Nine Star Burden

Chapter 850: Give the big cat a lesson ...

The next day, in the morning, Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue boarded military aircraft and flew out of the border town after being seen off by the team members.

Looking at the small town farther and farther below, Jiang Xiao knows that he will come here many times in the future.

Due to the amazing performance of the Tail Feathers and the horror transcripts they brought out, the Tail Feathers were left at the Fencheng military base at this time, waiting for the Dragon Cave to open, or the next mission.

This also laid a hint of "hidden danger" for Jiang Xiao's World Cup. Once his superiors asked to continue exploring the Dragon Caves, Jiang Xiao had to take a horse and rush back.

In this regard, Jiang Xiao had no complaints. After fighting last night, he left the sparring skin in the evil shadow market in Erwei and chose to leave.

Prior to this, in less than half a month, the results of the pairing of gardener leather and sparring leather were very gratifying. Jiang Xiao's Fangtian painting halberd skill and bow and arrow skills have improved to a small level.

Speaking of sparring ...

Last night, the battle in the ruins of Shadow of the Shadows finally made Jiang Xiao "stand up"!

"Hee hee." Jiang Xiao sat on the military plane with a smile on his face, remembering the last battle last night ...

The giant blades slammed into each other fiercely, and under the dim night sky, the puppet sputtered a little spark.

The tall figure of the two tails is like a ghost, and the space-time gap is extremely skilled, and the timing and control of the fire are almost perfect.

She has repeatedly rejected the time and space gap, and now she has three moves to stay in time and space gap, fully showing one of the three essences of humankind: true incense!

Strictly speaking, the words of the two tails fulfilled.

The terrible star technique of the space-time gap is really enough to completely change the two-tailed combat system and tactical style of star technique, and she did eat the sweetness of teleportation.

If there is no teleportation, Erwei is afraid that he can't walk a few rounds in Jiang Xiao's hands.

But with teleportation, Jiang Xiao really had a hard time catching her.

The huge body of Erwei is like a ghost, Jiang Xiao is not bad. The battle between the two is simply the entanglement of evil spirits and fierce ghosts.

The two fought fiercely for more than a hundred rounds, and Jiang Xiao also created an opportunity for himself, and it was this opportunity that made Jiang Xiao completely "stand up"!

Let's adjust the time back to last night.

In the shadow of the disaster, Jiang Xiao's mouth was panting heavily. The two started to fight, but Erwei's physical fitness and star skills were placed here. Far beyond Jiang Xiao's several levels, he really can't keep up with the pace of the second tail, so it won't work like this ...

The poisonous and bad little round inch lost the so-called concept of learning and directly opened the mouth gun mode: "Aren't you not using time and space? Uh? Your fighting style is not necessary?"

Wen Yan said that Erwei's body was a slight meal.

Jiang Xiao took all this into view, and continued to rant: "What about your brave style? Ah? Lost? Began to stab war genre? I will give you a stealth star trick later? When you go to the battlefield, you will attack people chant?"

Two tails: "..."


Seeing this, Jiang Xiaomeng raised his hand and sent a big blessing of platinum quality, shrouding to the second tail.

In front of Erwei, Jiang Xiao doesn't need to save his strength. The beam of blessing is extremely large, and the starting point is platinum!

Uh ...

Under the fierce cannon, Erwei's mental state has a slight undulation. She did not use time and space to dodge, but chose to use bounce + body fog to avoid this huge pillar of light.

Jiang Xiao looked so happy. As long as you didn't flicker away from my sight, where else could you go?

Jiang Xiao's combat IQ was not given in vain. Against the misty body, raising his hand was a golden silence with the lowest level of quality. No matter how fast you hide, my silence has scope!

The misty body of Erwei quietly appeared.

Then, she was greeted by the baptism of the platinum blessing!

The one that was washed was called a happy one, and that was called a hearty one!

"I'm so kind to you." Jiang Xiaoxuan sighed, but stepped back, for fear that the stars splashed by the beam of platinum blessing would stain his body.

If you are affected by your holy light and give yourself milk, you will be ashamed.

Jiang Xiao looked at her so refreshing and couldn't help but give her another platinum blessing.

"Child, is it enough? Enough, child?" Jiang Xiao asked, but he didn't get a slight response ...

After two blessings, Erwei's body lay softly on the ground, soaked in the water stains of the Holy Light, drunk and confused, looking at the deep starry sky above his head.

Jiang Xiao didn't dare to grow up, tears bursting out of the star-quality domain, two small water polo, wrapped around his feet, wrapped around his legs, took his body more than ten centimeters off the ground, to ensure that he did not Contaminated by water stains on the ground, he drifted slowly towards the tail.

He squatted in the air, looking down at the big cat with red cheeks and blurred eyes below him. He couldn't help but reach out and poked her cheek gently.

"Hmm ..." Erwei's head turned subconsciously, and she made a nasal sound, trying to poke away the finger that poke her face, but her raised hand was so weak.

"It won't work like this." Jiang Xiao retracted his fingers, squatted in the air, and said, "Everything you say is worth your while? If you want to win, you're thick-skinned!"

Erwei lay softly in the water stains of the Holy Light, slowly turned his head, and looked at Jiang Xiao blankly, the dull expression seemed like a mental retardation.

Jiang Xiao continued: "Under the circumstances of your time, my silence can't catch you.

When I use astrology, there must be accompanying movements. Your mind and body react 10,000 times faster than me, which will make you invincible.

Whether it is blessing or silence, you cannot be controlled by me.

In the best case, I can only fill the place with silence, so that the two of us have nowhere to go. But we are all silent, and I cannot bless you. "

Jiang Xiaoyue said more and more vigorously: "How about you? I mocked you a few words, and you lost the space-time gap? What do you mean? Your battle intelligence quotient? You walked around the dragon cave and did n’t learn any astrology skills Have you learned all the pride of the Dragons? "

"Shut up ... shut up." Erwei finally awoke a bit, and his mental retardation returned to normal.

"If you fight with someone like me, you can't have a face ..." Jiang Xiao muttered, waving a bell.

Erwei's head cleared and he held his forehead with one hand, but still felt a little dizzy.

"Train hard, hurry up to the starry sky, learn the dragon tricks, the impact and concealment of the hidden dragon, the perception and siege of the fog dragon, the star falling of the star dragon, and the control of the prisoner dragon!"

Jiang Xiao bitterly persuaded: "Hurry to supplement the output and control. Twenty years later, it is still a good cat."

"Hmm ..." Erwei supported the ground with one hand and sat up slowly.

Since the tail feather group has been selected as an important team to explore the Dragon Cave, they are of course eligible to apply for the Dragon Cave Star Beads to strengthen the team in order to better explore the Dragon Cave.

Poke ~

"Speak." Jiang Xiao poked her shoulder again with her fingers.

"Already applying." Erwei said slowly.


Smelly sister!

If you don't strike against you, how can you intensify your efforts to win the Dragon Beads?

The holy light on the ground disappeared slowly. At the same time, the water flowing around Jiang Xiao's legs dissipated.

He sat on the ground with one buttock, crossed his legs, and looked at the two tails in front of him: "At present, you have only one star trough. Before being promoted to the starry sky, there is only the hidden dragon's hidden charge, the starry star rain, and the captive dragon's captivity. Can greatly improve your combat effectiveness.

Any of these three astrological skills, depending on your skill and reaction, will surely be able to scratch my body. At that time, our battle was considered equal. My star quality is too high, you are too much, and the functionality is too strong. "

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiao nodded and accepted the failure very calmly.

Erwei has been practicing with Jiang Xiao's bait. Whether she uses star skills or not, her victory over bait is as simple as pinching an ant.

However, Jiang Xiao himself, as he said, has too high astrological attributes, and coupled with such skill, mental quality, and combat intelligence quotient, it is difficult for the two tails to get him.

In fact, aside from studying, if it was a real sword, Erao had expected the results of the battle.

No one knows Jiang Xiao's strength better than Erwei. Jiang Xing's pending member Sophiek and Hua Xing's official member Aish are all from Jiang Xiao alone!

So Erwei is very clear about Jiang Xiao's ability.

In her mind, she had placed Jiang Xiao in a particularly high position long before the events of the Huaxing organization. Otherwise, she would not be able to call him back to the team when Jiang Xiaochu entered the Xinghe period. The criminal chief, Conkind.

Jiang Xiao looked at the thoughtful appearance of Erwei, but was curious what she was thinking.

I saw the two tails turned around, and also crossed their legs, looked at Jiang Xiao with a serious face, and said seriously: "I will give back everything I experienced today."

Jiang Xiao blinked and said, "Everyone else talks hard before you fight. Are you different from others?"

Erwei looked at Jiang Xiao silently. In his heart, he was lucky to have such a star warrior in Huaxia, and said softly: "Continue to grow, in the future, you are definitely not just the guardian of the tail feather group."

Jiang Xiao suddenly said, "You shut up! You lost! Now I educate you! Those who lose are not qualified to speak."

The two tails looked stiff, looking down at Jiang Xiao, one second, two seconds ...


Erwei's mouth suddenly spit out hot lava!

Jiang Xiao's body flashed, flashing in place!

The hot magma passed through Jiang Xiao's body, and was sprinkled not far behind him, making a "Zizi" sound on the gray and white stone ground.

"Very good!" Jiang Xiao flashed in front of him, praised loudly, "It seems that you have listened to what I said, and you can't have a face if you fight with someone like me!"

The two-tailed brows frowned and clenched their fists. The whole body suddenly became a body of lava. On the cracked and dark skin, boiling magma flowed in the gap, and the light was faintly illuminated.

Jiang Xiao was startled, and a golden silence fell to his feet.


Both were silent, and the two tails suddenly returned to their original state.

In the field of silence, the two eyes can't talk to each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Ten seconds later, the silent realm subsided, and the two tails slowly said, "Come again."

Talking, she unfolded a star map in front of her, turning it into a star.

Jiang Xiao smashed her pout with an uncomfortable face. This shameless essence, it seems that she has already learned, turning stars into martial arts? Is she going to fire?

Nima, you have a big battle in the middle of Xinghai. Want to play with me?

In the human form, Jiang Xiao was caught by the mouth gun. Now she has turned into a star again, and her physical attributes have been greatly improved. It is not too much to call it "swelling". How can this catch her?

Jiang Xiao possesses patience skills, which is enough to make him invincible. Although patience can resist damage, he cannot be immune to pain.

Is today the day when my poisoned milk king feels the lava bath?

Jiang Xiao shook his head again and again, and said, "Tired for the teacher, I want to sleep."

The huge cricket stepped on it and pressed Jiang Xiao to the ground, his furry head peeped down, and a pair of pupils stared at Jiang Xiao deadly, and made a dangerous hunting sound: "噜 ..... . "

Jiang Xiao simply didn't struggle. He looked like a man who slaughtered and closed his eyes: "I don't care, I'm tired, I want to sleep! You can kill me if you can! I promise not to resist!"

The huge cricket stepped on Jiang Xiao's ear, exposing sharp fangs, and grinning against Jiang Xiao for a while.

A little bit of magma in that mouth fell on Jiang Xiao's face, making a loud noise.

Jiang Xiao took Zhong Ling in one hand, wiped his face, and suddenly said: "If you have any moves, just let it out! By the way, don't blow yourself up. I have to save you .... . "


The huge suffocation kicked on the ground and cracked!

The low-quality flame cracking star technique almost ignited the whole evil shadow market under the star power realm and form like Erwei.

Jiang Xiaozhen man, real man!

Say no, don't resist!

Not far away, Jiang Xiao, who was rushed to his feet, stood up with a gray-faced face and looked at the huge puppet.

The play skin immediately went online, the eyes were red, and the tears of the crocodile almost flowed out.

The flushed eyes are because he has already thought about the tactics of adulterating tears in the field of domain tears.

If you are not kind, just blame me for being wrong! You become a star, and then I can only use tears and rain to continue to tune you!

Jiang Xiao looked at the puppet with a distressed face and watched Qi: "Are you okay? Are you hurt? I will heal you with a bell?"

If Jiang Xiao really wanted to be cured, with this kung fu, Zhong Ling would have jumped back and forth a few times ...

The huge magpie quickly transformed into an adult form, and she waved it down with one hand, the door of the Curse of the Bane of Shadows opened, her body trembling slightly, and she seemed to be suppressing her emotions, extruding a sentence from her teeth: "Go."

"Well?" Jiang Xiao froze for a while, didn't follow the plot?

Eruo: "Huh?"

Jiang Xiao grinned: "Success."

Before leaving, a sparring leather suddenly appeared in the ruins of the evil shadow.

As soon as the sparring leather appeared, he quickly raised his hand and solemnly said, "I have stated in advance that I am here to teach you the sword technique. I am a disposable consumable. If I die, your master may It's gone, I will definitely not add you. "

The sparring leather continued: "Remember the rules? Put the momentum down, put everything down, put down your strength, reaction, and speed, or I can't guide you. Go, Go pick it up. "

Biting his lip, the two tails were obviously not irritated, panting, and his chest was violently undulating.

A few seconds later, she sighed deeply and turned her head towards the giant blade that fell to the ground.

"What are you smirking about?" A cold voice came from the side.

Jiang Xiao looked back from the memories and turned to look at Han Jiangxue.

At this time, Han Jiangxue looked at Jiang Xiao with a curious expression. Since he got on the plane, he has been smirking, and his mood seems particularly good.

Of course Pippi is in a good mood. Can I be in a bad mood overnight?

Jiang Xiao looked at Han Jiangxue with a happy smile and said, "You don't understand, hey ... how many years have I finally stood up!"

Han Jiangxue nodded, obviously misunderstanding Jiang Xiao's meaning, and said, "This Dragon Cave mission, no matter how many honors and praises you deserve."

Jiang Xiao froze for a moment,

You ... If you say so, I will never talk to you!


Four thousand and five hundred words, the little poisoned milk finally stood up ~ ask for a ticket to support the little poisoned milk ~

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