Nine Star Burden

Chapter 954: Yi Family

Yi Zhizhong slowly said, "Mr. Jiang, you are the master of Yi Qingchen's formal three-time worship, and you are also a member of the Yi family."

The change in appellation made Jiang Xiao immediately reflect the meaning of Yi Zhizhong's words.

Since entering the house, Jiang Xiao's identity has undergone two changes, and he has also followed Yi Zhizhong's thinking.

Yi Zhizhong looked up at the couplet and continued: "Everything that happened last night is the supreme glory for the Yi Family Star Warrior."

Said, Yi Zhizhong turned his head to Jiang Xiao, and said, "Why is Yi family practicing stars and martial arts?"

Jiang Xiao's gaze turned to the writing brush hanging above the middle hall, and he nodded silently.

Yi Zhizhong said: "From this moment on, everyone in the world will know that the Huaxia Yi family has killed a member of the star."

Jiang Xiao opened her mouth and suddenly said, "Report!"

Thank you Heiyo Hei 8 Baiyin Meng for a million rewards! Boss atmosphere, thank you for your support!

Yi Zhizhong: "Say."

Jiang Xiao: "When the news spreads, the Yi family may attract revenge from members of the Huaxing Organization."

Yi Zhizhong said lightly: "The Yi family then waited for them to come. The star warriors and the Yi family finally died in battle, not fear of death.

After mourning for the dead disciples, Yi Wutang will continue to teach and everything will be as usual. "

Jiang Xiao thought and thought, and found that his consideration was wrong.

He nodded silently, without speaking again. In a short time, Jiang Xiao also cleared his mind.

After the news spreads, Yi Zhizhong may send troops to stay here, and Yi Zhixiao should also recall good players from various martial arts halls to sit in town.

Moreover, if the purpose of arresting the members of Huaxing is, the special forces of the Huaxia police will probably be ordered to come here, using the entire Yi family as a bait, waiting for the members of Huaxing to enter.

The news did not spread, but Huaxing Baze himself knew that Nanako was killed here, and Yi family was equally dangerous.

When the news spreads, the Yi family will be protected by layers.

"You are very young, soldier. Your resume is amazing. You have done so well with your hands." Yi Zhizhong stepped forward and stood two steps away from Jiang Xiao, watching Jiang Xiao .

Yi Zhizhong stretched out his hand and pressed it on Jiang Xiao's shoulder, saying: "Death will accompany us for life, until the day you and I die. All people die, and the important thing is that they die well.

I think that you have experienced enough deaths that it will not affect your pace. "

Jiang Xiao moved slightly, Yi Zhizhong was comforting himself?

This may be the persuasion of the superior to the subordinate, but it is more like the encouragement and comfort of the elders to the younger ones.

Is this what Yi Qingchen told her father?

So is this conversation?

Jiang Xiao is the deputy head of the night watchman-tail feather regiment. He is standing in this position. If Yi Zhizhong does not understand the situation before and after, it is impossible for him to speak to Jiang Xiao for the first time.

It was Jiang Xiao who stood in the rain for a night, and Yi Qingchen looked in his eyes, so find another way to comfort Jiang Xiao?

Yi Zhizhong's generous palm resting on Jiang Xiao's shoulder, squeezed gently, and said, "Normal life, return to the imperial wasteland army, accept your task, and plan training programs with Qingchen. This world is very dangerous. Light dust, it needs to grow faster. "

Jiang Xiao: "Yes."

"Go, take a good rest." Yi Zhizhong patted Jiang Xiao's shoulder gently.

Jiang Xiao turned around and walked, stepped out, but flickered away, and returned to his newly established solitary house.

A few seconds later, Yi Qingchen also followed, carefully watching Jiang Xiao sitting in the seat, and quietly said, "Master?"

"Thank you." Jiang Xiao sat on the chair, looked up, looked at Yi Qingchen, and said, "I'm not that fragile yet, but I still want to thank you for your concern."

From Jiang Xiao's words, Yi Qingchen knew that his "little moves" were exposed.

Jiang Xiaodao: "After participating in the mourning ceremony, I will return to the Emperor Land Reclamation Army. The mission will be carried out normally. Xiao Tao will also start school. You also have to return to Xingwu, Central Plains. Remember to train on time and don't delay.

Yi Qingchen hesitated, and said, "Pippi."

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

Yi Qingchen said with a little embarrassment: "I will be a senior when I start school again. Normally, I should follow the regular team students to go through the training and destroy the Holy Ruins.

However, I think this kind of task is of little significance to my personal growth. The different-dimensional space that our school arranges for us is the top of the star cave and the ancient tower. "

Yi Qingchen lowered his head and tiptoeed on the ground, and said, "I take the personal route, and the World Cup also participates in the individual competition. It is better to train with you than to perform tasks with my future companions."

Jiang Xiao: "Yes"

Yi Qingchen whispered: "To be honest, I think that if I go to a different dimension of space to perform a week's mission, I might as well gain a night of practice with you."

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and said, "I do n’t have much right to speak in the wasteland army, but in the vigil, I can still say a few words. I can take you as a vigil apprentice, hone your mind, and teach you martial art . "

Yi Qingchen hurriedly said, "Okay!"

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, paused, and said, "You and your family have a discussion. After all, your family is from the broken mountain army. I think your father is likely to have a clear plan for your future. You and him discuss it. Discuss, wait for me to return to school after the award, come here again, we will interview. "

After hearing the words, Yi Qingchen nodded his head and said again, "Okay!"

Jiang Xiaodao: "You also talk to Xiao Tao."

Yi Qingchen looked embarrassed and said, "He will be in his third year of high school. He will also be busy in the school league, the provincial league and the national league soon. His family is very traditional, so he still has to follow the regular route to higher education."

Jiang Xiao nodded, this world is not apocalyptic, at least at this time is still operating normally.

In addition, letting a high school student and a child in the nebula period enter the vigil army in a special way is indeed unreasonable.

Not everyone is called "Jiang Xiao"

The two chatted for a while, Yi Qingchen got up and left, Jiang Xiao sent him outside, but at the door, he saw the man leaning against the wall and holding a Tang knife.

There was even a grass in his mouth, and the stubble stubble added a special charm to this man with a vicissitudes of life.

Yi Tenghui automatically ignored Yi Qingchen. He looked at Jiang Xiao from afar and raised his head slightly.

Jiang Xiao: "This is not a good time to learn."

"Spit." Yi Tenghui tilted her head, spit out the straw in her mouth, turned her head to Jiang Xiao again, and said, "Mr. Jiang, I owe you a life."

Speaking, Yi Tenghui didn't wait for Jiang Xiao to respond, so they went up and down and left over the wall.

Jiang Xiao looked at the distant figure, opened his mouth, and still said nothing.

Three days later, Jiang Xiao was taken away by Xia Yan and Han Jiangxue after participating in the Yi family's memorial service.

Xia Yan and Han Jiangxue, of course, have always been in the training space of the gardener's skin. For the sudden appearance of the two here, Jiang Xiao explained in the black sky.

Xia Yan also took Hei Ling Huoyu with a shadow of vanity. In fact, the two were irritable when they were taken to the plane by the Yi family and returned to the imperial capital.

The reason is, of course, that the members of the Huaxing organization came to the door!

The members of Huaxing were really unscrupulous and lawless, they directly hit the door of the Yi family, and named their names and began to deal with Jiang Xiao.

How did they find Jiang Xiao? How did you know Jiang Xiao was here?

Jiang Xiao is almost flashing around the world. The only situation that may expose his identity is the high-speed rail ride from Xucheng to Luoyi.

At this point, Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan no longer entered the space of different dimensions, but chose to stay beside him.

Jiang Xiao, who was next to the two, also changed to bait, which is to train the skin.

It's not that Jiang Xiao is irresponsible for the two, but that he can always support sparring while the senses are interlinked in the ruins of the shadow of evil, but instead he is responsible for others.

Jiang Xiao knows that at this time, he has been completely followed by the Huaxia organization, and this situation can be avoided. He can completely change his face. After all, his camouflage star skills are of star quality.

Change face, body, voice, everything.

But Jiang Xiao didn't plan to hide, he would support this face, this bait body, to seduce the star organization again.

In addition, with Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan beside him, Jiang Xiao's disguise was useless.

There is no safe place in this world. Fortunately, Jiang Xiao does not have many people who care.

This time he returned to the capital, he did something more radical, but also sooner or later.

Jiang Xiao brought the former four-tailed sea blue and the seven-month-old Fang Xingyun into the shadow world.

Jiang Xiao is very clear about what he is doing. Now that he has been locked into the target, there is nothing they can't do with the unscrupulous methods of the Huaxing organization.

Jiang Xiao couldn't bear the possible consequences, so he sent these two close people into the world of evil.

And Jiang Xiao himself, in the world of evil, explained everything to the couple.

He has the time and the two to explain, because in Jiang Xiao's future plan, unless there is a very special situation in his body, such as the implementation of the Dragon Cave mission, otherwise, he should not easily take the trouble The door to the world.

In addition to these two teachers, Jiang Xiao's other close people are all comrades-in-arms, and they are all part of the battle sequence. The two new apprentices are under the protection of the Yi master. Life, Jiang Xiao cannot decide their lives.

Hai Tianqing and Fang Xingyun only wanted to give birth to their children smoothly and accompany them to grow up. In spite of their surprise, they both agreed to Jiang Xiao's request.

What Jiang Xiao never expected was that the first group of people who lived in their own evil world turned out to be Hai Tianqing's small family.

Fang Xingyun was abandoned early by her mother's family, so there is no need to say anything. On Hai Tianqing's side, when Hai Tianqing found that Jiang Xiao was so safe, and there was a space of day and night rotation and four distinct seasons, he asked Jiang Xiao to send his elderly parents Come in.

Hai Tianqing hopes that her parents will be able to support her in a safe and secure place. After Fang Xingyun has the remaining children, her family can enjoy the joy of heaven and family.

Jiang Xiao did not refuse, and he also carefully arranged a residence for the Hai family.

This world is becoming more and more chaotic. This is an indisputable fact. As a common man ’s sea father and mother, if they can enjoy the joy of heaven and family in the limited life, it is also a blessing.

For Jiang Xiao, it is also a merit.

Some people can pick it up, but some people can't pick it up if Jiang Xiao wants to pick it up.

For example, Xia Yan's parents, and Sanwei's parents: Uncle Yu, Aunt Yu. And Zhang Songfu's parents and so on.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Xiao and the old couple who run the barbecue restaurant, and Zhang Songfu's parents don't have much emotion. If Huaxing dealt with Jiang Xiao, it would be impossible to find these people.

Don't worry about this, but the world is getting more and more chaotic. Jiang Xiaozi thinks it is necessary to take care of his parents for his comrades-in-arms.

However, let these old couples who have lived a lifetime in the northern land move away from their homeland and go to a strange place

These elderly people are different from Hai Tianqing's parents. The sea father and mother have reasons and pillars to survive. Under the persuasion of their sons and daughters-in-law, in the face of the grandchildren who will be born in the future, they are willing to leave home and go to their new home While others

Jiang Xiao didn't know what attitude to use to persuade those people.

Wait a second, depending on the situation, after all, the Chinese army is still guarding the land, and it is still giving their hometown peace.

If one day they really have to leave their hometown, Jiang Xiao believes that it will be a good time to contact.

Of course, Jiang Xiao really hopes that day will never come

Thank you Heiyo Hei 8 Baiyin Meng for a million rewards! Boss atmosphere, thank you for your support!

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