Nine Star Burden

Chapter 925: Intense communication

"Oh? The Huaxia Army is on the field! It is time to enter the pre-match communication session, so look forward to it!" Jing Xinyue said with a smile and stared, staring at the two players on the court who quickly appeared on the green court.

The members of the Finch Republic wear blue and white national team uniforms, while Huaxia is the red and white national team uniforms. The colors are particularly distinguishable. As for race ... it's better to distinguish.

These four black-eyed, black-eyed Chinese team members have become synonymous with the "big devil".

The Western media, which controls the mouthpiece of the world, are mourning and clamoring, looking for where the warriors who can challenge the big devil are.

Outsiders certainly don't think it's a big deal to watch the liveliness, and the players of the Finch Republic ’s "visiting the pier" before the game have shown that the warriors on the opposite side do not want to challenge the big devil, they just want to meet and go home safely ...

The foursome is not a brutal person. It is here to win, not to kill. Of course, they are also willing to show mercy.

Before the game, the two sides were friendly.

What made Jiang Xiao feel depressed was that he stood behind Han Jiangxue, and was greeted madly by a girl from the Finch Republic, and kept showing good.


Could it be because of image? Or is it because of personality? Or is it because of age?

Jiang Xiao is always regarded as a younger brother.

Most young ladies and sisters, when they saw Jiang Xiao, had thoughts like "wow, idol", "cute Pippi", not "husband", "I want to be your girlfriend" Idea.

The piles of sister powder and mother powder are annoying Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiaozi thinks that when he should be fierce, he is also very fierce. When he is a, the charm value is full, but the reality is ...


Which link is the problem?

Do I have to flash the world and teach the people all over the world with tears?

When letting these people see their figure again, there was only one thought in their hearts: this man is the big devil! !! !!

But having said that, Jiang Xiao is indeed an international superstar.

He was the defending champion of the last World Cup. Looking at this trend, I am afraid that this World Cup will be successfully defended.

Forty million Huaxia fans, that's just Huaxia. Since the social software has been globally connected, the number of fans on the external network has been calculated separately. Although it is less than the number of Huaxia fans, it hasn't gone far.

Greenery field.

Jiang Xiao responded to each other awkwardly, but his mind was thinking, "Hurry up and rest!" Your captain finally managed to persuade our men to show mercy, and you are so enthusiastic and enthusiastic, and in the beginning you will have good fruit to eat.

Jiang Xiao glanced at Han Jiangxue secretly. Although he could only see the back view, judging from the faint fluctuations of her star power, it is estimated that the falling fire that day would be unavoidable ...

"It's started! The referee blew the start of the game!" Yu Phoebe announced loudly, and the highly infectious voice was moving people's emotions again and again, "Gu Dadun stood in front of Snow God!"

"Xiao Pi opened a tear rain star technique! Judging by the effect, it should not be tears but net tears! He opened a nostalgia for the halo again. Did he start silence? Who was the silence? Why didn't I find it?

"Snow God fired the shield of fireworks, fired the star-killing technique, fired ... Wow! Scourge came!"

Yu Phoebe's eyes moved away from the screen, and she worked hard to look up at the sky above the Allianz Arena.

In the rain-snow, dark clouds, the burning meteorite tore through the thick clouds and fell from the sky.

boom! boom! boom!

A large number of meteorites fell, smashing the stadium madly, and there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Due to the large attack range of the Skyfall Meteorology, it is not limited to the green field, so a large number of meteorite hit the transparent defense cover above the auditorium!

The burning boulder burst into pieces, splattered, and the smashed defensive hood slammed. Most of the cheering spectators cheered, and even some of them turned away and fled because they were too scared.

After all, the Star Warrior is a minority, and the vast majority in this world are ordinary people.

And they are ordinary people who have n’t gone through system training or battlefields.

Even if it is a star warrior, few people have encountered this level of falling fire.

The organizer's voice filled the Allianz Arena immediately through the microphone: "Calm! Everyone, please calm down! You are absolutely safe! Please rest assured, you are safe!"

The riots in the auditorium calmed down for a while after the staff appeased.

But the enthusiasm for waving the flag has really gone, and the rest are only horrified viewers. They were pale and sweaty, and they couldn't help looking up and not far from above, laying the gravel and the sea of ​​fire on the transparent hood ...

A mother holding the crying child in her arms, constantly rubbing his spine, wandering gently, looking worriedly from time to time.

She murmured softly: "This is the Star Warrior who can protect us and easily destroy us ..."

Such a scene shocked the hearts of too many people.

The expression of Xingji is different. Jiang Xiao's tears, even at normal intensity, will not be worse than the falling fire of the sky falling, but the expression of rain and the falling of the meteorite are essentially different.

To ordinary people, Han Jiangxue at this time is a natural disaster maker, more like a person who can destroy the world.

On the greenery field, there was a thick snowstorm, and people's vision gradually became obstructed. Fortunately, the snowstorm appeared in the defensive hood, and the entire field was not flooded for the time being. Otherwise, the scene would be more panic.

Yu Phoebe listened to the deafening boom above his head. At last, he felt like he was broadcasting in the real battlefield!

Yu Feibi's voice was a little trembling, but it was more able to stir up people's inner emotions: "Han Jiangxue from Xiawu, the capital of Huaxia, and the sky-falling fire from Huaxia's imperial city ..."

In the huge sound of rumbling, Yu Feibi's trembling voice was transmitted to hundreds of thousands of households in China: "Han Jiangxue ... for everyone, the true star warriors are shown, powerful, this is a group that can destroy the world People ... "

As the field was flooded with snow, the camera simply adjusted the angle and moved the lens towards the upper hood.

The transparent hood was covered with gravel at this time, and more boulder was smashing and exploding at any moment. The raindrops in the sky and the snow and snow drifting from the field could not be extinguished. A layer of burning fire.

Various forms of natural disasters make this stadium a real area. Even people who are not on site seem to be able to feel the power of this natural disaster and can predict what kind of results this picture can cause.

"But, but ..." Yu Phoebe's voice continued, "but don't forget, Han Jiangxue is a student of the Imperial Capital Xingwu, a member of the national team, and even a wastelander! She is our guardian, It's a soldier of faith, not a destroyer, not a destroyer ... "

Jing Xinyue also looked back and finally spoke.

Her gentle voice was very penetrating. Through the crackling sound of banging and flame burning, it was passed to millions of households, soothing people's hearts: "Since the start of the World Cup, Snow God has been suppressing Own talent.

It may be the reason for fear of being too shocking. This is a girl who knows how to care for others' feelings.

In this game, she chose this kind of output, it should be to restrain the enemy's blizzard, after all, Xiangnan Military Academy suffered a big loss in the blizzard. "

Yu Phoebe continued: "In the World Cup, we have also seen star skills like Skyfall.

I don't know if it's because I visited the scene this time. I always feel that the snow god's sky falling fire seems to have a larger range, the falling frequency and density of the meteorite are higher, the flame is more powerful, and the power is stronger? "

Jing Xinyue suddenly said, "Did I hear the whistle of the game?"

Because the falling fire was too dense, the sound of the meteorite hitting the hood was booming and deafening, and the audience was covered by snow and snow, and a layer of flames of fire was spreading over the head ...

Therefore, at this time, whether it is auditory or psychological, it is easy to ignore other factors.

Gradually, people felt that the sound of violent shaking and smashing overhead gradually reduced, and the snowstorm that blocked people's sight on the field quickly dissipated.

People finally cleared the situation on the court, but it was a sound of breathlessness.

The green field once leveled was potholes at this time, filled with flames and boulders everywhere, and some areas were even built by the meteorites that burned to the height of two floors. This is really a disaster scene.


With a loud noise, Jianmeng flickered among the meteorites in the enemy's half, and Xia Yan's figure was revealed.

Under her feet, a gray-faced Finch player climbed out and turned to sit on the ground, panting heavily, panic-stricken.

In fact, Han Jiangxue's sky-falling fire can exert such effects, which is inseparable from Xia Yan's harassment.

The camera quickly searched for others, but it was seen that on a high meteorite pile, Han Jiangxue stood at the highest level, standing quietly.

In front of her was Gu Shi'an, who had been frozen into ice ...

This picture shows Gu Shi'an's dedication!

From beginning to end, he followed the rhythm of Han Jiangxue, never left her half a step, and always stood in front of her, covering the team's tactical engine from wind and rain, blocking snow and blocking ice.

The staff quickly came on the field, and through perceptual star skills, they accurately and quickly searched for the target, and rescued all the players from the Finch Republic who were smashed into the meteorite pile.

"Where is Pishen? Where is Pishen?" Uffibe asked in surprise.

Like other audience members, Jing Xinyue raised his heart.

At this time, Jiang Xiao ... was hiding in the meteorite pile at the foot of Han Jiangxue, and looked helplessly at the side of Captain Fim-Kimi, who was unconscious.

Captain Finch, Kimi, was cluttered in clothes, gray-faced and shameless, lying softly on the gravel, and Jiang Xiaole was fainted.

Jiang Xiao always felt that he had intentionally transmitted it.

Although Jiang Xiao is nominally a medical assistant, in the World Cup, even if someone dared to rush to Xia Yan, no one dared to rush to Jiang Xiao?

Jiang Xiao is a real individual champion!

Captain Fenhe has a legal system and just transmits it to Jiang Xiao. What does this mean? Is this hunting?

Everything happened naturally!

Captain Kimi of Finch came over, Jiang Xiao pressed him to the ground three or two times, and the ground skills that he hadn't seen for a long time were used again.

The two had a fierce collision and communication in the dark, hot "stone chamber", and Kimi passed out.

Jiang Xiao didn't make up the knife. This was standing in place, hands on hips, looking down at Kimi, he always felt that he was being tricked ...

Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an left the location and let the meteorite pile underneath, but with the joint efforts of the staff and Jiang Xiao, the meteorite pile finally opened a "life channel".

Jiang Xiao first sent Kimi out of coma, and then flashed out.

This is a special game. Compared with the rescue situation on the field, the audience pays more attention to the staff above the heads who clean up the meteorite and extinguish the flames.

People were very worried that the staff who supported the hood could not support it, the hood suddenly disappeared, and the auditorium fell into a sea of ​​fire.

Yu Phoebe is also very concerned about the cleanup situation above, but he is dedicated to broadcast: "The Huaxia team has won. I don't know who captained Fenhe in the meteorite pile at the foot of Han Jiangxue. Xiaopi must rely on super martial art , Stunned Captain Finch! "

In the picture, Captain Fenhe, who was being cured by the medical star technique, woke up quietly, looked around in confusion, Jiang Xiao nodding his head secretly.


Really high!

give away!

Happy to send!

The other party said: I am not playing a fake match with you. Under such disadvantages, seeing that the team is being suppressed and will soon lose, this is my final choice!

I just want to rush into the hinterland and cut the back row!

I just want to end the enemy's old nest.

Why was he killed by the enemy ’s assistance? What can you say to me? Killed by assistant? That's the World Cup champion! Heads-up King in the individual match!

As the captain of Finch, I was so courageous and so decisive, it was just a bit of luck. Who can pick out the fault?

Anyway, Jiang Xiao can't fault it ...

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