Nine Star Burden

: Death under the sword (Qingsheng seventh)

Rumble ...

Lightning was still there, but it was not falling down. The dark clouds gathered in the night sky were faintly raining.

"Alchemy !!! Stars!" Jiang Xiao's eyes flushed, and a roar of anger to the extreme broke the night sky, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Yi Qingchen and his body, who was also controlled and stiff, were suddenly softened, panting heavily, and sweating on his forehead.

The weird dark mist doll wanted to come, and left with his master.

She also quickly moved away, judging by the previous position of Tang Dadao chopping and speeding away, she flickered several times, but ... she could not find any trace of the battlefield at all.

Huaxing Duo vs Master Jiang Yishuang,

Where did this top teamfight go?

And at this time, tens of kilometers away, in the distant night sky ...

Yi Tenghui's body was blooming with star maps of wind and fallen leaves, and he repeatedly chopped Bazer at a speed invisible to the naked eye, chopped Bazer again and again, and appeared in front of Bazer again and again.

Suddenly, the two men in the battle had left the town, entered the wilderness, and sank into an old forest in the mountains.

But Ba Ze was repeatedly cut and flew, but he has not been able to use the teleportation star technique to escape. I don't know if it is Yi Tenghui's speed is too fast, or his magic "windfall leaves" star map is working.

Baze ’s body not only wore the soul that swallowed the sea, but also wrapped in a fine lightning armor, but even so, at this time, under the mad tear of Yi Tenghui's incomparable sword anger, the bite of the sea The cloak of souls has been marked out.

Zizi ...

The currents of bursts finally affected Yi Tenghui, who was traveling with the wind. Only in this moment of pause, the light flashed on Baze's body, and the currents were diffused.

No one will notice that among the numerous fine currents, there is a special current that splashes on the ground, like an electric snake crawling away quickly and then sinking into the ground ...

Nanako's figure appeared like a ghost and appeared behind Yi Tenghui.

The star map of Yi Tenghui's chest was bright, the wind surged, and the long pony tail rose with the wind. The Tang sword in his hand shone in the night sky, and darted toward Baze's heart again.

Uh ...

Blade into the meat!

The tangled sword tangled with leaves is obviously a kind of turning stars into martial arts!

And it is a very high-level star into the military!

Yi Tenghui held the Tang knife in his hand, and pierced the hole of the sea soul!

He even pierced through the thunder and lightning armor until the end, piercing Baze's heart!

And that Bazaar ... it was Yi Tenghui hugged, the current on his body skyrocketed, and rumbling.

Yi Tenghui seems to have realized something. His body was completely numb by electricity and completely unable to move freely.

And his palm holding the sword, trembling violently, tried his best to make a violent turn, and the sword revolved, agitating Baze's heart.

In the end, Yi Tenghui put aside life and death, and once again ensured that Baze died!


Blade into the meat!

"Sine!" Nanako screamed, and a blood-red katana star pattern bloomed on her chest.

Turning stars into military!

I saw the blood-red sharp samurai sword in her hand, which also pierced the heart of Yi Tenghui who was numb!

Yi Tenghui, who was unable to move by electricity, had already expected this scene.

His body trembled violently, and a little blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. In the star chart in front of me, the twenty-four star slot suddenly lights up!

Live under the knife, die under the knife!

Yi Tenghui's mouth was slightly raised, leaving the last smile in the world, and the whole person lit up a dazzling light!

"Hey." And Bazaar, who was pierced in his heart, suddenly smiled gloomily ...

But it was the body of Baze that suddenly turned into countless currents and dissipated in the night sky.

On the Tang sword of Yi Tenghui, only a broken sea-eating soul was left ...

Yi Tenghui :! !! !!

This is the lightning clone of Baze! ?

When does it become a clone? Is it ... in the second that I just paused?

"Hey ..." Nanako also smiled coldly, the sharp star Chengwu · Scarred Samurai sword that was enough to pierce the steel skin, tearing it apart violently!


In the rain, a burst of stars and silence!

Master Jiang is here!

Moreover, Master Jiang, wearing a sea-guiding garment, was wrapped in a black cloak. This image can easily make people mistakenly believe that he is also a member of Huaxing ...

The star, which was reduced to a diameter of 1 meter, was silent, and immediately enveloped the Nanazi who was holding the sword!

The star warrior samurai sword in her hand, just traversed out from Yi Tenghui's left armpit, was sanctioned by silence, the weapon broke instantly, and disappeared without trace.


Nanako had a burst of pleasure on her face, and the emerald green eyes were filled with the excitement of killing. At this moment, her complexion was stiff!

There was a spit of blood in her mouth, but the spitting motion was so slow.

At the same time, a beam of blessing directly covered Yi Tenghui, whose body was shining with dazzling light!

Even without this silence, Yi Tenghui, who started the self-explosion mode, seems to have lost consciousness.

Yi Tenghui's eyes turned white, and his mouth shouted unconsciously: "Uh uh uh ah ..."

Almost as soon as Jiang Xiao entered the battlefield, the two men in the air died down.

Yi Tenghui, who attempted to explode, disappeared instantly, leaving only a beam of blessing.

Exploding! ?

Did I agree?

What kind of jade pieces play in front of me?

No need to break the jade! The tile can be directly full!

Bell ~ bell ~ bell ~

Jiang Xiao flickered to the top of the battlefield, and a jumping medical light wave shuttled back and forth between Jiang Xiao and Yi Tenghui.

Yi Tenghui's **** body, which had been torn halfway through the chest, was healed very quickly.

With a few simple jumps of medical light waves, the dying Yi Tenghui returned from the blood with the joint action of blessing and Zhong Ling ...

Uh ...

The dizzy head Yi Tenghui fell from the air, but was once again enveloped by a blessed light.


Jiang Xiao's figure flickered quickly, and he switched the flower blade star map, holding a dark red giant blade surrounded by mist, and pierced the back of Nanako directly!

Because she used the avatar to mess up, she put away the soul of the sea eater to confuse the audiovisual, so there is no defense bonus for the soul of the sea eater.

Of course, even if there is a soul consuming the sea, Jiang Xiao's flower blade is not afraid!

This is not the first time that he has pierced the soul of the sea!

Nanazi opened her mouth wide, but in the realm of stars and silence, she couldn't make any sound at all.

Her pupils contracted violently, and the giant blades penetrated her body, from the back to the chest, in front of her, the huge blood-stained giant blades had been exposed!

She didn't know where the sharp crimson giant blade came from.

She didn't know, what smashing made her completely desolate, and even the silence of moving was difficult. Why, the speed at which the body falls in the air is so slow ... why, the surrounding air seems to be sticky.

She didn't know why the people behind could find the battlefield in an instant, and they could teleport so far and come so fast. She thought she had plenty of time and she could do it ...

She also didn't know why she was in the realm of silence, and the people behind him could still use star skills and turn stars into martial arts?

She just knew that this time, it seemed ... it seemed ...

A series of information is not equal, creating a picture of life and death.

In fact, Jiang Xiao did not enter the field of silence from beginning to end. This star-quality, reduced to a silence range of 1 meter in diameter, was personally ordered by Nanako.

Jiang Xiao's face was cruel, with a huge blade in his hands, crazy horizontal strokes, and tearing wildly.

One shot! Two knives! Mito! Four swords ...

Under the thick crimson fog, the sharp star Chengwu · HuaBian, just in this moment, completely split Nanako's body and shattered it apart.

Jiang Xiao grabbed her head and grabbed her long dark hair.

He saw her terrified face, and the emerald green eyes that lost her light.

"Leapfrog kill, skill point +5."

Jiang Xiao wiped a blood-stained face, and floated in the air, trying to perceive everything. He was holding Nanako's head in his hands, and dripping a few drops of blood, but he still could not feel Pakistan. Ze's position.

"Bar! Ze !!!" Jiang Xiao waved it, and opened the door to the world of the greatest evil, quietly, and a behemoth came out.

Spiritually connected, Buzz Whale knows what Jiang Xiao needs.

"Om ..."

Under the sympathy, a grieving whale groaned, tearing the curtain of rain and wandering in this night sky ...

Under the heavy rain, Jiang Xiao closed her eyes tightly, and under the whale humming again and again, his mind was filled with blue lines, which outlined the outline of all objects within the sound range.

"My star beast, don't get me wrong." Jiang Xiao closed her eyes and said suddenly, apparently, he felt that Yi Tenghui had recovered his consciousness.

On the ground, Yi Tenghui waking quietly, climbed up silently.

He didn't know what happened. The last memory was that he exhausted everything and chose to explode to protect Yi's family.

But when he woke up again, he found that he was lying on the wet mud ground, and surrounded by a fragment of limbs. In the sky, there is a giant creature that slowly swims ...

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