Nine Star Burden

Chapter 971: Jiang Tu

Ten minutes later, in the Xiaoying world of Jiang Xiao, the top of the snow-capped mountain in the northeast of the stone villa.

The three Jiang Xiaos, and Gu Shi'an, stood on the top of a high mountain.

The crowd had already known what Jiang Xiao was going to do when they helped evacuate the "Bad Shadow Training Room" for the gardener's skin.

Jiang Xiao did not bring Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan. They were coming, but Jiang Xiao was blown away. What are you doing watching this picture? Uncomfortable for yourself?

In this experiment, there was nothing wrong with Gu Shi'an, but he insisted on staying with Jiang Xiao.

Gu Shian thought from his heart that giving should not be unilateral.

Now that you have recognized this brother, when you are happy and happy, you can not be "comfortable" with it, but at this time, you must "share the suffering" with it, this is what the brother should do.

The gardener's skin opens up his own space for training.

Holding the two golden red candlelights in her arms, Pei Lian Pi walked in, looked at the empty surroundings, stepped towards the center, and sat down on the stool made of alder wood.

If nothing else, the sparring will stay here for a long time. It is not that he wants to be accompanied by a pet, but that his time is precious. During this time, he took these two golden red candles as experimental subjects. Continue to study the cloak star map.

The gardener's leather closed the door of the space, stood on the snowy mountain, turned to look at Gu Shi'an, and said, "You're here? Uh ... forget it, I'll do it myself."

The gardener's skin opened his mouth and slowly raised his right hand. A small bark of wood broke through the dirt and snow, and slowly grew until it grew into a towering tree.

Under the puppeteer of the gardener's skin, the thick tree vine rolled the body of the gardener's skin, dragged him into the thick trunk, and disappeared.

If Gu Shi'an was not here, Jiang Xiao didn't have to do this, but ... in order to take care of his senses, Jiang Xiao decided to commit suicide in this way.

The main body Jiang Xiao grasped in emptiness with one hand, and grasped a piece of "flower blade" that he had pieced together. He stepped towards the thick tree linden wood, and the flower blade in his hand threw a knife flower and pierced the trunk with a knife!

Clean and uncluttered!


The body Jiang Xiao's face was stiff, his palms trembled slightly, but he pulled out the blade sharply.

Above the broad flower blade, a little blood dripped along the blade and fell into the white snow, blooming a enchanting snowflake.

"Oh ..." Jiang Xiao's face barely squeezed a smile, and said, "When the corpse inside becomes star power, after dissipating, this big tree should slowly heal, its vitality is very tenacious."

Gu Shi'an looked at the flower blade in Jiang Xiao's hand and nodded silently.


Really ruthless!

Kill the enemy without blinking, Gu Shi'an can bear it. But kill yourself like this ...

Gu Shi'an did not know what it was like, but from Jiang Xiao's rather ugly face, Gu Shi'an knew that he must be very uncomfortable.

Who is Jiang Xiao?

At least in the field of battle, that is definitely the type of "unwavering" and "cloud light and light," but look at his current state.

Jiang Xiao stepped back two steps, slowly sitting on the snow, the flower blade in his hand turned into a little star power, shattered.

Jiang Xiaodao: "I can actually reset the bait directly, but this method is very special, so I still want to test whether the training space of gardener skin will still exist under normal death conditions."

"Um." Gu Shi'an leaned down, pressed one hand on Jiang Xiao's shoulder, and shook it gently. He didn't know how to comfort Jiang Xiao.

"About ten minutes or so, he will leave." As he said, Jiang Xiao pointed to the blood spot infiltrating the snow into the ground, and said, "You can look at it. After ten minutes, it will turn into a star. The force disappears. "

Gu Shi'an began to ask, "What if the training space for WoW collapses and disappears with the death of the gardener's hide?"

"Well ..." Jiang Xiao stood up, turned to look under the cliff, stopped and looked down, watching the scene in the world of evil, said, "Then my body is going to die. Gou, for everyone here. "

The two chatted, and soon, ten minutes passed. Among the trees, the body of the gardener's skin shattered into a little bit of star power, and the blood spots splashing in the snow turned into a little bit of starburst and dissipated in the air.

Jiang Xiao felt it, and said, "There is no collapse. The sparring leather still holds the golden red candlelight and sits on the stool securely. The space is very stable."

"Small space independent of another dimension." Gu Shian sighed softly.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Wait a second, look again. Recently, I am not going to re-call the sparring leather. He will always live in the Shaoxing training room to see if the space has remained stable."

Gu Shi'an nodded.

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "Now, can I introduce you a new friend?"

Gu Shi'an also grinned. He originally intended to comfort and accompany Jiang Xiao, but now, instead, Jiang Xiao, who was injured by himself, was joking and comforting him.

This prickly guy is indeed a warm person deep inside.

Jiang Xiaodao: "I'm not going to call him a gardener's skin, he is already Xinghai Period, and the role is not to build here, but to chase the fierce, please help me name it."

Gu Shi'an thought for a while and said, "Detective Leather?"

Jiang Xiao looks weird, always feels that Gu Shi'an is talking about an IP movie?

Jiang Xiao spit out: "Look at your uncultured look! How about you called Formmore Xiao? Or Detective Di Renxiao!"

Gu Shi'an grinned, and when he was about to say something, he turned his head sharply and looked aside.

Jiang Xiao also turned his head and saw a pair of middle-aged men and women floating slowly up.

Jiang Xiao was startled and said in a hurry: "Mr. Fang, oh, it's so cold above, what are you doing here?"

The gust of wind swept snowflakes, Fang Xingyun was wearing a military coat, holding a big belly, and Hai Tianqing stood firmly on the snow mountain: "I'm a guest at your house, I heard you are here, come and see."

"Ao." Jiang Xiao nodded and looked at Hai Tianqing with a smile, "You just let your daughter-in-law run around like this? It's been months !?"

Hai Tianqing glanced curiously at the trunk of the pierced tree and did not respond.

Fang Xingyun smiled and beckoned to Jiang Xiao.

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao stepped forward.

Fang Xingyun pressed one hand on his stomach, and rubbed Jiang Xiao's head with one hand, and said, "What photo is hanging in the bedroom on the third floor? What do you think in your little head? Your teacher Hai was startled."

"Did you go to Erwei's room?" Jiang Xiao smiled embarrassedly.

"Hmm." Fang Xingyun smiled, and the love and appreciation in those eyes couldn't be restrained at all, said, "When visiting the exhibition room on the third floor, you looked at the other rooms by the way, not intentionally."

Jiang Xiao suddenly realized that she was acting abnormally. It turned out that she had seen the merits and trophies in the house.

Jiang Xiao was also a little embarrassed and shifted the topic. He said, "Everything is enough, right? What else do you want? Tell me, I'll get it all for you."

While speaking, Jiang Xiao subconsciously looked in the direction of the Huahai Ranch, but Jiang Xiao stood on the cliff on the south side of the Snow Mountain, and couldn't look through the woods to the north side.

Yes, Hai Tianqing's home was arranged next to Huahai Ranch.

Fang Xingyun likes to be there, and he likes to walk in the flower fields. In addition, Huapan cattle and Qingpan cattle are very docile, and Jiang Xiao didn't stop them.

Jiang Xiao built a few leisure wooden houses beside the ranch and surrounded a yard. The environment of the grass and flower fields is simply a resort, but because of the location, that place is easily regarded by others as "herdsmen." "s home.

Hai Tianqing finally spoke, and he said with a smile: "Enough is enough, too much, there are so many things, and the quality is still so good. Are you going to evacuate the logistics department of your optical drive?"

Jiang Xiao smiled, "Hey," he said, "I also have money to buy things, but what on the market is better than military use?"

Said, Jiang Xiao held one corner of Fang Xingyun's coat with one hand, twisted his fingers, and said, "How about Uncle Hai and Auntie? Can you adapt here?"

"Well, it's fine, my dad tinkers with the fruit saplings you send every day." Hai Tianqing said with a smile, and finally pulled Fang Xingyun's arm and took her palm on Jiang Xiao's head back. .

Jiang Xiao took a step back and looked afraid of approaching the Fang Xingyun, saying, "The staff is not enough now. After a while, I will look for the star skills that can ripen plants and trees and come and help him."

"Hehe." Fang Xingyun smiled and stared at Jiang Xiao with a smile. "I'm a star warrior. I'm not as fragile as you think. Don't be so careful."

Jiang Xiao motioned to her big belly and said, "Did you think of your name?"

Fang Xingyun turned to look at Hai Tianqing, with a happy smile, and said, "My son is Hai Yunan, and my daughter is Hai Yunning."

Jiang Xiao froze and said, "Wait, twins? Teacher Fang's response before ... I always thought it was just a boy."

"Oh." Hai Tianqing snorted. "She just keeps pippi in her mouth. Of course you think there is only one boy. Hey, she doesn't care about her daughter. My girl is suffering ..."

Fang Xingyun stared at Hai Tianqing with a smile, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I all love. With such an example here, of course I have to miss my son, so that he will become such a person in the future. I hope my daughter is an ordinary person. Pei will protect her afterwards. The Star Warrior is really too hard. "

The people chatted for a while, Jiang Xiao took the two teachers back to the wooden house yard next to the ranch, confirmed the due date again, and left.

No accident, Fang Xingyun will choose to deliver at home, on the one hand, Fang Xingyun's physical fitness is very strong, on the other hand, there is Haitian Qing guarding, there should be no trouble, Jiang Xiao just need to prepare everything in advance It's fine.

Jiang Xiao also flickered back to the Snow Mountain and took Gu Shi'an back to the stone villa. The four-person team ate lunch, leaving three to exercise in Xia Yan's training space, and Jiang Xiao left on his own.

Until he left, the sparring leather was still safe and stable. In the ruins of the once ruined gardener's hide, there was no sign of collapse in the space. Jiang Xiao looked at his heart in a very stable manner.

Later, Jiang Xiao and Erwei said hello and went to Yi County, Central Plains Province.

Instead of going in his own image, he went through a disguise and turned into a man in his mid-thirties, with a plain appearance, splitting his hair, wearing a jacket and jeans.

Jiang Xiao also deliberately lowered her height by 5 centimeters. This image does not overlap with Jiang Xiao at all.

Later, Jiang Xiao flew to Yi County with such an image.

To be exact, it is in the wilderness of tens of kilometers away from Yi County.

Here, Jiang Xiao once again called for sparring. No, at this time, the bait of Xinghai Period has a new name: Jiang Tu.

This word seems to represent the meaning of Jiang Xiao calling this bait, and it can also express what Jiang Xiao really wants to do.

Unfortunately, Jiang Xiao's internal star map is still being adjusted, it is still closed, and it has not been opened.

Jiang Xiao's pile of skill points was useless, including the full moon feat he received for exploring the Dragon Cave, and there was no reminder of 30,000 points to be credited.

I don't know when the star map will turn on again.

Therefore, Jiang Tu at this time is only the bait in the early stage of Xinghai. Otherwise, Jiang Xiao may directly jump up to the realm of Xingli and summon a bait at the top of Xinghai.

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