Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

013 Astronomical Recruitment Fee! Behemoth Egg!

"Hum!" The void twisted, and a vortex appeared in front of him. Xiao Bai was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately stepped forward, walking into the vortex.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed,

Soon, a gigantic orc stronghold castle world appeared in front of his eyes!

Looking around, almost all of these places are dominated by large areas of Gobi, deserts, steep peaks and cliffs, and that huge and huge canyon!

It seems that this place is indeed quite desolate,

but! When he stood on this land, he immediately felt that here, he is the master here! Here, he seems to be in control of everything,

It has a very special feeling.

"This is my castle world!"

Xiao Bai murmured.

The initialized new castle world is very barren and desolate,

Because at the beginning, there was nothing, and everything needed to be started from scratch, but he is different, he has a system, he has his own rank of thirteenth rank of the red crown,


He also has a lair of 13th-order Behemoth beasts!

It is no exaggeration to say,

Even at this beginning,

He has reached the peak!

‘From now on, this will be the stage where I step into the world and reach the pinnacle! "

"Next, I'm going to start working hard!"

Xiao Bai took a deep breath,

There was also a trace of trembling and throbbing on his face!

He knew that his future had begun!

Then I saw him looking towards the main body of the mountain range in the castle world, and then, his attention was completely attracted there.

This is because at the top of that precipitous cliff,

Surprisingly, there is a huge, even gleaming Behemoth Behemoth lair!

Orc stronghold!

The 13th rank of the apex crown unit, the unit lair of the Behemoth Behemoth!

"Very good! Looks like I'm not dreaming!"

"Everything is true!"

"Go and have a look!"

Xiao Bai became excited,

Then immediately ran towards the Behemoth Behemoth lair on the cliff!

【Beamon Behemoth Lair】

Allows you to contract to recruit Tier 13 behemoths.

Number of available recruits: 1

Recruitment date: January 1st of the natural year.

Recruitment cost: 1e gold coin, 2w wood, 2w ore, 8000 crystal.

"..." But how excited and excited he was just now, how desperate he is now!

Seeing the recruitment price, Xiao Bai froze in place on the spot! 1e gold coin? 2w wood, 2w ore, 8000 crystal? That's not how you snatch people, right?


Who can recruit them?

Let alone 1e, he doesn't even have 100,000 gold coins now!

The real difference is thousands of times! How does this work? !

It's simply impossible to get it all together!


"What do you mean, you can only watch it but not use it? Don't be so joking, right?!"

Xiao Bai felt a little helpless,


"Wait, what's that?!" But at this moment, as soon as the words fell, he suddenly seemed to have discovered again, in the lair of the Behemoth giant beast, it seemed that there was something like this!

"That is?"

Xiao Bai wiped his eyes vigorously, then hurried over, trembling all over, very nervous!

But then, his whole body suddenly became very tense!

I saw that in the lair of the huge and dark behemoth Behemoth,

Unexpectedly, there is a huge egg that is at least as tall as a hill! It looks very eye-catching, very eye-catching.


Xiao Bai's heart,

Unexpectedly, it jumped a few times,

Could it be that this is the egg of the behemoth Behemoth?

Xiao Bai pursed his lips, then took a step forward and walked over slowly,

Immediately, the system's notification sound also sounded immediately.


"Congratulations to player Xiao Bai, you have found a special unowned Beamon egg, is it hatched by contract?"


Xiao Bai's pupils shrank, and he immediately gasped, his face burst into ecstasy!

This is really the egg of Behemoth Behemoth?

Special ownerless, right?

more importantly!

No money, right?

There is no need to ask whether to hatch or not? Xiao Bai was completely excited, and quickly nodded to confirm.

"Hatch hatch hatch hatch... hatch fast!"

Fuck, this is hell to heaven in an instant!

He could almost feel the blood,

Rush to the top of the head!

This is too exciting, right? It is simply a joy that fell from the sky, and it is a life-saving ah!


"Crack..." Just when Xiao Bai was about to babble excitedly, he heard the sound of an egg shell breaking, and immediately the Behemoth's egg cracked open and hatched.


The light flickers and the magic power bursts! Void warps.

A small head covered in Baijin color mixed with brown-yellow fluff,

From the cracked egg shell, it got out!

If you look closely, both of his eyes are still closed, and he looks like a newborn fool.

But there is an inexplicable majesty, or a sense of majesty and oppression!

Xiao Bai knows,

This is definitely the power of rank!

And this is definitely that kind of extremely terrifying and powerful rank power!

"It seems that this thing should be very strong?" Xiao Bai murmured, but also became more excited.

Of course he hoped that this little guy would be as strong as possible!

It is no exaggeration to say that this must be one of his next super hole cards!

Behemoth egg!

What level will the behemoth hatched from here be? Ordinary arms? That should be impossible, so, could it be a hero of the unit? !




Xiao Bai's heart was pounding, and he was completely nervous!

Because he knows that if this is really a hero of the unit... then it will be posted!

A hero of the 13th-rank Behemoth Behemoth family? what concept,

It's an exaggeration to think about it!

"Woooooo!" At this moment, the little guy also began to yell! Miraculously, Xiao Bai could understand what they were saying, hungry... He was saying that he was hungry.

"Hurry up, these eggshells should be edible!"

Xiao Bai quickly leaned forward,

Handed all the scattered eggshells to his mouth.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..."

Although the little guy was just born, he moved very fast.

Immediately, he ate all the eggshells that were handed to his mouth.

"Woooooo..." At the same time, he seemed to be having a hard time, opened his eyes, slowly meowed left and right, and then landed on Xiao Bai's face, and then he yelled happily .



little roar,

With a hint of might and majesty,

But in his eyes and demeanor, there is a deep dependence on Xiao Bai, and intimacy and kindness respectively. It's like the feeling of seeing a blood relative.


Xiao Bai couldn't help laughing out loud,

Then, he directly hugged the little guy,

At the same time, he stretched out his hand, stroked his head lightly, and said with a smile. "Little guy, it's the first time we meet, please give me your advice in the future. It's a pleasure to meet you!"



The little guy roared majestically,

As if to say, so is he!

At the same time, the incomparably pleasant voice of the system prompt came to Xiao Bai's ear!

"Congratulations to player Xiao Bai, who has successfully become the first player in this world to contract to recruit a level 13 crimson crown hero!! Get the following rewards!"

"The prestige of the major neutral alliance camps is 100w each, the prestige of the orc stronghold is 300w, the gold coin is 1e, and the six resources are 10w each! A-level crimson crown source x1!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Bai, your prestige in the major neutral alliances has reached 1 million, your name, and your castle world, the existence of Beamon Roaring City, will also start to spread in the major worlds!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Bai, your orc camp reputation has reached 3 million, and the orc camp has begun to pay attention to you!"

at the same time,

Xiao Bai's personal panel information at this time has also become like this.

【Xiao Bai】


New Year's Day and beyond will be even better, read a book to relax! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: January 31st to January 2nd)

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