Nine Star Burden

Chapter 843: Ippami manure

To the rear, the sound of Xinglong's rage sounded through the cave, and stars were flying fast!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Li Yizhang yelled angrily. Although everyone is not greedy for life and fear of death, they will not be killed by the temptation in front of them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the cave shook for a while, and a heavy sound came from the top of the head. A large area of ​​dirt and gravel fell, and a huge gap appeared on top of everyone.

The gap was clearly transparent, but through the gap, the sky above could not be seen.

Hidden Dragon! ?

Under the shallow outline is a huge hidden dragon, two translucent small hidden dragons rushed directly to the imprisoned star dragon, and then the huge dragon head of the hidden dragon also probed in the past, the action ...... Is this to eat the dragon egg of Xinglong?

A group of people had already fled, Jiang Xiao flying backwards, and saw the star dragon rushed to the wall by a small hidden dragon. At a moment out of the silent field, the starry skin of the star dragon flickered, and a large number of stars covered the sky. , Surging out from Xinglong's huge body.

But compared to this rebellious star dragon, behind it, the star dragon that was chased and killed, the stars that had radiated out had already bombarded the body of the hidden dragon.

The cave ... finally collapsed!

Li Yizhen quickly pulled his horse, raised his hand high, and the trembling burrow completely collapsed. Only in the direction of the crowd, the dirt and gravel spread to both sides, and huge stones and heavy dirt fell from the side of the crowd. Completely blocked people's sight.

Just a few seconds later, a beam of light fell outside the cave. At this time it was daylight. Although it was daylight, the wind and snow were here and it was still in the crystal domain of Jinglong.

No one dares to act rashly and has become a "frog at the bottom of the well."

Li Yizhang waved his hand and sealed the upper hole with mud.

But ... but it's too late!

That huge block of ice crystals hit the top of everyone's heads with great precision, smashing the dirt down, and a block of ice crystals continued to strike.

Li Yizhen hurriedly reached out to his side, and the people quickly shifted to the ground. However, a bright star completely shattered the illusion of transfer.

This star, not only from where it came from, blasted the grass out of a large pit, exposing everyone to the rapidly falling sun.

Everyone bent down and covered their heads, but Jiang Xiao was watching from the sky.

Because Jiang Xiao's cloak covered his head, covering all the sundries, and saw that the tail of the cloak swung open layers of mud, and then fell again.

That is, at this moment, Jiang Xiao saw two dragons biting together in the sky, connected end to end, angry and irritable, tearing each other's body frantically.

Under the bright light of the sky, the bright stars descended from the sky and hit the two dragons.

And each of the small translucent hidden dragons tried to entangle the body of the star dragon, and the bite was impossible to engage in. The picture was extremely violent for a time.

In sight, a crystal dragon passed over the two entangled star dragons and hidden dragons, with a breath of anger and unparalleled impact, spraying ice crystals madly, flying quickly, and also pierced his head!

Jiang Xiao raised his hand to be a crystal dragon who was silent and stabbed, and his huge body speed dropped suddenly.

Its dragon head is imprisoned, but the dragon body and dragon tail are not, so the picture is suddenly funny.

The crystal dragon, whose body stretched down and stabbed downward, continued to move forward when the dragon head was imprisoned, but did not exceed the dragon head, and it turned around in circles, as if it had become a "bubble gum roll" ...

How high is the hatred of Jinglong Group against Jiang Xiao?

When the ice crystal field discovered Jiang Xiao, the crystal dragon group that endlessly fought with the star dragon suddenly cast aside the enemy in front of him and flew towards this side quickly.

At the same time, the unidentified Star Dragon who fought with the Crystal Dragons immediately chased after him.

The sun quickly fell, and a meteor crossed across the grassland again. Under this dazzling galaxy, a crystal dragon and two crystal dragons with only half of a body were killed, towards the direction of Jiang Xiao, chasing an endless star dragon behind. .

On top of everyone's heads, there is a battlefield, which is another star dragon fighting a hidden dragon that sneaks into his own child.

Beside them, there is a crystal dragon bubble roll imprisoned in the air, moving slowly and hard downstream.

This picture ...

In the end, Li Yizhen, who was almost desperate, shouted, "Drag the enemy and break out to the right!"

Enjie turned into a star again, and the fast-rotating flame thread ball shot at the bubblegum-shaped crystal dragon.

Han Jiangxue waved a white firework in one hand and floated towards the neck behind the giant dragon head.

Two white mountain snow feathers screamed at the crystal dragon screaming ice.

Jiang Xiaohe and Fu Hei repeatedly threw the field of silence.

Li Yizheng quickly opened the road to the lower right. Everyone felt the unprecedented throbbing sensation, and retreated while hitting, sinking into the ground again.

"It can flash!" Jiang Xiao's voice came suddenly, awakening everyone!

Without waiting for the orders of Li Yizheng and Erwei, Han Jiangxue directly opened a teleportation hood in black air, and the teleportation hood surrounded by ripples closed instantly, and everyone disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, the crowd appeared in the desert, before the broken corpse of a hidden dragon.

Everyone was standing still, with large tracts of soil and rubble falling. Han Jiangxue was in anxiety. In addition to transporting everyone, he also brought a lot of debris in the grassland.

For a moment, no one spoke, and the picture was deadly silent.

It's so thrilling!

What does it mean to die?

Is it necessary for Prison Dragon to take action? Has the area not been blocked for a while?

In the end what happened?

In the silence, under this night sky, in the distance, a terrifying sound came!

"Guru." Shadow Crow's throat squirmed and swallowed, "This is Xinglong ... is Xinglong's self-detonation?"

The crowd looked at each other, and no one responded.

A few seconds later, a wave of air hit, visible to the naked eye, spreading with a layer of dust, blowing everyone's hair and disturbing their clothes.

With such great power, there seems to be nothing else but the star dragon's self-explosion.

Jiang Xiao's cloak was in front of his face, resisting the strong wind, and his brows frowned. "Prison Dragon found something wrong, so he escaped from the battlefield in advance? So we can perform space system astrology."

Tengu froze for a moment, thinking about the possibility of Jiang Xiao's words.

That battlefield is indeed a bit confusing. This situation may also happen in the case of Star Dragon protecting the cubs.

But to such an extent, can its pup survive?

The star dragon with its tail wrapped in a dragon egg and buried underground has escaped far enough?

But anyway, this Star Dragon family ... Really fucking!

This temper, this attitude, is also tough to a certain extent!

Between thoughts, the shadows of Shadow Crow turned red, and the drizzle of Lili began to fall again.

Jiang Xiao's brow frowned, and his eyes were also red.

After a while, Shadow Crow said loudly: "Cads! Many dead!"

Tengu hurriedly said, "But the prison dragon is likely to return there! Are we really going?"

For a while, everyone was in trouble.

Shadow Crow said: "I didn't find the figure of the prison dragon, it should be hidden in the ground."

For a time, people were creepy and fearful.

The crowd was transferred underground before, and they encountered two star dragons. I thought this was the last eight generations of mold, but I didn't expect that, at present, it was lucky.

If everyone enters the realm of Prison Dragon by mistake when they move underground, that is the real bad luck.

"Wait." Two tails spoke out.

Shadow Raven hurriedly said: "There is a hidden dragon alive on the edge of the battlefield, it is flying to the battlefield, and may consume corpses and star beads."

"This ..." People hesitated slightly before the huge temptation.

Jiang Xiao's eyes were frozen, and in the perception, a dragon head of a star dragon protruded out of the almost flattened grassland, and quickly summoned the stars in the air, smashing into the hidden dragon flying into the wreckage of the battlefield.

As a battlefield reporter, Shadow Crow hurriedly broadcast the reality: "Another star dragon has come out, it ... it should be the star dragon that guarded the dragon egg before, and it is singled out with the hidden dragon."

"Hmm." Nodomi nodded, and things seemed to turn a bit?

Such a situation is of course what everyone would like to see. For that star dragon, his partner created so many meals for it. At this time, it should also swim up and accept the final gift left by the partner.

The enemy has only one hidden dragon. In this case, the star dragon is not afraid of the other.

"I saw the dragon egg on its tail, that's it." The shadow crow's voice sounded again.

A dragon egg is still on the tail? Do you have to bring dragon eggs even in battle? Not planning to separate for a moment? Didn't hide it beforehand?

Erwei looked at Li Yizhen and said, "Open the cellar."

Li Yizhen immediately acted, and Erwei turned to look at Shadow Crow and said, "Report the situation on the battlefield at any time. If the prison dragon does not appear, we will choose to cut in at the appropriate moment."

Many people entered the simple cellar made by Li Yizheng. The Shadow Crow was still flushed with red eyes, watching the situation on the battlefield closely, but said: "Their movements are not small. If they continue to do so, I am afraid that they will attract other Dragons.

Tengu inquired: "How many crystal dragons are dead?"

"Well," Ying Ya said, "even the whole body was blown up and shattered, and the dead can't die anymore."

Hearing that, Tengu secretly murmured and groaned for a long while, still expressing his attitude: "The prisoner dragon is likely to be hidden in the ground. If we want to go, we must be prepared to fight the prisoner dragon."

Shadow Crow said: "Two hidden dragon star beads, two star dragon star beads, four crystal dragon star beads, and a hidden dragon and a star dragon and a dragon egg at war, calculate the gains and losses."

Jiang Xiao was exposed to a word called "a wave of fat."

If this time I can take advantage of the fishermen, then it is really a wave of fat!

What Erwei just said, Shadow Crow continued: "That hidden dragon is going to run! It obviously can't support those falling stars. The star dragon doesn't mean to kill everything, it just seems to want to run away the hidden dragon."

Jiang Xiao looked up suddenly, looked at Erwei, and said, "Let's go!"

Erwei's narrow eyes looked at Jiang Xiao, but said a sentence: "Whether it is active or passive, we always have to meet the prisoner dragon. This is the top priority of our exploration task."

Looking at the dignified crowd, Erwei continued: "We have twenty days to explore, but if we really get those star beads or even a dragon egg, then our mission can be advanced It's done, and with such gains, we won't continue our adventure here. "

The crowd nodded secretly. If this battle went well, they were afraid to leave the Dragon Cave in advance. The value of the star beads and dragon eggs is beyond doubt.

Erwei nodded slightly to Han Jiangxue beside him.

All were tense and alert.

Now that things are over, go ahead!

The next moment, the corrugated teleport hood opened on the battlefield, and a crowd appeared directly in the air.

Why is it in the air?

There is no doubt that the position that Han Jiangxue sent back was above the grassland. Under normal circumstances, everyone would step on the ground.

But at this time, the prairie in her impression had long been beyond recognition.

A deep pit seems to be beyond sight, it really looks like it has been bombed. There was only a ruin of the beautiful grassland.

Can't fly, land quickly.

The rest, either on horseback or standing in midair, looked at the Star Dragon swimming back from a distance.

Jiang Xiao's figure flickered, no problem!

Jiang Xiao hurriedly said, "The prisoner is not here."

Erwei hurriedly said, "Everyone is holding Xinglong, Shadow Crow, go and pick up the stars."

At the same time, the threaded flame flew in front of the face of the three-tailed fox and shot directly at the flying star dragon.

Xinglong's body was suddenly fixed in the air, and his body glowed with dreamlike light.

The body of Xinglin?

However, before the spinning thread flame hit the body of Xinglong, a burst of silence had hit the head of Xinglong.

Xing Lin's body opened instantly!

People's feet suddenly glowed with a dark golden nostalgia, and the layers of blue mist were also blessed on the people through the palms of black.

The ice roar swept away, and the white fireworks burst out.

Da Sheng rushed forward, the star pattern on his body suddenly lit, and the stick in his hand was smeared with golden red.

Everyone is racing against time. Although investigating prisoners is an important task for them, no one wants to fight two dragons at the same time.

Jiang Xiao threw the sound of silence again and again, imprisoned Xinglong's body, and guarded the team members in front of him, but it felt like a flower in front of him.

The shadow crow's figure shuttled quickly on the battlefield, wandering wildly, and finally rushed to Jiang Xiao's face, holding a bunch of star beads, and stuffed it into Jiang Xiao's arms.

For a while, a large amount of information emerged from Jiang Xiao's internal star chart ...

Lying down! ?

Jiang Xiao wasn't scared by Shadow Crow, but was startled by the influx of information.

This wave is really fat!


Four thousand words, for monthly ticket support.

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