Nine Star Burden

Chapter 812: Stress and motivation

Out of the sea, Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue each wore a cape and floated in front of the humming whale.

"Let's play, we two will go home first." Jiang Xiao also held a sea-biting soul in his hands, thinking secretly.

"Buzz", the buzzing whale groaned, but the tone was from high to low. Obviously, it could hear its mood. It didn't seem to want to be separated from the two.

"Er." Jiang Xiao scratched his head in distress. There is no sea in his home, so he can't let it play.

Han Jiangxue gently shook Jiang Xiao's palm.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao turned his head, but saw that Han Jiangxue held out his other hand and pointed upwards.

Jiang Xiao looked up curiously. What happened to it? Nothing?

Han Jiangxue dragged his hand a bit, and after drawing Jiang Xiao's attention, he drew a square in front of him.

What do you mean?

Let me open the world of evil?


Only then did Jiang Xiao understand Han Jiangxue's meaning. She was looking for a place to speak. Jiang Xiao immediately flashed with Han Jiangxue, and the two also appeared on the sea.

For the two, there will not be any physical maladjustment after coming out of the deep sea.

With the help of the black cloak, the two of them were migrating in outer space in the deep sea without any gravity. The deep sea environment did not have any impact on their bodies at all.

Han Jiangxue wore his cloak, slowly descended, his feet stood on the sea, and he stroked the candle flame cloak with his hand as a sign of encouragement.

Jiang Xiao, wearing Han Jiangxue's pet cape, also floated down and asked curiously, "What? What do you want to say?"

"Your shadow world is big enough for it to play." Han Jiangxue said.

Jiang Xiao looked embarrassed and said, "But there is no sea there, only a lake. For it, no matter how large a lake is, it is a small pond. It will be trapped and uncomfortable."

Han Jiangxue glanced at Jiang Xiao angrily and said, "Isn't it a sea tide star technique? You can make the sea yourself. In addition, you can also change the terrain and open the door to the world of evil shadows directly on the bottom of the ocean and pour water into it. "

"Er" Jiang Xiao scratched his head and said, "There is nothing in our world of woe, it will soon get tired. In this deep sea, it can see other creatures."

"What if it doesn't want to see other creatures?" Han Jiangxue stared straight at Jiang Xiao, his voice was very light. "What if he just wants your company?"

Jiang Xiao :! !! !!

Han Jiangxue smiled and said, "Ask it. Your current space and time star skills are particularly strong. If it doesn't like your evil shadow market, you can send the buzzing whale back to the deep sea in one second. "

"Wow, I'm so powerful?" Jiang Xiao turned back and said with a smile.

Han Jiangxue gave Jiang Xiao a white look and said, "Change your clothes, and I will cultivate a tacit understanding with it."

Since Xiao Jiangxue absorbed the soul that swallowed the sea, because the two have been in the deep sea, Jiang Xiao simply put on the cloak of Xiao Jiangxue, and saved the need to start the domain tear star technique.

"Oh." Jiang Xiao floated behind Han Jiangxue and dropped her cloak. Without saying a word, it was just a princess hug.

However, Jiang Xiao did not sprint for 100 meters, but threw Han Jiangxue into the sky!

Han Jiangxue: ""

The cloak on Jiang Xiao's body fell off automatically, quickly rushed up, and chased Han Jiangxue who had been "thrown high."

And Jiang Xiao changed clothes for a second, put on his cloak, and shouted, "You wait for me, I'll ask it."

Said, Jiang Xiao's figure flickered and disappeared without a trace.

Han Jiangxue, who fell in mid-air, quickly wrapped up his own soul that swallowed the sea. The speed plummeted and slowly stood in mid-air.

"Oh," Han Jiangxue sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to caress the inky cloak on his body. "Hello, eat the soul of the sea, please advise me in the future."

The sea-biting souls were carved out of a mold, and its collar was erected, gently rubbing Han Jiangxue's side face.

"Hehe." Han Jiangxue was a little itchy, couldn't help his face against his shoulders, and scratched gently, one person and one pet, the picture was so harmonious.

At the same time, in the deep sea, Jiang Xiao's forehead was attached to the huge eyes of the buzzing whale, and one person and one whale seemed to be conveying some pictures to the other.

For a long while, the buzzing whale groaned, Jiang Xiao smiled helplessly, reached out and gently patted its crystal clear eyes, and for a while, the thick star power was scattered like a starry rain, crazy Xiang Jiangxiao's chest gathered

"Let's go." Jiang Xiao's voice came from behind Han Jiangxue.

"Huh? Let's go." Han Jiangxue nodded, and the two immediately teleported back to their home in Room 701.

It was dark outside the window.

In the afternoon of the West Malaysia Kingdom, it was the night of Huaxia.

The two opened the world of misfortune at home and entered into a starry night sky.

The time in the World of Shadows seems to be synchronized with China time.

The huge body of the "humming" humming whale appeared abruptly in the world of evil, but instead of facing the ground, it floated in the air, and the huge body wriggled slightly, swimming in the air.

"Dudu! Dudu!" Under the night sky, the gardener's leather, wearing a fisherman's hat, drove a go-kart, made the sound of a walking tractor, and waved his head as he rushed over, "Buzz Whale! Welcome Minecraft! Let us make a great lake for you! "


The buzzing whale that has been connected with Jiang Xiao's spirit and senses, of course, knows several baits of Jiang Xiao, and also knows that these are another way of existence for the owner.

During the talk, the gardener's skin has already come to the two, and opened the training space for evil shadows.

Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue jumped in and saw a girl sweating and training hard.

"Returned?" Xia Yan bent down, picked up a bottle of mineral water, and poured her head up. Because she was drinking too much, the mineral water was flowing down the corner of Xia Yan's mouth, and it was full of English On his face, he carried an inexhaustible wildness and ease.

"嗝 ~" Xia Yan wiped her mouth, poured the remaining half of the bottle of mineral water on her head, shook the short chestnut hair, and looked at the two men in cloaks, saying, "Xinghe Peak Now. "

"Huh?" Han Jiangxue's eyes brightened and he stepped forward. "Okay, you're really hard."

Jiang Xiao was determined that she should be in a state of extremely hard training and did not break away for a while, so she was not so crazy.

In Jiang Xiao's vision, Xia Yan should be curious to see these things when she sees these things.

"Well, here's a gift for you." Jiang Xiao gestured to the soul of the sea.

Xia Yan raised her eyebrows, and stretched her hands over her short hair: "Soul of the sea?"

"Well, by the way, I caught a cub for you, too." Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "Everything is ready for you, just waiting for you Xinghai."

Han Jiangxue turned his head, looked at Jiang Xiao, and said, "Don't put more pressure on her."

If it was the state of Xia Yan before, Han Jiangxue would definitely urge her to train with Jiang Xiao, but Xia Yan, who was already desperate at this time, was obviously not suitable for boosting her.

Jiang Xiao shifted the subject obediently and said, "It is obviously very difficult for a cub to want to absorb success. You don't have to worry about it. We have found a space to produce the soul that eats the sea. You failed to absorb this cub, and we go hunting there again. I sometimes have a gap in seconds. "

Xia Yan nodded silently, staring closely at the sea-biting soul in Jiang Xiao's hands.

Jiang Xiao smiled, holding on to the soul of the sea, walked to the glass showcase, and picked up the sea soul in the corner.

In this training space full of strong star power, these star beasts are relatively quiet and honest.

Jiang Xiao opened the glass showcase and hung up the sea-eating soul, and hung the sea-soul noodle on the hook above the showcase.

Jiang Xiao closed the cabinet door and stepped back two steps. There was a bunch of sea soul lamps in that corner, and the soft deep blue light reflected the glass showcase.

In this way, there is the effect of "the stars holding the moon".

Xia Yan put her hand on the spinning bike, her lips trembling slightly, and for a long while, she whispered, "Great motivation, thank you, Xiaopi."

"Thank you, thank us, who and whom." Jiang Xiao waved his hands freely.

Xia Yan opened her mouth, but did not speak.

Jiang Xiao dropped his cloak and said, "You look at it. Although the star power is strong here, in case it goes mad, you help me punish it. It doesn't matter if you swallow it. We can find it again."

It is more than enough to use the diamond-level sea-eating soul to take care of a platinum-level sea-eating soul cub.

"I'm gone, don't disturb your training." Jiang Xiao waved goodbye to the two, and rubbed his furry face while passing by the bear.

The bear raised his paw, rubbed his face, and yawned, as if waking up.

Jiang Xiao did not intend to stay. He turned and walked away, and ran away after the bear was choked. The thief was irritated.

Jiang Xiao jumped out of the training space and allowed the gardener to play with the buzzing whale. He also opened the door to the world of evil and returned to room 701.

In a blink of an eye, it was already mid-April. I don't know what happened to Sun Fat?

Jiang Xiao glanced at the time, and it was only at eight o'clock in the evening, should he be there?

Jiang Xiao thought about it, but the action was faster than his thoughts. He went directly to Sun Sitian's office, but it was completely dark, and there was a sound of "clicking" on the shutter door.

Is this just closing?

"Yeah?" Outside the door, Sun Sitian curiously watched the shutter door no longer descend. What happened?

Sun Sitian held the key and pressed it again, but the door still did not descend. He turned to look at the two bodyguards beside him. It is found that the bodyguards have made a posture for preparing for war!

Jiang Xiao held the bottom of the rolling door with one hand and slowly lifted the rolling door.

Sun Sitian :? ? ?

Jiang Xiao lifted the shutter door continuously, and his head went out: "Well! Manager Sun, your business hiccups me?"

"Ghost!" Sun Sitian was so frightened that he threw all the keys and sat on the ground with his buttocks.

Jiang Xiao froze: "How can there be such a handsome ghost?"

Sun Simian pointed at Jiang Xiaoda and shouted, "I must complain to you! Use the star technique at random on the earth, flash everywhere!"

"Come in quickly, you, at night, noisy, don't bring in the triumphants." Jiang Xiao grabbed Sun Sitian's ankle, dragged him in directly, and lowered the shutter door.


Jiang Xiao squatted and said, "Are you going to complain to me?"

In a dark little business firm, Sun Sitian wiped his sweat, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and said with a smile on the screen, "Hey, maybe, our relationship is so good, I can complain. You, Brother Jiang, what do you and you taste like? You are so salty. "

Jiang Xiao: "Fart! I'm the sweetest!"

Sun Sitian looked back in disgust, patted the shutter door, and said, "It's all right, you two will wait outside for a while."

Jiang Xiao asked, "How's the matter with Xingzhu?"

Mr. Sun rubbed his buttocks and stood up: "When it's here, it's all here. Are you bringing any money?"

"Oh." Jiang Xiao scratched his head and said, "I'll get it for you."

Sun Sitian watched the figure disappear, and couldn't help but yell: "How can the country approve someone like you to have space star skills?"

Behind him, Jiang Xiao's voice came suddenly: "What are you talking about?"

"Yeah!" Sun Sitian smiled. "It's coming back soon, brother Jiang, walk around. Let's go and see the star beads."

A young lady drew a black and white candlelight design. I posted it in the book review area. As a result, I have been reviewing the picture at the starting point. It has been unsuccessful for a day. I also posted it on Weibo. Interested friends can Go and see.

Weibo Name: The Love of Writing

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