Nine Star Burden

Chapter 976: Flee

Thinking of this, Han Jiangxue felt a lot better, but still calmly said, "You only said 14 astrology skills, and 2 star slots?"

Marda said: "Hydration, in a short period of time, keep the body in a state of water flow or water droplets, the quality of gold is similar to the atomization of the two tails. If I am not silent, I will She fights and she can strangle me. "

Speaking, Marda turned her head and looked behind her, muttering to herself: "There is still a sea soul prison, let me try ..."

Marda's words seemed to be very urgent. After speaking in a hurry, her body turned into a pool of water stains and was photographed beside Han Jiangxue.

The next moment, in the fog, came Xia Yan's exclamation: "Yeah !!!"

Then, in this thick fog, Xia Yan's gritting voice came again: "Jiang! Xiao! You are beautiful, I won't leave you, right? You let me go ... Yeah, it's wet ! "

Han Jiangxue could not help holding his forehead while listening to the sound coming from the thick fog.

And in the mist, behind Xia Yan, a palm made of water drops protruded from the ground.

Her fingers were flesh like water, entangled in the currents, and the currents spiraled around Xia Yan's body.

A huge water cell made up of currents trapped Xia Yan firmly in place.

From above Xia Yan's head, a small water ball flows down four streams, divided into four directions: east, west, south and north, forming a sphere, drawing an arc, and finally converging in Xia Yan's boots.

Aside, Gu Shi'an looked at all this silently, and did not act.

In this fog, Marda brought the effect of concealment, and the moment of her broken water was too fast. When Gu Shi'an perceived Marda, the water flow was already engulfed in Xia Yan's. body.


Xia Yan couldn't move at all, but immediately teleported away and appeared in front of the palm of the ground. Xia Yan bent down sharply, and she would grab the white tender palm that was flesh and water. Tat pulled out.


Xia Yan caught an empty space and only caught a pool of water ...

Xia Yan was startled, and she was clearly holding her hand, but why did she catch a handful of water? Is this a star technique that transforms the body into a water state?

Isn't this invincible? Like the Wulong, the general attack can't hurt her at all ...

Xia Yan was still shocked, but found that the people under the ground quickly came out and became real bodies.

"Is it long enough? Don't you dare to imprison me?" Xia Yan kicked her, kicking Marda to the bottom.

"Uh." Malda's **** was faintly painful, turned into a puddle of water again, and patted on the ground, disappearing without a trace.

She returned to Han Jiangxue's side, but was lamenting in her heart: the characteristics of the hydration star technique and the mist dragon are simply different from the clouds and mud.

Fog dragons can remain atomized all the time, and all normal attacks have no effect on them.

But this hydration can only last for a few seconds, and it must be used in conjunction with star skills such as fog and water teleport.

Thinking for a while, Marda cancelled the surrounding fog, and the vision around the lakeside forest opened up again.

"It's annoying, my body is wet." Xia Yan looked at Malda unhappy.

Marda smiled "hee hee", looking like an old-fashioned weird, and looked pretty eye-catching, but her appearance and temperament did not fit this young girl's attitude.

Xia Yan blinked and said, "I finally believe that this is a face-seeing world."

Malda: "What?"

Xia Yan murmured: "You look at a pretty girl who laughs like a mischievous, cute and cute, my anger is almost gone. You look at how you laugh with the face of the body, cheap Xi. "

Han Jiangxue: "..."

Gu Shian: "..."

Marda: "Am I special ..."

She raised her hand suddenly, Xia Yan's subconscious body crooked, and she hurriedly hid the blessing, but after she jumped away she found out, where is the blessing from this body?

However, the name of the poisoned milk king has been deeply engraved in the minds of the world, and Xia Yan's response is almost conditioned.

Marda tickled her fingers at Xia Yan and said, "Come here, fight."

Xia Yan was not accustomed to Jiang Xiao, and she directly took out a deadly sword, her body slightly arched, and said, "Yes, did you give this body a name?"

Malda grinned and said, "Why are you so keen on naming? Big diamonds, big cloaks, what good name can you name at this level?"

"Jiang Xiao ... Malda Merida ..." muttered in Xia Yan's mouth, and began to freely combine names in her head, saying, "It's decided! You're called Jiang Dada! "


Named ghost!

Our tail feathers team can have seven tails like yours, it is a treasure!

Fortunately, if you call me Jiang Dada, if you call me Jiang Mamei, it is estimated that Xiaojiang Xue can strangle you!

Marda suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I will answer the phone."

Talking, Marda stood as if "offline".

Xia Yan gathered up curiously, looked left and right, and even reached out and pinched Jiang Dada's face, but couldn't help but let go of her lips and said, "It's so tender, this is like a bedridden person." Patient. "

Han Jiangxue explained: "It should have been blessed. You know how effective Jiang Xiao's blessing is."

And outside the world of misfortune, in the office suite of Erwei.

Jiang Xiaoyang lay on the bed and answered the phone: "Huh?"

"Pippi! Pippi!" On the phone, Yi Qingchen's joyful voice came.

Jiang Xiao rolled over and lay on his side on the bed, and said, "What's wrong? So happy?"

Yi Qingchen smiled and said, "My dad agreed that I should be an optical apprentice! Mix up with you!"

Jiang Xiao: "Huh? What's going on? Change your mind?"

Think of a high-weight man like Yi Zhizhong who has his own philosophy of life. The things he decides are generally difficult to change, not to mention that this is related to the future development of his children. This is a big deal.

Yi Qingchen, as the young lady of the Yi family, said without exaggeration that those who can influence the rise and fall of the entire family are the well-deserved leaders of the young generation.

"Hmm ..." Yi Qingchen hesitated for a moment, and said, "Did you, the Northwest Night Watch Corps, set up a special light-to-light special brigade for you? You are still the second-best of the tail feather brigade, so Just soft and hard foam ... "

Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, which was beyond his expectation.

What is Yi Zhizhong's mission? That was the deputy captain of the Broken Mountain Army. Jiang Xiao's tail feather brigade was of course very strong, but who scored better than that, and Yi Zhizhong was not someone who would be scared by such a name.

Yi Qingchen said: "In any team, they are all experienced, they are destroying different dimensions of space, they are all to protect the home, defend the country, the broken mountain army, the vigil army, all the same. The most important thing is that with you, I can Learn something. "

Jiang Xiao groaned for a long while and said, "Of course, I'll drag you directly into my tail feather brigade. If you need anything over there, I can also face them in person."

"No, no, the next time you come to point us at Fangtian's painting skills, I will go directly to the northwest with you to join the vigil." Yi Qingchen's voice was very light, but also very firm.

"Um." Jiang Xiao also responded softly.

I owe you the Yi family, and I pay it back to you!

It's time to find a sparring for Gu Shi'an! If the realm does not rise to the Xinghai, Fangtian painting halberd skill can not reach the platinum level, don't think of it!

Of course, the day when you step out of the training space of Wouying, that is, the day when you take off the name of "Apprentice" and formally become a chasing person.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiao asked, "Where is Xiao Tao?"

Yi Qingchen hesitated, and responded, "Chen Lingtao ... he is still in the Nebula period, still a senior in high school, or a child. His family will not allow him to join such a dangerous team."

"Um." Jiang Xiao responded, and Yi Qingchen decided the time for the next performance and hung up the phone.

As far away as a house outside the Central Plains Xingwu University, Yi Qingchen hung up the phone and turned to look at a mature and capable woman over 50 years old, and said, "Thank you."

Yi Tingyue Dong Tingyue nodded with a smile, and said, "We can't follow you forever, we can't protect you forever, and time is precious. This so-called senior year is hardly more helpful to your growth.

You and I know the development of this world. Let him directly ask for your school as the tail feather brigade. "

"Um." Yi Qingchen nodded smartly.

Yi mother bitterly urged: "Don't lock your eyes only on combat skills, try to learn his fighting style, develop your own combat qualities, and ..."

Dong Tingyue sat on the sofa and said, "Huaxing has already been following him. You need to be careful."

Yi Qingchen pursed his lips and said, "The whole world is staring at Yi family, Huaxing is also staring at Yi family, and my identity is here again. You can't let me live in Yiwutang all my life. ... "

This is true. Regardless of whether Baze brought the news back, the Yi family almost announced to the whole world that the Yi family killed Nanazi.

And the real positive conflict with Baze, even nearly killed Baze, but the Yi Tenghui, only in terms of danger, the Yi family, especially the Yi family is very dangerous.

The mother and daughter talked to each other, but they did not know. At this time, a person named "Jiang Tu" was walking along the trail and approaching the evaporating Baze step by step ...


I finally arrived home, and the manuscripts are completely gone. During the annual meeting, many authors cheated. You see me as an old dog, and I update on time and on time every day. You do n’t praise me ...

Look for the state tonight and continue to struggle.

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