Nine Star Burden

Chapter 923: Buy a life?

At night, Jiang Xiao returned to his room, took a hot bath happily, took a towel in one hand, wiped the wet small inch, walked out of the bathroom, came to the living room, and sat on the sofa with one butt. on.

On the side, Gu Shi'an lay on the window sill in that same ten thousand-year-old posture, half-length leaned out of the window, still holding a cigarette in his mouth.

But he should have no food left, and the cigarette case on the windowsill was no longer a false snake.

Jiang Xiao thought a lot while bathing, especially Leina's star skills list.

There is no doubt that Leanna should be the peak of the Xinghai.

She has a total of 23 star skills, one of which is an empty star slot, which should be the dead sea-soul soul star pet.

Leiana's star list shows very distinctive regional characteristics. Of the first 16 star troughs, star technology in Europe, especially the Apennine peninsula, accounts for the majority. This list of stars is a bit of gold and platinum, and it looks a little dazed.

There is no doubt that Leanna has a purification star technique, and it is also a platinum purification star technique, which should be the same as the second princess Sofia of the West Malaysia Kingdom, which has a terrible effect.

But ... by Jiang Xiao's bait to open the field of vision, directly attacked by a silent diamond attack, Leana's purification star technique has never been opened from beginning to end ...

Jiang Xiao also finally knew the terribleness of the platinum · ghost ship, and the power of the platinum · four water body.

Marda's star skills are almost in the same vein as Leanna's, and because of the resources, Marda's star skills are more reasonable.

In terms of the first 16 astrological skills, Marda is a higher grade than his mother Leanna.

It can be seen that mother Lena really worked hard to cultivate Marda, or ... she wants this body, who knows?

It is worth mentioning that there is a platinum-quality star deterrent to the soul, which is indeed quite eye-catching. It has a higher quality than the first star technique of the sea soul surface and the effect seems to be stronger.

Jiang Xiao was stunned by the star effect, but just a glance at Lena Anna's flutter was a throbbing heartbeat.

Unfortunately, Jiang Xiao, who had suffered a loss, sprinted towards Leanna with her eyes closed when sprinting with bait.

Such star skills also sounded a wake-up call for Jiang Xiao. In the future battles, he really needs to be very cautious and often use bells next to him. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Jiang Xiao also found another star technique, the star technique from Hailing Sanctuary of the Sea Stealer!

That was a 10 * 10 * 10 refuge space. Of course, Jiang Xiao had reason to think that there were a lot of treasures hidden inside. Unfortunately, that space also disappeared with the death of Leanna.

Even if Leanna isn't dead and wants to take a baby out of this kind of person's space, that's totally impossible.

Faced with such a person, Jiang Xiao must always control her with silence, which is beyond doubt.

Back to the moment when the battle started, if the bait was not successfully attracted and the diamond silence was not successful, Jiang Xiao would flicker without hesitation, which is no doubt.

After seeing the star skills of this sea refuge, Jiang Xiao's heart not only had a pity, but also a little sigh.

Two tails are right: conceit will make a person lose his life.

To what extent is Lena conceited? Marda was taken away in front of people all over the world.

Maybe she was used to domineering behavior on weekdays, or because of her special star chart function, so she had to make such a risky move.

But then, Leanna chose to educate and criticize Marda in the apartment building in the southern suburbs, and let go of her anger, which was her complete conceit.

You have a sea shelter, isn't it good to go and educate your daughter?

Wouldn't it be good to take in her body and criticize and scold Marda for her "ignorance"?

Leanna did have the life of the strong, and she also fell ill.

She allowed herself to vent her emotions, unwilling to wait for a minute and a second, and rebuked Malda for her resistance and resistance.

After experiencing a real moment of life and death, Leanna had to take Marda's body forcibly, and it seemed that she could no longer bear it.

Perhaps, from the perspective of Leanna, she is really painful and sad, and then she will be out of control and have such an extraordinary performance.

Who knows the abnormal psychology?

Jiang Xiao sighed and shook his head quite helplessly.

At the window, Gu Shi'an extinguished the smoke, and turning his head, he said, "What? Still thinking about the morning thing?"

"Well." Jiang Xiao sat cross-legged on the sofa, and said with a large white towel, "What did you do after this game?"

"Ah?" After hearing the words, Gu Shi'an nodded, leaning against the window sill, hands around his chest, this limb movement was a relatively obvious resistive gesture.

Obviously, he seems unwilling to think about it.

However, after Jiang Xiao's questioning, he groaned for a moment and said, "I don't know. Go back to school and continue to be a wasteland army instructor. After graduating from senior year, I will go and stay, and I will talk about it later."

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "It looks very reluctant to see you, how many people want to join the wasteland army in their lifetime, but they are not qualified and have no chance."

"Hmm ..." Gu Shi'an nodded, but stopped talking.

Jiang Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "What do you want to say?"

Gu Shi'an looked at Jiang Xiao, and spread his hands helplessly, saying: "I have a major in the vigil and a deputy commander of the Light Regiment. What can I do? Accept the reality. "

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "Mixed with me?"

Gu Shi'an tilted his head, looked at Jiang Xiao, and grinned, "Isn't I always mixing with you? In order to join this team, I took great pains."

Jiang Xiaodao: "That is also your qualifications and strength, otherwise, you will not be able to replace Song Chunxi's position."

Gu Shi'an snorted and said, "That's when Chief Song graduated, officially enlisted, and rose high."

Jiang Xiaozi thought that his topic was passed by Gu Shi'an, and he no longer reluctantly.

What kind of thought, Jiang Xiao was wrong.

Just listening to Gu Shi'an said, "How else can I mingle with you? Vigil? Light?"

Jiang Xiaolian even shook his head: "Just kidding, Han Jiangxue can only be a volunteer of the vigil. I can dig people to the maximum. There is no way to turn a formal wasteland army into a vigil."

Gu Shi'an nodded and said, "So ... the vigil · volunteer army?"

Jiang Xiao folded the wide towel and put it on the coffee table, and said, "I'm not asking, don't get me wrong."

Gu Shi'an shook his head silently, silent for a long while, and said, "Forget it, you can't keep up with your rhythm. If you perform the task, it will support your hind legs."

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "This is not true. I make friends and never look at the strength of the other party, anyway, I am not as strong as me."

Gu Shi'an :? ? ?

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "I pick my teammates and follow the same principles."

Gu Shi'an couldn't help smashing his pout and said, "This is what makes you say, aren't you sorry?"

Jiang Xiao lowered her legs and slipped on the slippers: "You know what you mean."

Gu Shi'an nodded, as if trying to say something, but finally held back and didn't speak.

Jiang Xiao stood up and said, "I'll ask you about your future plans. At present, it seems that you haven't figured it out. It's okay, anyway, there is still a year to graduate, and some time to think."

Said, Jiang Xiao went to the bedroom.

Behind him, Gu Shian's words came: "I am now in the golden stage of growth, the most important period of Star Warrior's career, a year, but I can't afford to delay.

"Oh?" Jiang Xiao stopped and turned to look.

It was Gu Guan who saw another cigarette of unknown brand drawn out of the cigarette case, put it in his mouth, and picked up the metal lighter.

Rub it ~

The pulley passed, the ignition spark was lit, and the flames sprang up.

"Huh ..." Gu Shi'an leaned against the window sill, tilted his head and spit out a smoke, and said, "This world, I am afraid, will not give people a year."

Jiang Xiao understood Gu Shian's meaning, and he accepted Jiang Xiao's invitation.

Jiang Xiao was crooked and looked at Gu Shi'an according to the door frame. He said, "You told me about my childhood and the transfer of school. What are you trying to become a star warrior?" What? "

"Don't talk about the original goal. My age is higher than the sky." Gu Shi'an was holding a cigarette, and under the smoke, his left eyes narrowed slightly. "Now, I think this World Cup is over. After that, I bought a house in Didu and brought my dad and my mother to Didu. "

The so-called "my mother" in Gu Shi'an's mouth should refer to the spirit brand.

Gu Shi'an continued: "Before the world is completely chaotic, place a place for them, the capital of the emperor, and the center should be safer. In addition, I was sent by the emperor wasteland army."

Jiang Xiao nodded. If Gu Shi'an wanted his father to spend the rest of his life safely and his mother's tranquility, Jiang Xiao had a world of misfortunes that could satisfy all the requirements of Gu Shi'an.

After experiencing such father-son conflicts and family conflicts, Gu Shi'an still planned this way, which is really a personal thing.

Gu Shi'an's father hurdles his way to grow up and pursue his dreams, and he is still the one who does his best, even now he has cut off the connection.

I changed to another son, I don't know how he would react.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Where's your uncle?"

"Oh." Gu Shi'an grinned. "He is a guardian, and his duties and responsibilities, including his character, cannot make him leave the local guards."

I told you that my grandfather died in front of them, affected their lives, and created two extreme people. "

Jiang Xiao nodded silently, and said, "Do you think your father would agree to move?"

"Who knows?" Gu Shi'an shook his head. "Go back and look at it."

Gu Shi'an looked helpless and said, "He doesn't know if I don't know, but I have to take my mom away anyway, he has no ability to protect that home and can't keep her peace."

Jiang Xiao didn't dare to make any mistakes or make any suggestions. After all, it was Gu Shi'an's family affairs.

He groaned for a moment and said, "After the World Cup, I'll accompany you back."

Gu Shi'an: "No."

Jiang Xiao smiled: "I haven't been to Guixi Province yet. I have never seen so many strange dimensional spaces. If you are busy with you, I will not disturb you."

Gu Shi'an turned around, lay on the window sill, and leaned his head out of the window: "OK."

Jiang Xiao hesitated for a long time against the door frame and suddenly said, "If you want to find a quiet place, I can provide one."

Gu Shi'an turned his head and smiled dismissively: "Just kidding? Where is the world today, where is peace? I can't take her to that deserted and uninhabited area, even in the desert, or in the old forests of deep mountains, There will also be different dimensions open. "

Jiang Xiao, with a serious face, said, "I'm serious."

"Huh?" Gu Shi'an looked at Jiang Xiao, extinguished the smoke, and slowly straightened up.

Jiang Xiaodao: "There can be mountains, there can be water, there can be forests, and there can be lakes. Quiet and quiet, except for you, nobody will bother."

The two stared at each other for a long time, and the house fell into silence.

I don't know how long, Gu Shi'an looked directly at Jiang Xiao's eyes, and said, "You want to transform Xia Yan's evil shadow market into a cemetery? Is it too extravagant? In addition, the one hundred-square-meter area Can't afford a mountain. "

Jiang Xiao's eyes also looked directly at Gu Shi'an, and said, "That's not something you should consider."

Gu Shi'an suddenly smiled, his smile was so free and easy: "Jiang Xiaopi, you are trying to buy my life."

Jiang Xiao held out his hand, and pointed his fingers back and forth between the two of them: "We are comrades-in-arms."

Gu Shi'an's smile slowed, he looked at Jiang Xiao silently, and for a long time he nodded softly.

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