Nine Star Burden

Chapter 938: maintain lifehood

Jiang Xiao is very rich. He is really very rich. In his "Flower Sea Ranch", he raised at least 2,000 cattle, and this number is still increasing with the "hard handling" of everyone.

Yes, Jiang Xiao named his pasture "Huahai Ranch" because it is indeed a sea of ​​flowers.

Under this snow-capped mountain, a sea of ​​flowers in bloom is really extraordinarily beautiful.

The former desert land has disappeared, and it has been transformed into muddy land. Wherever the Huapanniu went, the flowers bloomed where it was perfect.

Jiang Xiao is still in a state of "stealing cows" at this time. After the quantity is almost enough, he will prepare the gardener's skin to surround the pasture with a tall tree bark forest. A clear plan.

Jiang Xiao doesn't want to be too small. After all, he has a world, and the most important thing is land, so he is going to enclose the border of the stump forest on the pasture.

In this way, if the pasture area of ​​1 thousand acres is used for calculation, the gardener's skin will be around for a long time ...

It's okay, anyway, the gardener's skin is to grasp life and build construction.

It was another time to send cows to the field, Jiang Xiao and others returned to the world of evil shadows again. He looked at the evil shadow spaces on both sides, and Qingpan cattle and Huapan cattle were continuously being transported out, nodding secretly in his heart.

This trip to Guixi Province is so worth it!

Before thinking, Jiang Xiao picked up the star beads in his hand and looked at the information in the star map.

I often walk by the river.

In several times of cattle stealing, Hua Pan Niu and Qing Pan Niu also had fierce resistance, and then they were all cut off by Xia Yan.

"Qingpan Niu Xingzhu (Jinpin Xingzhu)

1. Qingpan: Fusion the body with the surrounding rocks, sand and other backgrounds. (Brass quality)

2. Qingli: With its own position as the center, it extends to the surrounding area, turning the ground into rocks and sand. (Silver quality)

3. Broken stream: Manipulate sand, rock, and converge into a stream to make a powerful impact on the target. (Gold quality, upgradeable)

Huapanniu Star Beads (Gold Pin Star Beads)

1. Tian Yin: Blend the body with the surrounding flower background. (Brass quality.)

2. Flower plough: With its own position as the center, it extends to the surroundings, turning the terrain into muddy land, and growing beautiful colored flowers. (Silver quality)

3. Flower flow: Manipulate the soil and flowers to converge into a stream and make a powerful impact on the target. (Gold Quality) "

The more Jiang Xiao looked at this astrology, the more he felt the magic of the Creator.

Strictly speaking, the survival terrain of Qingpan cattle is different from that of Huapan cattle. Qingpan cattle do not make flowers on their own. It can graze better, but it has delicious star power flowers. Who eats grass?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Qingpan cattle will be mixed into Huapan cattle's territory, coexist in harmony with Huapan cattle, and will not forcibly change the terrain.

Unless it is in crisis, it will turn the sea of ​​flowers into rocky, sandy desert terrain when it is hiding.

"Almost there? Xuexue is tired." Xia Yan turned to look at Jiang Xiao like an overseer and couldn't help but say.

"Ah?" Jiang Xiao looked back and looked around. Every time when he opened a position to release cattle, they were in different places. At this time, the sea of ​​flowers in a small area had become a large area.

"Um." Jiang Xiao said embarrassedly, "have come here once, steal more, go, let's go and give her a hot cup of milk."

Xia Yan blinked, and she had some novelty about Jiang Xiao's proposal.

During the talk, in the extra-dimensional space of the gardener's skin, the thick trunk was rolled out with a cow, and the branches on the trunk also sent out a stack of stone bowls and a stone pot.

"Pick some branches for firewood!" Jiang Xiao said as he put the stone bowl in the pot, holding the side of the stone pot with his palm, and clamped it around his waist.

"Go!" Looking at Xia Yan picking up some tree shrew branches, Jiang Xiao held Xia Yan's palm in one hand and dragged her to a distance.

Xia Yan broke free subconsciously, but quickly reacted and stopped refusing.

The two searched for the herd of manatees, Jiang Xiao licked his lips, and pointed to a Qingpan calf who was feeding.

This bovine creature is also peculiar in structure. The calf's horns are particularly soft and will not sting the mother, but as it grows and the horns become hard, the mother no longer feeds it. Even if it grows up, it will start to eat flowers It's ...

Xia Yan grinned and said, "Are you still an individual, grabbing milk with someone else?"

Jiang Xiao said unwillingly at the time: "The cow has 4 heads!"

Said, Jiang Xiao, holding the pot, slowly walked over, bent down, picked a small white flower by the way, and slowly brought it to the mouth of Qingpan Niu.

Qingpan Niu looked down at Jiang Xiao, his tongue rolled up with flowers, his mouth full of blossoms, and he also made a friendly voice: "哞 ~"

Jiang Xiao smiled and caressed his face, then walked to his side, and squeezed the small calf: "Give me some space."

Calf: "..."

Xia Yan squatted aside, crooked her head curiously, watching Jiang Xiao figure out how to operate there, and after a while, Jiang Xiao, who had no mastery of the teacher, began to squeeze milk into the stone pot.

"Is it a fire, what are you doing?" Jiang Xiao turned his head and looked at the curious baby Xia Yan.

"Oh." Xia Yan took out a deadly dagger, such as cutting tofu with a knife, and easily chopped the thick tree stump, surrounding the wood in a circle, burning a flame in one hand, and pressing it against the wood.

Over there, Jiang Xiao folded her hands and squeezed a small pot of milk.

In fact, Jiang Xiao occupied three heads with two hands and a calf with one mouth, and one head was left idle ...

There, the gardener's skin was already busy, closed the door to the space, and waited for a while before Han Jiangxue stepped out of the door. He hurriedly waved: "Go, drink milk."

Han Jiangxue :? ? ?

When Han Jiangxue and the gardener's skin came here, the small stone pot had been set on a burning firewood. Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan sat beside the pot and looked down at the hot foaming milk in the pot.

A few minutes later, Jiang Xiao took the stone bowl, sipped a few bowls of hot milk, and handed it to everyone.

"哞 ~" Behind him, the little calf followed the scent of fragrance, walked over, and pressed Jiang Xiao's arm with that soft horn.

Jiang Xiao was happy, turning his head: "You also like to drink hot water? Wait a moment, I will drink another bowl, the rest of the pot is yours."

Speaking, Jiang Xiao turned his head and just saw Han Jiangxue sipping milk, leaving a circle of milky milk stains on his lips.

She stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, and her ever-chilling face showed a contented expression.

"It doesn't taste like the milk on the earth." Xia Yan was about to be bold, and she drank all the milk in the bowl.

I saw that she wiped her mouth with one hand, and simmered another bowl in the pot, but turned to look at Jiang Xiao, and said, "It's too pure, I can't stand it. Can you give me some water?"

"Ah, it's okay." Jiang Xiao's eyes were red, but there were no dark clouds in the sky.

I saw that he stretched out his hand, and around the palm of the palm, a few drops of water suddenly appeared, and merged into Xia Yan's bowl.

Under the delicate operation of Jiang Xiaoyu's tears, the milk in the stone bowl was automatically rotated and stirred.

After waiting for a while, Xia Yan couldn't help it. She was about to drink, but she thought of something. She turned to look at Jiang Xiao, with a look of vigilance: "It's pure tears, not tears?"

Jiang Xiao gave Xia Yan a nasty look, took the stone pot down, and placed it in front of the little calf, ignored Xia Yan.

"Sucking ... ha ..." Xia Yan smashed her mouth, "I want to drink ice."

Said, Xia Yan handed the bowl to Han Jiangxue and said, "I want ice."

Han Jiangxue's expression turned out to be exactly the same as Jiang Xiao's. He gave Xia Yan a look of anger, but also stretched out his hand and put it on Xia Yan's stone bowl.

As the broken ice swirled in the palm of the hand, a bit of ice cream was incorporated into the milk, and a bowl of hot milk became iced milk.

"Coo, coo, coo." Xia Yan slumped again, wiping her mouth with one hand, "Ah ~ drink well, I'm dead."

Speaking, Xia Yan fell backwards, lying on her back in a sea of ​​flowers ...

Jiang Xiao looked at his watch and said, "That's it. We've been here for almost a day. More than 4,000 cows are enough. Let's go back."

Of course, there is no night here, and there will always be blue sky and white clouds, so it is easy to make people forget the passing of time.

"Well, let's go." Han Jiangxue nodded.

Jiang Xiao stood up and kicked Xia Yan, who was lying on the flower field and rubbing her belly, and said, "Get up and go home."

"This is life." Xia Yan was intoxicated and whispered softly. "The next time you add some sugar, it will be more perfect."

Jiang Xiao: "..."


Stealing King is back!

It was still the few people Gu Xiaoshu picked up, which made Jiang Xiao feel a little embarrassed, but they played in it for a day.

"I'm in a good mood, haha, the purple field is really beautiful, and it's very suitable for star warriors like you." Gu Longtao said with a smile.

Stealing bull king Jiang Xiao, hearing this, could not help nodding his head again and a flower smiled on his face.

Gaocheng Godfather Thi Guevara has said a lot of classic quotes that can be passed on to the world!

Jiang Xiao agrees with this!

Experience is impossible! It's impossible to experience in this life!

Doing business but not doing it is to steal some cows in order to maintain a life like this ...

Jiang Xiao was meditating in his godfather's quotation, and returned to the locker room. After bathing and changing, he put on a cap and mask, and led out of the military camp under the leadership of Gu Xiaoshu.

Gu Longtao is still on holiday today, but he has been waiting here all day. A few people in Jiang Xiao feel a little unhappy. What's more embarrassing for them is that Gu Xiaoshu still arranged today's dinner.

Jiang Xiao continued to thank him, and while Gu Xiaoshu was talking at the dinner table, he was expecting a few people to take care of Gu Shi'an.

This ... is really my uncle ...

After returning to the hotel, Jiang Xiaomei took a bath, brushed her mobile phone in bed, and communicated with the senses of the gardener's skin to create the Huahai Ranch.

Near eleven o'clock, Jiang Xiao heard a rapid knock on the door.

Jiang Xiao quickly got up, stepped on the slippers, walked quickly to the door, opened the door, but saw Gu Shian holding a dark-colored box in his hand, standing in front of Jiang Xiao's door.

Jiang Xiao immediately realized what, opened his mouth, and for a long while, looked at the box that Gu Shian was holding, and said, "You ..."

Gu Shi'an grinned, but his smile was reluctant: "A few slaps, worth it."

Jiang Xiaomo was silent, and it was difficult to say anything about his family affairs. He just let himself go and let Gu Shi'an come in.

Gu Shi'an sat down on the sofa in the living room and said, "Rest assured, this is with his consent."

Jiang Xiao: "Um ..."

He really didn't know what to say.

After thinking and thinking, Jiang Xiao sat beside Gu Shi'an, and said, "Green mountains, woods, lakes, flowers, what do you want ..."

Gu Shi'an tightened the box in his arms and said, "I want it."

As soon as Jiang Xiao's words stopped, he was silent for a while, and patted Gu Shi'an on the shoulder with one hand, and said, "Go."

With that said, Jiang Xiao stepped to the center of the living room, leaned out with his right hand, and opened a space door.

Gu Shianhuai held the box, stood up, followed Jiang Xiao, and walked into the unknown space.


Qing Yunian's creative activities, everyone is welcome to write, and the maximum reward is tens of millions of splash screen recommendations + 10,000 yuan Jingdong card

In addition, I recommend a good book "Lin Yuan Xing", the work of the Platinum Great God House Pig, quality assurance, those who are interested can check it out.

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