Nine Star Burden

Chapter 967: New star map!

After 1 hour, on the outer balcony of the dilapidated apartment.

Erwei stood at the dividing line between the living room and the balcony, crossed his arms and hugged him in front of him, silently watching the person sitting on the ground in the distance, his head silent.

Erwei has always been expressionless, but at this time, there is a hint of worry.

She did not want Jiang Xiao to fight alone, so she accompanied him.

However, after Erwei cleared him the "obstacles" and let the resident completely fall asleep, she had nothing to do.

In addition to being vigilant, she couldn't help Jiang Xiao with any clues, watching him repeatedly turn into a star, returning to the past, confirming the type of star map again and again, and watching the process of loosing ...

She looked at him silently in this way, his face became increasingly embarrassed and paler. From a soldier who would report two sentences at the beginning, he became an autistic youth.

In fact, after becoming a star, the star warrior has insufficient energy and will fall asleep.

This seems to be a side effect and a weakness. But in fact, this is the protection of a star warrior.

The body is reminding the Star Warrior that I can't bear so much. You can't go on like this anymore. We need to rest. If you insist, then I will directly collapse and make you coma.

But Jiang Xiao is different. He has repeatedly turned into a star through bait, consuming energy again and again, and the body and bait experience the extremely tired and extremely uncomfortable taste.

However, the ontology did not consume a lot of energy in the true sense, but just felt the same. This allowed Jiang Xiao to call the bait again and again. As long as the star power is sufficient, such a link can be repeated.

In fact, empathy is not accurate. After all, every one is Jiang Xiao.

When a person is so **** himself, whether or not his task can be successfully performed, there is no reason for Erwei to say even a superfluous word.

"It's almost." Jiang Xiao looked up, looked at Erwei, barely squeezed a smile, and said, "It can be transformed."

Erwei looked at his embarrassing smile and nodded gently.

Jiang Xiao once again summoned a sparring skin, and the sparring skin lay on the ground, leaning back against the fence, raising his head, his eyes became once again a void, and the stars flickered from his eyes.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao opened the door to the world of evil and walked in. He looked back at Erwei and found that the woman was not moving, but was guarding the skin.

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and did not call Erwei, but closed the door to the world of evil.

Changing the star map will emit an unusually dazzling light. In Bailin City at three in the morning, it will be very dazzling.

In the world of misfortunes, Jiang Xiao stood silently. Under the synaesthesia, looking at everything back in the eyes of the companion, Jiang Xiao's body bloomed with a nine-star picture.

The array of star maps slowly changes ...

One second, two seconds ...

The star map in front of Jiang Xiao bloomed a dazzling light, like a little sun, which can blind people.

A few seconds later, as Jiang Xiao's star pattern radiated, in front of him, nine stars lined up the outline of the clothing.

Behind these nine star troughs, a strong star power like the sea is surging madly and clearly. Based on the outline of the nine stars, the shape of the sea-eating soul is outlined.

Jiang Xiao can't open the inner star map at present because it is still being closed and adjusted.

However, Jiang Xiao knows that if it can give information, then the option to make a new star map must be changed to (3/3) in the rear brackets of the star and earth light star technology.

It is also because there is no internal star chart, so there is no information to tell Jiang Xiao what the name of this new star chart is.

Jiang Xiao once named Huaxing Chengwu: the blade of a flower in a whistle.

I have also picked up the star map that is clear: Withering Bow.

The star map of this cloak, if nothing else, should be: Soul Eater.

Jiang Xiao experienced a long while, and the cloak-shaped figure supported by her chest gradually emitted a strange light, as if she was about to break out of her body.

Jiang Xiao hastened to converge the star map and dispersed the star power fluctuations. This is not the time for experiments.

Jiang Xiao opened the door to the space, and the accompaniment team crossed him, and walked in.

Jiang Xiao held out his hand towards Erwei and said, "Let's go, go back."

If it were weekdays, Erwei might let Jiang Xiao come over, but at this time, she didn't do it.

Erwei stepped forward and asked, "Success?"

Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "It's just the first step, maybe the road ahead is more difficult."

Erwei said, "In fact, you don't have to be so pessimistic."

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao made a confused nasal sound.

Erao Road: "We are promoted to the Xinghai period, for the benefit of empowerment, so that we know how our star map should work and what role it has.

Although you omitted this link, you got the result directly. "

Jiang Xiao raised an eyebrow slightly and said, "You mean, I already know the role of turning stars into military forces, and have already obtained results. The process is not important anymore?"

The two tails pursed their lips and didn't care.

Jiang Xiao didn't ask again, and the two flickered back to the bright Chinese land from Bailin City, which was dark at night.

Erwei looked around and found that Jiang Xiao took her back to his lounge.

She reached out with one hand, but opened the door to her space and said, "Go in and rest."

Jiang Xiao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and answered, "Well, that's fine."

In Xiaowei's training space, Jiang Xiao fell to the bed.

This is a bunk. As early as when the training leather accompanied Erwei to work hard day and night, she received the treatment from her. This is no bedding, only hard wood.

Jiang Xiaoyi appeared blank in his hands, rubbed his forehead gently, relieved his fatigue, and fell into a burst of happy dizziness.

Within a few seconds, the light in Jiang Xiao's palm disappeared, and he had completely fallen asleep.


This time, I slept deeper into the middle of the night.

His body has not suffered much damage, and he will not sleep for three days and three nights. He just is not in good shape.

This string really stretched for too long.

Of course, there is no day and night alternation in the ruins of the evil shadow, Jiang Xiao opened his own world of evil shadows, and replaced a new sparring skin in the state that the body is the star map of the soul eater.

As soon as the sparring leather appeared, the gardener leather was waiting for him.

It's all Jiang Xiao, of course, there is no such thing as communication or communication.

As the gardener's skin opened up the space for the training of woe shadows, the companion leather walked in.

Among them, Gu Shi'an was standing not far away. He was sweating, his hands on his hips, and he looked helplessly at Huapaniu.

"What's going on?" Gu Shi'an saw Jiang Xiao walk in, but he was puzzled. This costume ... black shirt and jeans? Is this the new bait?

The sparring greeted Gu Shi'an and said, "It's hard."

Gu Shi'an hummed and asked curiously, "What are you sending it in for?"

The sparring smiled, pointed at Huapaniu, and said, "Can you fight it?"

"Joke!" Gu Shi'an said unwillingly at once, and said, "I'm just a pinnacle of galaxy, it just outputs astral skills, and needs to cast forward, you despise me too, right?"

"Well, that's good, stay with me." Jiang Xiao (practice skin) nodded, no longer arguing with Gu Shi'an.

Gu Shi'an frowned, this Jiang Xiao was abnormal!

If it was normal, the saucy words would come one by one, but now ... Gu Shi'an looked at Jiang Xiao with a heavy face and could not help but step forward.

No matter what Jiang Xiao wants to do, his request is very clear: guardian.

The next moment, in Gu Shi'an's startled eyes, Jiang Xiao's chest stretched out a pair of nine-star-cloak-type pictures.

Gu Shi'an thought he was numb. Jiang Xiao could accept whatever he did, but now it seems ... he's too young ...

Jiang Xiao stepped forward, stroking Huapanniu gently with one hand, and stroking its skin back and forth.

However, Hua Pan Niu ignored Jiang Xiao. After being awakened, it only changed the terrain and landscape, and continued to lower his head to eat flowers. It is estimated that it won't be long, and when sleepiness strikes, it will lie down and sleep.

It can be seen that this is a good cow that goes with the situation ...

Slowly, the star chart on Jiang Xiao's body finally broke through the imprisonment of the pattern on his chest and broke out.

"哞 ~" Hua Panniu's body suddenly froze, turning his head and looking at Jiang Xiao.

And Jiang Xiao hurriedly rubbed along Huapanniu's skin, and whispered softly in his mouth: "Good, good, all right ..."

Aside, Gu Shi'an was relieved.

That's right!

This is how the poisoned milk king opens it!

That's it!

Gu Shi'an looked left and right, but found that Jiang Xiao's cloak-shaped figure emerged from the body, only flying around Huapan Niu, and did not do any harm to Hua Pan Niu.

Jiang Xiao thought about it and said, "Shi'an."

Gu Shi'an: "Ah?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "I'm afraid I have to smash its chest."

Gu Shi'an said unknownly, "You oh, can it stop you?"

Jiang Xiao turned to look at Gu Shi'an, blinked, and said, "You help me to press it?"

Gu Shi'an grinned and said, "You have to live so much trouble?"

Jiang Xiao: "Of course you have to live."

Gu Shi'an: "Dizzy, okay?"

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao thought for a while, and said, "Okay."

The next moment, Gu Shi'an's eyes turned into double pupils, disturbing the star power in Huapan Niu, and the illusive hammer in his hand was waving again and again, smashing into Huapan Niu's head crazy.

Jiang Xiao backed up again and again: "Well, you tap! Don't smash it!"

This is Huapan Niu. Replace it with the ape and ghost king of the same rank. How about you try again?

Hmm ... Of course, even the ape-ghost king, under Gu Shian's swaying heavy hammer, is estimated to be not much stronger.

After a while, Hua Pan Niu, who was so scared and running around, fell down and broke through the fields.

Gu Shi'an stood upright and said, "In the future, you do it yourself. You are also in the Xinghe Period. Even if you have no bait without astral skills, you can stun it with a fist."

Jiang Xiao quickly walked closer to the stunned Huapan Niu, and responded casually: "I'm Xinghai period."

Gu Shi'an choked for 3 seconds, and a word popped out of his mouth: "Grass!"

Jiang Xiao squatted down and said, "My body is a bit special now. I can't go out to find low-level creatures for a while. I don't want to waste all this time, so I can only use it for experiments."

Said, Jiang Xiao turned his head to Gu Shi'an and said, "Shi'an."

Gu Shi'an: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiao gestured and said, "Give me a break in this part."

Gu Shi'an stepped forward, passing the bauhinia knife in his hand, and it was neat.

Jiang Xiao poked in with one hand, and a cloak star map bloomed on his chest.

He turned his head and looked at Gu Shi'an, and said, "The next time is to witness the miracle!"

Gu Shi'an looked at Jiang Xiao, who had recovered his mentality, and began to talk about Jiang Xiao. He was unwilling to believe it anyway. The kid was already in the Xinghai period.

The next moment, Gu Shi'an saw the cloak star map in front of Jiang Xiao, and along Jiang Xiao's arm, he directly penetrated into Huapanniu's wound, and a stream of energy body visible to the naked eye rushed to the wound madly ...

Jiang Xiao opened his mouth wide and raised his head stupidly. After five seconds, his eyes turned pale, his body crooked and his head fell to the ground.

Gu Shi'an :? ? ?

"Little skin?" Waiting for a while, Gu Shi'an felt something wrong. He hurried forward and dragged Jiang Xiao who was lying in the flower field and in the pool of blood, only to find that Jiang Xiao had passed out.

The star map was gone, people were unconscious, and the cattle were dead.

Gu Shi'an stood in the flower field stupidly. What's the matter this evening?

What is your miracle?

Sleep in seconds?

If so, I can do wonders every day ...

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