Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1091: Four-legged gold beast

White Feather Arrow Bead (Diamond Quality)

1. White Feather Bow: Consolidate star power and summon a white feather bow. (Platinum quality)

2. Incandescent Arrow: Summon a star-powered arrow burning with white flames. It has a lighting effect to lighten the track of action. Its flame path will last 15 seconds and can be recovered at any time. (Platinum quality)

3. White Feather Arrow: Summon a white star power arrow to attack the target with an explosion effect. (Platinum quality)

4, white feather arrow array: summon a special white star power arrows, shot into the air, the arrows hanging in the air, will sprinkle a large number of white feather arrows, bombing all targets within a certain range. (Diamond quality) "

Jiang Xiao swiftly grabbed a star bead from a poisonous vine flower demon's vine, and the information from the star map made Jiang Xiao couldn't help secretly squinting.

Really? Strong!

One star and four skills! Three platinum, one diamond!

Laozi's bait, Jiang Gong, can finally go out of the mountain!

With a bow and arrow system, you rely on the strong support of your Arrow Mountain tribe!

However, the output of this group of Jianshan is really strong, but the shortcomings in other areas are too obvious.

There is no purification star-like technique or even any defensive star-like technique, which is pure output.

It would be okay to hit others, and encountering a poisonous milk like Jiang Xiao, the control of astrological and state-like poisonous techniques would be the life of the Arrow Mountain tribe!

Jiang Xiao was "carelessly" taking away the star beads obtained by the allies, but the other person in the team gave Jiang Xiao very great technical support!

Blind girl!

I saw her proudly standing on the hillside, with an ink flower in her hand.

I do not know when, on this battlefield, countless ink flowers have bloomed. They are impregnated with the body of the dead Arrow Mountain tribe, allowing them to quickly stand up and away from the battlefield.

Is she protecting the body?

No, she's helping Jiang Xiao keep the star beads.

Whether it is a poison ivy flower demon or a kind of ghost, for the enemy's star bead, it is swallowed directly without saying a word!

Jiang Xiao secretly praised the blind girl. While killing the Jianshan tribe, he was also carefully watching the reaction of the ghosts and poisonous vine demon.

But ... Uh, for Jiang Xiao, who is loyal and rhythmic, the ghosts and poisonous vine demon are very cold. No one cares about Jiang Xiao ...

They are quickly reaping the lives of the "Arrow Mountain Shake Music", and they are hunting down the Arrow Mountain tribe who swore to resist and lose their wisdom.

Jiang Xiao's brow frowned slightly. Is it wrong to open it?

Is the translation of the humming whale not in place?

No, it's impossible. Jiang Xiao still believes in the level of the humming whale. What can I do?

Jiang Xiao did his utmost to take such a big risk, and the one-star skill played flowers, just to create the effect of "fighting with enemies" and "fate together", just to be able to be good with the creatures under the five-level star .

With a group of such creatures, I will meet the same people in the future. The group of ghosts and poisonous vine flower demon rescued by Xinglin should be able to speak. That will definitely be of great help to Jiang Xiao's subsequent task of cleaning up Damon!

But ... when you help others, they still ignore you. Even if you help them keep their homes and save the lives of their people, they will still ignore you.

Is it really cold?

Did you see my plan?

Can't I? Or is it just a simple character?

Uh ... these cold dogs ~

Is there no wisdom under the stars?

Of course not, Jiang Xiao and others brought in pets to kill them. There was no sign of attacks on the crowd by these ghosts and poisonous rattan demon.

Obviously, they know Jiang Xiao and others are helping their population.

Or, at this moment, at this moment, Jiang Xiao and others still have use value. After the crisis of the Arrow Mountain clan is lifted, whether these ghosts and flower demon will light up Jiang Xiao and others, but that is another Something happened.

Jiang Xiao thought for a moment, his heart was indignant, and he tossed for so long to save a group of white-eyed wolves!

Damn it's not soft, I'll be hard!

Just do it!

Jiang Xiao directly opened the door to the world of evil shadows directly beside him, and it still opened to the largest, 100 meters long!

Spiritually connected, Humming Whale has understood what Jiang Xiao means!

"Om !!!" The humming whale burst into a tsunami under the extremely rich water environment!

In a short time, there was a strange stagnation in the chaotic battlefield!

The ranks of each creature here are not low, and one after another felt the danger coming!

After a brief stagnation, the battlefield became chaotic again. This time, instead of killing, it was fleeing!

But ... will the buzzing whales do what they want?

With the help of Jiang Xiao's tears and rain, the tsunami formed extremely fast, and the speed of advance was even more fierce!

One person, one whale, matched the effect of thousands of troops!

This is a pure chemical reaction, and it cannot be described as "one plus one is greater than two".

Jiang Xiao hid behind the gate of Wuying. As the first wave of tsunami rushed into the world of Wuying, all kinds of creatures swept in the sea were washed in.

The humming whale tsunami, although it is said to be two or thirty meters high, is not so long.

The picture at this time was quite weird. Jiang Xiao, who was standing behind the door, was not harmed at all. Promoted before.

Jiang Xiao hurriedly closed the door of the space, adjusted the orientation, flickered to the back of the tsunami again, and opened the door to the world of evil!

"Hehe." Jiang Xiao sneered.

I wanted to get along with you as brothers and family, but in exchange for your alienation.

Not installed!

I have a showdown!

I, Jiang Xiao, the zoo director!

I save you to enrich the biological species of the world of evil ...

After several flashes, Jiang Xiao closed the space door with satisfaction. but......

Big waves scouring the sand!

Those who stay are true heroes!

Who stayed?

All the ghosts are here!

But it was a dark ghost head that emerged from the ground, and those purple monster eyes were staring at Jiang Xiao.

Lying down! ?

It is indeed a diamond creature ...

Jiang Xiao smiled awkwardly, and waved at the ghosts emerging from the ground: "I ... I love Xia Xia, Xia Xia is my home ..."

A ghostly creature with imaginary lines slowly floated out of the ground, showing horrible fangs to Jiang Xiao.

Some trembled toward Jiang Xiao, some also sneaked into the ground quietly, and if they popped up again, maybe they were around Jiang Xiao!

"Battle! Battle! Battle!" When Wu Haoyang saw something was wrong, he suddenly yelled, and this voice was also mixed with "fighting trench" star skills!

After a while, the hatred value was immediately attracted by Wu Haoyang!

The bear whipped about with its huge short legs, and quickly got up, hugging an imaginary giant bamboo shadow, and pounded heavily on the ground.

In a moment, an ice candle flame spread out!

It doesn't care about the frozen legs of Wu Haoyang. It just wants to freeze the ghosts that rushed up!

The strangely fast ghosts stopped abruptly, and then they dived into the ground!

This time, but the bad food!

The ghost has two astral skills: Mist Venom, Might Venom.

One is a dark fog that numbs surrounding creatures.

However, under the continuous tears of Jiang Xiao, their first star skills were perfectly restrained.

The second star skills are fierce fangs, but they need to approach the opponent, open their mouths and bite the opponent, and the moment they bite at the target, their illusive fangs will become solid.

That is, at this time, the ghosts will show a little solid, not their bodies, but only the tooth decay.

"Alas! Alas! Alas," a series of torn sounds of the ground sounded, one after another, the small prison dragons broke through the ground, and there were even some kind of ghosts on the tails of some small dragon!

The small prison dragon pulled the ghost from the ground!

"It's beautiful! Xiaolong!" Jiang Xiao looked so happy, but he couldn't care much. A platinum bell was pressed on his body. He hurriedly ordered the bear, saying, "Myth of iron eating!"

At the same time, Jiang Xiao threw 10,000 skill points directly into the star skills of the bear.

"The iron myth upgrades! Diamond quality lv.0!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" without thinking, the bear snarled directly and issued a "iron myth," which made all kinds of ghosts aggressive ...

Some species of ghosts floated out of the ground and fled to the rear, far from the roaring range of the bear.

Diamond-quality growl! The effect is amazing!

Speaking, Jiang Xiao flickered directly behind the ghost group, opening the door to the world of evil.

"嗷 ~ woo ~", without Jiang Xiao's order at all, Xiaolong made a strange cry, nine illusive small prison dragons, rolled into the gates of the world of evil, rolled with illusory ghosts.

Jiang Xiao hurriedly shouted at Wu Haoyang: "Haoyang, keep shouting! Trench! Fight hard!"

"Battle! Battle! Battle!" Wu Haoyang screamed angrily, the huge star force Qinglong stabbed the moon sword, and the sword rod smashed to the ground again and again.

The ghosts who tried to evacuate stopped one after another.

There is no doubt that their minds were very confused at this time.

Reason tells them to leave, or launch a sneak attack, but emotional tells them ...

Afraid of a bird! Open your mouth! dash forward! Bite him!

The bear banged on the ground again and again, and tried its best to freeze the ghosts, restricting each other's actions.

But the race value of the ghosts is too high. The freezing effect of the ice candle flame can cause damage to them, but the effect of restricting movement is not ideal!

Jiang Xiao threw out platinum · settling · bell, and the sound of "bell bell bell" was endless.

He continued to command loudly: "Bear bear, iron eater myth, pay attention to the rhythm, Wu Haoyang shouted twice, you shout!"

"Battle! Battle!"


"Battle! Battle!"


Wu Haoyang's trenches are in an appointment! Taunting!

He hit the ground frantically with a knife: Come! !! !!

The myth of the iron-bearing iron bear is to scare the target and tremble, and keep the enemy away from here ...

The bears also hit the ground with round bamboo: Go! !! !!

In the chaos, many ghosts floated out of the ground, and their thinking was completely chaotic.

They took two steps forward, one step back, one step forward, and two steps back.

Really going to be broken ...

And between this advance and retreat, the small prison dragons broke out again, rolled up with ghosts, and threw them into the world of evil.

In the perception of the domain tears, under the scan of the whale humming whale, even the ghosts who were in the dilemma "under the ground" were swept up by small prisoners.

The blind girl also joined the battlefield, throwing the illusive long whip, beating the ghosts, and driving them into Jiang Xiao's world of evil.

And Jiang Xiao already waved his left and right hands, slamming the stars silently, imprisoning the actions of the ghosts.

He even had time to close the gate of Wraith, adjust the position, and open it again, evenly distributing these groups of ghosts in the five Damon areas ...

When everything is over, it seems that there are still people who have not been able to slow down God ...

Wu Haoyang finally found out where he was worse than Jiang Xiao.

Not only shameless, but also in terms of the use of star technology, Jiang Xiao ... obviously more creative than him.

Each of Wu Haoyang's moves and styles is clever and fixed through hard work. The fighting postures and movements are this way, and the fighting thinking and routine are the same.

He never expected that one day, he could play a roaring duo with a "national treasure" ~

Jiang Xiao hurriedly opened the door to the space and said, "Don't hold back! Come with me to separate the poison ivy flower demon from the Jianshan tribe and drive the Jianshan tribe to the Damon Empire. Take back the star beads! "

Different from the evil world area where the ghosts entered, the tsunami emitted by the humming whale just now is a brain, and all the mixed Arrow Mountain and poisonous vine flower demon are all involved in the evil world.

Jiang Xiao opened the door to the world of disasters five times and threw creatures swept by the tsunami into five different regions of Damon Province, but the two races were also entangled.

While the Arrow Mountain clan is now under the influence of tears, this task must be performed immediately!

The Arrow Mountain tribe is not for nothing. The Arrow Mountain tribe in the different **** are all creatures with diamond ranks!

They were only briefly poisoned by Jiang Xiao. Who knows how strong their immunity is?

What if you heal yourself?

Poison Ivy flower demon is not afraid to be skinned by the Arrow Mountain tribe!

Jiang Xiao managed to seize the opportunity and put in so many poisonous vine flower demon and arrow mountain clan, he didn't want to waste it for nothing.

Jiang Xiao once again opened the ruins of evil shadows, and went directly into a chaotic battlefield.

It is chaotic, because in the vast grassland and the terrain at the border of the wilderness, looking at it, all are traces of the tsunami, and the wilderness is full of water stains.

In what way can the battlefield be opened quickly and effectively?

the answer is......

The 10,000-point promotion diamond and iron-food myth, is n’t it a waste if you do n’t need it?

Jiang Xiao looked at the "four-legged gold beast" beside him. He grabbed his hands on the round and short tail of the bear, and squeezed vigorously: "Shout!"

"Oh ~"

"Black and White Candle Bear Upgrade! Platinum Band lv.7!"


Continue with three changes, 12, 17, 20.

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