Nine Star Burden

Chapter 900: Tangerine hood with a branch of flowers

Suffering from the back!

The desperate army immediately stopped. And Jiang Xiao also felt that behind him, the army of grimace monks led by He Yun also stopped.

In this quaint and spacious street, the armies of both sides, standing in the rain, seemed to be waiting for a signal.

"Did you find the leader of this desperate legion?" Behind, a cold voice came.

Jiang Xiao was startled, but he didn't dare to turn back. He was still staring at the desperate army ahead, his eyes narrowed, but he also saw the blind woman standing on the roof far away.

But it was the blind girl in white robe who stood silently, her body suddenly turned into a pool of dark ink and collapsed.

The dark ink dipped the tiles on the roof, and under the rain, through the eaves, fell a little bit down the uneven road.


The idea is clear!

Jiang Xiao was also really afraid of the blind woman's entrustment, preparing to pinch her back and forth.

"Have you found the leader?" The cold voice of the blind girl came again.

With Xiao Jiangxue's voice bead in front, Jiang Xiao hardly likes the cold voices of other women. Today, I am afraid to make an exception.

He liked the sound so much, especially the sound came from behind him!

Jiang Xiao: "Boss?"

Blind Girl: "After playing so long, you haven't found their leader."

The tone of apathy was terrible.

Since the two "hearted" in the courtyard, her attitude has eased a lot, and she has also taken care of Jiang Xiao more.

This is also the first time Jiang Xiao has heard the rebuke of a blind woman since then.

Perhaps, in the past long team career, Jiang Xiao repeatedly raised her image among teammates, which made her expectation of him particularly high.

Jiang Xiao's face was bitter: "Sister, it's not easy for me to live up to you, don't ask for more."

"Hmm ..." A cold palm patted Jiang Xiao's back gently, it seemed to be comforting, and it seemed to be an apology.

Immediately after, her jade hand picked up a black ink flower and put it in front of Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

This dark ink flower was still dripping with dark stains under the light rain of Lili Li.

Different from the ink flower that Jiang Xiao saw before, this one is with a rhizome.

"Find the leader. It's the one in the tribe who gave the order. It's cunning. I don't know where it will be."

The blind girl said, her stained fingers were picking up flowers and ran across Jiang Xiao's mouth: "Its position is likely to exceed the diamond position. My ink flower is difficult to catch it. Your speed is faster If you have a chance, you insert this flower on its skeleton. "

A grade beyond the diamond rank?

Star · Dead Leader?

From the words of the blind girl, Jiang Xiao heard it. I'm afraid just now, the blind girl had fought with a dead leader?

"It doesn't die. The fateful family will never be chaotic. The fateful family is very large, and it continues to emerge from the ground.

As long as the leaders are there, they will always organize an effective attack, and it is difficult for us to flee with the monks. "

"I don't know if your blade can hurt it, my flowers can." The blind woman's hand held the black ink flower, and the rhizome ran across Jiang Xiao's mouth, and touched it lightly. . "

Jiang Xiao subconsciously caught the dark root of the ink flower. Jiang Xiao is no stranger to such a tactical routine.

When the three-member team detoured Damon Province and encountered a surprise attack by the Star Crown family, the blind girl played such a cooperation with him.

The blind woman took a step back, and under the white robe soaked by the drizzle, in the wide cuffs, a dark mist lingered around, blossoming ink flowers came out.

On the roof behind Jiang Xiao, the voice of Li Xun Li Haoge floated down: "Jiang regiment, determine the idea, we are breaking through."

Jiang Xiao still did not dare to turn his head, staring closely at the desperate army ahead.

Has it reached the point of breakout?

On the left side of the street, a figure stands on the roof of the ancient building, which is Yuyu · Yuechen.

He said: "The leader is not dead, it is difficult for us to break through. There are too many of them, and the ghosts are too fast."

"I see!" Jiang Xiao shouted loudly, "All monks, starlights! Seal of Holy Power!"

"Listen to me." The cold voice of the blind girl came from behind Jiang Xiao again.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

The desperate army suffered an enemy on the stomach, and after the blind girl sang, the swaying ghost-faced monks on the other side of the street quickly killed the army with various weapons in their hands.

The sound of a ghost crying and wailing in the ancient tower, those yelling cries did not come from the corpses of the ghost-faced monks, but ... from the unreal ghost faces floating out of them.

Obviously, this is the corpse!

Star skills from the representative dimensional space of Zhongji Province, the savage male witch in the arsenal.

Once the body is contaminated by the body, it will cause a heavy blow to the creature.

Not physically, but mentally.

However, Jiang Xiao is not sure whether that corpse spirit will have an effect on the desperate family.

After all, the desperate people are all in the form of skeletons, but since they have thoughts and thoughts, should they be affected?

The blind girl spoke again: "Desperate peoples are not real deaths. I can't summon corpses from their skeletons, but I can interfere with the operations of the desperate peoples to a small extent. There is chaos behind the enemy line. , You can charge. "

Jiang Xiao nodded.

The blind woman whispered, "Remember to find their leader."

Jiang Xiao said loudly: "Seven people in the gold, protect the three tails!"

"Yinliao, Yinyu, Yinci, lead the army into a defensive line! The enemy will be chaotic, keep me!"

"Silver cloth, silver cloud, silver super, and silver policy, form a cone with five of me, the state is full, listen to my password."

Jiang Xiao felt the strong star power in his body, and the blood-stained flower blade in his hand became even deeper.

Layers of starlight draped over the people, and the pale green halo beneath them cascaded up, and a half-illumination of silver marks spread on everyone's chest.

On the side of Jiang Xiao, the four silver couples held the heavy Fangtianhua halberds, and under the daggers, the huge silver eyes were glowing with glow.

As Jiang Xiao said, the five were awl-shaped, patchy and ready to go.

The blind woman's ink flower lit up and said, "Jiang Xiao."

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

The blind woman whispered, "Don't die."

During the conversation, the blind woman knelt down on one knee and pressed her hands on the slate road contaminated by rain.

The next moment, a faint star pattern suddenly appeared on the blind woman's body, and a dark flower was revealed.

And the flower bone is not static. As the blind girl urges Xingli, the black flower bone blooms slowly!

The huge dark petals were floating gently, weird, but also beautiful.

And in the front of the dead army that slaughtered the ghost-faced monk's body, a huge inky flower rose from the ground, broke through the wet stone ground, broke out, and even bloomed directly in the dead army!

The huge flowers seemed to grow endlessly, and it gradually slowed the growth trend until the height rose to nearly 10 meters.

Eight dark petals resemble the sky's black oil umbrella, covering a large area.

Then, the dark flower vines swept around the black flowers!

The inky flower vine looks like a thick and long black python, beating all the creatures around it, rolling up a skeleton, flying up and down.

The picture is stunning!

The surrounding houses were swept into ruins under the sweep of flowers and vines.

A fateful skeleton screamed frantically, trying to chop the flower vine with a fateful sword, but the flower vine was tough and terrible and could not be cut at all.

Do not run away the star beads of the Desperate, in the deafening explosion, this block was completely razed to the ground!

But how could a normal attack like Hanato be able to smash the body of a desperate family?

The true attack of flowers and vines is pollution ...

I saw a desperate entangled by a huge flower vine, the black bones of that forest had been stained with black color, and the hard skeleton became extremely crispy instantly. As the flower vine smashed it, it broke completely.

Several dead ghosts were swept up by flower vines and sent directly into the stamens of huge dark flowers, which were swallowed up by the weird and dark flowers.

The half-illusionary black **** flew up and down, circling back and forth under the petals, screaming fiercely, looking for all the creatures that could attack.

There was a dark ink flower in Jiang Xiao's mouth. The sword was moving towards the charge, and his voice was slightly vague: "Cone formation! Charge !!!"

Jiang Xiao took the lead, silver cloud and silver super on the left, silver cloth and silver policy on the right, killing the desperate group in front.




The hoarse roar came from the silver couple's mouth on the side of him. The group of five was covered with starlight crickets, stepping on the aura of nostalgia and aura of thorns, spreading the mark of divine power on the body, killing forward!

Everything is as expected, the desperate family is in chaos and the formation is gone, but they are fighting each other, but they break free of the shackles and start an indiscriminate attack.

The remaining Yinliao, Yinxu and Yinci lined up in a queue, with several rows of ghost-faced monks in a neat line, a giant bladed monk group in the front, and a branch of Fangtianhuaji in the back row.

In the face of the flashes of knife light and the bombardment of desperate beads.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A series of crisp sounds kept ringing, and the doomed ghost's doomed dagger that was chopped on the five-person group was directly bounced off, and even with their body, they were bounced out.

Pieces of desperate beads spilled out, and at this moment, an orange-red bell jar suddenly spread out on the front five.

It is said to be diffuse, because the orange-red unreal bell jar sprang out of the crowd.

Then, the illusive orange-red bell jar shrouded everyone in it, as if it were a natural defensive shell to withstand the bombardment of the death bead.

In the back row, He Yun stood on the shoulder of a couple.

He looked up at the hazy sky, leaned into the sky with one hand, and reached out to the layers of rain, as if begging for something in the sky.

In front of He Yun, a star-shaped picture of an orange-colored unreal bell jar illuminated a dazzling light.

The two star warriors at the starry sky level finally showed their true strengths, what level of star power! ?

Jiang Xiao looked at the orange bell cover that was covering and spreading on her body, a little cyanosis, and the flowers in her mouth almost did not fall.

He's seen the blind girl's star Chengwu, but he's never seen He Yun.

This ... what is this special?

Is this invincible?

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