Nine Star Burden

Chapter 816: The beauty of campus

In the imperial capital Xingwu canteen, in front of the crock pot soup.

Jiang Xiao held the spoon in one hand, holding the melon ribs soup in the earthen jar, and answered the buzzing phone call: "Oh, Shi'an?"

On the phone, Gu Shi'an's sullen voice came: "Do you know how to come back?"

"Hee hee." Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "Why, miss your little brother?"

On the opposite side, Han Jiangxue glanced at Jiang Xiao and sandwiched a small piece of cake into Jiang Xiao's plate.

Jiang Xiao: "Ah, in the cafeteria, crock soup, are you coming? What do you eat, I'll give you something."

After a few more chats, Jiang Xiao hung up the phone and was about to say something to Han Jiangxue, but he saw two acquaintances: "Oh, what is Sei?

Jiang Xiao looked up and blinked: "Thugs, don't you know me thugs? I'm a gangster!"

With a smile, Liu Yang stepped forward and hugged Jiang Xiao, who stood up.

While Xiao Jiang patted Liu Yang's back fiercely, he blinked at Miss Cai Yao at the back.

Cai Yao gave Jiang Xiao an unhappy look and went to order from Uncle Clay.

Far away, Jiang Xiao shouted, "Help me get a mushroom and meatloaf soup."

Cai Yao muttered in dissatisfaction: "If you don't meet for a semester, you will be asked to drink soup as soon as you meet."

Although she said so, she still helped Jiang Xiao order the soup. If Cai Yao knew, the soup was for Gu Shi'an. I don't know what I would think.

Liu Yang sat opposite Jiang Xiao. Han Jiangxue silently packed the dinner plate, got up, and sat beside Jiang Xiao beside Jiang Xiao.

Liu Yang: ""

Jiang Xiao looked up and down Liu Yang and said, "You haven't changed a lot. The baby is big. This is a long drive."

Liu Yang gave Jiang Xiao a disgusting look: "You know, you understand! By the way, I have also entered the competition, and I'm fighting for a school recommendation."

Jiang Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "What grade do you have?"

Liu Yang hummed and said, "Did Xinghe, tender? Look down on me?"

Jiang Xiao shook his head, motioned to Cai Yao, who ordered a meal, and said, "Are you playing with her? Who are the remaining two teammates?"

Liu Yang also shook his head: "No, I participated in a personal competition."

Jiang Xiao took a moment to say, "Cai Yao's strength is very strong, it is a pity not to participate in the team match."

Liu Yang's smile suddenly turned sulky, and said, "This doesn't support the career of the guys, she is ready to accompany me all the time and be a cheerleader for me!"

"Ah?" Jiang Xiao blinked, and said, "You guys, Gou Li Guo Tian Tian Xiang, handsome and beautiful men and women together?"

Liu Yang's smile froze: "Why play?"

"Unlucky child." Cai Yao, holding two dinner plates with crock pot soup, walked back to the table and gave Jiang Xiao a stern look.


Jiang Xiao quickly picked up the phone and immediately connected.

"Hello, Principal Yang." Jiang Xiao connected the phone, pointed with his finger, and gestured with the mouth: Principal Yang.

The couple began to eat, and Jiang Xiao's complexion also became unsightly: "Instead? What does it mean? The imperial capital Xingwu guarantees you to send me? Ah? Not only the school but also the national team?"

"Hey, hey" Liu Yanggang just picked up the spoon and suddenly felt panicked, covering his heart with one hand.

"Don't!" Jiang Xiao said in a hurry, "Thank you to the principal for letting me participate in both, but the selection process in the national team, let's go through the regular process, don't send it directly!"

Jiang Xiao's heart is bleeding, there is no skill point in school selection, but there is selection in the national team!

No matter the preliminary or rematch, there are skill points rewarded!

On the phone, Vice-Chancellor Yang Chensan said with a smile: "I heard that our school wants you to sign up for two matches. The national team agrees very much, especially the leader of the national team that manages the individual game. It means that you can join the team Competition selection, the individual competition does not need to participate in selection, it will directly leave a place for you. "

Jiang Xiao: "This this"

Vice President Yang said, "Don't feel embarrassed. You were the last individual World Cup champion. You were directly selected into the individual national team. This is what it should be. No one will say anything."

As a sensitive war, Liu Yang also has perceptual star-like skills. Of course, his ear strength is excellent, and the table in the cafeteria is long and flat. Liu Yang is sitting opposite Jiang Xiao again.

"Hey, hey," Liu Yang put his head on the dinner table. The uncomfortable appearance almost made Cai Yao give him two white stars.

"No, leader Wen Wuyi Wu Wu second, I think there are already many people who are against me to participate in the two. Let's talk with strength, I will participate in the individual competition selection." Jiang Xiao said carefully.

"No need. Your time and energy are limited. Put your mind in the right place. Now is not a willful time. Xiaopi, you have proven yourself, you don't need to prove more." He said graciously, his voice was a little serious.

Jiang Xiao opened his mouth and said nothing.

Vice President Yang continued: "This time the team leader of the individual competition is still Wu Ji, who is fully responsible for the selection and expedition. If you have time, call him. Mr. Wu said that you have his contact information."

How can I get his contact information? Me?

Jiang Xiao scratched his head, only to remember that during the last World Cup, when Jiang Xiao participated in the selection of the national team, the vigil army temporarily transferred Jiang Xiao, and Wu Ji had talked with Jiang Xiao himself. At that time, Jiang Xiao also knew Wu Ji is a veteran who was once a member of the North China Pioneer Army.

At that time, Wu Ji made it clear that he would leave a place for Jiang Xiao and give contact information to Fang Xingyun, Jiang Xiao's leading teacher.

In fact, Jiang Xiao's biggest impression on Wu Ji was the words that Wu Ji said to him before Jiang Xiao left: Comrades, come back alive.

In Jiang Xiao's memory, Wu Ji's appearance was a little vague, but he only remembered this sentence deeply.

Fang Xingyun has Wu Ji's contact information!

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and said, "Thank you, President Yang for your care. I know. I will call to express my gratitude."

Jiang Xiao put down the phone, frowning and thinking, the table was quiet.

Han Jiangxue gently touched Jiang Xiao's arm and motioned to the opposite side.

Jiang Xiao came back to God, and then smiled. Looking at the young couple who looked down to eat, he smiled and said to Liu Yang, "Oh? This meatloaf soup is suddenly not fragrant?"

"Hey." Liu Yang also looked up, somehow, contrary to the previous attitude, the look of the thug was unobstructed, "don't say you set a place for the national team, even if you set 9 places, the remaining one , It must be me! "

"Look!" Jiang Xiao's body leaned back slightly, looking at Liu Yang who was confident and domineering in front of him. Jiang Xiao hurriedly leaned forward, picked up the pickles on the plate, and handed them over. dish!"

Beside, Cai Yao silently looked at Liu Yang's side face. Her beautiful eyes were full of endless pride and affection.

This look wow, perfect score! Full marks!

Under the table, Jiang Xiao stretched his leg and touched Han Jiangxue's thigh, motioned to the opposite Cai Yao, and said, "Did you see it? Learn it!"

Han Jiangxue :? ? ?

"Still learning! Are you still dissatisfied?" Gu Shi'an's voice came from the side. He was walking with long legs, sitting across a seat of Han Jiangxue, and sat down with disappointment. "Let her Learn, she has no one else in her eyes! "

Han Jiangxue: ""

Jiang Xiao gestured Gu Shi'an's direction and said, "Introduction, our teammate, Gu Shi'an."

"I need your introduction? We all know each other." Liu Yang pouted, "You are not in school every day, I don't know the legend in our school."

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the gossip, and asked, "What legend?"

Liu Yang leaned forward and leaned over his head, quietly whispering: "When you are not motivated, when you want to be lazy, go to the football stadium of the Imperial Capital Xingwu. From 6 pm to 3 am, you can always Go, you can always accept Coach Gu's criticism and education to ensure that you are like chicken blood, and one night of training. "

"Haha." Jiang Xiao turned to look at Gu Shi'an, "Coach Gu fooled around on the football field every day?"

Gu Shi'an froze with his curly Mo Xigan hairstyle, and said, "This group of wasteland apprentices can be lazy than one, just like donkeys. They don't go forward without hitting or scolding!"

Liu Yang learns Gu Shi'an's special tone of Mandarin in Guixi Province:

"Jiang Xiaopi! When he was 17 years old! He was already a world champion! You guys !?"

"Jiang Xiaopi! Medical assistance! Heads-up invincible! You guys !?"

"Jiang Xiaopi! Fists, giant blades, daggers, bows and arrows! All are master-level! You guys !?"

"Jiang Xiaopi! The wasteland apprentice army number 001! On behalf of the wasteland apprentice army, to perform missions abroad, the team is meritorious! You guys !?"

"Jiang Xiaopi! Run from six in the evening to noon the next day! Run to death! As long as you don't die, get up and continue running! You guys !?"

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Liu Yang laughed: "Gu instructor's voice is loud, hesitated! The village sound is easily exposed, very magical. For a while, my roommate's alarm was coach Gu's voice, and that roommate was beaten by us later."

"Hehe." Cai Yao covered her mouth with one hand and couldn't help laughing, and said, "Xiao Pi, you are now the public enemy of all wasteland apprentices, our juniors and seniors, passing by the football field, You can also compare and educate you. "

Jiang Xiao slapped his hands on the table, and gritted his teeth and said, "Gu! Ten! Ann!"

"Ah?" Gu Shi'an put down his spoon, and after taking two bites, he was ready to smoke from his pocket.

Jiang Xiao suddenly gave a thumbs up and said, "You are doing the right thing! This group of heavenly pride must be trained like this! Without stimulating them, they don't know that the second sister is a girl!"

Han Jiangxue: ""

Gu Shian: ""

Liu Yang turned to look at Cai Yao who couldn't help but said, "Did Xiaojie bk grab my line?"

Cai Yao raised his hand to one elbow, and almost Liu Liuyi followed.

Jiang Xiao continued: "When retraining them tonight, I will add a Fangtian painting halberd to my skill, and I am going to give our Huaxia old and young masters a report performance!"

Gu Shi'an glanced at Han Jiangxue, but still did not take out the cigarette from his pocket, and said, "No more training, Qin taught me to take a holiday, and work together with the team to prepare for the World Cup."

Han Jiangxue, who has not spoken, suddenly said, "Xia Yan hasn't returned for the time being. She will return to the team when she has to go to the trial. We can only use war instead of training."

On hearing that, Gu Shi'an sighed deeply, with a sigh of embarrassment, joining a squad himself, how could he be so frightened? I haven't seen him for more than half a year.

Gu Shi'an pulled out the cigarette from his pocket.

Aside, in the crock pot soup store, the uncle chef, wearing a chef's hat, opened his mouth and shouted, "Hey! The wasteland instructor!"

Gu Shi'an turned his head and looked at him, but he saw Uncle Cook stabbing at the counter with one hand, the other hand stretched out two fingers, pointed to his own eyes, and then pointed to Gu Shi'an's eyes with those fingers.

Gu Shi'an smashed his mouth with an uncomfortable face, took the fake snake into his pocket, and drank his soup.

Today is three more, 12, 17, 20. On the last day, ask for a monthly ticket to support the little poisoned milk!

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