but only took over the "hardware facilities", all her "software facilities" disappeared with the death of Marda Already.

Just do it!

After having breakfast, Jiang Xiao reset two bait with "Star-eating Soul" star map, one called "Jiang Hua", and sent it to the white birch forest. One named "Jiangyan" was sent to the ancient tower.

As for why use the sea eater star map? Because they are all future mech controllers!

No, there is no need for the future. When Jiang Xiao sent the two bait in, he had already configured it to let Jiang Hua control Marda, reducing the burden on Jiang Shou. At this point, Jiang Shou could also concentrate on controlling Baze.

The "knowledge" between the ontology and the bait is interoperable. Therefore, Jiang Xiao did not actually send Marda to the city or the tribe. After all, the process of training and teaching is to improve his own credibility, or to use his face. More appropriate.

The savages were extremely pleased with the arrival of Jiang Hua.

At this moment, the land of Zhongji in the world of misfortune has been filled with ape ghosts and savages by Jiang Xiao, and the Baihualin tribe is in a stage of fierce warriors and ready to go.

Although Jiang Hua didn't have a little bit of astrology, but his presence only made the wild people of Baihua Forest calm down! He really played the role of general in the army.

As for the presence of Jiangu Tower for "Jiangyan" ... it can be described by "gongs and drums, firecrackers screaming together"!

Well, if there is a firecracker.

The ancient tower army only sent personal disciples of gold and silver to perform tasks, and a large number of ghost monks were still idle in the city.

They are really doing nothing, because the place where the mission is sent is a different ball, and the ancient tower at this time is in the world of evil.

Except for the ghost monks who were thrown in the previous times, there is no creature at all on the land of the Central Plains in the world of evil.

Therefore, at this time in the ancient tower city, the daily tasks of the ghost monks are to tune in the newly added ghost monks.

They wait for newcomers to make mistakes, then find reasons to fight and learn new lessons.

The arrival of Jiang Yan represents Master's coming to teach again, and also represents the disciples, and has the opportunity to have a name.


After doing all this, Jiang Xiao broke into the land of Liaodong with the blind girl and the remaining bait, Jiang Shuyue.

Here is still a snowy field, Jiang Xiao closed the door to the world of misery, adjusted it, and opened it again.

A few seconds later, behind the door, a ghostly figure slowly floated out.

Lord Tyrant, finally appeared.

Behind the tyrant Bingqilin are the ice demon cone and ice demon ice cream.

Subsequently, the Icebound Walker and Lolly came out with his two younger brothers.

The Bing clan did not respond to this group of humans, but when they saw the Jiang Shu Yao, they couldn't help but hold them!

"His ..." The Frozen Walker immediately made a fighting posture, supporting the Ice Shield in his pale palms, and the star power in the other hand condensed to form an ice gun.

Its murky eyes stared at the Jiangshu demon, making a beast-like hunting sound in his mouth.

Jiang Shu Yao is a tree that can walk.

The tree is about three meters high and very thick. It still has some branches on it and its head is covered with green leaves.

On the body of the trunk, there are only two "circle" traces. These are the eyes of the tree shrew demon, as if the dizzy special effect ...

Except for a pair of "naturally dizzy" eyes, there is nothing in the nose or mouth.

The left and right sides of the trunk also have a pair of thick tree arms.

What makes this creature seem strange is that the trunk arm is really thick, but after the thick arm, the two hands are particularly small.

The small fingers of a small tree branch are especially slender, giving the illusion of breaking at a stroke.

In fact, the small branches of the Jiang Shu Yao are as flexible as his feet made of vines.

This creature has no real feet, only more than a dozen vines entangled and coiled, walks particularly stable, and climbs mountains and ridges, such as walking on flat ground.

If you use the tree shrew as a mount, march on the road, for fear that you will not feel the slightest bump.

Jiang Xiao said, "I changed it with astrology, so don't worry."

Talking, Jiang Shu Yao shook his head for a while, and the dense green leaves on his head rustled.

Several frozen walkers looked at each other, and finally set their eyes on the patriarch Bing Qilin.

Bing Qilin nodded and said, "Jiang Jiao, it's great."

Jiang Xiao smiled: "Let's go and show your abilities."

The illusory figure of Bingqilin floated, and behind him, cones and ice cream followed.

The tyrant and the double demon observed the terrain, and the ice demon beside him cried loudly as Bing Qilin motioned.

"Bottom ..." Jiang Xiao and Jiang Shuyue covered their ears.

But where does the Jiangshu demon come from? This is just a subconscious action ...

The slender branch of the tree covered his trunk with both hands, and the trunk, which was supposed to be stiff, made a "bend over and bow down" action.

The dense green leaf on the head was shaking again, enough to see how flexible its body was.

Of course, the blind girl also sensed this scene. I don't know why, the corner of that crystal mouth rose slightly, and a faint smile appeared.

What a weird woman ...

Due to the biological characteristics of the ice family, it has greatly increased the difficulty of searching for everyone.

The Liaodong land is tricky, but there are also conveniences.

Because it is in the deep winter season, with the exception of a few tree species, most of the other trees are withered. Whenever you see a grove of green trees in the vast white snow, it is definitely a tree magpie.

What's more, their size is here. Three meters is already very high for other creatures, but it is really short for trees.

Moreover, when other trees are three meters high, they are still small and thin trees. How can there be a tree-like demon like this, three meters are so thick and strong, just like a large tree for decades. live.

In Shulingling Hetero-dimensional space, in addition to the tree owl monster, there is a creature named "tree owl monster".

Their appearance is exactly the same as that of the tree magpie, but they are distinguished by star skills.

The shrew monsters have lower ranks and more means ... well, more adorable.

They will leave some tree shrew seeds on the walking path to allow them to take root and germinate. Once a creature enters them, they will be trapped by the growing vines.

This trap-like star technique sounds good, but ... this is a waste star technique, and it is not threatening to the Star Warrior at all.

The growing vine is not a type that can be settled down. The vine will not hide in the ground and hide in the snow.

In contrast, the vine trap is so swaggering!

Obviously it is a vine, but it is like a "seagrass" and sways with the wind.

It's so big in front of you, will you step in?

Only a fool will catch such a trap!

Amidst the miserable cry of the Ice Demon, everyone walked into a jungle of green tree shrews.

These tall "tree badger" trees, of course, are not the star beast itself, but the star skills from the tree badger demon.

Within a few minutes of walking, Jiang Xiao saw the strange scene in the distance.

I saw that in the thick snow in front of it, there were a few fluttering green vines, like a woman in a green building, holding a handkerchief to solicit customers in front of the store.

Jiang Xiao looked around and found that, a dozen meters away from the "trap", in a tall wood, there was a small green tree standing there motionlessly.

Why not ... give it some face?

Jiang Xiao thought about it, one flashed over, then stepped on it!


Continue tomorrow

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