Nine Star Burden

Chapter 987: Legend leather

There are obviously two kinds of creatures in this different dimension space, but the name of the different dimension space is named by the yin and yang souls: the yin and yang soul dimensional space.

the reason?

Of course, the star beads of the yin and yang souls are more useful to humans.

Where Jiang Xiao is sitting is a relatively open mountain. In the distance, rolling mountains and rivers can be seen in the distance. There are grass and grass underfoot, and the sky is blue.

Jiang Xiao carefully looked at the yin and yang souls, and could not help secretly wondering.

This guy's skin ... is it really jade?

Jiang Xiao once saw this kind of skin texture. It was in the land of the Central Plains, a group of Swiss beasts. Their skin is colorful, and it feels as warm as jade and looks like jade.

But Rui Beast is just "like" jade, and the skin of this yin and yang soul is really jade!

Dark as ink, black shiny!

Is this Mo Yu?

Jiang Xiao kicked away the fighting spirit of the yin and yang souls, and also saw a dark face, and the white-faced dancer was just two extremes.

Although the eyes are also blood red, but this face is completely black, if you close your eyes and shut your mouth and look at it from afar, it is really like an uncarved black jade.

Lin Tong put down the jade flute on her lips, her eyes gradually turned red, and in the blink of an eye, there was a dark cloud in the sky.

Obviously, Lin Ying also possesses a series of star skills of tears and rain from the land of Badin. Of course, this kind of star skills is out of the reach of ordinary people, but as a night watchman, she has applied for such star beads.

"There, the biomes over there are obviously denser, and it is likely to be closer to the Holy Ruins." Lin Tong said, pointing his finger in one direction.

"Go." Jiang Xiao pressed one hand on Lin Mao's shoulder, and said, "My star map is the ability to increase the quality of astral skills and further amplify the astral skills, so my time and space can bring people."

Lin took a moment, then nodded.

Of course, she knows that Jiang Xiao's nine-star map can increase its astrological quality. As early as when Jiang Xiao was performing a mission, she repeatedly used the star map to enhance the astral effect as an excuse to explain her special high-quality astral special effects.

The typical one is Jiang Xiao's Bell Bell star technique. Most people's Bell Bells can only reach the human body, but Jiang Xiao's Bell Bells can heal people's minds and make people calm down quickly, which everyone knows.

In this case, since Jiang Xiao's true promotion to the Xinghai Period and the transformation of the stars into military affairs, he has become even more wanton.

This star chart is indeed very powerful, but what really surprised Lin Ye is that in addition to the star chart's ability to enhance the astrology, Jiang Xiao's transformation of the stars into two other functions turned out to be about time and space.

In terms of space, Lin Ye was not very familiar with it, and it was not mentioned in the information, and she was not inquired.

But this time with Jiang Xiao to perform the mission, Lin Ye clearly understood Jiang Xiaohua's part of the use of time.

After all, the two came here to trace the time and arrest the criminals, so Lin Ye was slightly exposed to this information.

One star chart, three effects of turning stars into military power?

It's a god-level auxiliary star map!

Jiang Xiao laid a hand on Lin Mao's shoulder, and the two shuttled directly away, in a dense forest.

"Do ~"

The figures just appeared, and a note had sounded.


The sound of jade popping again!

In the woods in front of him, a figure suddenly changed, and quickly retreated, while Jiang Xiao suddenly raised his hand, and a blessed light fell.

The yin and yang souls in the golden ranks should not have been so uncomfortable, but in the panic, it did not escape the falling beam of blessing.

In a short time, the Yin and Yang souls fell to the ground.

It was clear that Lin Ying had no interest in slaughtering the ghosts of the yin and yang. She had tears in her eyes, looked around, and pointed in a direction again: "Maybe it is over there."

"Um." Jiang Xiao didn't bother with the figure of Mo Yu, he pressed his hand on Lin Mao's shoulder again, and said, "It's really love and kill each other. It is said that this sound-like star technique is only for special targets Amazing effect, the damage to ordinary creatures is not high? "

Uh ...

The two stood on top of a mountain again. Lin Yan closed his eyes and searched to confirm the distribution of the creatures, and explained, "Yes, I use the ordinary star technique" Soulbreaker Flute ", only of silver quality. . "

Lin Huan continued: "Although the white-faced dancer is only a creature in the silver band, its star skills can cause extremely strong damage to the golden band and the yin and yang souls.

This soul-breaking flute and star technique is only effective for killing the yin and yang souls. When attacking other targets, the damage is not high.

According to the results of the Ludong Star Association, it should be the cause of biological characteristics.

The body structure of the Yin and Yang souls is very easy to be disturbed by the special sound of the broken soul flute, and it is easy to be destroyed by the sound of the special jade body structure. "

With that said, Lin Ying again signaled a direction: "There."

Jiang Xiao nodded secretly, their figures flickered again.

The star skills of the white-faced dancers are very interesting. There are three of them, all of silver quality.

1. Dance the flute and summon a star-like instrument like a flute.

2. Soul-hunting flute, using dance flute, releases music full of stars, which can calm down the targets in the sound range, and has a certain calming effect.

Note that this is a group star-like technique without distinction, and anyone who hears the sound will be soothed.

3, the broken soul flute, using the dance flute, releases notes that can be issued, and makes sonic attacks on single targets, which has a deterrent effect on ghosts.

Note that this is a single offensive star-like technique. It is not the sound that causes damage to the target, but the invisible sound shock wave.

Obviously holding a sound star-like technique, why is it called a dancer?

Because ... don't look at their scary looks, but the state of dancing the flute is really beautiful!

The dancing postures are engraved in their bones, flowing in their blood. If you come to explore the yin and yang soul in different dimensions, as long as you have enough patience, you will definitely see the dancing white-faced dancers.

As long as you put a mosaic on the face of the white-faced dancer, the one who dances in front of you is properly a peerless beauty.

The creature with a white face has a relatively low IQ and is not ferocious in nature, but they will not waste food delivered to their lips.

White-faced Dancer's "Soul Breaking Flute" star technique is not harmful to other creatures, but to the yin and yang souls in this space, this star technique is really a killing magic skill.

This also caused the biological distribution of the entire space to be very weird. To help meet the Changbai-faced dancers, they mostly acted alone, met with the same family, and may even say hello ...

White-faced dancer 1: "Did you eat?"

White-faced Dancer 2: "I haven't eaten, I'm not hungry, I have lost weight recently and it is enough to absorb star power."

Baimianwu Niang 1: "I tell you, Mo Yu is really nourishing the body. Next time you meet a yin and yang soul, you don't want to let it go. Use their body to make a bed. Awesome!"

White-faced dancer 2: "Yes? I try ..."


The yin and yang souls here have relatively high IQs, but most of them appear in groups.

This is the wonder of yin, yang, and soul: the auxiliary stars and beasts act independently, but the output of the stars and beasts is in groups ...

These poor soldiers, who were supposed to be lonely kings, were persecuted into gregarious creatures by the help of a group of flutes ...

The yin and yang souls are more brutal and combative, and the IQ above the passing line allows them to suppress their nature, but there is always a time for the fire to be vented.

Whether the clan fights internally or hunts for the white-faced dancers, this is the core problem that the yin and yang souls have faced for a long time.

The yin and yang souls have yin and yang forms, both of which are combat output star skills.

With strong output star skills and suppression in the ranks, as long as there are enough people, hunting a white-faced dancer is still easy to succeed.

As for the price ...

There is no healing astrology in this different-dimensional space, and that Mo Yu's body will break when touched by the shock wave of notes, so ...

The output star skills of the Yinyang Spirit is basically the standard configuration of Mindong and Shield battles in Ludong Province.

It has three star skills:

1, soul, silver quality, can transform the physical body into the form of ghost and sun soul, lasting 2 seconds.

2, Yin: Silver quality, in the ghost form, can release the ghost, impact the target, with a certain impact, with minor soul damage.

3. Yang: The quality of gold, in the form of the Yang soul, enhances the physical properties of the body and increases the defense.

In other words, in the ghost state, once attacked by the dancer's notes, the soul is basically in a state of splitting heart and soul.

In the state of the sun, even if your defense is improved, the essence of the body structure is here, and it should be broken ...

For human beings, at least in the "soul" state, there is no need to consider so much. After all, human beings are flesh and blood, and will not be broken by the touch of a note.

Theoretically, under such special astrology, Lu Dong's combat system should also be able to kill a blood path and occupy a place in the range of China.

But who do you score with?

How do you compare with the ghost monks in Central China?

Are you going to compare with the shadow of Jinmen?

How do you compare Yan Zhao's death?

For two seconds, a real man limits Lu Dong's men. In terms of star power, the yin and yang souls really can't compare to shadows and death.

The yin and yang soul star skills can barely match the wrists of the central plains monk star skills.

The star skills of the Central Plains ghost monk are also inferior to Jinmen and Yan Zhao, but why is the phrase "Zhongyuan Chuminzhan" recognized by the whole China?

Because "soft power" is here, the ghost monk is a real weapon master and a master of combat skills.

No doubt, this is the quality of star technology.

Jiang Xiao believes that if the time of the "soul" star technique is not 2 seconds, even if it is increased by 1 second to 3 seconds, the story is definitely different.

Even if the quality of the star technique of that "ghost soul" is improved by one level, and is equal to that of the sun soul, reaching the golden level, as long as the impact and output damage increase, the story will definitely be different.

Uh ...

Between flashes, Jiang Xiao saw Lin Ling beside him, and a piece of white paper suddenly appeared on his body.

Lin Yan looked serious, and said, "Just in front, shall I?"

Jiang Xiao watched Lin Yan ’s cool and dark vigil uniform, put on a thick layer of paper, and watched the dark ink appear on the paper, he could n’t help but said, “You have to rush in, Use paper and ink to fry? "

Lin Li stands on the top of the mountain, looking at the rolling mountains in the distance, and also sees the gate of Shengxu in the sky.

She nodded steadfastly: "We are all auxiliary and have little output astrology skills, but you are focusing on weapon skills and lack high-explosive astrology skills.

Let me do it. The gate of Shengxu is extremely unstable, as long as it is detonated around the gate of Shengxu.

You guard me, after I sing, there will be rain of paper and ink. "

Lin Yu, wearing a paper ink gown, spoke the jade flute in her hand again, and the ink on the layers of paper had drawn the pattern of pine and cypress.

Under the oblique wind and drizzle, the soaked paper and ink clothing fluttered lightly, as if the pine and cypresses had come alive, fluttering with the wind, and had a layered sense.

This ink,

It won't be wet by the rain and flow down ...

Jiang Xiao recognizes this astrological skill, and he has read Lin Bi's materials well, knowing that this "paper and ink clothing" also comes from Ludong's local space of different dimensions.

Jiang Xiao looked at the horizon, looking at the dumpling-like white-faced dancers and yin and yang souls, and said, "Your broken soul flute is a single star technique. You ca n’t kill the holy market yet?"

Said, Jiang Xiao raised his right hand and said, "In addition, with me, can you get charged?"

Lin Ye's palm was slightly stiff, and he looked up suddenly, but he saw a behemoth that completely covered her entire world.

In the drizzling rain, the huge creature was slowly swimming, and an ethereal voice was floating in the rain curtain: "Om ..."

Jiang Xiao thought about a picture secretly in his mind, thinking in his heart: "The sea vortex is walking."

"Om ..."

The next moment, in this rich environment of water, countless raindrops were directly expropriated, and a huge vortex rose from the ground, and the strong Yinyang soulman and the tall white-faced dancer turned into a weak ant.

In the face of these natural disasters, they have no resistance ability, and can only flee wildly, or passively bear the anger from the sky.

The huge eddy current spun at a high speed, engulfing the Holy Ruins instantly, and after just two seconds, the entire space suddenly vibrated.

The mountains and rivers were shaking, and the earth was torn.

Jiang Xiao flickered, sitting directly on the head of the humming whale, and touched its soft skin: "Thank you, go and play with you!"

"Om ..."


The huge figure that was enough to cover the sky disappeared quietly, layer after layer of strong star power, rushing into Jiang Xiao's body frantically.

Lin Ye looked up at Jiang Xiao, who was falling freely. As the endless star power finally poured into Jiang Xiao's chest, he immediately flickered back to Lin Ye's body: "Go."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Lin Yi laughed abruptly, and almost ... found his own positioning wrong.

This is ... the legendary leather god!


Each chapter has been up and down four thousand words recently. I'm doing my best ~ ask for some votes.

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