Seven kills main hall.

The vice president, Long Li, was sitting in front of the desk, with two strange birds, one black and one white, standing on either side of his shoulders.

His temples are slightly white, and his hair is long in black, hanging wantonly on his shoulders.

Occasionally, a strand of hair dangled at the corner of his mouth, but he completely ignored it with his focused eyes.

In terms of clothes, it is the Chinese tunic suit of the old dragon country, without any equipment on his body, but it makes people who approach him feel a little bit of fear for no reason.

"Deputy Dragon."

"You should know about Storm City?"

At this time, the elder Liang Wu walked into the side hall study.

After he stood still, his eyes moved down by himself, and he bowed his head and clapped his hands.

Long Li didn't lift his head, still holding the pen, writing something on the paper.

The voice was cold: "Go to Lanzhou to deal with Lin Ye's matter."

"How to deal with it?"

Liang Wu kept his head down, waiting for Long Li's response.

However, the air in the study was quiet for a few seconds, and Long Li suddenly put down his pen.

In his long and narrow eyes, only a little white can be seen. When he looks at others squarely, his dark and deep eyes always make people feel a chill down their spine.

Even though the elder Liang Wu lowered his head, he still felt an invisible pressure.

he knows,

That was the precursor to the crushing of one's own aura, and the disintegration of all pretense and psychological foreshadowing.


Without even thinking about it, Liang Wu knelt down on the ground.

The cold sweat on the forehead, swish! All of a sudden shed.

"Deputy Long, this subordinate really has murderous thoughts about that child."

"I deserve death. I... my third uncle's old Xiao family is almost dead, and there is only one little girl left in the Enlightenment Academy."

Speaking of this, Liang Wu burst into tears and propped his hands on the ground.

No matter how prominent and majestic he is in front of his subordinates, this veteran who has more seniority than most of the core members in the Seven Kills Guild, is still as humble as a slave to his master when facing the vice president, Long Li.

Long Li picked up the white towel on the table, and wiped his left hand without any texture expressionlessly.

His eyes fell on a picture of the seven killings hanging on the wall.

It was a picture of people holding seven different weapons, raising their swords to celebrate.

The current mark of the Seven Kills Guild is also composed of the seven weapons in this picture.

After watching in silence for a while, Long Li put his hands behind his back and said, "Older of Seven Kills, who didn't climb up by stepping on the corpses of fellow guild members?"

"Liang Wu, your role is not as good as that child's."

bang bang!

Liang Wu slammed his head on the ground a few times.

Frightened is trembling all over.

He said with a horrified look: "Deputy Long, I..."

Long Li raised his hand, thinking about Liang Wu's next words.

"The purpose of the Seven Kills is not to support a group of people who take credit for their work."

"If I, Longli, are useless to the organization, I will also be dismissed by the president."

"Liang Wu, you are an old man, you should have such an awareness long ago."

After speaking, Long Li turned around, his cold gaze fell on Liang Wu.

After a long time, Liang Wu, whose body couldn't stop trembling, climbed to Long Li's feet and kissed his shoe surface lightly.

"Seven kills must die!!"

Long Li closed his eyes.

When Liang Wu got up and was about to leave, he suddenly showed a wry smile.

"Deputy Long, if this subordinate dies during this trip, please send my Seven Killing Order to the home of La Seanti, the head of Long District."

Longli nodded.

After Liang Wu left, he sat back at the desk, picked up a pen and continued to review the guild's trivial matters.

In the not-too-distant future, a piece of Seven Killing Orders belonging to Liang Wu was secretly sent to the head of Long District.

The unprovoked hunting action officially sounded the alarm from this day...

This is the right that every elder of the Seven Killing Guild, whether alive or dead, can enjoy.

If they are dissatisfied, even the head of the Federation with the support of the five great temples will dare to order life and death, even if the final result is to lose everything and be smashed to pieces.

At the beginning of its establishment, Seven Kills relied on a relentless determination to make the enemy frightened by the news, and then ranked among the first ranks of the guilds in the Dragon District today.

Countless forces have been offended, and countless big shots have been killed.

And because of this.

The Seven Kills Guild will use "Seven Kills Must Die" as its slogan.

The outside world will jokingly call them a group of lunatics, but they are worthy of the name.

storm city.

Lin Ye hasn't chased away the new couple yet.

Then came three more guild members with different costumes.

"Idiot, you can also occupy Storm City?"

"This is the result of the two districts that Lanzhou and Dezhou belong to. They decided to give up temporarily after discussing together. Do you think you can calm the beast tide outside the city by yourself?"

The cat-eared male assassin with a special profession said to the Xinghe magic robe on the top of the city with a disdainful expression.

Another swordsman riding a white tiger stopped outside the city, staring at Lin Ye with the same cold eyes and said: "You want to dominate Storm City? Then we Qikill members don't have to compare, how about treating you as an elder directly?" ?”

Little Hu Immortal covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "You little big brothers, I'm afraid you don't know something, but City Lord Lin really has this strength."

"You slut, have you hooked up?"

"Little Hu Immortal, if you dare to join in, I will kill you!"

The third bad guest.

He was dressed in red armor, his fists ignited two balls of demon fire, and as he roared at the little fox, his whole body was ablaze.

The little fox fairy showed a pitiful expression of grievance, spread his hands and said: "I'm so scared."

"It's a pity that Brother Yaohuo is stubborn, but his fate is soft."


"Yao Huo, why are you talking to me, Miss Hu Immortal?"

Just when the boxer nicknamed "Demon Fire" was about to erupt.

A graceful young man in a jade tree, wearing the ancient fashion of the old dragon country, and the imperial sword landed beside the little fox fairy.

A spirit sword breeds a sword spirit.

It is one of the best pets and can be used as flying props.

But it cannot be equipped as a weapon.

"Yang Fengzhi, you came just in time."

"Let's go in together and see if Lin can block it."

The tiger riding swordsman said coldly.

The boxer clenched his fists and said with a fighting spirit, "Add Lao Tzu."

Hear them.

Chen Haiyang took the initiative to back away, trying to keep a distance from these people.

These stunned youths have just arrived and don't know the situation in the city yet.

But I have been lurking outside Storm City for almost two days, and I have completely figured out Lin Ye's strength.

It's not so much a team to fight in, it's better to say it's going to die.

They can't deal with a dragon alone.

Not to mention, there is still the god of angels guarding the city.

Chen Haiyang was far away, and he was already prepared to give up the mission.

Little Hu Immortal also turned to leave, but Yang Fengzhi grabbed his arm, winked and said, "Brother will take you in."


"Go ahead and talk about it yourself."

Little Hu Immortal rolled her eyes, turned around and walked more simply.

The boxer sneered disdainfully: "You are so cowardly, are you worthy of competing for the position of elder?"

"Ignore them, let's go in and see what's in Storm City."

"Since Deputy Long regards Storm City as the assessment target, he must have made arrangements. Maybe there is a large secret realm in this ruined city?"

The three people in the team couldn't help thinking about it.

Chen Haiyang and Little Hu Immortal looked at each other and smiled, both in the attitude of watching for fun.

"Who else?"

"When everyone is here, let's start!"

On the top of the wall, Lin Ye finally spoke.

He jumped down and stood in front of the three of them.


A pair of angel wings landed behind Lin Ye.

There was also rumbling vibrations in the distance.

When several people looked back with astonishment at the same time.

Their back road was actually blocked by several huge monsters, including Chen Haiyang and the others who were hiding outside.

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