Nine Star Burden

Chapter 810: Diamond Star Pet · Black and White Candle Soul

For a long while, the trembling sea soul finally stopped.

The black mist in that hood exuded a thick mist, spreading all over the body.

Under the slightest mist, the inky cloak swayed gently along with the sea water, and seemed to have a unique rhythm.

mysterious! powerful! Impressive!

"Oh my god, this is too cool, diamond-quality sea-eating soul?" Jiang Xiaoying wondered, thinking secretly.


The sea-biting soul suddenly floated in front of Jiang Xiao, and the speed was so fast that Jiang Xiao thought it was on land!

Can't seawater give you a little resistance?

This is too fast.

Also ... what do you want to do?

Jiang Xiao looked at the dark mist in the hood in front of him, his head subconsciously reclining slightly.

The dark cloak is also a hood to explore.

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Are you going to kiss me strong? ?

Jiang Xiao reached out with one hand and caught the hood of the black cape.

But the black cape quickly dodged, and started to circle around Jiang Xiao, looking happy to fly.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

"Do n’t stop turning, dizzy." Jiang Xiao stretched out his hand, trying to stop the soul consuming the sea, but it was silky smooth, and his shirt gently stroked Jiang Xiao's arm, winding and turning to the past.

The words spoken in Jiang Xiao's mouth turned into a series of bubbles.

However, the Soul of the Sea is still floating, swimming up and down around Jiang Xiao, not only that, it even rolled Jiang Xiao's legs and accompany it in a circle.

"Grumbling!" Jiang Xiao opened the door to the world of evil in one hand. The next moment, under the powerful pressure of the water, Jiang Xiao and the soul of the sea eater were all bombarded by the "water cannon".

"Hmm ..." Jiang Xiao wiped her face, spit out two seawaters, raised her head, and saw the sea-eating soul floating in the air.

Suddenly there was no seawater, and it seemed a little cyanosis.

"How about? With me, okay? I have a place for you to eat every day, and I can give you quality promotion, hehe." Jiang Xiao sat on the ground, stretched out his hand, and dragged the bite floating in the air. Soul of the sea soul, "Oh! I'm so good to you, you have to repay me!"

In the hood of the Soul Eater, the mist was thicker and floated down, approaching Jiang Xiao's face slowly.

No, really kiss me! ?

You ... uh?

The next moment, the black cloak suddenly buried his head and hit Jiang Xiao's chest.

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

what's the situation?

The Soul Eater didn't hit it, it drifted back twenty meters slightly, and once again pierced Jiang Xiao's chest.


Jiang Xiao sat on the ground and was knocked over. He stepped back and talked for more than 20 meters ...

"Brother, you are of diamond quality. Do you know how strong your various attributes are? What are you going to do?" Jiang Xiaolian stood up and climbed up. He didn't think the sea-eating soul was attacking himself, after all, it wasn't Means of attacking sea soul.

For a while, Jiang Xiao was busy, and the soul of the sea gulp had quickly wrapped around Jiang Xiao's body, imprisoned Jiang Xiao's figure, and then, the hooded head with a thick mist, once again reached Jiang Xiao's chest, constantly Hard work.

"His ..." Jiang Xiao only felt that his body was constantly being compressed. The act of eating the soul of the sea seemed to be getting into his body.

But even if the soul of the sea eater is a diamond, Jiang Xiao's patience is of star quality. From a physical level, it is impossible to break Jiang Xiao's defense, and it is impossible to drill a hole in Jiang Xiao's chest. Come.

"You are ..." Jiang Xiao staggered for a while, grabbed the hood of the sea-biting soul, and tried to pull outward, "You want to get into my chest ... You want to fit into me Star chart? Be my star favorite? "

What made Jiang Xiao stupefied was that the soul consuming the sea nodded again and again.

Yeah ...

Jiang Xiao pouted: "You are so obedient, why take a position?"

The sea-biting soul froze slightly, loosening Jiang Xiao's body, and floating in front of Jiang Xiao, the hood slowly drooping, looking downcast.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

A few seconds later, the Soul Eater turned around and drifted away.

That direction is not the direction of the stone villa, but a random direction.

"Hey! Cape! Where are you going?" Jiang Xiao hurriedly asked.

The sea-biting soul ignored Jiang Xiao at all, speeding up suddenly and flying away.

Jiang Xiao was startled, a flicker, and directly caught the sea eater's clothing robe: "Well, don't play with your temper, diamond cape, when my star pet, when my star pet ... "

The Soul Eater stopped, turned around, and continued to pierce Jiang Xiao's chest.

"Wait, to be my star pet, we have to use magical magic methods, not physical methods." Jiang Xiao stopped again and again, "If you do, if you really get into my chest, you will not become my star. Pet, you will just choke me ... "

Soul Eater: "..."

Jiang Xiaoyao took the corner of his clothes, covered the soul of the sea eater, and said, "You're already a diamond-quality gangster. You must learn to think with your head, um ... well, you have no head. . "

Jiang Xiao, wearing a cape, flickered into the stone villa, and found the "moving skin" that was finishing the furniture.

Moving skin opened the training space for Woying, jumped in, and after a while, came out holding the black and white candlelight.

Han Jiangxue, who was sweating, came out with the moving skin.

"What should I do?" Han Jiangxue asked curiously.

Moving the house closed the door of the training space, handed the small candle to Han Jiangxue, and continued to clean up the house.

Jiang Xiao whispered to Han Jiangxue: "Wait first."

Talking, Jiang Xiao reached out and grabbed his shoulder, took a chic stroke, took off the black cloak, and let it float in the air.

Jiang Xiao took the sleepy little candlelight from Han Jiangxue's arms and said, "To become my star favorite, you can only rely on the way you are now a diamond creature, especially powerful, so you ca n’t There is a little resistance. "

On the side, Han Jiangxue looked at him, looked at Jiang Xiao in surprise, and said, "Diamond?"

Jiang Xiao nodded: "I just put a big fish into my chest, and remembered that this cape has been in battle for a long time and had been eating and drinking in our space for so long. Then I wondered if it could improve the quality, and then I tried filling it, and it worked. "

Han Jiangxue was speechless for a while, then thought, "You want the candlelight to depend on it?"

"Yeah, this guy is playing with his temper. It is estimated that he saw the buzzing whale fit into my chest. Before, I also saw the bears and small candlelights in and out of my chest, so I felt treated differently." Said with a smile.

In fact, this is indeed the case, and the soul of Biting the Sea is indeed treated differently by Jiang Xiao.

Those who are most obedient and sensible are treated the worst.

Should I be left out because of being sensible?

This is the end of the matter. If you rely on it, you will depend on it. Even if you do n’t have the astrology skills, you can slap Xiaojiang Xue on it. Who can break the defense?

In addition, its two star skills are indeed strong enough, Jiang Xiao has the skill point to order its punishment of the sea, and it is not a dream to melt everything.

Well, you have to talk about fate. This sea-eating soul has followed Jiang Xiao for so long and accompanied him up the mountain and into the sea. Jiang Xiao didn't have free space for it.

In the future, in daily life, you can use the soul of the sea gulp as an assistant and become a star pet.

After all, it is now a diamond, and for everyone, its threat is really too great.

"Well ..." Jiang Xiao was sent to the face of the black cape by Jiang Xiao, looking at the black mist that was emitting fog all around. The black and white candle seemed to be a little scared, struggling to lean back. (Head), the little feet keep kicking randomly.

"Don't be afraid, baby, it's our friend. Isn't it hanging on the second floor every day? Have you forgotten it?" Jiang Xiao patted the head of the small candlelight, the white candlelight overflowed, and started cold.

"Oh ..." The black and white candle flame stopped struggling, blinked the candle, and looked at the sea-eating soul floating in front of her eyes, but closed her eyes tightly again.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Use star-dependent technology for it!"

"唔 ~ 唔 ~" In the cautious coquettish voice of the small candle fire, the soul of the sea occupies the body of the small candle fire with a hood.

The next moment, the dark mist turned into a white candle flame!

"Fusion succeeded! (3/4) Third form of dependency: Black and White Candle Soul."

"Wow! This name is so cool!" Jiang Xiao blinked, a light in his hand, and the small candlelight had disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the black cloak in front of me suddenly lit a white candle flame!

Starting from the part of the hood, a white candle flame emerged, and it burned and spread downwards spirally, entangled with the body of the black cape, and finally burned to the tail of the black cape.

A black cloak with white candle flames floated in the air.

In that hood, the black spheroidal spheres had become a fire ball with white candle flames.

Extremely gorgeous and so mysterious!

"Oh ..." Han Jiangxue sighed slightly, her eyes were slightly blurred, even though her temperament was cold, but she was very interested in these mysterious and beautiful things, especially the powerful items.

Jiang Xiao hurriedly looked into the star map. Under the image of the black and white candlelight, the blank picture of the third arrow had been filled in, exactly like the flame cloak that Jiang Xiao saw before him.

"Third Dependent Pattern: Black and White Candle Soul (Diamond Rank lv.1)

Own Star Technique:

1. Impact (silver quality lv.0)

2, cold (silver quality lv.0)

3. Brightness (silver quality lv.0)

4. Dependence: (Unknown quality, exclusive for mutant candlelight, not upgradeable)

5, sea eater: condensed star power, summon a cloak of special material, go to the sea into the sky, free control. (Platinum quality lv.1)

6, the punishment of the sea: condensed star power, summon special water of star power, melt the target's flesh. (Platinum quality lv.1)

7, sea-eating candle clothing: When the black and white candle whale uses the fifth star technique · sea-eating star technique, it will add a certain ice candle flame effect. (Unknown quality, depends on the exclusive star technology of the form, cannot be upgraded) "

"Wow ..." Jiang Xiaobi sighed, this sea-eating candlestick? Is it an anti-injury effect? When hit, will it be spattered and frostbite?

Jiang Xiao thought to himself, dragged a sea-eating soul floating in mid-air, shook up and down, and put it on Han Jiangxue's body, urging: "Take care of her!"

Now that she has become Jiang Xiao's pet, Jiang Xiao also dares to put it on Han Jiangxue's body, so there is no need to be afraid to bite back.

Before Han Jiangxue responded, Jiang Xiao grabbed the palm of Han Jiangxue and said happily, "Go, I'll take you to the sea!"

Han Jiangxue raised her eyebrows slightly, but it felt like a flower in front of her, and the two had moved out of the villa.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Be careful, as soon as I open the door, I will be rushed in by a water cannon, biting the sea coat, it's up to you!"

"Well." Han Jiangxue was in a tight heart, and found that he was carried away.

A water polo suddenly emerged around Jiang Xiao, floating behind Han Jiangxue, grabbing her corner of clothing.

The next moment, the door was open. Under the pressure of the water cannon, the soul consuming the sea didn't take much time, and they took them out.


The gate of the world of evil shadows is closed, Jiang Xiao holding the sea soul lamp, and floats around Han Jiangxue.

Watching the girl in the cloak of candle flames, quietly floating in the sea.

Her long black hair floated from her hood like silk, like the cape on her body, in this deep sea, a beautiful melody swayed.

Jiang Xiao controls the domain of Yu tears, and slowly leans back, looking at the charming picture in front of him, this ... This is also too beautiful.

Han Jiangxue did not know how he survived in the water, nor did he know why he could see everything around him clearly.

She just didn't fit Jiang Xiao's eyes, and gave him a strange glance.

"Hee hee." Jiang Xiao spit out a bunch of bubbles, holding Han Jiangxue's palm in one hand, holding the sea soul lamp in one hand, and swimming forward.


Thanks to the 200,000 rewards of the princes of the dust! Boss atmosphere! Thanks for the support!

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