Nine Star Burden

Chapter 943: Satisfy

Jiang Xiao did not go directly to the Central Plains Province. As early as the 2017 World Cup, Jiang Xiao had teamed up with Hou Mingming and Zhao Wenlong under the leadership of Fang Xingyun and went to the Central Plains · Xucheng Preparatory National Team for the preliminary match The top of the ancient tower is familiar with the biological characteristics there.

In other words, Jiang Xiao's map of Xudu.

And Yi Qingchen's home is located in Luoyi City, Central Plains. If you take the high-speed rail in Xudu City, it will take more than an hour.

In order to allow sufficient time for Gu Shi'an, Jiang Xiao and Yi Qingchen agreed to perform the worship ceremony on August 15, and Jiang Xiao and others stayed in Guixi Province for 2 days. On August 10, there are still a few days before the day of worship.

Jiang Xiao wants to make the most of his time, so he is going to go to Jinmen · Shado Cave.

At this time, in Jiang Xiao's internal star chart, only three star beads are of diamond quality. They are lava ghost witch star beads (bells and seals), savage witch star beads (love, dawn), and fallen shadow witch star beads ( Resentment, light against the current, sound of silence).

In a short period of five days, the silver lava ghost witch star beads and the silver savage witch star beads may not be able to upgrade the stars, but the fallen gold witch star beads of gold can still work hard.

As long as Jiang Xiao fills it, the gold star's fallen shadow witch star beads will become platinum quality.

10 platinum fallen shadow witch star beads can add a small diamond rank. In this way, 100 star beads can make Jiang Xiao upgrade to star quality.

Jiang Xiao is still looking forward to how the silent quality of the stars will change.

Therefore, Jiang Xiao flickered to the suburbs of Jinmen City. When the soldiers picked them up, they passed by a forest.

He did not dare to flash directly into the shadow cave military base, and even did not dare to flash directly near the base, it is estimated that there will be a big mess.

Jiang Xiao hit a taxi with his mobile phone, and frantically increased the price. Finally, an online car hire was willing to come to the barren mountains and mountains to pick him up, but it took half an hour.

Boring Jiang Xiao, while talking to several people with gardener skin, he moved the training equipment on the second floor of the villa to the training space of gardener skin for training Gu Shi'an.

Jiang Xiao plans to ask Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan for help, so Gu Shi'an can only train himself.

One Xinghai War God, one Xinghai Fa God, these two knives must be used well?

But for Gu Shi'an, this is a good thing, because Xia Yan is too reckless and too hard ... Gu Shi'an has no idea how many times he was chopped on the air wall. It's ...

Both Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan had been alone, training madly in the training space of Wouying, and Gu Shi'an followed their steps and started a journey of struggle.

Jiang Xiao finally waited for the car and went all the way to the shadow cave military base where Instructor Jiang Hong had taken everyone to.

Before the taxi arrived at the gate of the base, the first checkpoint at halfway was stopped.

In desperation, Jiang Xiao could only get out of the car, and then took out his officer ID.

The soldiers guarding the post took the documents, opened them, and were taken aback.

Jiang Xiao saw that there were no others around, all were his own soldiers, so he took off his mask and hat and nodded at the soldiers.

"Sir, any instructions." The soldier stood saluting immediately.

Jiang Xiao quickly responded: "No instructions. Give me a car. I'll go to the shadow cave."

Jiang Xiao also got into the car smoothly. What is more interesting is that the little soldier who drove turned out to be his fanboy, and he went crazy with Jiang Xiao to discuss things in the World Cup ...

With his credentials, Jiang Xiao entered the shadow cave smoothly. Whether it was his officer's badge or his face, the soldiers stationed in the shadow cave gave full face.

After all, Jiang Xiao had just won the double title just a week ago.

Jiang Xiao is relatively familiar with this shadow cave that is open on the basement's third floor. When he returns to this wilderness again, Jiang Xiao feels as if he has passed away.

Last time when the four capitals of the Imperial Capital Xingwu came in, they were temporarily given a task to help search for several teams of missing soldiers.

Jiang Xiao did bring back a few soldiers, but more were brought back, but it was the soldier's body.

The disgusting fallen shadow demon has a star technique that deprives the soul and controls the corpse, so that the danger level of the shadow cave soars.

Including this time, when the soldiers saw Jiang Xiao going alone, they also persuaded and persuaded. However, Jiang Xiao had a special status in the vigil. Until the end, Jiang Xiao entered the shadow cave and flickered away. The soldiers also failed. Persuade success.

In front of a cave far from the entrance of the space gate, Jiang Xiao opened his own space gate and called out his two great god-level thugs: Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan.

Xia Yan walked out of the door of the world of evil shadow world, and looked around from left to right, a look of disgust appeared on her face, and said, "Here it is again."

Obviously, after the last trip to the shadow cave, she didn't have any preference for this place.

A dark cloak floated out of Han Jiangxue's side, and slowly covered her.

She whispered, "Five days, move quickly."

Hearing that, Xia Yan also summoned her own sea-eating soul, and put it on her body.

Jiang Xiao not only summoned his sea-eating soul, but also called the bears. This team has no "meat shield", of course, the bear is the best meat shield.

Jiang Xiao tried to raise his hand and held the black and white candlelight on the bear's head, and said softly, "Small candlelight, use cold."

The coldness was used, and the bear slammed "awake" suddenly, and the sleepy eyes suddenly became clear.

Jiang Xiao patted the bear's back and said, "In the case of transformation, try not to use iron mythology, if you want to use it, remember to list a few of us as friends."

嘤 嘤 Bear: "嘤 ~"

"Hehe." Jiang Xiao raised his hand and rubbed his bear's big furry face vigorously. It has grown a lot higher. If you walk upright, it should be two meters away.

"Hmm ..." Huff bear cradled Jiang Xiao with his head in dissatisfaction, but whether it was his furry head or the black and white candlelight clasped on his head, they were all very soft, and Q bombs, So Jiang Xiao doesn't hurt at all.

"Let's go!" Jiang Xiao patted the bear, turned his head, saw the second daughter who was also wearing a cape, and said with a smile, "Let's see, the more we look at evil organizations, the dark cape is so stylish . "

Xia Yan raised her hand, Bai Nen's palm protruded from the wide sleeve, pulled the hood upward, exposing the pair of sharp beautiful eyes, and said: "Then you have one for Gu Shi'an, We set up a large cape organization! "

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Really is a famous ghost!

Big colored diamonds! Great cape!

If you come by your mind, my poisonous milk king will be reduced by half!

"It's really okay." Xia Yan seemed very interested in Jiang Xiao's statement, and said, "There are 12 people in Huaxing, and we also recruit 12 people?"

Han Jiangxue said quietly, "We are soldiers, not civil organizations."

Jiang Xiao's body floated slowly, and he followed the cricket, and said, "In addition, at this time, there are only 10 people left on the star."

Behind them, their bodies also floated slowly, followed by entering the burrow.

Another advantage of giving the bears a head start is that they are wearing candlelight hats.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Use bright star technology."

The candle flame cap on the bear's head burned more fiercely, lighting up the dark pit completely.

5 days?

100 Falling Shadow Witch Star Beads?

It turns out that four days is enough ...

The 100 Fallen Shadow Witch Star Beads, "Bonus" are more than 400 Fallen Shadow Martial Star Beads, 100 Fallen Shadow Spike Star Beads, and 6 Fallen Shadow Beast Star Beads.

The shadow martial arts and shadow spurs in the golden ranks cannot bring much trouble to Xia Yan. The problem is that even Xia Yan can kill as fast as Han Jiangxue ...

Due to the limitation of the terrain, Xia Yan's tear rain is a series of star skills, which cannot be performed here. Without domain tears, she has lost her ability to "knowledge" about the world.

Under the circumstance that nostalgia only provided star power and no need to worry about the physical strength to overflow, Han Jiangxue almost killed the entire shadow cave.

She left here not only corpses, but also one nightmare after another.

Xinghaifa God, is really not a joke.

The squad at this time is no longer the trembling squad two years ago. They are growing too fast.

Will a group of the world's top star warriors who can go to the Dragon Caves experience frustration in this small shadow cave?

Only when encountering the extremely rare Platinum Fallen Shadow Devil, the team's killing speed will be slower, but it is only slower.

The "corpse sea tactics" is meaningless to everyone, and Han Jiangxue, who burns (purifies) the astrology all the way, makes the team members no longer fear the silence of the fallen shadow witch, but Jiang Xiao's silence, The smashed enemy has no temper. Who keeps the opponent from being purified?

It is worth mentioning that Han Jiangxue once made a move.

Jiang Xiao's Domain Tears can only perceive a distance of eight meters around him, because his Domain Tears can only control water drops within eight meters, so he did not find the fallen shadow witch hidden in the dark in the first place. , There is no time to throw out silence.

And the silent fallen fallen shadow witch hiding in the dark, its silence was quickly eliminated by Han Jiangxue's incineration technique, but the ice roar thrown by Han Jiangxue caught the fallen shadow witch.

This damned fallen shadow witch has been complaining about star skills, Han Jiangxue's head was dizzy and he vomited out ...

Of course, this is just an episode, which only appeared once in the 4 days of crazy killings.

Jiang Xiao also kept complaining about Xingji, but he was protected by layers, occasionally being hit by silence, but he did not trigger Xingji from beginning to end. There was no way, the probability of triggering was too low.


Four days later, in the burrow illuminated by the white candlelight, a frost covered the remains of the limbs.

Jiang Xiao stood in the Blood Sea Corpse Mountain, took out a star bead, and said, "It's almost there."

"Well." Han Jiangxue gently made a nasal sound. On the one side, Xia Yan also wiped the blood on her face without opening her mouth.

The environment can affect a person, killing in this dark cave, the ears are always filled with hoarse, gloomy roar ...

Compared with such a battlefield, the World Cup battles are really too fun.

As the star beads in his hands shattered, Jiang Xiao's inward star chart sent several messages:

"Upgrade grievances! Star quality!"

"Upgrade Light! Star Quality!"

"Sound of Silence Upgrade! Star Quality!"

Jiang Xiao clenched his fists and stared at the star map inside, another diamond-shaped star trough turned into a star-color, full of satisfaction in his heart.

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