Nine Star Burden

Chapter 902: Double night owl

At 13 o'clock in the afternoon on July 13.

As the day went on, the Olympic Sports Center in Bailin was filled with enthusiasm, cheers and applause.

On the greenery field, Jiang Xiao held Fang Tianhua with his left hand, lost it behind him, and raised his right hand high, thinking of the audience in all directions.

In the enemy half, a team of medical staff was rescuing a contestant.

The host Li Li shouted excitedly: "Top 16! After two years, Pi Shen is still strong, live up to expectations, and entered the top 16 again!"

Ye Xunyang said with emotion: "As of now, the individual competitions of the Huaxia National Team have all ended, and a total of 4 players have reached the top 16. Now, the transcripts submitted by the Huaxia National Team are Much better than the last one. "

Li Li hurriedly looked at the computer in front of the table, and said, "The players who entered the top 16 list are female soldier king Zheng Xiyou from Xiangnan Military Academy! From Cainan Xingwu University, the pride of the Niezu tribe! Yi Qingchen, a so-called poisonous milk disciple from Central Plains Xingwu University! And Jiang Xiaopi from Imperial Capital Xingwu University! "

Ye Xunyang was satisfied. As host, they followed the national team in the expedition. In the process, through the commentary of one game after another, they had already formed a special emotion with the national team players.

Ye Xunyang lamented: "Four Chinese players who entered the top 16 of the World Cup, three of them are actually medical assistants, really ..."

"Haha, the camera gave another Huaxia team!" Li Li said with a smile. "The team of the Imperial Capital Xingwu University is also the teammate of Jiang Xiaopi. In the team competition next door, they have already Breaking into the top 14! "

The trio of Emperor Xingwu sat in the first row on the east side of the auditorium.

At this time, Xia Yan was waving her hand to Jiang Xiao. She had a heroic face, but was like a little girl cheering. This scene was transmitted to millions of households through the TV screen. .

Jiang Xiao's figure also entered the camera. He tried to raise his hands and punched them with Gu Shi'an and Han Jiangxue one by one. When he punched with Xia Yan, he was suddenly dragged by Xia Yan.

On the rear runway, reporter He looked at this scene with laughter, waiting patiently for Jiang Xiao to celebrate with his teammates.

I saw that Xia Yan bent down, holding Jiang Xiao's small round inch head in both hands, and his lips were reprinted on his wet head: "Awesome! Pippi! Reward you one! Mua ~"

Jiang Xiao struggled hurriedly and backed up again and again, but in terms of strength, he couldn't compare with Xia Yan.

It was still at the side of Han Jiangxue that Jiang Xiao was out of the clutch.

"Congratulations, Jiang Xiaopi! As the last player to determine the top 16 seats, do you have anything to say?" He Huan hurried forward and asked with a smile.

Jiang Xiaoyi looked rather disgusted, wiping his head, and flinging water drops, saying, "Nothing to say, I just hope that the next round of competition, don't run into Huaxia opponents."

Of course, the water drops are not Xia Yan's saliva, but the water that the tears and rain stars summoned when Jiang Xiao fought before, but Jiang Xiao's action is not black.

"Eh ..." He Huan obviously hesitated for a moment, followed Jiang Xiao's thinking, and said, "What you worry about should also be something that our Chinese people are worried about. Among the top 16 seats, we Chinese The players occupy 4 seats, and the probability of drawing them together is not low. "

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "This reminds me of Xie Ye of the previous term. If there was no civil war, his performance would have improved a lot."

He Huan nodded, dragged back to the topic, and said, "Tomorrow is the qualifying of the team loser, you will get a very rare break.

Since the start of the World Cup, you have to play two games every three days. Are you tired? What supported you until now? "

What supported me until now?

Jiang Xiao smiled, turned slightly to the side, and pointed his finger at the fiery red auditorium behind.

The cameraman followed Jiang Xiao's instructions and included the boiling audience in the lens.

Outside the camera, Jiang Xiao waved his hand to He Huan and turned away.

"Oh ..." He Huan sighed and did not chase again. He looked at the back of Jiang Xiao's departure and couldn't help but pick up the microphone and said, "This is what I got during my interview The best answer. "

In the locker room, Jiang Xiao, who pushed in the door, saw Yi Qingchen waiting patiently.

Due to her high popularity and topicality, the poisoned milk disciple was designated to play in the Olympic Stadium. In the second game in the morning, she has won but has never left.

In fact, she watched the game in the gym through the TV in the locker room as well as watching the game in the hotel, but this small round inch is stubborn.

Yi Qingchen followed Gu Shi'an's actions in the previous shot, sitting on a bench, raising his hand and extending his right fist.

Jiang Xiao also clenched her right fist and bumped her fist gently, saying, "You don't have to wait for me."

Yi Qingchen pouted, lowered his head, and said, "You haven't agreed to accept me as an apprentice."

Jiang Xiao leaned Fangtian Huaji on the closet, and said, "I promised."

Yi Qingchen lowered his head and continued, "I know, your time is very tight. Maybe you ...?"

Talking, Yi Qingchen felt that something was wrong. She raised her head suddenly, her beautiful eyes filled with confusion, and she looked at Jiang Xiao sitting on the bench, and said, "You promised?"

"Ah, promised." Jiang Xiao wiped his wet hair with both hands, and said, "Amate, you are not ready to get a dry towel for the teacher? See how you can be an apprentice?"

"Oh, oh!" Yi Qingchen quickly stood up and walked to the bathroom. After taking two steps, his body flickered and disappeared.

The next moment, Yi Qingchen's body flickered and appeared in front of Jiang Xiao.

After waiting for two seconds, Yi Qingchen found that Jiang Xiao didn't mean to pick up the towel. She hesitated, and put the towel on Jiang Xiao's head, half-knelt down, and gently wiped Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao's voice came from under the towel: "On your land in the Central Plains, is anyone using a Swiss beast as a mount?"

"Huh?" Yi Qingchen stumbled a little, and said, "The Swiss beasts in the night-dimensional dimensional space? They ... can ride, but their IQ is not high, and their tempers are a bit irritable. And their The limbs are too short, and the height is not suitable for combat.

Yi Qingchen pursed his lips, his head seemed to think of the cute image of Ruishou, and a gentle smile appeared on his face: "What's more, Ruishou's head is too big, which obstructs his vision, which is not very good. Mount choice. "

"Well." Jiang Xiao whispered in a low voice, "What about the night owls?"

Yi Qingchen shook his head: "Double night owl and double night owl? They are also irritable, have low IQ, and have no loyalty at all.

Moreover, they are too small to fit into a mount.

On the surface, they may be very large, but after they spread their wings, their bodies are actually ... well, very thin. "

Very thin?

Jiang Xiao sighed deeply.

At the same time, a different ball.

In the strange wilderness, Jiang Xiao and others stood still.

With the silver lion's seven-man group raising their fists high, the two hundred ghost monk team stopped.

Under the dark night, a ghost-faced monk wearing a bucket hat and a robe was standing silently and silently, a murky atmosphere permeated.

"唳 ~~~"

"唳 ~~~"

Two particularly pleasant bird sounds sounded, tearing the night sky.

The eyes of the crowd moved away from the ruins in front of them, and they raised their heads and looked at the two huge colorful salamanders in the sky.

Humans named it "double night owl" and "double night owl", but in fact, their huge body and long tail feathers are more like the phoenix image in Chinese mythology.

It's just that their heads are very close to the image of 鸳鸯.

The layers of colorful feathers with gradient colors are just as colorful as if they should only appear in dreams.

A pair of twining night owls lingering and flying around, circling and dancing for a while from the crowd, without launching an attack, they flew into a strange rocky wilderness like ruins.

Jiang Xiao slowly reached out his hand. In the night sky, a seven-color feather with a faint fluorescent light slowly drifted down and landed on the palm of Jiang Xiao.

This megalithic area was named night city by human beings because those weird stones occasionally cobble together human buildings, some like stone houses, some like stone bridges, and some like stone gates.

But no matter what it is, it is nature's axe and magic, and no creatures participate in the construction. And on earth, in this heterodimensional space, the day is night, so there is a saying of "night city".

Jiang Xiao caught the colorful feathers and twisted the soft feathers gently.

Beside him, Yue Yuchen said: "Sui Beast and Shuang Yezhen are docile and have high IQ. Generally, they will not choose to fight with other species."

These words came from Yue Yuchen, of course Jiang Xiao would not doubt.

However, the creatures in this night city have passed through the layers of projection and reached the different dimensions of the earth. They have become fierce and brainless creatures.

Jiang Xiao asked, "Can the beast be a mount? It is for the monks to ride."

Li Haoge thought for a while, and said, "It's totally possible, because of our human body size, it is not suitable for riding Swiss beasts, but the body type of the ghost monk family should be very suitable, but ..."

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

Li Haoge said: "Ghost monks are all infantry. They believe in their legs and are unwilling to have a mount."

Jiang Xiao turned to look at the grim-faced monks, and glanced at the seven members of the silver couple, and said, "What they think is not something we need to consider. Fang Tian's painting of halberds should be an immediate weapon. "

It was said that the seven-member silver couple, including those ghost monks who held Fangtianhuaji, lowered their hats and acted exactly the same.

Obviously, these ghost monks are somewhat resistant to Jiang Xiao's decision.

Yue Yuchen said: "Since Jiang Tuan decided this way, then I make a suggestion. The Ruibei people have a gentle temperament and a high IQ. We don't need to fight and tame with them, we just need to use food to negotiate with them."

Jiang Xiao asked curiously, "Do you know the characteristics of Ruishou?"

"Um." Yue Yuchen nodded, "Yu Guta once kept the Swiss beast in captivity, but ..."

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

Yue Yuchen shook his head and sighed: "Sui Beast is one of our food sources. I raised it and raised my feelings. I don't want to kill again, but the ancient tower needs food, so I don't Raise it again. "

Jiang Xiao nodded silently, and said, "Let's go and find some food for them."

Li Haoge: "In addition to the ancient tower and the night city, only the shadow creatures and star cave creatures in this Central Plains land can be used as food."

He Yun's old voice suddenly came and said, "Everyone was exhausted for two days. Since the creatures in this night city are docile, let's take a night here."

"Well ... that's fine," Jiang Xiao said. "Organize the team, rest in Stonehenge, no fighting allowed!"

The question must always be viewed dialectically.

The warrior ghost monk family was supposed to be aggressive. After experiencing a battle where their homes were destroyed, the two hundred surviving ghost-faced monks were very obedient and were trying to suppress their nature. .

The silent army of ghost monks settled on the edge of the night city, and under the guard of human star warriors, seven gold fighters and seven silver fighters, no ghost monks asked for trouble.

Jiang Xiao found a boulder, supported the rock with one hand, sat down slowly, and sighed deeply.

He lifted his head, and in the beautiful night sky, from time to time, there were twin magpies emitting a faint glow.

At the same time, on Earth, in the gym locker room.

Jiang Xiao whispered: "Their bodies are thin ..."

"Jiang Xiao!" The locker room door was suddenly pushed open, and Xia Yan rushed in with a smile, but her face was slightly rigid.

In front of him, Jiang Xiaozheng was sitting on the bench with his elbows on his knees. In front of him, Yi Qingchen, a so-called poisonous milk disciple, was kneeling halfway, wiping Jiang Xiao's hair.

Jiang Xiao did not look up, but just waved his hand: "Know, this is my apprentice, Yi Qingchen."

Said, Jiang Xiao grabbed the towel on his head with one hand and said, "The one with long hair, my sister, Han Jiangxue, you go to the dock."

Yi Qingchen stood up, opened his long legs and walked towards Han Jiangxue, and extended his right hand friendly: "Hello."

Xia Yan pursed her lips. Of course, she also knew about Jiang Xiao's decision to accept her disciples. She looked at Yi Qingchen from a close range, up and down, and looked at the small round inch of the body, secretly comparing it.

After a few seconds, Xia Yan unhappyly poked her lips, and it seemed that there was no distinction between them ...

But when she saw Xia Yan's body crooked, her elbows rested on Yi Qingchen's shoulder, and she teased, "I'm Master Jiang Xiao, what should you call me?"

"Uh ..." Yi Qingchen scratched his small round inch, and his posture even looked like Jiang Xiao's three-pointer, and his face was a little embarrassed. "This ..."

Jiang Xiao: "Don't bother her, let's talk about each other, you just call her smelly sister."

Xia Yan :? ? ?


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