Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

062 The Space Passage In The Swamp Area!

And at the same time,

Xiao Bai is already different from the Thunderbird King,

Came to a dark swamp area full of swamps!

"Is this the place?"

"But this place seems to be what Wang Lin said before..."

"I found the place where the petrified bison and the petrified barbarian king!"

Gazing into the depths of the dark swamp,

Xiao Bai muttered to himself.

Judging from his sensory capture,

The power on the dragon scales, and the end of the breath,

It should be in this place,

Good guy! After working for a long time, it turned out to be dark under the lights?! If there is no clue, who would have thought that the mission target of the treasure house mission is actually in the Cangshi Mountain, which is just a short distance away?

If the other top forces and people from the top guilds,

If you know everything,

I'm afraid they'll all be beating their chests and yelling for a missed opportunity, right?

Fortunately, he was lucky, and here he is!

If it was later,

Maybe it will be robbed by other people!

"Yige, shall we go in and have a look?"

Xiao Bai got excited,

I can't wait to go in and have a look,

But I didn't expect the Thunderbird King to be different, but he shook his head, and then said respectfully to him. "My lord, I sense some unusual power in this can't go in!"

"It's dangerous!"

"Aren't you here? I believe in you!"

Xiao Bai glanced at him and said.

But the Thunderbird King is different,

"—Zero" actually shook his head, then lowered his head and said. "My lord, as your subordinate, I must ensure your safety at all times!

"You are our lord! You can even be said to be our king! Ruler! God... If my negligence puts you in a more dangerous situation, I will not be able to forgive myself!"

"So, please forgive me for disobeying orders. I am willing to accept your punishment, even if it means paying my life, but! My lord, there may be some dangers here, so you can't go in!"

As he spoke, he even bowed his head and crawled directly under Xiao Bai's feet,

Seems to be waiting for Xiao Bai's punishment, and trial,

But Xiao Bai couldn't help laughing, and patted his head at the same time, saying sincerely. "Thank you, Yige! It was you who let me know that there are you behind me!"

to him,

With an extremely powerful hole card and subordinates, as a reliance!

He can indeed do whatever he wants,

But for Thunderbird King Yige and his subordinates, this is not the case. As a subordinate, keeping the lord's safety is absolutely the top priority! So he would rather disobey orders

Ba must be such.

And for Xiao Bai,

It is also a kind of great emotion, and reflection,

because he suddenly realized,

He is not alone now,

He also needs to take these responsibilities,

Can't mess around anymore.

"Get up..."

Xiao Bai pulled up Thunderbird King Yige,

Then asked again.

"Yige, what do you say next?"

Thunderbird Wang Yige breathed a sigh of relief,

Then he looked at Xiao Bai again and said in a low voice. "My lord lord, my suggestion is to let my brave clansmen enter this area first to find out the situation!"

"If you're sure there's nothing wrong with it, let's go in again!"

"Your people?"

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment,

Then it reacted,

That's right! Except for the Thunderbird King's abnormality,

In his hand now,

But there are still the 9th-level Thunderbird 110, and the 10th-level Thunderbird King 43! Strictly speaking, this is also a very powerful combat power. It might not even be weaker than the Thunderbird King Alien.

After all, the quantity is there,

There are more than one hundred units!

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a feeling of disdain for the world:

"Okay, then it's decided! Let them take a look first! Inquire about the situation!" After the words fell, he directly summoned hundreds of 10th-level Thunderbird Kings from his castle world, 9 Tier Thunderbird!

"Yige, go and order!"

Xiao Bai smiled,

Said to the Thunderbird King Yige.

The latter nodded quickly, and then flew over thinking of his clansmen.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo... Not long after, I saw those Thunderbirds, the King of Thunderbirds, instantly turned into streaks of terrifying flying lights, scattered in all directions, and flew into the swamp area.

As for the Thunderbird King,

But still guarding Xiao Bai's side,

It's like a loyal guard, staying close at every step, doing everything!

And at the same time,

Xiao Bai also began to think about the following things,

"If there are really a lot of petrified bison, petrified bull kings in this place..."

"You can consider letting Aphrodite come here, and brush up the level!"

At present, Aphrodite's level is definitely the top priority of their Beamon Roaring City! After all, the so-called 90-level second-turn adult, 250-level three-turn peak,

No need to guess, it is definitely a huge qualitative change!

Light is just a second turn to level 90,

It is already able to step into the realm of gods and become a god,

What if it's a higher level three-turn pinnacle?

What a situation that would be like, it's really longing, and looking forward to!

Therefore, his top priority must be to quickly upgrade Aphrodite!

How to upgrade the fastest?

very simple,

Spawn monsters!

Those professional heroes on Blue Star Earth rely on dungeon secret realms, elite monsters, bosses, and monsters in the game map to level up!

And what about Aphrodite and the heroes of these units? You can brush the common units, ace units, and even unit heroes in those wild areas to upgrade!

Kill the opponent, you can gain the strength of the opponent,

It's actually an experience!

In this way,

Naturally, it can be upgraded quickly!

And these Tier 9 petrified bison,

Tier 10 Petrified Bull King and the others...

Level 9, equal to five revolutions,

Level 10, equal to five digits and five turns! (012512430 Feilu 174552020]

Although this is indeed far away from the 13th level of Aphrodite, I don't know how much experience ordinary soldiers of their level can provide Aphrodite.

but anyway,

A big meal is not enough,

but as an appetizer,

Surely you are still eligible?

After all, don't forget, what is his real goal,

His real target is the 11th-level swamp dragon ace unit --- Amandaine!

That's the real deal!

A true premium experience package!

"I don't know if there are other hands beside Amandain?"

Xiao Bai murmured.

Some can't wait!

Of course he is not afraid of the swamp dragon Amanda because he has a helper,

Because for him, it's a buy one get one free pie in the sky!

He only hopes that the number of opponents is large enough and their strength is strong!

In this way,

It is also more beneficial to the upgrade of Aphrodite!

Just thinking about it like this,

Those thunderbirds, kings of thunderbirds,

They are all coming back one after another!

"Did you find anything?"

"My lord, in this swamp area, we have a group of Tier 9 petrified bison and Tier 10 petrified bull kings, but the number is not very large..."

"Currently, only Tier 9 petrified bison 30 and Tier 10 petrified bull king 6 have been found!"

A thunderbird with brown magic power shining all over its body,

Said to Xiao Bai respectfully!


This is an ace unit of the 9th-level Thunderbird!

"Tude, is that all?"

"Have you found out? Is there nothing else?"

Thunderbird King asked seriously.

"Master patriarch, respected lord, besides the petrified bison and the petrified bull king, our clansmen also found a strange place somewhere in this swamp area!"

"There are traces of a powerful magical power flowing there!"

"I'm not sure what that is, but...."

"It looks like it's a space entrance from another plane world!"

Thunderbird Tude said in a low voice.

"Space entrances to other plane worlds?"

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment,

Immediately reacted,

This should be the destination they have found, right?

Plane world?

The concept of this statement is very broad!

It’s as big as the world of the hero Ashan, such as the main universe of the universe! It’s as big as their blue star earth, as small as his castle world, and even those dungeon secret realms, etc.

These all belong to the concept of the plane world!

So if I'm not mistaken,

There, it should be the land of the swamp flying dragon Afudain, who used the flow, right?

"Have you gone in to see it?"

Xiao Bai asked.

"not yet!"

Thunderbird Tudor shook his head,

But he added another sentence, said.

"Judging from the magical power transmitted from the entrance of the plane world, there should be some very powerful troops in the world opposite the space passage..."

"I guess, it should be a powerful unit of Tier 11, or even Tier 12!"

"That's it!"

Xiao Bai's eyes brightened,

Then he looked towards the Thunderbird King Yige, and said,

"Yige, go and see for yourself!"

"But..." Thunderbird Wang Yige hesitated, but Xiao Bai shook his head and said. "Don't worry, I will call Aphrodite!

As he spoke, he simply did what he said!

It directly summoned Aphrodite in the castle world!



A huge roar sounded, and the space distorted. In the distorted space, Aphrodite rushed out quickly and landed in front of Xiao Bai, those Thunderbirds, the Thunderbird King!


"you call me?"

After Aphrodite saw Xiao Bai, he immediately became excited, and then, he turned into his newborn appearance again, jumping onto Xiao Bai's back and shoulders!

Apparently, he prefers the current form, where he can interact with Xiao Bai more, than the mighty and gigantic Behemoth body. Because it makes it easier for him to get close to its owner Xiao Bai!

"His Royal Highness Aphrodite!"

"His Royal Highness Aphrodite!"

Thunderbird King Alien,

Thunderbird Tudor,

And the Thunderbirds, the Kings of Thunderbirds,

They all hurriedly saluted Aphrodite respectfully,

Then, he saw that Thunderbird King was different, and nodded to Xiao Bai again,

Then it flew out suddenly,

Be a bolt of lightning, so fast!


Since His Royal Highness Aphrodite came in person,

Then of course he doesn't have to worry about anything,

"Go, Aphrodite, and take you hunting!"

0.2 By the way, let me see your current strength! Just how powerful you are. "

Xiao Bai said with a smile.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Hunting! Hunting! Hunting!"

"The great Behemoth! Aphrodite! I want to tear you apart! Hahahaha!"

Aphrodite also got excited and roared.

Tudor, lead the way!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon, they had arrived somewhere deep in the swamp area,

There are towering giant trees everywhere, countless rotten vines, branches and leaves, animal corpses, etc., all rot here, releasing a stench that makes people sick to the stomach!

There are swamps all over the place, and the terrain environment is very poor.

But it is a paradise for the troops of the swamp fortress faction!

For these harsh environments,

will never be their disadvantage,

On the contrary, it can even help them bring Youto!

Just like the places where the petrified bison and the petrified bull king live...

It turned out to be a bottomless, fetid swamp pit!

"People say that we orcs don't like cleanliness, but I see the bedbugs in the swamp fortress, they are really dirty to death, and I don't know if there are any stinky bugs here.

Hate the nine-headed worm?"

"If there are, they can tear off their heads and bend them!"

Coming here, Aphrodite looked disgusted [said murderously.

As for the nine-headed worm in his mouth...

It is the 13th-rank unit at the apex of the swamp fortress camp --- Chaos Hydra!.

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