Nine Star Burden

Chapter 828: Break

"Oh, I know this, I've paid attention to this, what is Zheng Zheng coming from?" Jiang Xiao looked at the next female soldier on the field and hurriedly changed the subject.

"Zheng Xiyou." Yi Qingchen responded, "Have you followed her?"

Jiang Xiao was relieved, everyone is a teammate, Yi Qingchen don't really get up with Wu Haoyang.

He only heard Jiang Xiao grinning and said, "This is the Shonan Army King who is the best of all. Is this the main player of the current Shonan Military Academy?"

Yi Qingchen wondered: "How do you pay attention to her? The students at Xiangnan Military Academy are very low-key and never give any interviews."

Jiang Xiaodao: "Last time, the national team official blog @I, I clicked in and watched. Below is a comment from the Xiangnan Military Academy official blog. I clicked in and saw a photo. Li Xin had no impression. It was Zheng Xiyou. c debut, the figure is bigger than several other teammates. "

Aside, Wu Ji said, "This is also your masterpiece."

Jiang Xiao: "Uh, what do you mean?"

Wu Jidao: "She is also a medical assistant. Without you, do you think a traditional strong school like the Xiangnan Military Academy would send a medical assistant to participate in the individual competition?"

Jiang Xiao :! !! !!

While talking, the female soldier in that field had already set up a tombstone!

Not only that, the female soldier named Zheng Xiyou had red eyes and a dark cloud gathered in the sky.

In a hurry, the participants sitting in the first two rows of auditoriums got up and ran back. The construction of this stadium was semi-open. The roof above was not sealed. It probably started in the fifth row of the auditorium. Only then has the roof sheltered from rain.

Jiang Xiao looked stunned and said, "Sad tears?"

Wu Ji nodded his head: "Well, this is a real fighter, hurting a thousand opponents and self-damaging eight hundred, but no matter what opponent she is facing, she can rely on her strong will and quality to support her. Generally she is an opponent. Be the first to lose heart. "

Jiang Xiao said: "That tombstone"

Before Jiang Xiao's words were finished, he lost his voice.

At the same time, Jiangbin City, Beijiang Province, at home in Room 701.

Erwei wiped his sweat with a towel in one hand, held the mobile phone in one hand, turned his head, and looked at the sparring Jiang Xiao at the door.

At this time, the face of Jiang Lian Jiang Xiao was filled with mistakes, and it seemed a little unbelievable. He said, "Now? It ’s only early May. Does n’t it say that you have a year to prepare? How long has it been, 4 Month? "

"The above has always kept me on standby, not to say that I should wait for a year." Erwei looked down at the phone, and carefully read the information on the phone, and continued, "Maybe it was the reason for the last call, It could be because of other squads. "

Having said half of it, Erwei did not want to say any more.

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips and knew what Erwei's words meant.

He shifted the topic in a timely manner and said, "When will it go?"

Erwei: "After three days, come to the agreed place, have you done it over there?"

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and said, "It's done for the time being. I'll ask for leave. No problem."

"No, you don't need to ask for leave, and you don't have to explain anything to anyone." Erwei shook his head. "I let the vigil come forward and explain to the national team."

"Oh, okay." Jiang Xiao thought for a while and continued, "That little Jiang Xue"

Erao said: "Now that she has promised her, take her there. You are waiting at the hotel, and someone will pick you up."

Jiang Xiao nodded, but said, "We can teleport back."

"No, you come back with the team. In the limited time, learn more about the two new members." Erwei waved and continued, "I need to make a few calls, you go to prepare the meal first, don't disturb me . "

"Oh." Jiang Xiao poked his lips, and the two have been fighting since morning. They have n’t eaten breakfast. They have been fighting until now. Otherwise, Jiang Xiao would stop calling again and again. It's just an iron man.

Imperial City, in the stadium.

Jiang Xiao turned to look at Wu Ji and said, "Angkor, I'll go back first."

"Go back? Don't you watch your teammates?" Wu Ji looked up at the sky and said, "How can I wait for the rain to stop?"

"It's okay, I teleported back, teleported a few times, and blessed a few times just fine." Jiang Xiao responded with a smile and said, he turned around, looked at Yi Qingchen, and patted with one hand Yi Qingchen's shoulder, said, "Yi Qingchen, I'll give you a task."

Yi Qingchen looked at Jiang Xiao in amazement, but said, "Just call me Qingchen."

"Okay, light dust." Jiang Xiao gestured to the green field, and said, "If there is no accident, you will also hold a qualifying match. You can get me the first place."

Yi Qingchen nodded immediately, showing a strong self-confidence, saying: "No problem, what other requirements?"

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "You took the first place, and I defeated you just now. In this case, I deserve the first place in the qualifying, then I am not the national captain."

Yi Qingchen: ""

Looking at Yi Qingchen's weird look, Jiang Xiao couldn't help rubbing her small round inch.

No wonder people like rubbing his head, it feels really good.

Then again, why did I feel nothing when I touched my head?

Jiang Xiao rubbed Yi Qingchen's small round inch and continued to encourage: "Come on, I may not participate in training, we will see you in the World Cup!"

Speaking, before anyone responded, Jiang Xiao's body flickered and disappeared without a trace.

The promotion of the individual competition is in full swing, and the team competition is also fierce. The examiner team is still carefully selecting the team, and researchers are trying to match how to make the students have a chemical reaction.

Jiang Xiao's figure suddenly appeared in the auditorium, looked around, and quietly slipped behind the examiner's group and came to the three-member squad as the "assistant examiner".

Gu Shi'an, who has perceptual quasi-techniques, is obviously the first person to notice Jiang Xiao. He turned his head, looked at Jiang Xiao, and greeted Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao motioned to Han Jiangxue.

Gu Shi'an raised his eyebrows slightly, then reached out and patted the back row of Han Jiangxue.

"Huh?" Han Jiangxue turned his head, looked suspiciously at Gu Shi'an, followed the direction of his fingers, and saw Jiang Xiao beckoning to her constantly.

Han Jiangxue stood up and walked in the direction of Jiang Xiao. Next to her, Xia Yan also stood up, but was pressed by Han Jiangxue on her shoulder and sat directly on the chair.

Xia Yan pursed her lips, looked aggrieved, turned her head back, and looked at the greenery again.

"What's wrong?" Han Jiangxue came to Jiang Xiao and asked with concern.

Jiang Xiao took Han Jiangxue to the exit and whispered quietly: "The task of the vigil has come down. Within three days, let's get to the designated place to gather. Erwei asked us not to speak up. Now back to the hotel, someone came to pick us up . "

"Hmm." Han Jiangxue turned his head subconsciously, looking at Xia Yan and Gu Shi'an sitting behind the examiner group.

Jiang Xiao smiled suddenly and said, "If we come back alive, we can participate in the competition with them. This is a good motivation, isn't it?"

Being able to tell the task of life and death in a joke way is really like Fu Hei said, Jiang Xiao really did the job of Xingwu soldiers home.

Han Jiangxue didn't have any joke, she bit her thin lips, looked at Xia Yan with a complex look, and was silent for a long time. She waved at Xia Yan.

Sure enough, Xia Yan, who seems to be watching the battle, has been secretly paying attention to this side.

Seeing Han Jiangxue beckoning her, Xia Yan hurried over.

Jiang Xiao stepped back a few steps, leaving the two with ample private space. He knew that Xia Yan would not be able to go to Long Grotto. Her identity was not enough and her strength was even insufficient.

Ten minutes later, Xia Yan walked back to the audience with a loss of heart, sitting on the spot with a little frustration on her face, clutching her chin in one hand, and kicking the seat in front of her with hate.

Jiang Xiao turned her head and watched Han Jiangxue coming, and found that her face was not very good-looking either.

"I lied." This is the first sentence that Han Jiangxue said.

Jiang Xiao: ""

Han Jiangxue: "She knows that I am a soldier of the Night Watch and Volunteer Corps. I said that the Night Watch temporarily called us to perform missions in the Northwest. She is not in the Night Watch and is not the subject of recruitment."

Jiang Xiao didn't know how to comfort Han Jiangxue. After thinking and thinking, he followed Han Jiangxue to walk out of the gym. After a short while, his mouth popped out: "Welcome to the adult world."

Han Jiangxue :? ? ?

Jiang Xiaodao: "Only adults can deceive children. Lying children have long noses. Lying children are eaten by wolves, and children are not allowed to lie."

Han Jiangxue: ""

Jiang Xiao scratched his head and continued his fallacy: "You have started to lie, proving that you have grown up."

"Okay." Han Jiangxue glared at Jiang Xiao, what comfort routine? Might as well not comfort it.

Jiang Xiao took Han Jiangxue's shoulders and walked outwards, but he said something: "Relax, with me, we will come back safely."

Han Jiangxue breathed a sigh of relief slowly, and said softly, "Thank you for telling me this task truthfully."

Jiang Xiao wondered, "Huh?"

Han Jiangxue sighed, "I made my choices and decisions, but the person receiving the information is always you. If you don't want me to go, you can completely hide everything from me."

Jiang Xiao patted his head, a look of sudden realization: "Oh, yeah, and this operation, how can I forget it, or you go back to the game, let's assume nothing happened."

Han Jiangxue's eyes were a little bit strange, and his elbows gave Jiang Xiao a slight poke.

The two quarrelled, and dilute the solemn atmosphere of some life and death tasks.

In May 2019, in the seventh year of the disappearance of the Han family, Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue finally traced the footprints of the Han family and are about to embark on the path that the couple had gone through.

In the future, what will be waiting for them, Jiang Xiao does not know.

Go ahead first,

The rest, let's talk.

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