Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

Chapter 001 The Era Of Changing Jobs For All!

Future Calendar, 3007,

Longxia Empire, Shunan Province, Nanyun City,

As a very inconspicuous small city in Shunan Province,

In Nanyun City today, there are only three government-built official middle schools...

But even so, the population area covered by these three middle schools has reached a terrifyingly astonishing tens of millions, even hundreds of millions!

Why is it so? very simple.

This is because this world is already completely different from the original earth world.

In this world, games and reality merge,

Numerous miraculous skills, incredible things, career transfers, skills, dungeons, abyss monsters, alien races in the dimensional world, arms heroes, camp forces, arms types, lord castles, etc.,

have appeared in reality.

It's like a virtual game world, reflected in reality.

Here, the rules of the world have changed, and all high-tech weapons have lost their effect.

Here, the area of ​​the earth has expanded hundreds or thousands of times,

While resources are skyrocketing,

It also brought about a surge in population!

Here, countless major camps and arms are raging!

Random dungeons, phantoms of wild troops appear frequently, as if natural disasters are spreading, endless!

Here, in order to survive and resist all of this, everyone will have a chance to change to a hero, or even a lord, once they reach adulthood! Then become stronger crazily, upgrade crazily, and resist "natural disasters"!

And today,

It is the tens of thousands of students of Nanyun No. 1 Middle School,

Unify the day when professionals change jobs.

"Students, in the past three years of study, I think you should have fully learned everything about professionals!"

"And today, the long-awaited day when professionals change jobs has finally arrived!"

"Next, I hope everyone can keep up their spirits and concentrate, please! Don't make any mistakes in this last step, otherwise, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life!"

"alright, do not piffle any more!"

"Finally, I sincerely wish you all, everyone is like a dragon, and everyone can become a pillar of our human race!"

"Oh, by the way, at the end, there is that sentence, don't think I'm long-winded, but, remember... No matter what, under any circumstances, you must remember those four words!"

"That is, the order of awe!"


whoever speaks at this time,

It was the old principal of their Nanyun No. 1 Middle School, Lu Chaoqun.

As a three-turn great swordsman powerhouse with a level as high as 49, his strength is absolutely undeniable! Even if you look at the whole Nanyun, you can definitely rank in the forefront.

After all, if he can go further,

If you break through to level 50 at the fourth turn...

That is the legendary four-turn overlord powerhouse! It is no exaggeration to say that an existence of that level would have a place even in the entire Longxia Empire!

Not to mention this small and remote Nagumo.

Looking at Shunan, the comprehensive strength of Nanyun City is only at the beginning. Not worth mentioning at all!

at this time,

among the crowd,

Xiao Bai looked at the altar array for professional transfer that was being built on the playground,

There are some twinkling eyes, silent,

As an "old fritter" who has been in this world for two or three years,

He already knew what kind of world this was.

Games merge with reality.

Systems, dungeons, professionals, dimensional worlds, monsters, alien races, etc., here, peace has long since disappeared!

Here, war, resource scramble, confrontation, fighting, upgrading, becoming stronger... these are the mainstream!

Fight against all kinds of monsters, even in the lairs of those troops, recruit troops, become a lord, command thousands of troops, and carve out a living space for the human race.

to be frank,

everything in this world,

They are far more dangerous than he imagined...

But it was far more exciting than he imagined!

"I don't know what career I can change to? Main battle, support, or logistics life?"

"C-level, B-level, or A-level?"

Xiao Bai murmured.

In this world, there is no threshold for professional heroes to change jobs.

But when you are an adult,

can be transferred successfully.

It's just a difference in professional preference and combat strength.


These occupations are divided into three major directions.

Combat occupations, auxiliary occupations, and life occupations.

Of course, under these three directions, there are more detailed and specific subdivisions. For example, those who are setting up professional altar formations are the altar formation mages who are assigned to assist occupations.

Another example is the great swordsman profession of the old principal Lu Chaoqun,

It's from the combat profession,

Swordsman class advanced occupation.


The professional hero thing,

Variety, all kinds! various kinds!

In terms of quantity, there are hundreds or thousands of them at least! But the most popular among them are undoubtedly those combat professions that can maximize their combat capabilities.

The second is the other auxiliary occupations and life occupations... But having said that, it does not mean that all auxiliary occupations and life occupations are bad.

It can only be said that the direction is different and the starting point is different.

Even many of those powerful auxiliary occupations and life occupations are also delicious!

Because whenever it involves team battles, such as downloading dungeons, fighting bosses,

Even small wars, big wars,

Even national wars between countries and so on!

They are all more indispensable!

At this time, even if they would rather give up their fighting profession, they would not choose to give up on them.

Because of their value, higher!

As for the so-called C-level, B-level,

It refers to those, the occupational strength of various occupations!

Very simple reason. Even if it is exactly the same profession, in the hands of different people, there will be completely different combat performance, let alone those completely different professions.

These occupations also have some strengths and weaknesses.

This is the so-called professional strength.

Over the years, through continuous efforts at the empire level to summarize, analyze and summarize, now there is already a very professional and official assessment of the occupational strength of these various occupations.

That is C-level, B-level, A-level, S-level, and SSS-level! five levels.

Up to now, this set of theories has basically been fully used in various countries around the world.

However, this is just a grade evaluation privately made by major countries in reality, not from the game system itself.

Among them, C-level is also called ordinary occupation,

Level B is also known as an advanced profession. To be honest, being able to become an advanced profession is actually pretty good. After all, the old principal Lu Chaoqun's great swordsman profession is only an advanced profession.

Of course,

If measured by data,

That would be more intuitive. Under normal circumstances, more than 95% of all the people who successfully change jobs are C-level, that is to say, the probability of becoming a B-level high-level occupation is only less than 5%.

And this is only in the case of regardless of the three major occupational groups of combat assisted living,

If this is further subdivided...

I can't even imagine it!

Normally speaking,

The job transfer rate of combat jobs should be below 10%.

lowest time,

There have even been cases of less than 1%!

That is to say, even in the best theoretical situation, less than 5% of the 10% is less than 0.5%. It is conceivable what concept this is. This is indeed a bit exaggerated.

What's more, there are A-level, S-level, and SSS-level.

A-level occupations, also known as overlord-level occupations, or legendary occupations,

To put it simply, this is the terrifying professional strength that can directly match the power of the four-turn overlord.

Basically, the birth of every A-level overlord-level occupation,

They will be paid close attention to and cultivated by the government, and even recommended to the top ten, because their future is very likely to be their human race, the new one, the overlord powerhouse above level 50!

Great value.

Not to mention the s-level, sss-level...

If there is such a level of occupation, let alone this small Nanyun, even in Shunan Province, or even at the level of the empire, it will cause a huge sensation!

"Principal Lu, the transfer altar magic circle has been set up, and we can start!"

An old man appeared next to Principal Lu Chaoqun,

The latter also immediately became slightly excited, and immediately waved his hand, saying.

"Students, it's time to witness fate, follow me!"

ps: New book by an old author, beg for support!

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