Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

019 Big Boss' Attention! Enter The Copy!

"Old Road, is that kid who is suspected to be an S-rank unknown professional coming?"

"You should know the purpose of my hurry this time, right? Don't make any trouble!"

Zhang Mu looked around,

Can't help but ask.

"Don't worry, it's all arranged, there's nothing wrong with it! Here..."

"Look, it's right there! That kid is him!"

Lu Lao looked in the direction where Xiao Bai was, and said with a smile.

"And I also heard that that kid is actually Xiao Yu's big brother. Do you still remember Xiao Yu? The S-class who was specially recruited into the Creation Seminary the year before last! Tsk tsk, this is a double-s class!"

"I dare not even dream of thinking like this, it's unbelievable!"

"Xiao Yu..."

Zhang Mu paused,

Then he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said sourly and enviously.

"Old Road, it seems that you are really going to prosper this time!"

"The year before last, there was Xiao Yu, and this year, there was another Xiao Bai! With these two S-ranks in hand, the reward for the talent discovery alone is enough for you to get soft hands."

"Hey, luck luck, it's all luck!"


Old Lu said with a smile.

Zhang Mu spoke again and asked.

"By the way, you said this time, boy, is there any class? Could it be that we come to Tianfu Academy?"

"Although his professional strength is indeed enough to apply for the three majors, but after all, it is an unknown profession and requires a hard test! By then, I am afraid there will be a lot of variables."

"Okay, okay, don't test me here."

"Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? Hypocrisy! It's really..."

Lu Lao shook his head in disgust and said.

"I advise you not to make fun of yourself in this matter. He has already asked about it. His goal is also the top three! Don't even think about it, how can you not go to the top three for the dignified S-level pillar country profession? Then Isn't it a joke?!"

"It's simply impossible!"

"Hey, it's a pity for this good seedling!"

Zhang Mu couldn't help sighing.

"Go, go, what crow mouth nonsense!"

"He's going for the Big Three! No matter how powerful your Tianfu Academy is, can you compare with the Big Three?"

"Why can't it be compared? Isn't it the top three? Hmph... Anyway, it's different!"


at the same time,

Lin Hao also appeared beside Xiao Bai and asked.

"Xiaobai, do you want to form a team?"

"Is this the first time for everyone to download the dungeon secret realm, or form a team first to get used to it?"

"I can do whatever you want..." Xiao Bai said casually. To be honest, if there was no such thing as the castle world, he might still refuse, and then he would go solo to try to upgrade as fast as possible.

But now he,

His vision couldn't see these at all. After all, it's just a primary job dungeon, whether it's solo or in a team, that's all.

At worst, upgrade slowly, just slow down,

Just make it up elsewhere.

Anyway, for him now, an upgrade? That's not difficult at all,

As long as he is willing, whether it is Aphrodite, Lamodia, or even himself! Can easily take him to upgrade quickly!

After all, their 13th-order position,

Even the identity of the ace unit, the hero of the unit, is not a display!

"You really agreed?"

But Xiao Bai's answer obviously surprised Lin Hao, said. "Aren't you going to attack the top three? If you form a team, it will waste some of your time..."

Dungeon Secret Realm, whether it is treasure rewards or experience rewards, is an output system.

In other words, the output is the highest! The greatest credit! The rewards, experience, etc. that can be obtained are the most. In other words, as long as there is enough output, the only way to obtain the absolute maximum benefit is to make a copy alone!

because only then,

In order to get the maximum experience of all!

Only in this way can the upgrade be the fastest.

"That's what I said, but it doesn't really matter... After all, it's only the top 10 levels."

"The first ten levels are so simple, no matter how slow it is, I can do it anyway!"

Xiao Bai smiled and said casually.

Lin Hao glanced at Xiao Bai, but then shook his head and said.

"Forget it then!"

"I just said that casually just now, I didn't expect you to agree..."

"Anyway, I don't want to drag you down!"

"Besides, I also plan to do solo, after all, solo experience is the highest!"

After a pause, he looked at Xiao Bai with a smile again, and said.

"How about we compare, who has the fastest clearance time? I dare not say anything else, but in terms of output ability, even if it is an A-level overlord profession, I am confident that I can fight it!"

Xiao Bai glanced at Lin Hao,

Then he said directly shaking his head. "Forget it, save time, you say I bully you, dad has always been very kind-hearted, never bully my son! Hahahaha!"

"Are you right? Hahaha!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"roll roll roll!"

"What are you afraid of? I think you are cowardly? Hehe..."

Lin Hao's face turned black immediately! Said angrily.

"This time, I am going to hit the record of the top ten in the piranha courtyard!"

"The top ten records of this dungeon, even the lowest one, take four hours and fifty-eight minutes to record! But I am confident that it should be faster!"

As he spoke, Lin Hao immediately got a little airy,

Smiling and high-spirited.

"If I can rush into four and a half hours... Hey, I can rise to level 10 in a maximum of two days! Then go to the intermediate job dungeon and continue to upgrade."

At this time, I saw that Luo Baixue also suddenly spoke from the side. road.

"Xiao Bai, let's compare with me! I'm going to clear the piranha courtyard within four hours. You are an S-level pillar country professional, so you should be able to do it too?"

Xiao Bai glanced at her,

did not speak,

At this moment, Lu Chaoqun walked over and said to them.

"Students, the piranha garden and the goblin chaotic zone, these two primary job dungeons have been opened, and then you can choose to freely form a team to enter, or enter alone, but, remember!"

"Unless you are a b-level advanced occupation or above, you are allowed to enter alone. Everyone else must form a team of three before entering the dungeon!

"This is a long-standing rule, and I hope everyone will abide by it."

Primary job dungeon, the danger is very low!

To put it bluntly, it is actually just a place for everyone to get used to the battle!

It is equivalent to a rookie map!

Also because of this,

Even if it's just a C-level ordinary combat profession at the lowest level,

It is also not too difficult to swipe past alone,

However, a long time ago, there was already such a regulation!

That is, unless it is a B-level advanced occupation or above, otherwise, all people must follow the team formation principle of 'full team' and form a team to experience the dungeon.

This is to protect those c-level combat professions, themselves,

At the same time, it is also to protect and cultivate those auxiliary professions!

After all, their auxiliary occupations are also valuable, especially some very powerful auxiliary occupations. Their value is far higher than that of C-level combat occupations!

If everyone brushes alone, who will protect and train them? Moreover, if you don't establish good friendship with these auxiliary professions in the early stage, who will talk to you after they grow up?

So these things are complementary, corresponding,


A full team is actually inevitable!

New Year's Day and beyond will be even better, read a book to relax! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: January 31st to January 2nd)

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