Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

Chapter 006 Horror Professional Strength, Behemoth Berserker!

don't say anything else,

Just say that the life value is 10050...

What is this concept? This brings us back to the old question...professional strength!

Normally speaking,

C-level, or even B-level high-level occupations, their limits and ceilings are almost only below level 50, that is to say, they are only below the level of the four-turn overlord!

As for those above level 50, the level of the four-turn overlord powerhouse,

It's not that they're hopeless at all,

It's just that the hope is very small, the hope is very hopeless,

In this case, whether it is a c-level occupation or a b-level advanced occupation, after each level up, they can only get 10 four-dimensional attribute points as an upgrade bonus!

That is to say,

Even a profession like them has reached level 50!

But still, in total, there are only 500 four-dimensional attribute points, that’s all.

This also means that

Even if they add all these four-dimensional attribute points to the attribute of attack power, the final damage value may be around 600 or 700 to the sky.

How much actual damage can this hit?

If the situation is good,

There may be a level of seventy to eighty percent,

If the situation is not good,

Can't beat half of them!

This is also a very normal thing,

After all, it is impossible for anyone to be nude or naked,

Equipment, title, defensive attribute points, talent skills, status, etc.,

Many things can affect all of this!

That is to say!

Even with a pure white board and naked clothes, a strong man of level 49 or 50 would need more than ten attacks to clear and dry up his health bar.


This is still level 0,

For the case of level 49,50,

One can imagine what a concept this is!

What's more, he still has so many natural skills to reduce damage!

Crit damage reduction, magic resistance, and the ability to restore health, etc.

These things have made his survivability reach an incredible height!

So say,

Level 0 alone is already so outrageous,

If this reaches level 50! Level 90! Even level 150!

What about even after the higher level?

Is that worth it?

That is unimaginable!

This is simply soaring into the sky!


"I've been waiting so long!"

"But finally let me wait!"

"It seems that this is my cheating cheat after time travel!"

Suddenly Xiao Bai couldn't help roaring in his heart!

The brain also feels a little congested! trembling.

Extremely excited and excited! The eyes are filled with light.

it seems that

His long-awaited golden finger,

It's finally overdue!

Swish! Swish!

I couldn't help but waved my fist vigorously,

Then, I saw Xiao Bai looking towards Wang An and asking.

"Uncle Wang, what am I going to do now?"

"Don't worry, I won't get to the bottom of it, and it won't be too difficult, it's all very simple things..."

Wang An said quickly.

"You just need to show me the professional skills of your profession. You don't need more, just one. In addition, you also need to tell me what the name of your profession is!"

"Warrior skills?"

Xiao Bai was taken aback for a moment.

But still nodded immediately, said.


Although his furious strike attack skills are also terrifying,

But it is a skill with a full percentage value!


This type of skill,

It will definitely be extremely powerful in the later stage!

Because the later stage, the stronger it becomes,

The increased income of these percentage values ​​will be greater!

But now, the details of this type of skill are the least likely to be exposed! After all, his four-dimensional attribute points are only so small in total, and the increase is not much.

Basically no difference!

As for the concept of four-dimensional attribute points...

It's also very simple!

In today's world, there are two major systems, namely the physics department and the magic department. Then, there is the concept of this four-dimensional attribute point! They are: attack power, defense power, power and knowledge!

Attack power: both its own physical attack power,

defense, self-defense,

Power: Both magical power!

Can determine the magic power and effect.

Knowledge: Determines the level of magic, and the upper limit of magic value.

It can be seen that the attributes of the first two are obviously biased towards the melee physics system. The attribute power of the latter two should be obviously biased towards the magic system of the magic type. It is equivalent to the tendency difference of professional attribute strength.


"Uncle Wang, I'm about to start!"

Xiao Bai said.

"Come on, don't worry, just attack me with all your strength..."

Wang An smiled and said.


"Furious blow!"

Xiao Bai immediately made a move, using his skills, and punched Wang An, but was easily blocked by a light curtain force that suddenly appeared out of thin air.


At the same time, Wang An also frowned,


"Why is the damage so low?"

"Could it be a percentage increase in damage?"

To put it bluntly, to him, it really doesn't matter if the value is 1 point or 2 points of damage.

But this involves two situations of skill damage.

Normally speaking,

Hero skill damage bonus,

Divided into two situations,

One is the addition of specific values,

Second, it is a percentage!

Let me talk about the conclusion first. The value, gold content, power, etc. of the percentage damage skill must be greater than the former! It is absolutely! must! There is no doubt about it.

Then divide the situation. Percentage damage skills are usually more powerful the later they go, the higher the level, and the more four-dimensional attribute points. And the skills with specific numerical bonuses are the other way around.

This type of skill,

It is more powerful in the early stage,

So if there is a choice, it will definitely choose the percentage skill, because it means powerful!

And more importantly, according to their past experience, the skills of percentage damage usually only appear on those powerful occupations of A-level or even above A-level!

That is to say,

That alone,

Actually, that's enough to explain the problem.

"It seems that this is really a new S-level pillar country occupation!"

Wang An couldn't help laughing out loud,

But still very rigorous,

He asked Xiao Bai again tentatively.

"Student, is this a hero skill with percentage damage?"


Xiao Bai is not talking nonsense,

He just nodded and admitted,

"it is good!"

Wang An smiled and said. "By the way, since it's an unknown profession, according to the usual practice, it's up to you to give it a name..."

"Name? Then call it Behemoth Berserker!"

Xiao Bai thought for a while, and simply reported the name on the system panel.

"Bemon Behemoth Berserker?"

Wang An froze for a moment, then smiled. "The tone is really loud..."

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