The horde of millions of beasts outside Storm City was extremely large in scale.

After killing some, the rest escaped, leaving a lot of loot all over the place.

However, the price paid was a sharp decrease in the number of skeletons.

During this period, the dragon died three times, and the angel disintegrated once. If Lin Ye hadn't made up the call in time, even in the destroyed Storm City, the local army might not be able to cope with the vast army of monsters that were in a rage outside.

After all, they are driven from the three places, and the main force is dominated by elite main force monsters such as Snowfield Titans, Rippers, and Ice Dragons. Thousands of them are killed, and in exchange for dozens of well-trained reorganized soldiers It will take several days to fight even if we start, and the loss of troops will also be unknown.

After the three monster armies outside Storm City were broken, Storm City finally ushered in a short period of peace.

As the lord of the city, Lin Ye, relying on the remaining hundreds of dharma kings, formed a skeleton army in the city.

On the one hand, it is used to defend against foreign enemies, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as having its own military organization.

Although he was the only one who obeyed orders, and he was rigid and stunned, but in a critical moment, if Lin Ye was not in the city, they could still play a big role.

"Compatriots, I heard that the city chief will build the city for us. The captain of the merchant ship who flew over from other big cities asked for more than 96 billion yuan. We can't just ask Lin Shen for this money! He helped us build the city. We have gone through round after round of animal hordes and provided fuel for our daily life. We cannot repay this kindness, but we must not sit back and enjoy the benefits of what we can do.”

"Storm City is everyone's hometown. Now that it is destroyed, Lin Shen is willing to help us rebuild it without charging a penny. What do you think we should do?"

On a certain high platform, a life team leader who was temporarily in charge of the logistics, shouted loudly to the refugees surrounded by crowds below the platform.

"Donate money! You must donate money!"

"My life was saved by God Lin, and I promised to use half of my savings to build the statue, so I must contribute."

"If it weren't for God Lin's perseverance, my family of four would have disappeared. Now that the city is destroyed, God Lin is the first to stand up and think of a way for us. I don't know anything else, but I know that being a person requires conscience. I took the money from my family."

"Uncle, old aunts, this is not incense money for worshiping the gods, it is for us to build our own home!"

"Yes, with the blessing of the forest god, this Storm City will not be finished. Why don't you spend money to build a home for yourself?"

"I will offer 230,000 yuan, and I will save a little to buy fuel."

"I also saved some money when I was young, but now I can't get out of the heavy snow here, so I donate it all hehe."

"I donate 1.32 million."

"Hey, the older generation is really rich. Although I am young and strong, my home is gone as soon as I am an adult. I... I am so shy, I will donate 8,000." A young man wearing a thick fur looked pale Red said in a low voice.

The old man who donated one million smiled kindly, "Ten years in Hebei and ten years in Hexi, when you reach my age, money and so on are already secondary."

Yang Meng in the crowd had red eyes.

She is a rather emotional girl, seeing everyone working so hard, she couldn't help feeling relieved, using a pair of small hands as a horn, shouting loudly: "I donate 800,000, I donate all."

The life captain on the high platform raised over 300 million in the name of building the city in a short while.

Although the refugees in the city are united, they are not many in number.

And it's even rarer to be able to take out a million at once like that old man.

Carrying this heavy hard-earned money of refugees, the captain of life had a bitter expression on his face, his teeth clenched on his dry lower lip, and he went to the room where Lin Shen was talking with the captain of the chamber of commerce with a little anxiety.


"Lin... God Lin, my subordinates have something to report."


Lin Shen in the room sat in front of the tea table, crossing his legs.

When the fur man entered, he and the captain of the chamber of commerce looked over at the same time.

These two peaceful gazes made the captain of life feel embarrassed immediately, lowered his head nervously and said, "Shen Lin, I... I brought 330 million city construction funds on behalf of the aborigines in the city."

After saying this, he was afraid that Lin Ye would be unhappy because the amount was too small, so he hurriedly hemmed and said: "We...we have... done our best."

His voice, the more he spoke, the thinner and inaudible.

After listening to the man's words, Lin Ye sat up straight quickly, and took a Tong's gold deposit card that he handed over with both hands.

His eyes were a little complicated, but also a little relieved.

"It is enough to have this kind of heart, and we will make up for it when our Storm City becomes prosperous in the future."

Lin Ye said as if joking.

The hard-won money for the refugees was generously put into the backpack.

He knows, if refused.

This will not only deprive the refugees of the city of their dignity, but also deepen their sense of guilt.

Since it is intended to make Storm City the first stop of faith, it must be done as well as possible and detailed.

The life captain caught a glimpse of God Lin accepting the card from the corner of his eye, a smile immediately appeared on his face, he bowed deeply to God Lin, performed the worship ceremony, and then retreated with a little joy in his heart.

Looking away, the captain of the Chamber of Commerce frowned and said, "Shen Lin, Storm City has been targeted by the Lanzhou Military Department, so it's very difficult to deal with."

Lin Ye said indifferently: "You just need to transport people, if anyone dares to touch someone from your chamber of commerce, I will come forward and settle it!"

"On the three-acre land in the Dragon District, there is no single force that can confront Seven Kills head-on!"

This is a bit too big.

But Lin Ye had to speak harshly to reassure the caravan passing by, otherwise no one in Storm City would dare to repair it.

The cold sweat on the forehead of the captain of the Chamber of Commerce gradually broke out, and he nodded slightly: "Okay."

"After going back, I asked a president of the group to come over to discuss this matter in person."

"I'm a soft-spoken person, and I really dare not make decisions on my own when it comes to cooperating with Qisha."

After speaking, the captain of the Chamber of Commerce squeezed out a flattering smile.

Lin Ye nodded in understanding.

Now being associated with Seven Kills is tantamount to fighting against Long District.

Once the Seven Kills can't control the situation, outsiders are very likely to be implicated.

"Come back next time, bring more living supplies and fuel."

Lin Ye thought for a while and said.

The captain of the Chamber of Commerce nodded honestly.

"How much do you want?"

Lin Ye: "Let's bring a few boats for all kinds of daily necessities, ten boats for fuel, and the refugees in the city are struggling. I want someone to open a cheaper store. The main purpose is to supply them. Let them survive the cold winter first, etc. After Storm City has been rebuilt, let them go hunting and earn their living."

"You are really a considerate city lord."

The captain of the Chamber of Commerce praised sincerely.

at this time.

A series of prompts sounded in Lin Ye's ear.

[World announcement: Storm City. 】

【Ding! There are several large secret realms in your abandoned city, the level of which is unknown. 】

【Ding! There are twelve large temples and mazes in your abandoned city. Gods can be worshiped in the temples, and the opportunities are endless. 】

【Ding! There are several different world cracks in your abandoned city, the level is unknown, which may threaten the safety of your homeland. 】

【Ding! Monthly data report. 】

[Your city safety factor rating: 0 stars, your city livability index rating: 0 stars, your people's happiness index rating: 1 star, your reputation: 478700, comprehensive ranking: 999+, did not receive the blessing of heaven Rewards, keep up the good work. 】

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