Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1105: Three years

Jiang Xiao flickered to a parking lot.

Well, yes, it's a parking lot ...

A very abrupt human society parking lot on a different continent.

In the large parking lot, there are also 5,60 cars parked here. It has become a paradise for the Swiss beasts.

The three meters and three meters and five giant beasts overthrew and stood these vehicles as shelters.

When Jiang Xiao came, he even found a group of Swiss beasts "hiding cats" ...

They are stupid.

That huge body can't hide at all, but in their minds, maybe they can't see each other, then they can't see it ...

Among them is a white beast Rui Rui, that huge head is exposed more than half, the long and curved horns are particularly eye-catching. People talking.

"Xie Xiaohei!" Jiang Xiao flickered and came to a man wearing a guardian's military uniform.

His clothes were ragged, his hair was messy, and he had a bad smell.

Jiang Xiao didn't care. He stepped forward and hugged his former national teammate Xie Ye.

Xie Yan's face was a bit stiff, just now, Jiang Xun had already hugged him ...

As a result, Jiang Xiao came out again?

On the Guigui Liushui side, half a block was teleported due to the vision of the earth and a different ball.

On the other side of the Central Plains Xudu, a parking lot came.

In contrast, there are not many missing people.

In the parking lot at that time, although there were many vehicles, the number of people in the car was only 16 people.

After graduating from Xie, he was robbed by the local Guardian Corps stiffly, saying that he wanted to focus on training, and Xie Xu finally became a guardian in the night city different dimension space. For three years, he had already Become a captain.

On the night of the vision, when Xie Yi was on vacation and off work, he had just reached the parking lot and was going to drive home. As a result, a huge Swiss beast suddenly appeared in front of the car ..... .

It is precisely because Xie Yi is guarding the night city different dimension space, so all the people transmitted in this parking lot are all star warriors!

16 people, there are 4 soldiers standing guard, the rest are all social practitioners!

"Are you all right? Are you hurt? Are you hungry?" Jiang Xiao looked up and down Xie Yuan, and even circled him, his heart filled with joy.

It is perfect to meet a friend in another country!

Jiang Xiao really didn't expect that in Liaolian, he had "collected" his national teammate Wu Haoyang for 19 years, and in Liushui and Xudu, he had "collected" his teammates Xin'an and Xie Ye for 17 years!

Xie Yan was still paralyzed, and did not expect the excitement. His spirit was a bit weak, and he nodded slightly to Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao also knew his temper, he didn't care, he kept asking, and he knew his current situation.

On the side, several members of the Wenwu team looked strange and never thought that this would be the way to open.

And Jiang Xun also took the opportunity to start to tell everyone about the situation of Guigui Liushui.

Hearing that the Star Warrior sheltered the majority of civilians, the civilian and military teams were also greatly relieved.


"You say you have 14 people, what about them?" Jiang Xiao looked around and asked in a hurry.

Behind Xie Yi, there are many social practitioners standing, and they can be seen from the momentum of them. At this time, these people are also looking excitedly at the soldier team who came to rescue them.

Xie Yan looked at Jiang Xiao silently, and then he took out a bunch of car keys from his pocket and pressed one casually.

"Hey ~ Hey!"

Familiar and unfamiliar vehicle unlocking sounded, not far away, the trunk of a car opened, a girl lay in the trunk, carefully probed the brain, and looked out.

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

"A few of us went out hunting, and the rest were those who were not strong enough to stay in the parking lot." Xie Yan continued to press the car key, some unlocked the vehicle, and some opened the trunk door directly.

A few seconds later, three women and one man climbed out of the trunk of the three cars.

Two women, one with a trunk, and the other with a man and a woman, got out of the trunk of the same off-road vehicle.

Jiang Xiao's face is a little weird, really ... isn't it crowded?

Xie Yuan clearly felt the strangeness of Jiang Xiao and said, "When they were teleported, they were bound together."

"Uh?" Jiang Xiao blinked. They were in the trunk when they came?

Xie Xun said silently: "Yes, just not in the trunk, but in the car."

Jiang Xiao seems to understand something.

Xie Yan continued: "The remaining people who were teleported were mostly men, and most of them were sitting in the car smoking alone. Do you have any cigarettes? They have been stunned for a long time."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Do n’t go home at night and smoke in the car?


This is all right, I can't go back if I want to go back. In the car, smoking directly caught the different balls!

Xie Yan continued: "There were 16 people transferred to the different ball. A pair of men and women were killed by the double night owl, leaving 11 men and 3 women."

Hearing that, Jiang Xiao frowned slightly and said: "The night city creatures in the alien ball are very docile and have high IQs, and they will not easily attack other creatures."

"Hmm." Xie Xuan nodded, his face was a little embarrassed, the two entered the different goal, were a little flustered, took the initiative to attack a double night owl, and then was attacked by the accompanying double night owl, I was unable to rescue them .

"Skin ... Skin of God." Aside, a middle-aged man suddenly spoke, and he could see that he was a social trainer, and wanted to protect Xie Tong, the guardian soldier, the man said, "I have witnessed all this with my own eyes, The pair of men and women rushed into action, which aroused the anger of Shuang Yezhen.

A black curtain immediately enveloped the parking lot. You know the star technique of the double night owl. Under the condition that the black curtain confuses perception and closes the field of vision, Xie Xuan and his comrades have a hard time exerting their due strength. They have worked very hard. Already. "

The man said, his eyes still fluttered to the side dressed as a night watchman. Obviously, the man was helping the unspeakable Xie Xun to justify, and he was talking to Jiang Xiao and the night watchmen.

What makes Jiang Xiao feel interesting is that on the Internet, people call him "little skin" and "pipi", and when you see a real person, most people will call him by name, and more people will call him " Pi Shen. "

From the words of this practitioner, Jiang Xiao also heard it. During this time, Xie Ye and the other four Guardian soldiers did really well. This group of social practitioners is also very reasonable and very reasonable. Maintenance thank you.

The man continued: "We also discovered later that the Swiss beast and the double night owl and the star beast in the Earth-Night City Dimensional Space are completely different. The creatures here are very friendly and will not take the initiative to attack us.

Later, a group of Swiss beasts came here, and they were only curious about the vehicles of human society, and they took it as a new home and lived here with us. "

Jiang Xiao nodded, and said directly, "Well, it's all over, it's all over."

Said, Jiang Xiao opened the door to the world of evil shadows on his side, leading directly to North America and the ancient island, saying: "I have a shelter, it is safe, I will take you in."

With that said, Jiang Xun stepped forward, summoned everyone into it, and said to the four guards, "In the future, I will bother you to help me maintain order here."

Jiang Xiao closed the door to the space and turned to the crowd and said, "Let's go to Liushui. The people over there have already assembled."

"Jiang Xiaopi."

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao turned to look at Xie Ye, looking in search of a look.

Xie pursed his lips and said, "Thank you."

Jiang Xiao's face was a little embarrassed. He pressed one hand to Xie Yi's shoulder and said, "Speaking of which, I am very guilty. My team has traveled all over the land of the Central Plains, only Xudu has not come."

Xie Yan shook his head: "The vigil said, you have no news. It is our luck to be here in the first place."

Xie Yuan and his team had to leave this parking lot every time and go hunting outside in fear. Such a day is not easy.

Fortunately, when encountering Ruishou, who was playing alone, Xie Ye took the team and encountered a team of ghost monks. This time, it was really a death.

Fortunately, there are comrades-in-arms beside him, and everyone else is also a social practitioner. They all have two brushes. If they are a group of civilians, they may really be seriously injured.

Jiang Xiao, who is a dumb person who can say a lot of words, is very honored.

In Jiang Xiao's cognition, Xie Yan is a rare person who is willing to bear the "sorrow of Heiyan Mountain" on him.

The other one who has been keeping Hei Yan's star skills is Song Chunxi, an undergraduate. Under her crystal lipstick and bright smile, I don't know what story is hidden. Jiang Xiao also didn't know where she was at this moment.

Perhaps, she has become a high-level general of the wasteland apprentice army.

Jiang Xiao and Xie Xie played against each other in the World Cup. At the end of the battle, between Xie Xie's heart and soul, he once said something in his heart.

Jiang Xiao knows that this is a person with a story.

At the World Cup in 19 years, Wu Haoyang yelled at Jiang Xiao loudly: "The warrior will die only once in his life!"

Wu Haoyang said so, and he did the same in the greenery field.

In front of Xie Yuan, at the World Cup in 17 years, he never said such a thing, but at the time, what he did was exactly the same as Wu Haoyang, as if death.

For the audience, it was only a World Cup match, and it was also a civil war in China. There was no need to rise to the point of life and death.

For some star warriors, the concepts of victory and defeat and life and death are the same.

When Jiang Xiao was on the green field, he stopped Xie Tiao's jade and jade, and leaned over to the defeated Xie Tiao and stretched out his hand.

Xie said, "You pulled me back."

At that time, Jiang Xiao's response was: "I pulled you up."

Since that World Cup, Jiang Xiao and Xie Zheng have no intersection.

However, what Jiang Xiao didn't expect is that the memory was so clear when Xie Xie was seen again.

Perhaps the audience has long forgotten Xie Yi's dedication, pain and hard work, but as a personal experience, Jiang Xiao could not forget this star warrior who sees death as his home.

If there was a slight error in the fighting at that time, there would be no one in front of you.

Thinking, Jiang Xiao patted Xie Yi's shoulder heavily, and said, "Let's go to Liushui. You will never think of who I met!"

Jiang Xiao turned his head and looked at the crowd. He released the star thread and led a crowd of people to the downstairs of Xin'ai's house.

For the first time, Xie Yan found a small group of people in the far doorway, and there was even a Jiang Xiao (Jiang Gong), who was maintaining order and explaining to people.

In addition, there are a steady stream of people who, under the call of soldiers, walk towards the gate of the community.

Jiang Xiao gestured to the people in the civil and military team and said, "To help, most people haven't been notified."

The civil and military team looked at this community stupidly. For a time, they did not respond.

"Xiao Chongyang, go to Sister Sanwei, she doesn't seem to be in a good mood, to comfort her." Jiang Xiao said as she opened the unit door.

"Oh." Xiao Chongyang summoned the Hei Ling Huoyu, one took off and landed, sat up, and flew directly to the sky.

Jiang Xiao walked into the corridor and knocked on the first security door.

Behind the door, Xin'an's parents looked slightly changed. To the knock of the door, they were already like "birds of surprise" ...

Xin'an was still comforting her parents, and when she heard the knock on the door, she quickly ran over.

Opening her own security door and looking at the two in front of her, for a time, Xin Aian's little head was a little cyanotic, just these two strange and familiar faces, but dragged her back three years ago .. ....

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