Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

Chapter 167 Grantis' Harvest! The Back Facade Of The World - The Underground World!

"Bone Dragon Ghost Dragon?"

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment,


"You mean, the Grass of the Dead?"

"That's right, it's them!"

Thunderbird Wang Yige nodded affirmatively,

And what he said made Xiao Bai's face a little serious at this time...

The Big Three of Evil Faction Forces!

Necropolis, Dungeon, Hell,

Although in most cases, the three of them are dangerous side by side, but in his eyes, the cemetery of the undead is relatively the most troublesome one!

Because the power organization of the cemetery of the undead is almost one of the strongest representatives of the faction that is similar to the concept of "human sea tactics" and "strength is justice" to the extreme!

What are the 13th and 14th-level signature units in the cemetery of the undead?

Bone Dragon Ghost Dragon!

In the case of heads-up,

You want to say they are weak,

That must be no problem at all......

But what about their totality?

It is no exaggeration to say that the army of bone dragons and ghost dragons in the cemetery of the undead is definitely the most powerful in the universe and among the forces of the major camps!

Because there are enough of them!

And it's a lot!

Why is this happening? Simple. For example, do you still remember the recruitment cost of the 14th-rank sea dragon god? It is: 38e gold coins, 125w wood, 150w ore, 40w gems.

To be honest, in the recruitment cost of the 14th-level arms, although this figure is not cheap, it is not expensive, because the recruitment cost of the 14th-level Behemoth Behemoth King,

In fact, it's pretty much the same!

So, this should be regarded as an upper-middle level,

However, what about the cost of recruiting the ghost dragon, which is also a 14th-level unit? Less than 10e!

That's right!

Just less than 10e!

more specifically,

only about a quarter of that,

Even a fifth!

It’s equivalent to the fact that you can recruit a very ‘popular, common’ Tier 14 unit, but the required recruitment fee can be used to recruit four to five ghost dragons. “You can imagine what kind of concept this is!

This is simply killing people,

more importantly,

It's not just as simple as low recruitment fees,

Even their 'greediness' for that maintenance cost is quite, quite low! It's only one-fifth, six-seven-eighth of those normal 1064-level units?

Or even one-tenth?

What is this concept?

Isn't this what is the king of rolls?

It's just a roll in a roll, a super roll god!

And besides that, the guys in the cemetery of the undead have another thing that is even more terrifying, and that is the unit heroes! In fact, under normal circumstances, the rate of heroes in the cemetery of the undead is extremely low!

This is because they are all dead creatures, and whether they become stronger or evolve, these dead creatures will be much, much slower than the normal living heroes!

But even so,

The number of heroes of their arms, even the strength

They are still the most and strongest!


is also very simple,

Because they are all dead creatures, normal life, old age, sickness and death have nothing to do with them! So, time can't kill them, and as time goes on, they will gradually become stronger and more numerous!

think of this,

Xiao Bai also started to have some headaches,

But he kept asking.

"Yige, what's going on? Why are there traces of the undead cemetery?"

"Could it be just some field arms?"

"My lord, it shouldn't be..."

But the Thunderbird King Yige still shook his head and said. "This matter starts from the entrance of an underground world!"

"The entrance to the underground world? What do you mean?" Xiao Bai was stunned.

"My lord, in that abyss plane, there is an entrance leading to a new world!" Thunderbird Wang Yige said hastily, and then he didn't wait for Xiao Bai to ask him.

Just explain it again.

"My lord, do you know the front facade and the back facade?"

"Front facade and back facade?" Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said. "I have no idea!"

"My lord, it's like this. In our world, there is a saying of the front and the back! The great creation god Asha, he created this world and created a universe with countless worlds. The world, all of these, are the facade, and the great God of Creation, Master Asha, is also the Supreme Creation God of the facade!"

"But the opposite is noodles!"

"The supreme demon god on the north facade is the chaotic dragon god Urgas! He is the twin brother of the great creation god Lord Asha, and also the ancestor of demons. He is the ultimate god of belief in all evil factions. !"

"And the chaotic dragon god Urgas ruled the place that exists, which is the north facade of our world, the opposite of the hero Ashan world——Selgo, the opposite of the universe world—the chaotic world, the opposite of the plane world—— —the underworld, the opposite of the world of life—the world of death, etc., these are his places!”

hear this,

Xiao Bai suddenly spoke up and said,

"I see. You mean the back facade of the plane world, which is the underground world?"

"That's right!"

Thunderbird King Yige nodded and said.

"The overlord of the dungeon is the dungeon faction, one of the three evil factions! But not all of them, because even they cannot control the underground world of all the plane worlds!"

"In fact, most of the dungeons in the plane world are primitive and unowned! Moreover, although these places are dangerous, they are also extremely valuable!"

"Oh why?"

Xiao Bai was a little curious.

Of course he knows the concept of the dungeon, after all, in the Heroes of Might and Magic 3 game in the previous world, there is also the concept of the underground world, even the map! So he is no stranger to this,

But why is this underground world so valuable?

"My lord, it is said that the underground world may be born in the second-level world, and the higher the level of this plane world, the probability of birthing the underground world

Also higher!"

"It is said that basically if you can reach the category of level 4 plane world...then there should be at least half the chance that the underground world will be born!"

"so tall?"

Xiao Bai was even more surprised,

Level 4 plane world?

Although it seems that the requirements are high, don’t forget that this category is in the entire universe! How many level 4 plane worlds are there in the entire universe? Anyway, there are definitely many, many!

So don't say it's a half chance,

Even if it is one-third, already!

This is also exaggerated and scary,

After all, the entire cosmic world is divided by all camp forces, all big and small lord forces, but what about the underground world? Basically, it is dominated by dungeons! It is completely dominated by his family...

In this way,

I can't even imagine it.

"For those ordinary ground worlds, the dungeon world can be said to be very dangerous! Because the refresh rate, even the strength and quantity of the wild troops in the dungeon are much higher than the ground world!"

"Moreover, because it is ruled by the chaotic dragon god Urgas, in the world of those dungeons, there will always be factors that can make people crazy, bloodthirsty and warlike [characters are violent, mediocre, and bloody!"

"So, whether it is the various lord forces living there, or those wild troops, they are all crazy anyway, extremely bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty! But..."

But speaking of which,

He changed the subject again and said!

"But at the same time, there is also a great advantage in this dungeon world, that is, it is extremely rich!"

"Extremely rich?"

Xiao Bai squinted his eyes,

"Yes, extremely rich!"

Thunderbird Wang Yige nodded in a very positive tone, and said. "My lord, if it is the same size, the resources of the underground world are at least ten times that of the surface world!"

"Ten times? Hiss..."

Xiao Bai took a breath and said in surprise.

"so much?"

"That's right!"

"And this is too much to say, in fact, the real situation should be much more than this!"

Thunderbird King nodded without hesitation,

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Bai couldn't help but nodded, shook his head again, and said with emotion. "It seems that none of these three evil camps is a fuel-efficient lamp...they are really perverted!"

think about it,

What are the three evil camps?

Necropolis undead,

The richest dungeons,

The hell demon is the direct descendant of the chaotic dragon god!

They are all fucking profound and outrageously strong,

No wonder it is so powerful!

"So what's the situation now? Have you gone in to see the underground world? Also, what happened to the cemetery of the undead that you mentioned earlier? Is it related to this underground world?"

Xiao Bai spoke again and asked.

"Yes, my lord!"

Thunderbird King Yige nodded and said. "At the beginning, we were all working on transforming that abyss plane, and wanted to turn it into a normal plane world as soon as possible, but later, the 14th-level sea dragon god you sent suddenly appeared In a very hidden corner of the world, some traces of bone dragons and ghost dragons were found!"

Xiao Bai nodded,

He indeed sent a sea dragon god over there,

And it was he who was in the lair of the Sea Dragon God in the Weibang Kingdom before,

The Sea Dragon God recruited,

"Then what?"

"At the beginning, he didn't think there was anything wrong!"

"After all, it's a normal thing for field troops, but when he secretly followed up and was about to attack the opponent's ghost keel dragons, he found even bigger troubles!"

"He discovered that the opponent's destination was actually the entrance of an underground world, and the ghost keel dragons he found were just a small team! At the entrance of the underground world, there were at least hundreds of ghost keel dragons. Entering that underground world one after another!"

"And this is only what he observed, those who didn't observe...I'm afraid there will be more!"

"Hundreds of units?"

Xiao Bai frowned,

Hearing this, he also understands now,

Although there may be hundreds of units, even thousands of units, or tens of thousands of units in the field, this kind of action is premeditated and planned......

There must be someone behind it, secretly manipulating it!


This should be caused by a certain lord force?

"So we don't know what's going on in the underground world..."

Thunderbird Wang Yige added another sentence.

"I see………"

Xiao Bai nodded, then looked towards Aphrodite and said.

"Aphrodite, go and inform everyone that you are back!"

"By the way, let's have a meeting together tomorrow!"

"Yes, my lord!"

the second night,

In Baijin's Realm, in a meeting room hall in Beamon Roaring City, Xiao Bai sat high on the main seat, and the seats to his left and right hands were all sitting with his cronies and core members!

Aphrodite, Lamodia, Olavis, Tiny Zeus, Minos, and the princess Vitalia, the sea knight St. Yoldman, Akail, and the one-eyed titan Conway Special wait!

"Very well, everyone is here, so let's start directly!"

Xiao Bai glanced at everyone,

"First of all, the good news is that we have captured Grantis, that is to say, from now on, our territory has expanded to three second-level worlds!"

"I can have this achievement, thanks to everyone's credit, thank you for your hard work..."

"It is our honor to serve you, my lord!"

"Master, this is just the beginning, just wait to be surprised. No matter how powerful the enemy is, we will definitely defeat them and make them surrender!"

"Great victory, hahaha..."

Everyone is excited,

You speak my words!

So and so, until they were all a little excited, Xiao Bai spoke again, looked towards Naramodia, and asked.

"Lamodia, have you done everything I asked you to do?"


Lamodia nodded, said.

"My lord, after statistics, we found a total of six tier 14 sea dragon god's troop lairs in Grandis, and nearly 40 13th tier sea dragon king troop lairs 870!"


Xiao Bai squinted his eyes,

a little excited,

6 Lairs of Tier 14 Sea Dragon Gods, close to 40 lairs of Tier 13 Sea Dragon Kings, which means that they can even provide him with 6 Sea Dragon Gods and nearly 120 Sea Dragon Kings a year!

If we add the Behemoth Behemoth King troop lair x6, and the Behemoth Behemoth king troop lair x10, that would be 12 Tier 14 troop units a year, close to 200 Tier 13 troop units!

This is definitely not bad,

"Have they all been recruited?"

"That's not true..." Lamodia shook his head and said. "Before we went, those troop lairs were all recruited, so the next recruitment will take a year later



Xiao Bai nodded,

One year is one year, he doesn't care anyway, for him, the current production of these troop lairs is all about his foundation, if he really uses them, he can only count on those mission rewards!

Relatively speaking,

The number of common units rewarded by those missions,

Definitely a lot more!

"Then let's talk about the cemetery of the undead and the underground world..."

"In our territory, the abyss... No, it should be in the No. 2 Baijin realm, where the entrance to the underground world was discovered, and at the same time, some mysterious undead cemetery forces with unknown intentions were discovered !"

"What do you think?"

Xiao Bai asked them.

"Master, those bone dregs are very weak. Although they are dragons, their combat effectiveness is extremely low! They are definitely at the bottom of their ranks. If you want me to say, we just go there and kill them!"

"They're too weak, it's no big deal!"

Aphrodite spoke first!

Obviously, this is strength and willfulness!

Although his words are a little naive, but it is reasonable to say it from him. After all, he is level 14, and he is already a god king now, so of course he can say that the other party is very weak!

After all, in order to overcome it,

And if it's those bone dregs from the cemetery of the undead...

At least there is a difference of more than 100 levels, right?

And even that might not be enough!


How much is that?

Level 400? Level 450?

That's too little!

almost impossible,

"Your Highness Aphrodite, that's not what you said......"

"Although those bones are weak, there are too many of them!"

"In fact, my tribe used to have conflicts with a tribe of ghost dragons, but at that time, we always lost more than we won, because their number is at least twice as much as ours! It's hard to fight!

Minos shook his head,

Even a little terrified!

"My lord, I think the underground world is quite suitable for us!"

However at this moment,

That Tiny Zeus suddenly spoke, said!

"Actually, before I came here, I also lived in a huge underground world, and for me, the environment in the underground world should definitely be very suitable for our Behemoth family!".

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