Nine Star Burden

Chapter 461: will

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips and said, "I'm scared of being laughed at. My classmates say I'm a waste. It's better to awaken the star map than not to awaken. Even those who don't awaken the star map laugh at me."

Most of Jiang Xiao's words are true. Except for the first sentence, the following words have actually happened.

Interestingly, more ridicule was not from the awakened classmates, but from ordinary students who did not awaken.

At this time, Jiang Xiao was able to clearly analyze the psychological activities of those students.

To put it plainly, is jealousy.

Most children aged 15 and 6 want to be star warriors. The final graduation ceremony is more like a trial to judge their future life path.

The star map that many students dreamed of didn't open. The icy reality destroyed their mentality, and Jiang Xiaopi, a nine-star trough, also became the target of ridicule and ridicule and regaining psychological balance.

What's the use of being awake?

9 star slots? The qualifications are so low that you can absorb star skills? Afraid of the waste, right?

It's a peculiar attitude to be angry and laugh.

"Fuck." Fang Xingyun saw Jiang Xiao's appearance, and suddenly began to shift the topic.

Jiang Xiao picked up the chopsticks and looked at the copper hot pot in front of him. Is the soup inside clear?

There were also a few slices of **** and a few onions floating on it, as well as a few stars of wolfberry.

But I saw Mr. Fang holding a piece of meat in the pot, simmering it for more than ten seconds, and clamped it directly into his mouth.

Jiang Xiao blinked, could it be delicious?

Not even sesame sauce?

Sesame butter is the soul of hot pot

Fang Xingyun gestured at Jiang Xiao through the hot air.

Jiang Xiao also learned how she looked. She stunned for fifteen seconds, checked 15 numbers in her heart, clamped it, blew it and blew it, and questioned the meat piece into her mouth.

I drip mom!

Really sweet!

No sesame sauce is needed, this meat is very soulful!

Jiang Xiao was chewing deliciously on the side, and his face was content.

Fang Xingyun smiled softly and said softly, "This is lamb mutton, a small number of people, disdain others for calling it hot pot."

Jiang Xiao blinked.

Fang Xingyun tilted her head and gestured to the small tray rack beside her. There must be more than 20 kinds of small bowls on it: "With the development and evolution, the lamb's meat is becoming more and more sophisticated."

Suddenly Jiang Xiao didn't dare to use chopsticks. I didn't know where Fang Xingyun's topic was going.

Fang Xingyun picked up a piece of meat and put it in a copper hot pot. He said, "This dish was named after Yuan Shizu. When the enemy approached, Yuan Shizu insisted on eating mutton. When the time was tight, the husband was afraid of blame, and he was anxious to be wise. The slice of lamb is thin and thrown in boiling water, and it will show up when it changes color. "

Fang Xingyun stood up, clamped the lamb slices into Jiang Xiao's plate, and said, "So, if you are full, you can win the battle. Perhaps this is the most fundamental thing about this dish."

Fang Xingyun pointed to one of the plates and said, "Ingot meat."

Then, she pointed to another plate of meat: "Cucumber sticks."

Jiang Xiao's face was timid: "What?"

Through the white heat, Fang Xingyun saw Jiang Xiao's response and said with a smile: "That's it. For Yuan Shizu, who was eager to go to the battlefield, they are the same, and they can fill his stomach and let him fight the enemy. . "

Fang Xingyun pointed to the ingot meat and said, "30 Star Trough System-Han Jiangxue."

He pointed the cucumber stick with chopsticks again: "Doctor Nine Stars-Jiang Xiaopi."

Only then did Jiang Xiao react.

He has taken half a semester class at the Imperial Capital Xingwu, and no one cultural class has impressed him.

Jiang Xiao had never expected that he had taken such a lively lesson in the hotel.

Fang Xingyun continued: "You have different positions, different star troughs, different talents, and everything may be different. But for the country, as long as you are essentially the same and can win honors, there is no difference."

Fang Xingyun said with a smile: "Don't care what others think of you, you just need to have a clear understanding of your abilities.

I can write a letter of recommendation to you and bring your team to me and impress me. Tell me in actual action that you can fill your belly like any other meat. "

Jiang Xiao opened his mouth, half a moment, and said, "I don't have a team, only myself."

Fang Xingyun froze for a moment, and asked in surprise: "You are going to participate in the World Cup Singles !?"

Jiang Xiao nodded.

Fang Xingyun looked at Jiang Xiao for a long time, and after confirming that Jiang Xiao was not joking, she put down her chopsticks, picked up her portfolio again, took out a recommendation letter from it, and carefully looked at Jiang Xiao's star skills combination.

Participation in singles and team competitions is fundamentally different, and the requirements for participants are completely different.

She has just watched Jiang Xiao's star skills just now, and has to admit that as an assistant, Jiang Xiao has good healing, endurance, and field control capabilities.

He even has precious skills such as time and space to escape the battlefield. This virtually increases the team's tactics and provides more choices for matching combinations.

As a team battle doctor, although Jiang Xiao's star skills are few, the combination is reasonable, and he is fully capable of supporting the team.

But the singles are different, no one helps Jiang Xiao to make up for the shortcomings, no one takes care of his other shortcomings!

Fang Xingyun's heart is not good, you said that you participated in the singles!

It's over, it's over!

What should I do in case I made a mistake?

What singles do you assist in

Fang Xingyun looked at Jiang Xiao's star combination, and after a while, he was surprised to find that it was very dramatic.

She pondered carefully and said, "Qin instructor wrote, you are the peak of the nebula."

Jiang Xiao nodded: "Yes."

Fang Xingyun frowned and asked, "When will you be promoted to the top of the Nebula, are you sure you will be promoted to the Xinghe period in 4 months?"

Jiang Xiao said weakly, "The peak of the nebula that has just been promoted this morning."

Fang Xingyun's fiber hand is slightly frozen

Jiang Xiao picked up the chopsticks and pointed at a plate of meat: "Yuanbao meat."

Pointed to another plate of meat: "Eggplant strips."

Jiang Xiao sighed: "Don't care what others think, you need to have a clear understanding of yourself. You need to follow the essence of things, as long as you can fill your belly"

Fang Xingyun looked at Jiang Xiao with a strange look, smiled at him and said, "Where's the eggplant strip?"

"Uh," Jiang Xiao scratched his head awkwardly, remembering the wrong meat name?

Fang Xingyun carefully studied Jiang Xiao's strength and star skills, and said, "Since you are not sure of promotion to Xinghe, then you have a good choice of the remaining star trough, but you can also build your own system.

Moreover, it is completely different from other professional self-contained systems. This is a crooked door, and the sword goes too far. "

Jiang Xiao: ""

Fang Xingyun put the letter of recommendation back into his portfolio and said seriously: "However, the gap between the Xinghe period and the Nebula period is too big. You will have to face your physical fitness to crush your opponents, and you will also have to face the number of stars. You have much more opponents.

The difference in physical fitness is the difference in essence, and the difference in the number of astrological skills represents the diversity of tactics and combination skills. "

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders: "Hua Whistling is a child's style. Winning is the truth."

This sentence is true, Fang Xingyun nodded.

After a long pause, she said with some worries: "I know you have a lot of experience in competitions, but singles are different from all the competitions you have participated in. No one can take care of you anymore, you are alone.

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "I'm not alone, I have a country behind me."

Fang Nebula: ""

In fact, Jiang Xiao's mind was thinking: I'm not alone, I still have 29 heroes behind me, and 29 souls who have died.

But Jiang Xiao didn't say it.

Erwei said it, after she understood the cause and effect, she speculated.

In fact, Jiang Xiao never made his ideas public, and even Han Jiangxue didn't know what his original intention was.

Jiang Xiao just wants to silently implement his own ideas and realize his promises.

Jiang Xiao said, "I'm serious."

Are n’t they jokes?

Fang Xingyun felt Jiang Xiao's persistence, her eyes gradually softened, and she said with a smile, "It's not your team that will impress me. You need to impress me yourself."

Jiang Xiao moved in his heart and asked, "How to move?"

Fang Xingyun held her chin in one hand, and silently thought, "Let me think, how can I test you? It's better to survive from me."

Jiang Xiao stood up suddenly, the other nebula hugged his fists and said, "Farewell!"


You bully the child!

Surviving from Xinghai Aid · Qin Wangchuan's hand is just fine. You let me survive from Xinghai Law · Fang Xingyun's hand?

The Troll Yan division of the Yan Judgment only used 1 star technique, and almost never killed me in the Yan Judgment!

How many star skills does Fang Nebula have? What kind of combat experience? What tactics are there?

Jiang Xiao turned around and left.

"Well, your letter of recommendation." Fang Xingyun shouted.

Jiang Xiao stiffened, turned around and reached for a letter of recommendation.

Fang Xingyun took the recommendation letter to the table and put it on the chair beside him, saying: "I can't get my recommendation letter, this recommendation letter from the wasteland, you don't want to."

Suddenly for a moment,

Jiang Xiao saw a mature and intellectual gentle woman, showing a prank-like smile.

Suddenly for a moment,

Jiang Xiao would like to give her a big platinum blessing

Rather than saying that Fang Xingyun is testing Jiang Xiao, it is better to say that Fang Xingyun is confirming her thoughts.

That night, in the dimensional space of the Huoyuan Mountains outside the Imperial City, an astral sky falling fire that should not exist in this space appeared.

Fang Xingyun seemed to be a Troll Yanshi, but also an enhanced version of Troll Yanshi, summoning a larger number and faster sky falling fire, smashing Jiang Xiao frantically.

Also on this night, Fang Xingyun, like Qin Wangchuan, was shocked by a small poisoned milk!

I saw that the little poisoned milk nibbling the giant blade, the dexterous figure leaned to the left and flickered.

This little rookie in the nebula period, under the natural disaster of apocalyptic level, feels at ease and overcomes thorns!

He strictly obeyed the agreement, and did not use the escape magic of time and space.

He just used Qingmang, supplemented by the melee skills of firewood, to smash open and smash every deadly meteorite, and endure the impact of each flying stone.

He seems to be consciously calculating gains and losses, avoiding serious injuries, and using minor injuries in exchange for his advance.

He seemed to be struggling again, using his sense of life and death beyond ordinary people to open up a path of life in the sea of ​​swords and mountains.

that's it,

He walked step by step through these nine deadly purgatory,

Stepped through layers of difficulties and dangers,

Eventually Heng Dao immediately stood in front of her eyes!

At this point, the question that has puzzled Fang Xingyun for several months finally has the answer.

She finally knew how Jiang Xiao had survived the Yan sentence.

She finally felt for herself that with her strong skills and determination, Jiang Xiao turned her head into Yan's Judgement again and asked for a man from the king.

No matter from the aspect of body skills and spiritual will, this child is qualified!

That night, when the two returned from the dimension space to the southern suburbs of the imperial capital, it was already early in the morning, the school's door was closed, and Fang Xingyun took Jiang Xiao back to her home.

Tired Jiang Xiaoyi woke up until noon and walked out of the bedroom, but there was no one in the home. Wanting to come, Teacher Fang should go to school.

Jiang Xiao thought to help her clean the room and left, but on the coffee table in the living room, she saw a letter of recommendation.

Unlike Qin Wangchuan's detailed introduction to Jiang Xiao's thousands of words,

On this recommendation letter from Teacher Fang,

But there are only eight big characters: great wisdom and bravery, great general style.

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