"Damn bug, you actually made me feel a little bit of fear, it's unimaginable, it's not reasonable at all!"

Churchill said trembling tensely.

Endless anger welled up in his heart, and the Horcrux he held in his hand immediately counterattacked even more violently.

A mass of thick black air quickly emerged from the Horcrux, trying to cover the entire lounge.

In fact, the speed at which the black air diffused was comparable to the sudden lighting of lights in the room.

In an instant, Lin Yehe was enveloped in it, and slowly formed an indescribable thing wriggling crazily on the surfaces of the four walls, baring its teeth and claws.

Continuously tearing out various rifts spraying poisonous mist.

There are even humanoid monsters that look like two rows of sawtooth, biting towards the forest leaves.

The steady stream is creepy!

From Lin Ye's perspective, he was suddenly trapped in the belly of the demon.

He felt a sudden chill and nausea, but there was no fear in his eyes, and he said coldly: "It's fancy."

"I can't see your level, but the three undead skeletons behind you have betrayed your real occupation and strength."

"Well, let's put it this way, even if you are a great summoner of rank four or even rank five, I don't pay attention at all. After all, a summoner is just a rookie who controls pets to fight."

"However, if you explain clearly now, what organization sent you here, I can let you die happily, otherwise, you will become the nourishment of my Horcrux!"

Churchill showed a cruel sneer, as cold as the devil's claws and teeth.

Before coming, Lin Ye had already asked the two undeads clearly about Churchill's occupation, as well as combat characteristics and life-saving means.

He never fought an uncertain battle.

"You have to be thankful that this is Habitat for Humanity, Peace Zone."

"However, the three-headed Dharma King is enough to deal with you."

Obviously, large summons are severely restricted in cities and towns.

This will cause civilians to be homeless and even suffer certain casualties.

At that time, it is obvious that they came to do good things, but instead they will become evil things.

Lin Ye chanted a spell, and continuously cast the seal of judgment, the flag of war.

at this time.

Churchill, who was hit by a curse without warning, frowned, as if he didn't expect him to have such a hand.

Hurry up and continue to activate the curse killing, causing Lin Ye to fall into a coma.

The sawtooth monsters swarmed all around, wrapped in poisonous gas, as if they wanted to eat up that living human being.


An extremely cold frost permeated the entire room.

Together with Churchill, who was slowed down and whose damage was reduced, they all fell into a short-term freezing slowdown.

In the lounge, a thick layer of ice suddenly formed.

"Damn it." Even after being slowed down, Churchill opened his mouth, and the speed of chanting the spell became slower.

Take advantage of this gap.

The other two cast the Ice and Fire Curse at the same time.

The frost in the room solidified again, together with those demons, they were quickly oppressed by the high temperature emanating from the sky fire, forming a more violent energy fluctuation, forcing the ice layer to burst, turning into countless extremely sharp ice cones whistling and attacking go.

The sky is burning, and the ice is exploding.

A cold, a hot, is the ultimate.

Even though Churchill's frozen legs were protected by equipment, they were directly injured by the high-volume critical strike, and their flesh was bloody from the explosion.

Other parts suffered serious fatal injuries.

It was constantly bleeding out.

He stared at the drowsy young man in horror, "Using the combination of ice and fire skills, it is very clever to trigger the huge damage increase of the ice and fire curse, coupled with the slowing down of the curse, it is easy to hurt, for a wizard who is not good at defense It's almost a dead end!"

"Fighting genius! I already know that you are the elite sent by that organization."

"Today I admit defeat." Churchill gritted his teeth, a thick black air suddenly emerged from his figure, and he let out a strange smile.

Lin Ye opened his eyes suddenly, with a dazed expression on his face.

The black air drifted away, and Churchill's figure strangely turned into a scarecrow wearing the same equipment, smiling evilly at him, narrowing into a pair of long and narrow dead fish eyes.

"Goodbye friend, you will pay the price."

Hearing this, Lin Ye's expression slowly returned to calm.

Suddenly recalling what the two undead assassins said, "He has scarecrow substitutes hidden in many places, it is very difficult to kill, even if you have strong power, you know, what a wizard is best at is teasing the opponent, no matter In reality, or in a dream.”

Outside, at a height of 100 meters, the angel Kailar, who was overlooking the entire town, gradually focused his eyes on a figure in black robe who quickly escaped from the town.

With indifferent eyes, she raised the holy sword in her hand, and slashed down gently and gently.

at once.

There was an indescribable warmth on the back of Churchill, who had changed into a simple black robe.

He turned around in astonishment, and found that today's sun was particularly blazing, so he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

But soon, he noticed that something was wrong, and his body quickly melted into a pool of blood.

Life-saving skills have a cooling time, this time, Churchill can no longer use the scarecrow to escape.

【Ding! Defeat a player with a level 7 evil thought value and get 10,000 chivalry points. 】

【Ding! Congratulations, you have been promoted to the top 50 in the world chivalrous leaderboard, and the faction information is displayed. 】

"Respected master, I have completed the task you asked me to confirm that the wizard is dead."

The angel Kerla said in a respectful voice.

Lin Ye nodded, and calmly led the three-headed Dharma king out of the town.

He stopped by the pool of blood, thought for a while, picked up the stick on the ground, drew a big circle beside the pool of blood, and covered it with straw.

Summon the Albino Blackwater Crab and order it to stay here.

"After 6 hours, the recovery of the undead cools down, and I'm looking for you to settle the score!"

Thinking this way, Lin Ye turned around and flew back to the secret room.

Before coming here, Lin Ye thought about it, deciding whether to directly use the angels to kill the spy's lair.

But I was afraid that the leader would use the so-called scarecrow to escape as the two undead said.

Letting a witch doctor with rank four escape, the consequences would be disastrous, and Lin Ye would sleep with one eye open in the future.

So for the sake of stability, he reserved large summons that would destroy residential areas as a backup.

I am in the light, and the angel is in the dark, hunting down the spy leader together.

The result is obvious, and my judgment is correct.

High-level job changers are definitely not as easy to deal with as imagined.

Underestimating your opponent is always the stupidest thing to do.

Lin Yehou thought in fear, and returned to the secret room shop.

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