Nine Star Burden

Chapter 845: Fish Dragon Night Dance

People looked up at the little dark spot and watched it sink into the clouds, completely missing.

Erwei's ability to fight is beyond doubt, she is too familiar with Jiang Xiao, and she seems to be able to predict what will happen.

I saw Erwei suddenly become an adult, and said, "Everyone, check the battlefield immediately and move closer to Han Jiangxue."

The crowd stunned, but heard the next sentence of Erwei: "There is too much food here, and it will definitely attract hunters. Move fast! This is an order!"

The crowd did not say anything, and immediately picked up the star beads. Before that, all the star beads were around Jiang Xiao, and Jiang Xiao was wrapped around the body by a small prisoner dragon and squeezed vigorously.

When everyone counted the battlefield, Han Jiangxue and Erwei stared silently.

Erwei looked at Han Jiangxue expressionlessly, and said, "Han Jiangxue, staying in the black sky, returned to the entrance of Dragon Cave, and returned to the base."


"Two tails?" A group of people looked confused, the nine tails ...

Erwei nodded to Han Jiangxue and said, "Go."

Han Jiangxue frowned slightly, seemingly getting an extra signal.

The next moment, under Han Jiangxue's black sky, the crowds teleported back to the entrance of the Dragon Cave.

At the same time, just above the grassland battlefield, above the sky, a dark dragon sighed loudly and was stabbed high into the sky by a knife.

"His ..." A dragon yin still shocked people, still angry, but with a hint of grief.

Jiang Xiao tasted the hot dragon's blood with a big mouth, but his heart suddenly referred to his throat and his eyes were shaking!

This sound, this sound! ?

Jiang Xiao said nothing, and slammed into the left with a silence: "Shut up!"

The huge body of the prisoner dragon gave Jiang Xiao unlimited possibilities of operation. While silence the huge dragon head of the prisoner dragon, the silent field would not scratch Jiang Xiao at all.

The prisoner lost his voice for a moment, but Jiang Xiao was still throbbing, and his heart was trembling violently, as if it would burst at any time.

But things are far from simple.

The giant dragon head was indeed silenced, but under the strong repulsion effect of the green mang, the dragon body was still sprinting upwards. Instantly, under the leadership of the dragon body, the dragon head was dragged out stiffly. In the area of ​​silence, continue to fly.

It was also at this moment that the special groaning sound of the throbbing body sounded again.

Jiang Xiaozhang cracked, his temples jumped, holding back the feeling that his heart was about to burst, his left hand raised sharply.

whale! Come!

"Om ..."

There is an imaginary lingering ethereal whale groan in the dragon groan that seems to be extinct ...


The heavy buzzing whale hit the huge dragon head, and two terrible star beasts with the huge body of the ancient **** and beast slammed together!

The thick star power rippled in time. Above the clouds, a layer of air waves spread to the surroundings, crushing the layers of clouds all over the body.

The blast of air overturned the two creatures far ...

Whaling and dragon howling are intertwined, and that dragon howling also seems to have changed its taste. Obviously, its star technique should be interrupted.

The huge blade in Jiang Xiao's hand pierced deeply into the body of the prisoner dragon. A large amount of thick dragon blood dripped down. Jiang Xiao's body shook from side to side with the prisoner dragon that was knocked open. There is a danger of overturning at any time.

However, Jiang Xiao couldn't bear much anymore. He punched upwards with a punch, which directly stopped the dragon dragon's backing rush, and once again took it to the sky.

Jiang Xiao yelled, waving his left hand again, and a thick blessing fell down: "Shut up!"

This is not a normal form of silver blessing, nor is it a gold blessing, but a platinum blessing that is five meters away!

Even under this bright starry sky, the beam of light is still so dazzling!

Jiang Xiao's posture of taking the prisoner dragon to fly is very strange. He is at the junction of the dragon's head and the dragon's body, almost at the neck.

Therefore, Jiang Xiao stabbed the prisoner dragon, and every time he went up, the prisoner's dragon head yanked on one side, his neck was convex, and the long dragon tail yanked on the other side.

In such a strange posture, because of displacement, the sound of silence can't always restrain the dragon head, but the beam of light of blessing is straight up and down!

Even if you fly high, you will fly straight up and down!

"His ... 嗷 ~" This time, the prisoner's dragon made a continuous dragon groan, and the once majestic voice became even stranger.

The giant dragon head bathed in the holy light, splashing a few stars around him, the dragon's groaning all the way, and he continued to march toward the sky.

"Om ..." The whale moan came from below, and the buzzing whale swam quickly towards the glare of the Holy Light.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao's eyes were red, and dark clouds quickly blocked the bright night sky, and the light rain fell.

Then the tears shrunk to a small area.

The intensity of the torrential rain was like a splash, and it was about to become a waterfall, eroding the prisoner's flesh madly.

The light of blessing is still there, the tears raining wildly.

In the rain, the buzzing whale writhed its huge body, slapped the whale's tail, and quickly moved upstream. It had not yet reached the rainstorm range, but a figure appeared suddenly above its head.

A young man in a cape stepped on the dark golden nostalgia halo under his feet, standing on top of the humming whale, looking up at the dragon baptized by the light and the rain.

It was when Jiang Xiao held his hands on his chest that a small round candlelight appeared quietly. Jiang Xiao's body flickered and appeared in front of the huge eyes of the humming whale. Huge whale eyes: "Depend!"


The black and white candlelight blended into the eyes of the humming whale, a white candlelight fluttered, and with the body of the humming whale upstream, in this rain curtain, a long flame line was drawn.

Jiang Xiao, wearing a cape, flew beside the humming whale, and said loudly, "Sea Vortex!"

At the same time, 9000 skill points were directly thrown into the sea vortex of the humming whale by Jiang Xiao.

The vortex of platinum quality lv.1 immediately came to diamond quality lv.0.

It is not that Jiang Xiao does not spend skill points, but that he will have room to spend every penny on the blade. When he really needs it, Jiang Xiao will never be vague.

"Om ..." This whale groaned and stirred the heart!

In the layers of rain, the tears that belonged to Jiang Xiao and the water element summoned by the buzzing whale from the air instantly formed a huge vortex.

Under the reliance of black and white candlelights, the sea vortex of the buzzing whale has also become a "sea candle vortex"!

The icy vortex with the characteristics of the ice candle flame turned into a layer of sea vortex burning with white fire, rolled the prisoner's body in it, surrounded the prisoner's dragon, and strangled the prisoner's dragon.

Under the dark clouds, the dripping rain was tears in the field, while the torrential rain in a small area was tears.

In the water that the candlestick vortex swept and stirred, a lot of tears were fused, and the prisoner's body was scratched frantically, and the damage was terrible.

The prisoner's body finally stretched out, and under a huge vortex, it was drawn into a long line, and the body was spinning at an uncontrollable speed.

"Fix its body!" Jiang Xiao threw out several diamonds in silence and smashed into the giant dragon head of the prison dragon.

Although the control effect of Holy Light is amazing, its healing effect on the body and the filling of vitality are also amazing.

After a short period of control with blessing, silence is the last word!

The prisoner dragon spinning rapidly in the sea candle vortex is not only surrounded by eddy currents, it cannot even perform its star skills at this time.

The dripping rain fell on Jiang Xiao's body, mixed with the rich blood on him, dripping down along the tail of the cloak that had been soaked in blood red.

Jiang Xiao's eyes were flushed, staring at the fast-moving prisoner dragon, silence and tears never stopped.

The half-black, half-red cloak raised the collar, like two little hands, and with the help of rain, gently wiped Jiang Xiao's blood-stained face.

The buzzing whale slowly swims around the vortices created by itself, wandering freely on the edge of the area where tears and rainstorms occur, a whale groan, with endless anger, penetrates the layers of rain curtain, rippling Above this height.

"Jiang Xiao."

"Jiang Xiao." Two voices came from below. In the perception of Yu Yu, Jiang Xiao had already found the chasing figure.

Han Jiangxue flew in a cape and the two tails that flew on the snow feathers of Baishan.

And the scene in the distant high altitude has completely exceeded the imagination of the two.

Under the dark cloud, the sea candle whirlpool spun and stirred rapidly, fixing the dark dragon in it.

And beside that huge eddy current, a behemoth with long flame lines dragged in his eyes, wandering freely, and a whale groaned shockingly.

Han Jiangxue's eyes quickly moved away from the shocking picture, looking at a **** Jiang Xiao.

Even under the wash of the light rain, the youth who seemed to be taken out of the blood pool still could not be washed away.

"You ..." Han Jiangxue hurriedly flew over.

"I'm okay, it's all his blood." Jiang Xiao raised his head slightly, motioned for the dragon hanging in the vortex of the sea candle in the distance, not slow in his hands, and threw out several silences.

Around the ankle is Jiang Xiao, who is nostalgic for the halo. Under the condition that the tears washed away the prison dragon, Xingli has never been missing.

In the rainy night,

There is no dragon howling, only whales.

I don't know how long it has been ... "The star first kills, the skill point is +1." A message came from the inner view star map. Jiang Xiao grinned, the news was good, but this skill point reward was too rigid. This is true whether it was platinum or the first kill of a diamond, including the first kill of a star at this time.

"Stop it, buzz the whale." Jiang Xiao muttered softly. In the sound of the huge vortex, maybe the buzz whale could not hear Jiang Xiao's words, but in the case of spiritual connection, he understood. The meaning of Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao wiped his eyes, the rain gradually eased, and the clouds gradually dissipated.

In the distant sky, the candlestick vortex no longer swept away, turned into a pool of cold candlelight water, and fell to the clouds below.

The humming whale was swimming slowly. Above, the broken prisoner dragon fell down. The broken body was covered with a layer of white candlelight. The majestic body was burning, and the white fire and rain flowing around him fell. Down.

So magnificent, so beautiful.

The scene that happened later made Jiang Xiao unexpected.

The solid black scales suddenly turned into nothingness. The prison dragon was like the body of a small prison dragon that had been called out. It turned into a semi-solid state and disappeared without trace ...

This imprisoned dragon, as if never appeared in this world, such a scene, Jiang Xiao secretly looked at.

With the dragon falling, in this deep night sky, a meteor fell in the night sky.

And under this bright starry sky, the buzzing whale swims slowly.

A small vortex emerged out of thin air, dragging a pitch black star bead that was two circles larger than a baseball, and was slowly delivered to Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao did not take over the star beads, but touched the cold and soft skin of the buzzing whale with one hand.

He floated in front of him, and flew forward along the black and white wavy skin, and finally came to the eyes of the buzzing whale.

Jiang Xiao's blood-stained palm gently pressed on the cold whale's eyes, his body leaned forward slightly, and his forehead gently touched the huge whale's eyes.

"Don't make such a big fire next time, it's weird."

"Om ..."


I hope everyone can enjoy it! Please vote for the small poisoned milk!

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