Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

049 Cangshi Mountain Base, Tidal Sea Guild!

And seeing this scene,

Through that torn canopy, see everything,

Xiao Bai, he seems to have understood what Lamodia said earlier,

I saw that behind the end of the torn sky, there seemed to be an endless universe, countless plane worlds, floating in that universe, either near or far, or intersecting each other, or ~ the sky is far apart!

And at this time,

He clearly felt,

In their world,

There are actually countless magnet-like attractive forces, which are radiating outwards,

And such a scene, to him, is like a dream, it is definitely the first time in his life,

too exaggerated,

It's incredible!

It is also because of this that it is almost predictable. Even after many years, he will definitely remember this scene clearly...because it was only at this time that he finally realized

Unknowingly, he

Already had such terrifying strength,

This is,

Tear the world apart!

Too strong, really too strong!

"My lord, that's all right, now, I can only wait slowly!"

in the sky,

Lamodia came again,

Falling to Xiao Bai and the others,

Like a fierce star piercing the sky!

Xiao Bai opened his mouth,

I seem to want to ask something,

But in the end, he still shut up, shook his head, and said.

"Lamodia, start teaching me how to fight!"

"Aphrodite and I, learn together!"

"Yes, my lord!"

two days later,

blue star earth,

Cangshi Mountain......

"It seems to be here, one of the entrances to Cangshi Mountain!"

In front of the gates of some gathering bases,

Xiao Bai's eyes flashed, and he came here,

Cangshi Mountain is located in Shunan Province, and it is only four to five thousand miles away from Nanyun City where he is located. It can be said to be very close.

At the same time, this Cangshi Mountain, together with the other two dangerous areas, Qingcheng Mountain and Tianfu Mountain! are collectively known as the three major mountain ranges in their southern Sichuan Province! One can imagine its gold content and danger!

but high risk,

Usually also means high returns,

Means more opportunities! And opportunities!

Therefore, even though the Cangshi Mountain is really dangerous, it is still very lively!


That was all in the past,

The appearance of a magic fog changed everything,

If the atmosphere of Cangshi Mountain in the past was stable, peaceful, well water does not interfere with river water, mutual restraint, order and stability, then everything has changed now, it has become tense and unknown!

Turned into a scratch mess!

In the Cangshi Mountain in the past, everyone knew the basics, where to go and where not to go, so although it was very dangerous, relatively speaking, it was actually not that dangerous...

But now?

Everything becomes unknown.

What did the new Cangshi Mountain look like?

they do not know!

In this new Cangshi Mountain, how many new powerful monsters, powerful dungeon secret realms, even phantoms of wild troops, elite monsters, wild public bosses, etc...

None of them know!

So, they are all standing on the same starting line now...

That is to start from scratch,

Explore new maps and face the unknown!

But the changes in Cangshi Mountain are only limited to its interior, and some places around Cangshi Mountain are still the same as before. Nothing has changed at all.

Just like the place where Xiao Bai is now,

It is the outer area of ​​Cangshi Mountain,

A gathering place base!

places like gathering places,

Almost every field map has them, and there are still a lot of them. Take the Cangshi Mountains as an example. The bases of gathering places around Cangshi Mountain, to say the least, all have more than three digits, and they are all over the peripheral areas!

And their usefulness is also very simple,

That is temporary stop, supply, rest, trade, inquire about news, team formation, outpost, etc.,

So the scale of such places, although usually small,

But the layers... are high!

In most cities, professional heroes with a slightly higher level, such as those at level 40 or 50, or even those four-turn overlords above level 50, are hard to see.

but here,

It's so 'normal'!

Xiao Bai could find quite a few such strong men by just looking at them casually.

So this is completely a strong world for high-level strong men!

looked around,

Xiao Bai walked towards the base of the gathering place,

"Hello, please show your identity token information

but was stopped,

Identity token information is equivalent to everyone's ID card,

Although this is just a simple gathering place base, there are still many necessary measures and rules.

So Xiao Bai did not hesitate, and directly handed over his identity token information to the other party,

However, as soon as the other party was on the computer and called up the information,

But the pupils shrank immediately,

Even blurted out.

"High, high school student?!"

As soon as this remark came out, the other people who happened to pass by here were also stunned for a moment, and then their faces changed drastically, and they looked over, staring at Xiao Bai and the waiter, their faces were full of disbelief,

high school student

Of course they all know what it means to be a high school student,

In this world, a high school student means that they have not changed their job and awakened, or that they have just changed their job and awakened. It does not mean that such a person is very rare, but that such a person will appear in their Cangshi Mountain!?

This is really extremely rare!

You must know that in their opinion, those so-called high school students, even the so-called geniuses among them, can only play in those middle-level dungeon secret realms, or even high-level dungeon secret realms.

As for this Cangshi Mountain?

Don't even think about it!

This is their 'adult world'!

This is the world of these truly strong men!

A mere brat, a little doll, dares to come here,

Isn't this courting death?!

Tired of living?

"You, are you really just a high school student?" Although the computer displayed it clearly, the waiter still couldn't believe it, and looked at Xiao Bai stumbled.

He stammered.

Feeling the other person's shock,

And those eyes all around,

Xiao Bai couldn't help but pick his head, a little helpless,

He also knew what the problem was,

A high school student like him,

actually appear here,

This is indeed a bit too garish...

think of this,

To avoid trouble,

He simply nodded, shook his head again and said.

"I'm a high school student, but I'm here with other people...

Hearing this, the expressions of the others improved slightly.

with others?

To put it bluntly, isn't this just someone bringing him here to farm monsters and upgrade?

…0 for flowers………

This is more acceptable,

"Looks like it's a new generation of genius from a big family, a big power, and a big guild?"

"Nonsense, it must be like this, but their courage is not small. In this situation, they dare to bring people to Cangshi Mountain to farm monsters and level [Isn't this courting death? The risk is too great!"

Someone couldn't help sighing.

"You can't say that, a little baby who is a high school student may have just changed jobs, and he will die as soon as he dies. It’s worth dying once or twice, and it’s not a bad thing!”

But there were also people who directly refuted,

"That's true..."

While people keep whispering,

Xiao Bai also successfully entered the inside of the base... However, he hadn't even stepped out of the gate of the base of the gathering place, when suddenly there was a sound of fast and rapid footsteps in front of him.

Da da da... A moment later, a middle-aged man who was a bit fat in his middle age actually walked towards him quickly with a smile on his face, and at the same time said with a kind and eager smile.

"Student Xiao Bai, are you here?"

He has a very kind smile on his face, which makes people feel very friendly,

Just like an ordinary middle-aged uncle,

However, when people saw his appearance,

But couldn't help but hesitated a bit,

Immediately shocked.

"Wang, Master Wang Lin?!"

"Hiss, is it really him? Why is he here?"

"He actually appeared in person, what do you mean? Could it be that the brat is from their tidal sea?"

"Don't say it, I'm afraid it's really possible! Look at his attitude towards that brat..."

"Tsk tsk, no wonder, it turns out to be a person from Tidal Sea? No wonder you are so courageous......

"Don't forget, even the base of this gathering place is in the sea of ​​tides. When he comes here, it's no different from going home! Not to mention, there is a fourth-rank powerhouse like Wang Lin who escorts him. It's just foolproof!"

"Okay, okay, let's break up..... Wang Lin's old guy has come in person, he is not a good person, don't be misunderstood, let's go, let's break up!"

tidal sea,

One of the few top guilds in Shunan Province,

Its comprehensive strength is extremely strong! Even rank four powerhouses are nothing to them! It is no exaggeration to say that at the level of the sea of ​​tides, at least rank five Zhen Guoqiang Those who are qualified to let them pay attention!

Because of the strength of their top powerhouses

It has already reached rank six!

And there are far more than one! It is conceivable what kind of concept this is.


The sphere of influence of this tidal sea is also huge! It spreads over the three major provinces including that of Shunan Province! That is to say, even if it goes out of Shunan, this tidal sea is still a giant. extremely scary!

And not to mention far away,

just close,

This settlement base beneath their feet,

It is the tidal sea, one of the many "inconspicuous" industries,

This can also explain a lot of things!

If we say Xiao Bai,

The words of the genius of the tidal sea,

That's definitely someone they can't afford to mess with!

not to mention,

And that Wang Lin is there!

As a dignified four-turn powerhouse,

Moreover, he is currently the top supervisor of this base,

What is the concept of a young man who can be entertained so warmly by him? It is completely frightening to think carefully. .

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