Nine Star Burden

Chapter 919: Food

The short knife in the cloak man's hand pierced shallowly into Malda's heart, and the star map blooming on her chest, the unreal star map that looked like the soul of the sea, followed the short knife and penetrated into Malda's body.

Cloak man: "Child, your vision is too small. You only see the sun and the moon, and when you see the beach and the sea, you think that is the whole of the world. One day, you will understand me and you will be grateful to me ... ... "

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the rooftop, the action of the cape man stopped slightly, and she turned her head sharply, looking through the outer platform, through the living room of the house, and looking at the far door.

Outside the door, a male voice came out, which was a very standard American English tone: "What happened? I heard the sound of smashing things and shouting! Is someone violent at home! Please stop immediately I will call the police! "

And 10 seconds ago, at the base of Fencheng, Beijiang Province, in the ruins of the shadow of Erwei.

The two tails slashed down, but Jiang Xiao suddenly disappeared.

"Huh?" Erwei frowned slightly, looking around, but couldn't see the slightest figure.

The sparring skin does not have teleportation quasi-techniques. To be precise, the spatula of the sparring skins is empty without any astrology.

The sparring skin disappeared, then there is only one possibility, he was recalled!

Or ... is there another possibility?

Jiang Xiao is dead?

If the body dies, will the bait disappear automatically?

Only Jiang Xiao himself knows such a high-level star technique, and he has never experimented.

The face of the two tails changed slightly and flashed quickly, directly opening the gate of the ruins of evil shadows and walking out.

Her figure immediately appeared in the dark multifunctional conference hall, and heard the voices of soldiers talking.

Erwei didn't even want to walk. After finding the team members, he flashed in the past: "What's going on."

The team's faces were quite embarrassed, and Tengu directly said: "Xiao Pi won just now, but someone spoiled the game! That close-up ..."

Two tails: "Say!"

He looked dignified and said, "It should be a person who is a star, Leanna Frederich. Malda, the player on the Apennine Peninsula, has a problem!"

Suddenly the second tail changed, she finally knew why the sparring was called back!

She also immediately understood what Jiang Xiao was doing!

Everyone trembled, looking at the angry two tails, and no one dared to speak.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Erwei is in such a state that she is worried that Jiang Xiao is also normal.

But they didn't know that Erwei was so worried that it wasn't because the starred members appeared in the World Cup.

But because Jiang Xiao recalled the bait, then he must go to the members of Huaxing!


On the southern outskirts of Bailin City, the roofs of dilapidated apartments are slightly dilapidated.

The hassle of knocking kept ringing: "Open the door! Open the door! Whoever you are, I swear I will call the police! You better run away from the balcony!"

And on that outdoor balcony ...

"Oh ..." The man in the cape lifted his head slightly, his eyes paled and sighed.

The star map of the cape blooming in front of her like a sea-swallowing soul surges with illusory energy, starting from the tail, continuously passing through the fighting knife that pierces the heart of Malda and flowing into the heart of Malda .

Marda's face was ashes, her expression was extremely stiff, and even her struggling movements were no longer there, and her pupils almost shrank into needle-like shapes.


The youth outside the door came in, striding in stride, and yelled loudly: "Miscellaneous! Dare to attack with a knife during the day, I really think everyone is afraid of you!"

The young man who came in had short brown hair, and his blue pupil was shocked and angry. What did he see?

What kind of star map is that?

What is it about becoming a star?

That illusive cloak star chart is heading towards Marda's heart?

The young man strode to the balcony, and as he passed the living room, he grabbed a chair and slammed it on the balcony fiercely.

This young man was the bait summoned by Jiang Xiao after disguising himself.


The wooden chair didn't hit the man on the cape. The dark cape she wore slammed up and smashed the wooden chair directly.

The cape's eyes froze slightly, but it was found that the young brown-haired man closed his eyes directly! And he even lifted the wooden table and smashed it over!

"You're looking for death!" A simple English sentence, with a strong local tone of Apennine, is exactly the same as the accent when Marda communicated with Jiang Xiao in the original match.

The cape man pulled a dagger out of his boots and shook it behind him.


The moment the brown-haired youth pulled her dagger, she slammed aside.

If you slow down a bit, I'm afraid I've been stabbed into my chest by that dagger!

This is why the man in the cape bathed in the domain of tears in the field. Jiang Xiao in the first layer directly predicted the dodge, and then escaped this attack dangerously and dangerously!

"Huh?" The man in cape froze for a moment, and the young brown-haired man had already rushed over.

Eat a pig and eat a tiger?

The man in the cape found that the young man closed his eyes tightly, and suddenly took out a blood-red giant blade in his hand! Slammed it!

This turned out to be a star warrior! ?


The floating cloak tail stopped the blood-red giant blade sharply, but ...

The cape was startled, and the soul of the sea was pierced! ?

The half-edged giant blade ripped the terrible cloak that was strong in defense, but it was not completely pierced, but the half-blade stabbed out and hung on the cloak.

At the same time, only half of the star map was left on the mantle of the cape. It seemed that the other half had been integrated into Malda's body.

At this moment, on the ground floor of an apartment, in a messy house.

Jiang Xiao was sitting on a chair, with his elbows around his knees, and staring silently at the ground.

At this moment, he raised his hand suddenly, and the diamond was silent!


On the platform of the four-story apartment building, a burst of diamonds fell silently!

The cape man, Lena, the soul of the sea eater, and the empty-eyed Marda are all included.

In the shabby apartment on the first floor, Jiang Xiao sat upright, looked up, and looked at the ceiling.

There was already a mist in his reddish eyes, and at this time, hot tears flowed down.

The sky is full of clouds and tears pouring down from the field, but the location of the balcony on the fourth floor is the eight-meter-diameter tearful rainstorm!

In the first-floor apartment, Jiang Xiaoan sat on the chair, raised his left hand, covered his eyes, tears flowed from his fingers, his right hand was waving again and again, and diamonds smashed in silence.

On the balcony, the bait Jiang Xiao (brown-haired youth) drew a blood-red giant blade again, but saw a scene that surprised him!

Marda, lying on the ground and wet by the storm, suddenly had an illusion map of her cloak floating in front of her.

And in the cape's hood, there was still an unreal line of Malda's face, as if trapped inside the cape.

The face of the illusive lines screamed in pain and shouted sternly, his face extremely distorted.

She cried and howled, as though she was suffering, while she was mouthing Jiang Xiao.

The bait Jiang Xiao stunned for a moment, he read her mouth, that is ... "Thank you, thank you, you."

Such a scene made Jiang Xiao completely stupid.

Her expression was so stingy and so distorted, but the message she conveyed was expressing gratitude ...

The next moment, the illusive cloak and the illusive face quietly shattered, dissipating together in this layer of rain curtain.

In the field of diamonds, Marda seems to have completely lost her soul, and she no longer has any emotions and emotions. The eyes are staring at the boss, but her eyes are completely lost.

Dead eyes?

No, she's still angry.

Under the condition that the bait and the proprioceptive sensory communication, all the information in the domain tears, the bait can also be received.

The bait Jiang Xiao frowned, and quickly stepped forward to the edge of the torrential rain.

Jiang Xiao's body is also frowning, and appropriately adjusted the smashing direction of the diamond field, adjusting the output center point, so that Marda's body in the field, as close as possible to the edge of the diamond field.

But the bait Jiang Xiao was gloomy under the tears and rain.

He held a huge blade in his hand, and darted out Marda's body, moving slowly, but very firm.

The bait Jiang Xiao moved Marda's body with a huge blade, and pulled her aside with that wide blade, and she ran out of tears and splashed.

Like the pouring rain of field tears, a little bit of net tears were merged and fell on the two.

But even so, the mood of the bait Jiang Xiao has fallen to the bottom, and the tears haven't had an inspiring effect.

This is the case for Jiang Xiao, especially for Liana, the cape, and the soul that eats the sea.

On the ground floor, in a messy and shabby apartment.

Jiang Xiao was still sitting on the chair, but there was already a nostalgic halo in his calf area, which was spinning rapidly, adding Jiang Xiao with star power.

The eight-meter-diameter tearful rainstorm, the mixed tearful rainstorm in the outer ring, and the tearful rainstorm that covers the entire city are consuming the star power of Jiang Xiao.

But since the attachment of the aura began, he absorbed the star power from the body of the sea-eating soul and Leanna's body.

It is one thing to have a star pet in your body as a power bank, and self-sufficiency is another.

On the fourth-floor balcony, the cloak had been propped up, covering Leana, and it was flying hard, moving towards the house.

And Leanna crawled hard, the star power inside her body seemed to explode, and frantically ran wild in her body, disturbing her internal organs.

Based on the strength of her body alone, Laina's fingers on the balcony floor would make several deep finger marks every time she moved.

Similarly, she also wanted to walk into the nearest living room and try to avoid the rain.

However, the small platform and the short distance of five or six meters seem to be so long.

The cloak that was loyal and sheltered Leana from the wind and rain. In the field of diamonds, she didn't even have the qualification to howl. It turned into a nothingness, and the soul that was thoroughly poured by the tearful rainstorm was scattered.

Only one star bead was left and dropped to the ground.

"Fuck." The bait Jiang Xiao yelled angrily. He was indeed affected by the tears and raindrops. He walked two steps quickly, leaped violently, stepped on the stone fence with one foot, and collapsed with his foot. High Leap.

In the air, he held a huge blade and threw it out fiercely!


From top to bottom, a blood-stained giant blade, spinning at a high speed, penetrated into the diamond realm, directly penetrated Leanna's heart, and penetrated into the ground diagonally.

Alas ... The bait Jiang Xiao suddenly disappeared.

Another bait appeared in a dilapidated apartment, beside Jiang Xiao's body.

Avoiding the bait Jiang Xiao, who fell freely, into the area of ​​silence and tears, he said nothing, turned around and walked away, opened the door and walked out of the room, and quickly ran to the fourth floor.

And that dizzy head, violent star power in the body, and nearly exploding internal organs, Lena was pierced directly by the blade of the chest, nailed to the ground, her vision gradually blurred, the world in her eyes gradually darkened ... ..

"Leapfrog kill, skill point +5!"

With the information from the star map, Jiang Xiao's right hand was stiffened in the air, and she slowly put it down.

He rubbed his sobbing eyes with his hands, the uncovered lower half of his face, the slightly raised mouth, the silent smile ...

Jiang Xiao believes that there are many shortcomings, one of which is: food protection.


My appetizer,

Did you just take it casually and want it?


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