Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

Chapter 165 Rewards To Refresh The Screen! Take Stock Of The Harvest!

"Then I'll leave it to you from now on! Aphrodite...hahaha!"

Then, Xiao Bai raised his hand, and with a bang, he slapped Aphrodite again... Then he laughed loudly, and turned to Okonvisig, Yili who was not far away. Stowe and the others looked over.

"Your Excellency Okonvesger, Your Excellency Elisto, this time we have a happy cooperation!"

"Then next, according to the agreement, because it belongs to you!"

As soon as this remark came out,

That Okonwisge,

And that Iristo,

They were all stunned,

"Your Excellency Xiao Bai, can we really-can?"

Okonwisge had a complex expression, with some hesitation!

Because he knew very well that they had almost no credit for this battle! It can be said that except for the magic power scroll of the super-forbidden spell, everything else was almost due to Xiao Bai and the others!

So he really didn't expect that Xiao Bai was willing to abide by the agreement? Willing to give them the ancient tree of life and the source of life in the ancient tree of life?

"In my case, honesty is more important than profit!"

"So don't confuse me with those despicable guys who turn their faces and deny people!"

Xiao Bai said lightly.

To be honest, he thought about regretting it,

But finally gave up!

because with him,

Integrity is indeed more important than interests!

For this reason!


And at the same time,

Hearing the words and seeing this, after being silent for a while, Okonvisig suddenly laughed and said, "Dear Your Excellency Xiao Bai, I have to admit that you are a great lord!"

"Thank you for your generosity!"

"I also hope that there will be a real friendship between us!"

"Thank you!"

talking and talking,

That Okonwisge,

He also walked directly towards the ancient tree of life!

"Buzz!" After a while of fiddling, the huge ancient tree of life had already disappeared in place, and was taken away by Okonvisig using some methods!

"Dear Your Excellency Xiao Bai, I will follow the agreement and leave here!"

"Also, congratulations on becoming the new king of this Grandis world!"

Okonvesig will come to Xiao Bai,

Said with a smile!

"Congratulations, King Beamon!"

Elisto also spoke from the side.

"Thank you for your blessings! By the way..."

Xiao Bai smiled and asked.

"Where are you going next?"

"Is that the Du Yi Siterdam you mentioned earlier?"

"Hmm!" Okonwisge nodded and said. "We plan to go to Du Yi Si Te Dan first, to revive Master Hai Yi, and then...we will see the situation at that time!"

"It is said that the power of the Dragon Palace has not completely declined! So, if we can revive Lord Hai Yi, then we should go to the real Dragon Palace to see it?


"Then I wish you success!"

Xiao Bai nodded,

"Thank you..."

Okconvesger nodded,

Then suddenly I remembered something,

Immediately looked at Xiao Bai,

"Your Excellency Xiao Bai, do you still remember the Sea Dragon God Klein?"

"You mean the one who ran away earlier?"

Xiao Bai frowned, asking what happened to him?"

"I've heard a rumor before, but it's just a rumor and has no basis, so you can use it for reference..." Okonwisge nodded, and then continued to speak!


"It is said that the sea dragon god Klein..."

"It seems to be a powerful Dragon Palace faction from another world?"

"The other side wanted to occupy Grantis, but because of some scruples, they didn't attack here directly. Instead, they chose to send Klein, the sea dragon god, to contact Boise in private! Although the old guy, he also I've been dragging on, but I didn't agree, but the sea dragon god Klein has stayed since then! Until now..."

"Thinking about it now, it should be almost a thousand, right?"

hear this,

Xiao Bai his expression,

It also suddenly became a little subtle,

"A certain Dragon Palace faction in other worlds?"

"You mean, they might continue to play with Grantis?


"It's just a guess, I don't know.

Okonvesger's eyes flickered,

said softly.

"But no matter what, Your Excellency Xiao Bai, you should understand that the current Grandis, after all, is a level 2 world with several lairs of the 14th level Sea Dragon God's troops!"

"Compared to other level 3 worlds, the difficulty of attacking it will definitely be much smaller! So if you can occupy it..."

"I'm afraid that for any lord's strength..."

"It's definitely a big piece of fat!"

"There is a fatal temptation.

"So, be careful! It's better to be cautious."

Okonvesger shook his head and said.

"I see!"

Xiao Bai nodded, darkly.

"Thanks! I'll be careful!"

"Then we will bid farewell, Your Excellency Xiao Bai! Goodbye by fate..."

Oconwisger nodded,

Then he took a last look at the surrounding area, and then, without any hesitation, he left here with that Elisto, even the plane world of Grantis!

And at the same time,

Xiao Bai also received the system prompt again!


"Player Xiao Bai, please pay attention, congratulations! You have completed the first stage mission of the special plot mission --- Grandis's Old Glory, and you will get the following rewards! And the next stage mission of this mission will be automatically destroyed! "

"Prestige of each faction! Gold coin 3000e! Six resources 5e! Designated or random Tier 14 arms x500 Designated or random Tier 13 county species X3000!"

"Designated or random 14th-level troop lair x5! Designated or random 4th-level strategic treasure x3! Random or designated 5th-level super-forbidden spell x1! S-level crimson crown source x1!"

"Would you like to specify to draw task rewards now?"


"Player Xiao Bai, please pay attention, congratulations!"

"The prestige of your various factions has reached 100%! From then on, your prestige, as well as the name of your domain world, will spread throughout the entire universe to awe Four Craftsmen!"


"Congratulations to player Xiao Bai, who successfully triggered the special plot mission --- the second stage mission of Grandis's old glory, which became famous in the universe world! Mission content: unknown? (Please explore), mission difficulty: sss-level mission time :none!"

"Do you accept the mission?"


Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, then directly took a breath,

Full of shock, full of excitement!

This Nima,

It's just a hair!

Let’s not talk about prestige, resources, and gold coins. It’s a routine operation! After all, a former level 3 plane world has been laid down, and the difficulty lies there!

these things,

Of course not less!

However, the next mission rewards,

It is undoubtedly a real big fat!

It definitely made him feel full this time.

"Specified or random 14th-tier arms x500?"

"Specified or random Tier 13 units × 3000?"

"It's all right now, it finally relieved the pressure on my troops..."

Xiao Bai squinted his eyes, smiling and satisfied,

To be honest, although his current strength can really be said to be very good, even very powerful, but there is one flaw that has always been prominent, obviously,

That is the number of ordinary armies under his command now,

Really too little too little!

They are completely out of proportion to the strength of the heroes of his units, the ace units! How many were they when they came? Tier 14 is 100, Tier 13 is a few hundred, what about now?

Not even half of it is gone,

What is this concept?

To put it bluntly, he is completely a polished commander,

It's completely about having generals and no soldiers!

But it's all right now,

Tier 14 units with 500 units!

Tier 13 units with 3000 units!

Although this amount of troops is actually not too much, but it finally gave them back some blood, and it can be regarded as a solution to their current urgent need!

"System, I choose the 14th-level Behemoth King 500113rd-level Behemoth 2000! The 13th-level Hailongtians 1000!"


After a pleasant sound of system prompts swiped the screen, the King of Behemoth Behemoths, Behemoth Behemoths, and the Sea Dragon Kings he had chosen had already been credited directly to the account!

As for why you choose this way? It’s actually very simple!

This is because he has now captured the entire Grandis, which is a whole world of planes. If it is captured, of course it needs troops to defend it!


This will become an empty shell!

There's trouble everywhere, there's chaos everywhere...  

There are even dangers everywhere!

Therefore, it is certain to send troops to garrison, but compared to using the troops of the Beamon clan to garrison and defend the Grandis of the sea, it must be the sea dragon clan who are the messengers of the sea god.

It will be better and more suitable!

This is called a professional counterpart,

The attributes of the unit hero apply!

But why only choose the 13th rank Sea Dragon King,

And didn't choose the 14th-level Sea Dragon God?

This is actually very simple, because of the problem of the hero of the unit! It is because he is now only the crown hero of the 13th and 14th Behemoth Behemoth family!

But there is no 13th-level sea dragon king or 14th-level sea dragon god hero of the sea dragon family! So if there is a choice... It must be the king of Behemoth Behemoths, in order to exert the greatest power and value!

And if it's only used for garrison defense...

The 13th-order Sea Dragon King with 1000 units,

That should be enough for now, right?

Therefore, his current troop strength will become: 550 for the 14th-level Behemoth King, 2100 for the 13th-level Behemoth, and 1000 for the 13th-level Sea Dragon King!

Then words,

It's the reward of the troop lair!

"It's actually a nest of 14th-tier troops x5, this reward is quite generous!"

Xiao Bai murmured,

Although he has already gone through the stage of growing from nothing, even the newly defeated Grandis can make him five or six more rank 14 sea dragon gods. nest!

…‥Seeking flowers 00

But no matter what, the 14th-level troop lair is the 14th-tier troop lair, its value is absolutely priceless, it is absolutely self-evident! So this reward, when

Of course it is also very good!


As for his most anticipated reward,

but not this,

It's the following 'designated or random level 4 strategic treasure x3'!

"In this way, there should be a six-piece suit?"

Xiao Bai squinted his eyes,

Eyes also began to become a little excited and excited,

This is because, if you ask him now, what is one of his most important plans now? It must be the artifact of the Behemoth clan, a level 5 strategic treasure—— Behemoth God

Flip a seat!

as far as I can tell,

One of his great plans,

There will definitely be those who will go to the Bimeng Shenhui!

How many pieces is this Beamon Shining? 7-piece set! They are Beamon Battle Axe, Beamon Heart, Beamon Armor, Beamon Helmet, Beamon Boots, Beamon Necklace, and Beamon Bracelet!

How many suits does he have now?

3 piece set!

Beamon Tomahawk, Beamon Heart, and Beamon Kairi!

That is to say, if he put all the rewards of these four level 4 strategic treasures on it this time, it would directly double and become a 6-piece set.


In this way,

It's just the last one!

"System, Beamon helmet, Beamon boots, and Beamon necklace!"


"Player Xiao Bai, please pay attention, you have chosen to designate a level 4 strategic treasure --- Beamon Helmet, Beamon Boots, and Beamon Necklace, please confirm!"



"The selection is complete, player Xiao Bai, please pay attention, you have obtained... Please pay attention to check!"

【Beamon Helmet】


Racial type, level 4 strategic treasure!

Defense +1w6

HP +200w

HP recovery speed +1000%

Magic Resistance +40%

Regardless of the impact of any harsh natural environment.

【Beamon Boots】


Racial type, level 4 strategic treasure!

Movement Speed ​​+200%

Blood volume +100w!

when attacked,

There is a 30 chance to dodge attacks!

Level 5 super-forbidden spells and above are invalid.

Unaffected by any terrain magic!

【Beamon Necklace】


Racial type, level 4 strategic treasure!


Knowledge +8000,

With talent skills: absolute calm, violent blessing!

Absolute Calm (Be able to remain absolutely calm in any situation! Not affected by any magical power.)

Blessing of Rage (+30% effect of all Rage-type magical powers!)

"Three good things again!"

Seeing the attributes of the three strategic treasures,

Xiao Bai couldn't help but murmured,

The Beamon helmet should be the same defensive strategic treasure as the Beamon armor. As for the Beamon necklace and Beamon boots, they are obviously special types of strategic treasures!

This kind of treasure may not add many four-dimensional attribute points, but it must have some special effect! For example, acceleration, blessings, etc.! Anyway, they are definitely very powerful!

It's worth a fortune.

"Then next, it's these two...

Next, Xiao Bai set his sights on the last two rewards,

Random or designated level 5 super forbidden spell x1!

S-level crimson crown source x1!"

Let me talk about the latter first,

The source of the s-level crimson crown,

Not to mention the value of this thing,

Absolutely top notch!

And more importantly, he still has a spare one in his hand, so in the future, he will have two full S-level crimson crowns! So, what should he use it for?


Xiao Bai thought about it,

In the end, I decided to wait

For him, the origin of this s-level crimson crown is nothing more than three uses. First, it improves Aphrodite's evolutionary progress! Second, it is the same as the previous Aphrodite...

Find a chance to let others upgrade to Tier 14 too!

But the only crimson crowned hero in his hand is Lamodia,

But now he seems to be a little far behind,


So third,

just put it there first,

When pressing the bottom card of the box...

Be prepared!

But he finally decided to give Aphrodite a piece of it,

After all, although treasures are good, they still have to be exchanged for actual combat power, which is more valuable! What's more, one hole card is enough, and there is no point in having more.

So after making a decision,

Xiao Bai, he began to consider the choice of the level 5 super-forbidden spell...

*Level 5 Super Forbidden Curse..."

"How should I choose this thing?"

He's in trouble,

He also has some experience of the power of the super-forbidden spell, the Sea God's Asylum, the Judgment God's Wrath, the Bimon Throwing, etc., are all of this kind, and they are all very powerful!

So the power of this super-forbidden spell,

There is absolutely no doubt about it......

But how to choose zero?

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