Nine Star Burden

Chapter 992: Birch Forest and Ice Prayer Forest

For the first time since the opening of the Birchwood Academy, the class has ended in advance.

The savage children ran out like a hug, watching them cheering and jumping, Jiang Xiao wanted to say something: What! It's called! Surprise!

When Jiang Xiaohuai hugged Yuanyuan and walked out of the school with blue and laughing, the courtyard was a snowflake, not because the ice cave family came, but because the savage children were playing snowball ... ...

The physical fitness of savage children, that's absolutely impossible to say!

Playing a snowball fight is not a simple play. A savage child was actually over a meter tall in order to dodge the snowball. It really meant to fly ...

Children in adults' world must not understand, but children can still feel something wrong around them.

Especially after Jiang Xiao and Cang Lan came out, outside the surrounded school courtyard, countless savages cast a hot look on Jiang Xiao.

The savage children thought that these adults were looking at themselves, so they had a great desire to express themselves. The one who played was called happy, and when they found out the situation at this time, they rushed out of the wall and went around to play.

Pale Blue stopped and chuckled softly: "Since you left, Lord Buddha (Zhang Songfu) has become their coach, but until now, Lord Buddha has not been able to get rid of your shadow."

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao tightened Yuanyuan tightly, adjusted a comfortable posture, and looked curiously at Pale Blue.

Pale blue chuckled and said, "Although the savages didn't say anything, everyone could feel that they didn't appreciate the fighting skills of Lord Buddha. There was no way you could teach them before. Naturally, the apprentice would put Master Compare them together. "

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao moaned in an awkward moment, nodded to the savages around the courtyard, and said, "Let's go back and get busy. Tomorrow, I will check your skill level and see Have you been lax in training this year? "

A group of savage men's swords and guns responded aloud, and after repeated urging by Jiang Xiao, they dispersed.

Jiang Xiao also marveled, saying, "You school is a forbidden area? The wild people ca n’t make the surrounding area leak out, but no one dares to step in."

"This is an order I gave them. Don't disturb Ms. Cang Lan to impart knowledge to the children." An old voice came.

Jiang Xiao turned his head to look, but saw the Blu chief wearing a white ghost fur coat, stepping forward.

Beside the burly patriarch with a huge body, there was even a behemoth that was about three meters in size, and compared with the witches and witches of the savage tribe, he didn't bother.

Jiang Xiao froze for a moment, isn't this **** on his own tyrant? Bing soul?

Although ... Jiang Xiao knows that this ice soul is not the tyrant that year, after all, Jiang Xiao was in Liaodong Province and first encountered ice soul, but ...

To be honest, Jiang Xiao has a little psychological shadow about such a creature as Binghun.

The ghost of ice with ghostly lines and ghostly lines floated beside the Patriarch's body, and the body continually condensed, gradually revealing the ice crystal lines, becoming an ice crystal body.

That huge body stood in the white snow, shining beautiful luster in the sunlight.

Jiang Xiao's heart secretly wondered: Hey ~ this big ice sculpture ~

Very good, very flashy, big!

After you die, you can come to my stone villa door guard!

However, compared to Binghun, Jiang Xiao already owns a lot of crystal dragon statues. Of course, the structure of the dragon clan is more exquisite.

It can be seen that Binghun has great respect for the blue. He lowered his head and nodded friendly towards the blue.

Think about it, it is probably that Baihualin rid the ice cave team at the beginning, but under the suggestion of blue, Baihualin accepted the ice clan, and after understanding the causes and consequences, Binghun was particularly friendly to blue.

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "Old Patriarch, don't come here."

Brue ’s understanding of Chinese has improved a lot. With a wrinkled face, he responded with a smile: “Mr. Jiang, do n’t come here.

Your people, leading the development of the birch forest tribe is getting better and better. Fortunately, the birch forest can meet such kind humans as you. "

"Don't say that." Jiang Xiao said, "We have also come here to seek asylum. At present, it seems that my comrades live well here, and thanks to the care of Patriarch Brew."

Patriarch Blu smiled, and did not respond anymore, but changed the subject, motioned to the ice soul next to him, and said, "This is Bing Qilin, and Zhang Jiaotou named it."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

The pale obviously knew what Jiang Xiao was thinking, and whispered: "Praying for prayer, the forest of trees."

Jiang Xiao: "Ah?"

This is beyond Jiang Xiao's surprise. He really thought that this guy was called ice cream.

The blue whispered quietly: "The name already represents the story of the ice cave family. When I go back, I will tell you."

Hearing that Jiang Xiao remembered the introduction of the male knife before, and suddenly realized.

It turned out to be such an "ice praying forest".

This group of ice caves is seeking a place to stay, so Zhang Songfu named this ice soul and their tribe.

In this way, should praying begging become begging begging?

However, Jiang Xiao did not see the group of ice monsters, praying every day, otherwise, the word would not be tangled.

The ice monster in the different ball is different from the fuzzy and mosaic ice monster in the earth and lower dimensions.

The ice demon lines here are clearer and the facial features are more exquisite. You can pull one out casually, and the face value is above the level.

Coupled with their crying and crying expressions, no matter whether they are men or women, whoever is a kind person, it is estimated that they can't stand their hurtful appearance.

Jiang Xiao greeted the two tribal chiefs and said, "I will visit the two in the afternoon, and I will go home first."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, let's go home and rest." Bruce said quickly.

Bing soul on the side is silent and does not say anything.

Led by the blue, Jiang Xiaohuai held Yuanyuan and came to a stone house.

Most of the birch forest tribes are wooden buildings, there are relatively few stone buildings, and most of them belong to humans.

Typical is the former residence of Ms. Zhu Yue, and now, for example, Cang Lan and Hu Wei's separate house.

They have already settled here. When they first came here, they stayed at Zhu Yue's and Xiao Chongyang's homes for a while, and then set up their own homes.

"There is Buddha ’s house over there, and we are neighbors." Cang Lan opened the gate while introducing.

Jiang Xiao felt the round struggle in his arms. He let go, and landed round and steadily, splashed a snowflake, quickly ran in, and shouted, "Bear!"

Jiang Xiao walked in quickly, and in a bedroom, he just saw the picture of Yuanyuanfei fluttering on a plush toy.

"Huh?" The sleeping bamboo bear lying on the ground was also frightened by this shell and woke up.

When he saw that it was round, Zhu Xiong pouted and pouted, still not angry, and continued to lie on his back, sleeping with his head tilted.

It seems that it is no stranger to such a scene.

The blue leaned against the door frame, looked at Yuanyuan kindly, and said softly, "Thank you for bringing the bamboo bear. It is lazy and docile, and has been accompanying Yuanyuan to grow up."

"Ah, it should be." Jiang Xiao said casually, and it was indeed a good mood to see such a picture of healing the heart.

"By the way, is this ...?" In her own home, Cang Lan finally asked what had troubled her all the way.

Jiang Xiao knew she was asking Baze and explained, "This is another me."

"Oh?" Blue looked at Baze behind him. Although he was wearing a cape and a mask, Baze was a little taller than Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao added: "He is a body, a body, and a soulless type, which is controlled by me."

Pale's breathing was slightly delayed :! !! !!

She looked at Jiang Xiao in shock, and for a while, countless thoughts passed her mind, but then she was relieved.

As a mother, she had to consider more, but her friendship with Jiang Xiao quickly let go of her heart.

To this sincere and warm young man by his side, to this day, after receiving so many gifts from Jiang Xiao, Cang Lan really can not raise any vigilance against him, and will not even have any doubts or doubts.

Jiang Xiao suddenly said, "Yes, is Xiao Chongyang back?"

Pale blue pursed her lips, which was also what she wanted to ask.

At the beginning, Jiang Xiao turned into a crow and went high to fly, just to find the missing child.

More than half a year has passed, and it appears that Jiang Xiao has not succeeded.

The blue silence has given Jiang Xiao the answer.

Jiang Xiao sighed softly and said, "I have traveled all over Beijiang, Zhongji, and Liaodong, passed through the eastern part of Dameng, crossed Sanjin Province, and found the land of the Central Plains ..."

Pale blue opened his mouth wide. The familiar place names are not simple words.

They represent extremely dangerous areas. It's hard to imagine what Cang Xiao encountered in this journey.

Jiang Xiaodao: "In the Central Plains, my team and I tried to go north to march into the Yanzhao Land, but were returned back again and again."

The blue whispered, "You have a team."

Jiang Xiao: "Yes, the team is very strong, but we still can't let us stand on the ground of Yan Zhao."

Blue said, "We can help you."

Jiang Xiao froze and smiled: "No need."

Cang Lan grabbed Jiang Xiao's arm with one hand, looking extremely sincere, and said, "Let's do something for you, even a little."

Jiang Xiao froze immediately.

He is accustomed to giving. For others, maybe Jiang Xiao got nothing, and he didn't ask for anything in return.

But for Jiang Xiao himself, he got a lot.

These teammates who are alive and who have found their hopes, thrive and grow round, all these have enriched Jiang Xiao's life and made his life more valuable.

Jiang Xiao smiled and patted the back of the blue hand, and said, "I have been promoted to the Xinghai period, and my role of turning stars into military forces can be traced back to time. This time, I just want to see where Xiao Chongyang went . "

The blue was completely choked, she received too much information in just a few minutes, and Jiang Xiao's role of turning the stars into a military force became the last straw that crushed the camel.

Baze behind did not hang up, but was silent, and the blue in front of him seemed to be really "offline" ...

Jiang Xiao stretched out his palm and waved it in front of Cang Lan, and said, "If there is really a need, I will seek your help, don't worry. By the way, when will Lao Hu and Lord Buddha come back?"

"They, he ..." Pale Blue responded for a while before Baba responded, "They have been out for 2 days and are expected to return soon. The average hunting operation will not exceed 3 day."

"Isn't the free-ranging ape and ghost in the valley enough to eat?" Jiang Xiao asked curiously, "Can I still go hunting?"

"Yes." Cang Lan sighed softly. "Before the birch forest battled with Bingqilin, it spread to the ape-ghost family."

"Well." Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "It turned out to be this way, then when they come back, I'll go and see Xiao Chongyang now."

Said, Jiang Xiao turned around and walked out.

"Uncle Circle! Where are you going?" Yuan Yuan, lying on the soft bamboo bear, was suddenly anxious, hurried up, and ran over.

"I won't leave for the time being." Jiang Xiao squatted down in a hurry, comforting Yuanyuan softly. "I'll go out and turn around and come back for lunch at noon."

Said, Jiang Xiao looked up at Cang Lan with a strange look, and said, "Is there lunch at noon?"

"Ah, yes!" Cang Lan nodded again and again. "Eggplant potatoes and big peppers, what do you want, I'll fry them in three places? Do you like it? Here's another pot of Chinese cabbage stewed ape and ghost meat"

Jiang Xiao: "..."

To Leon!

Forget about Zhang Songfu's commander level, this Hu Wei's farming level sounds really good ...

It doesn't matter whether it is the earth or the strange ball, this black land can really feed people!

"That's right!" Baze suddenly said, "I brought you a lot of food, spices and new seeds. I'm afraid that Hu Wei can grow badly. Everything is in my space. Let's move it .. .... "

Bazaar had just opened the door to the shelter at Sea Ridge, and a big head doll popped up.

It probed its head and looked around.

"Yeah." Yuanyuan called out in surprise, curiosity came forward, and scared the blue, grabbing Yuanyuan's back collar, and directly carried it back ...

Yuanyuan was pinched by the fate of the back of his neck and blue in the air. His little hands were chopping his collar, his feet were flapping, his face was flushed and his breathing was difficult.

Stone hammer!

This is my mother!

The growth of Yuanyuan in this environment is really not afraid of heaven.

Children are not sensible, adults are sensible!

Pale Blue has never seen this big-headed doll at all, and does not know what it is. Of course, he dare not let his son approach the mysterious species.

Jiang Xiao also took this scene into his eyes and shook his head and smiled.

The mist of the black mist doll is lingering, and the eyes are still weird ruby. Is this round really scared?

This little guy with a big head and a big brain, continues to grow like this, afraid that he will become a mixed-world little devil.


Sorry for the late update, I am really sorry, it is still four thousand words, changed and changed again, and finally satisfied, sorry for coming late.

Love you, Hai Han. I will not do it again.

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