Nine Star Burden

Chapter 861: Future can be expected

Earth, the national team's individual game training venue.

Jiang Xiaozheng said goodbye to Wu Ji, the person in charge, and returned to the training ground of the national team team game.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiao saw Yi Qingchen and smiled and waved at her: "I won't be here these days. See you at the airport. I'll go back first."

"Um." Yi Qingchen nodded slightly.

Fortunately, this girl did not humiliate, she really took the first place in the national team's ranked game, and also gave up the captain's position. Jiang Xiao became the captain of the national team's individual match.

In fact, Jiang Xiaoting is very optimistic about Yi Qingchen, especially in the different ball, and after deeply experiencing the characteristics of the grimace monks, Jiang Xiao believes that there should be a lot of things hidden in Yi Qingchen that can be killed in the grimace monks. It didn't show up.

In addition to Yi Qingchen, the Cainan guy from Butterfly Spring is also very strong, making Jiang Xiao full of expectations for that young player.

Jiang Xiao came here not only to visit the team members, to see who his other nine teammates were, but also to take a fixed makeup photo.

Compared to the last makeup photo, this time, Jiang Xiao hasn't changed anything. He thinks his posture is quite good.

So Jiang Xiao was wearing a red and white gold national team uniform, carrying a huge blade, grinning, and still smiling brightly.

In the team match, I have already taken a fixed makeup photo, and the final roster has been finalized.

The four-member group of the Imperial Capital Xingwu has not changed. Since Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue returned, the four-member group of the Magic Capital Xingwu and the Shonan Army has also been fixed. Everyone is satisfied with this result.

One week later, it is the time to set out for the country of will. Jiang Xiao is gearing up and applying for the national team to prepare a number of spare weapons for him. She intends to work hard at this "Doomsday World Cup" and make some money happily. Skill points.

Time soon arrived in late June.

On the day of boarding and leaving Huaxia, Jiang Xiao also deliberately boarded Weibo, reprinting the official Weibo of the national team about his makeup photos, and accompanied the text:

"Jiang Xiaopi is not skinny

Just from Warwick p10plus

Goodbye, mother, I'm going to sail tonight.

ps: Don't worry about me, I have happy wisdom and paddles. "

Above the text, Jiang Xiao is wearing a national team uniform, carrying a giant blade, and smiling is a brilliant, very happy.

The comments below are also interesting:

"Good little skin, on behalf of my motherland, allow you to sail. Remember to give me a hug when you come back. I want to lift up. My home address is Hongdu."

"In the end, I still want to play the World Cup, huh, huh, I really don't know what these fancy things are doing. I am dead and you are happy, right?"

"Yeah! Exciting ing ~ Small poisonous milk is out of battle! Just now a different dimension space was opened next to my house. I was so scared. A brother of the triumphant soldier gave me a brass blessing, so comfortable, finally experience It's the taste of poisoned milk!

The door of the alien dimension was also closed, and it was stable again.

Xiaopi, when I am blessed, I feel particularly close to you, haha ​​~ I wish our Huaxia athletes will expand their territory and return to their hometown! Come and guard this land again! "

There are many sprays and more supporters.

One hundred people, one hundred mouths.

But no matter what, Jiang Xiao will go to this doomsday World Cup. Not only to participate, but also to participate generously.

It was also when Jiang Xiao followed the team match and was far away in Beijiang Province · Fencheng Military Base · Erwei Shadow Training Space

"Departure today." The two tails held the blade with both hands, and the sweat looked like it was pulled out of the water.

As the sparring team accepted the move, they also panted and nodded again and again: "Yes, already on the plane."

It was also this time that Jiang Xiao heard Erwei asking again about the events in the different ball.

Maybe, she is looking for this opportunity.

The two-tailed sword was thrown out, and the giant blade that spun at high speed stabbed Jiang Xiao: "What are you doing in the different ball?"


With a crisp sound, the spinning giant blade collapsed and flew away, not walking as expected.

The trick is not working, but the pass is good.

The two tails flickered directly, catching the huge blade that flew back, but


The sound of her slender palm and the sharp edge of the steel giant blade made a sound of iron bars.

The skill of the two-tailed sword is still a lot worse. Even with the help of perceptual astrology, her response is more sensitive and her hands are more swift, but she does not grab the handle of the giant blade, but catches it. The edge of the giant blade.

Fortunately, she has a "claw" star technique. With this star technique turned on, her hands and feet can be made like steel.

It seems that she is relatively calm, at least calmer than when crushing the phone, knowing to open the "claw" star skills.

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, and said, "Your knife is turning too fast. You don't have to come at the speed of my giant blade. You have to eat bite-by-bit, and fat people can't eat it in a day."

Erwei didn't say anything, but fell down holding the giant blade and turned the direction of the giant blade.

Jiang Xiao continued: "I am implementing a plan."

Since talking about the three tails last time, Erwei has never asked, Jiang Xiao didn't bother her, but just accompanied her to train safely.

But since she asked about the different ball, Jiang Xiao was going to talk about her current situation and plans.

The two tails once again put out the fighting posture, dragging the giant blade to the ground with one hand, and holding the giant blade against the other hand in front of him: "Well."

Jiang Xiao signaled her to stop, and said, "We have settled in an area of ​​the" top of the ancient tower ". You know the characteristics of the grimace monks. On the alien ball, their IQ is higher, more humane and more faithful. Tautology. "

Erwei paused for a moment, put away the fighting style, and said, "Continue."

Jiang Xiao continued: "I have received a lot of apprentices by virtue of cold weapon skills. I have built a very high prestige in that‘ top of the ancient tower ’area, and I want to do a big vote.”

He nodded and said, "You mean, you have an army."

"And it's still very brave." Jiang Xiaolian nodded again and again, "The top of the ancient tower and the death cave on the other side of the mountain are somewhat contradictory, and the battle is about to start. I want to try to fight against the creatures of the dead. "

The two tails frowned, and said, "Is the fateful family a diamond or a star?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "Diamond."

Erwei nodded thoughtfully, and said, "It is still dangerous and beyond your ability."

Jiang Xiao said, "I really want to give it a try. This is only the first step, and it is also a crucial step. I searched all three provinces in the North, and also went to Damon Province. Had to go to the land of Yan Zhao. "

Jiang Xiao sighed and continued: "The land of Yan Zhao is the restricted area of ​​the restricted area. It is obviously very dangerous for our team to go there.

The desperate family is a group of creatures living in the desperate cave, as well as the high-speed moving star skills. Once they encounter them, they can only fight and escape. "

Erao said: "You want to bring a legion into the land of Yan Zhao."

Jiang Xiaodao: "It is only a preliminary idea, but we must also look at the effects of this battle with the desperate family.

After all, the Thousands Army is also very difficult to manage. If you can pick out dozens of elites and accompany us to the Yanzhao Land, it is also an ideal situation. "

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips and said, "I, Senior He Yun, plus San, blind girl, the three of us broke into that longtan tiger's hole, and the risk was too great.

I am a bait, but they are not.

My squad really needs some helpers. This group of grimace monks are in the platinum ranks, they are brave and righteous, and they are extremely powerful. They can help me a lot.

Moreover, He Yun's predecessor is a big star. He is different from me. The more team members there are, the more He Yun's ability can be exerted. "

Erwei: "You made up your mind to go to Yan Zhao."

Jiang Xiao nodded heavily and said, "You know what my purpose in exploring different **** is, no matter how dangerous, I have to go! Even if there is no result, I feel at ease."

The two tails nodded silently, she did know that Jiang Xiao's exploration of the different ball before was different from the current exploration of the different ball in terms of purpose.

Jiang Xiao said, "I have already laid the foundations for the ancient tower city. The war is ahead. I have made up my mind. Don't advise me."

Erwei slowly picked up the giant blade and said, "Then I wish you good luck."

"Right." Jiang Xiao suddenly asked, "Your level is relatively high. Have you heard anything about aliens recently? Do we have any missions like exploring aliens?"

Erwei shook his head and said, "No, but it may be very fast according to this trend."

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips with a heavy heart.

Erao said: "Even with this task, our team will not be the first group."

Jiang Xiao: "Huh? Why? We have already demonstrated our combat effectiveness? Are there any teams better suited than us?"

Erwei shook his head and said, "Our performance in the Dragon Cave is amazing, so we will be the people who guard the Dragon Cave. Once the Dragon Cave is opened again, the task of exploring the Dragon Cave will definitely fall on us, otherwise In that case, it is impossible for our superiors to ask our tail feathers to be stationed here. "

The words of the two tails quietly added: "This is the Northeast region, and we are the Northwest Night Watch."

Jiang Xiao nodded: "It's true."

The two tails clenched the huge blade in their hands and said, "When the World Cup begins, tell me, I'll see your first game and the last game."

After hearing the words, Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "You have confidence in me, OK, no problem."

Erwei signaled the huge blade in Jiang Xiao's hand and said, "Come again."

"Well, come again!" Jiang Xiaomai opened his legs, clutching the giant blade, and killed Erwei.

In the ruins of the shadow of evil, there is a shadow of swords.

Every step that Jiang Xiao took out, every drop of sweat, including the gardener's skin that was building a human base in the world of evil, every move, explained the four words again and again: the future can be expected!

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