Nine Star Burden

Chapter 823: Behind birch forest

At the same time, in Jiangbin City, Room 701 was empty.

No one knows that in this living room, there is a door opening to the ruins of the shadow.

In the ruins of the shadow, Jiang Lian, who was holding the huge blade in his hands, did not dare to come out, silently stepped aside, and looked at the trembling trembling body not far away.

The rich star power was imbued to Erwei's body, and the star map spread out on her chest opened her mouth wide, exposing sharp fangs, and swallowing star power with a big mouth.

After more than ten seconds, the trembling body in Erwei finally calmed down, and the star map in front of him gradually dissipated.

Jiang Xiao wiped the sweat dripping from his eyes. The whole person seemed to be taken out of the water. The whole body was soaked with sweat, and the clothes twisted into a stream of water.

Erwei didn't hesitate to give in, but at this moment her mind was obviously not here.

The narrow eyes opened slowly, looking at Jiang Xiao, a strong star power slowly spread out, revealing the dark eyes.

"It's done?" Jiang Xiao asked expectantly.

"Um." Nodomi nodded, feeling good, and her cold face softened a lot.

"Xiao" Jiang Xiao wiped the sweat on his forehead with his elbow again. "In the late stage of Xinghai, strengthen your physical fitness training. The threshold of the starry sky period is the same as the threshold of the Xinghe period, which requires physical fitness."

Erwei nodded, feeling the physical sensation after breaking through the small threshold, and asked casually, "How is your side?"

Jiang Xiaoyi sat on the gray rock, leaning against the starry wall, and said, "The first stage is almost done. Wait for the second stage training, and start it about a week later."

Erwei: "It's interesting to fight those college students?"

Jiang Xiao grinned: "Don't you look down on them. There are several teams with strong tactical execution capabilities and personal characteristics. When I go to the individual tournament tomorrow, I will say that there is an incredible order. Pick God. "

"Well, it's a good thing to make life more colorful." Erwei said, also slowly sitting down, it seemed that she was going to give herself some rest time.

Hearing that Jiang Xiao's heart moved. On the other side of the Imperial City, Jiang Xiao and everyone in the team ate hot food and drank fruit juice. Life was really colorful.

And here, Erwei's training has been hard to the point of being horrible, extremely monotonous, boring and terrible.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Your giant blade skills are almost mastered, and you can advance."

With regard to improving strength and training, Erwei has always been interested: "What to say."

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's time to try the knife. We are fighting every day. You have to believe in my vision and feelings. Your basic skills are very, very solid, and it's time to play tricks."

Erwei smiled. When faced with Jiang Xiao alone, she occasionally smiled.

Erwei shook his head; "You think that style suits me."

Jiang Xiaodao: "I just talked about flowers in my mouth. In fact, this skill is very practical, not to mention, you have a foggy blade, just throw one and summon one.

Your star power is completely enough. The knife can increase your offensive means, increase your attack range, and make your control range larger. "

Erwei thoughtfully looked at the giant blades on the left and right sides of Jiang Xiao, and said, "After playing the sword, it is a dual-bladed giant blade, right?"

Jiang Xiao scratched his head slightly awkwardly, and said, "I think about it myself, I think so."

Erwei: "Don't doubt yourself, your dual-edged giant blade is really strong. In front of you, I have been defending more and attacking less."

Praising people also score who is boasting.

This kind of person in Erwei who says one thing and absolutely does not want to slap the horse, and says such a thing, is really a compliment to Jiang Xiao.

Moreover, Erwei's style is called a never going forward, Jiang Xiaoneng has been pressing her to fight, let her defend more offense and less, enough to see how fierce his fighting style of these two knives!

It ’s awful, it ’s almost catching the mad dog

The crazy dog-like repression fits Jiang Xiao's body.

In fact, Jiang Xiao also has a dilemma. You don't hold the second tail, but if you give her a little chance and let her rise, this battle will not continue.

Although the threshold of the Xinghai period is not the threshold of physical fitness, but such a Xinghai battle and the assistance of Xinghe is the purest bayonet. If you are not a crazy dog, you will open up a fight with each other in a regular manner. Jiang Xiao can be killed by her.

As the saying goes, difficulties are like springs, and when you are weak, they are strong.

In Jiang Xiao's mind, Erwei and difficulty are equal.

"Celebrate?" Jiang Xiao suggested.


Jiang Xiao tempted: "Go for the barbecue. The training is too hard. Let's adjust it. Let's go eat the grilled cod."

Hearing that Erwei licked his lips, but licked bitter sweat.

Jiang Xiao continued: "Let's go to the uncle and the aunt? Celebrate, you are all late in Xinghai. Don't keep the spirit so tight, it will break sooner or later."

"Yeah." Er tail nodded slightly, "OK."

Erwei opened the door to the ruins of the shadow of evil, and the two went to two bathrooms. After cleaning, they changed into clean and refreshing clothes.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiao also packed the sweat-soaked clothes and threw them into the washing machine. When the washing machine “buzzed”, he set off with his tail.

Jiang Xiao once again got into the black car of Naosaos686 and sat in the driving position. At night, he drove out of the community and entered the brightly lit street.

No one spoke in the car, but somehow Jiang Xiao always felt a touch of warmth, as if he was living with Erwei.

"What about your other avatars?" Erwei sat in the co-pilot position, looking at the street view outside the window, and chatted casually.

"The gardener's skin has created a huge lake for the Humming Whale, which is large and deep enough to spread it. And the stone villa has been made. Now, the gardener's skin is with Humming Whale , Explore the end of the world of misfortune. "Jiang Xiao responded with a smile.

He continued to say, "The next time you go there, it will be a big change. There is a forest of trees, lush, and the air is particularly good."

"Um." Erwei's eyes were slightly blurred, against the neon flickering color of the window, "I haven't seen it yet."

Jiang Xiaodao: "But the humming whale has seen you. I can feel that it looks forward to meeting you."

Erwei whispered softly: "This spiritually connected and sensory interstellar technique is terrible. It can convey the sights, the smells, and the joys and sorrows to the target."

"Confrontation," Jiang Xiaodao said. "After getting familiar, not only can we convey emotions, but also clearly convey the meaning we want to express to each other, it is really terrible."

Erwei: "This astrology is astrology with strategic value, which is enough to build an indestructible team."

Jiang Xiao froze and said quickly: "The buzzing whale is unique, you don't have to think of it."

Eruo said quietly: "If I were you, we wouldn't be sitting together now."

"Yes, yes," Jiang Xiaolian nodded again and again. "My big cat is stink and **** the outside, but it's actually the warmest inside."

Two tails: ""

"Uh," Jiang Xiao smiled awkwardly, and accidentally said the nickname.

It can be seen that Erwei's mood is really good. She is not entangled on this topic, but asks: "What about you in the different ball?"

Hearing that, Jiang Xiao was silent.

A few seconds later, Erwei turned her head and looked at Jiang Xiao's face, and said, "You don't want to say."

Jiang Xiao grinned, with a peculiar bitterness in his smile: "For a few months, there is still no fruit. I'm afraid I have to visit the whole Beijiang land."

Erwei thought about it and said, "When she walked, it was winter, and the north was winter. If she didn't go north, she went to Zhongji and went to Liaodong. From the earth level, Look, in the area of ​​Central Kyrgyzstan, there is also a snowfield heterodimensional space. "

Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "Well, keep looking."

Erwei said, "You have spent more than three months in Beijiang, and you are still alive. It seems that your strength is enough to cope with some situations."

Jiang Xiaoxian laughed and said, "You think too much. My biggest advantage is that I can fly, and my transfigured shadow crow is small, so as inconspicuous as possible.

Of course, Starbucks and Starbucks are really strong. It is undeniable that these two are important factors for me to survive. "

The vehicle stopped slowly by the street, and the two got out of the car and walked towards the dimly lit alley.

In front of the slightly dilapidated shop, bright lights radiate from the room.

Jiang Xiao opened them, and the two stepped in.

The bells hanging on the threshold stone made a crisp sound, and the room was steaming hot. It was dinner time, and there were guests at two small tables.

"Yeah, girl Luan is here, come in and come in quickly." Behind the little bar, Aunt Yu's face was happy, and there seemed to be more wrinkles in the corners of her eyes. She hurried forward to arrange a seat for Erwei.

And Jiang Xiao, standing stupidly, looked at the back of a short-haired girl.

How many short-haired girls are there, but what are these Chongyang?

Opposite the small table, it should be the girl's parents. The two obviously noticed Jiang Xiao's gaze and frowned at the strange young man.

The reason Erwei agreed to come out for dinner was because Jiang Xiao himself had been disguised when Jiang Xiao was called out. Otherwise, it was impossible for Jiang Xiao to walk out of the house under Jiang Xiao ’s own face. of.

Erwei sat on a wooden chair and stunned her aunt with Yu, but his eyes drifted towards Jiang Xiao from time to time.

"Cough." Opposite the little table, the girl's father gave a cough.

The girl in the junior high school uniform froze, followed her father's eyes, turned her head, revealing her pure face, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes, and saw the strange boy at the door.

The girl seemed a little scared, and turned her head in a hurry, continuing to eat the belly in the dish with a small mouthful.

"Shhhhhh!" Erwei whistled and hooked at Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao came back to him with a bitter smile, folded his hands apologetically to the couple, swung back and forth, and walked over.

Aunt Yu apparently didn't know Jiang Xiao's face, and saw the youth's heart-like appearance without disturbing her. After ordering, she hurriedly prepared to go to Erwei.

Erwei said, "How could she be here."

Jiang Xiao picked up the kettle, poured hot tea, and said softly, "The back is a bit too much."

Erwei looked at the happy family of three: "You are in the wrong state, sober up."

Hearing that, Jiang Xiao smiled at all.

Wrong state?

Skin and waves are my attitude towards life. I never pretend, but I also have many things hidden in my heart, but I never show them on my face.

Jiang Xiao looked up and looked at the opposite tail.

Second tail: "What."

Jiang Xiao slowly pushed the hot tea cup in front of Erwei, and said softly, "If I said, since the birch forest, everyone I met was like her. Do you believe it?"

Erwei looked at Jiang Xiao silently. For a long time, she lowered her eyes and held the hot tea cup in her hands, taking a sip of light.

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