Job Change For All: Lord! I Am The King Of Beamon!

087 A World-Shaking Change! God-Level Attribute Panel!


At this moment, I saw that Aphrodite immediately became excited, let out a roar that shook the earth, and then disappeared in the same place in a flash of the void.

But it's unbelievably fast,

Appeared in front of Xiao Bai,

"Master, look at me, I succeeded! Hahaha...Master, I have reached the stage of turning into an adult, and my strength has become stronger again!" Aphrodite became excited, He said repeatedly, and it was obvious that he was a little over excited at this moment, so much so that his speech was a bit upside down and gibberish,

However, this is also understandable, after all, one has successfully entered adulthood with the second turn... Once one reaches this point, it is not an exaggeration to say that the concept is different.

think of this,

Xiao Bai also directly opened the Aphrodite attribute panel, and examined it carefully.

[Aphrodite Growler Totem Hurricane Feast]

Gender: Male

Level: Level 90!

Race: Behemoth!

Step position: 13th step,

Level Template: Crimson Crown

Hero Occupation: Behemoth Berserker!

God position power: middle god (except for special attributes, all other all-round basic attributes + 40%! And get the power of the god realm, and the life catalog coercion of the existence of gods!)




Knowledge: 2100(+.......)

HP: 300W(+.......)


Fighting "Qi Qi San" fighting ability: god level (98%)

Game Skill: Level 2 Furious Strike...

Level 2 behemoth body

Beamon is berserk......

Level 2 Orc Stronghold King...

The domain of the gods (this is the domain power exclusive to every strong person in the domain of the gods! This is an improvement in the dimension of life force. Adaptive to the super speed, super violent, bloodthirsty, silent...... ... and other abilities! Cannot be upgraded. But it can be passively upgraded along with the increase in the power of the god position

Silent Domain (It can create a silent domain suitable for the Behemoth Behemoth family, adaptively matching the power of the gods' domain. Below the 14th-level scarlet crown hero, you can't see through it!)

Level 1 Weakness Critical Strike (The fighting ability of Behemoth Behemoths is extremely strong! So that they can easily see through the enemy's flaws, so as to find the best attack target and the opportunity to shoot! It can increase the chance of critical strike damage by +20%, Critical strike damage chance +10%! The highest level is level 2!)

Level 1 Flash Roar (The roar of the Behemoth contains unimaginable sonic power, which can cause extremely terrifying range explosion damage to the enemy! The attack range is 100w, attack dimension: unlimited, the highest level is level 2 !)

Fearless Heart (As the king of the Behemoth Behemoth family, he has a fearless and firm heart! Even in extremely dangerous moments and severe injuries, he can show 100% strength. Not subject to affected by external factors.)

Unimpeded (Under any harsh conditions, it will not have any impact on his actions! He is immune to all terrain power restrictions. But does not include the control of magic power. Magic power control skills resistance +70%. Can not be upgraded)

Super perception (the perception ability of the Behemoth family is extremely powerful! It can even capture the existence together! Including immortal gods! The 14th-level crimson crown hero is different, it is different!)

Don't see through!

Comprehensive evaluation: A-level crimson crown hero (41%+15%)!


Even if you have already prepared a lot,

But at this moment, Xiao Bai was still taken aback and was shocked!

At this time, Aphrodite, who has evolved to the adult stage of the second turn, has reached 2w+ four-dimensional attribute points, 2w+ damage! And the blood volume of 300w

What is this concept?

two words.

Totally outrageous!

In addition, compared to before, he seems to have six more innate skills, which is equivalent to a total of eleven innate skills! Perhaps this should be his original appearance?

at the very beginning,

He is not yet an adult, so some of his innate skills have not yet fully awakened, so at that time he only seemed to have such a pitiful main four combined skills.

Even more unique than the Thunderbird King who is only the orange leader hero,

Both talents and skills are even rarer!

but now,

everything is different,

A total of eleven innate skills are placed there!

I'm afraid, this is his real data, right?

And more importantly,

Aphrodite's crimson crown hero progress,

It also changed from the original A-level 34% to the current A-level 41% + 15%. I don’t know what the +15% behind this means.

A trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes,

but then,

in his head,

But immediately thought of a possibility quickly!

"Could this be the original power of the crimson crown?'s possible!"

"36% to 41%, this should be the result of Aphrodite's own hard work, or in other words, this should be his passive improvement after he entered the second stage of adulthood!

"And this extra 15% should be the original power of the crimson crown... actually added 15%? It seems to be quite a lot, and it is quite effective!"

Xiao Bai murmured in his heart,

feel a little happy,

because to him,

It should be considered an unexpected surprise.

Originally, he thought that the original power of the crimson crown could at most help Aphrodite, and increase the evolution progress by a single digit, which is already very good! After all, this is the evolution progress of the hero of the arms, so it is logical That being said, it shouldn't be that simple, it's not that easy!

But now it seems that

He seems to have underestimated the original power of the crimson crown...

The energy and value of this thing,

It seems far more powerful than he expected,

But this is of course a good thing for him,

"It seems that if I have the opportunity in the future, I can use the power of the crimson crown more!"

I skipped this thought in my mind,

Then, his focus turned to other places!

"But what is this divine power?"

"All basic attribute strengths are +40%? It seems to be quite powerful..."

Xiao Bai murmured inwardly, a little surprised,

Because he has already noticed something new in the attributes of the Aphrodite panel.

Divine power?

If nothing else,

This thing should have something to do with the power in the realm of the gods

think of this,

He took another look at his own panel properties.

【Xiao Bai】


Owned Castle: Roaring City of Beamon (Level 1)

Sex: Male,

Level: Level 90!

Race: Human,

Rank: 13th rank (the power of Behemoth Beast God!)

Level Template: Crimson Crown

Hero Occupation: Behemoth Berserker!

God position power: middle god (except for special attributes, all other all-round basic attributes + 40%! And get the power of the god realm, and the life officer pressure of the existence of gods!)




Knowledge: 2700(+.......)

HP: 250w


Combat Ability: God Level (4%)

Talent Skill: Level 2 Furious Strike………

The body of a level 2 behemoth........

Beamon blood...

The realm of gods (this is the domain power exclusive to every expert in the realm of gods! This is an improvement in the dimension of life force. Adaptive to the super speed, super violent, bloodthirsty, silent... ... and other abilities! Cannot be upgraded. But it can be passively upgraded along with the increase in the power of the god position)

Comprehensive evaluation: C-level scarlet crown hero (77%)!


Seeing his own attribute panel, Xiao Bai couldn't help but touch his chin subconsciously. How should I put it, his attribute panel seemed to be within his expectations, but also somewhat beyond his expectations!

First of all, whether it is the four-dimensional attribute points, the blood volume, the number of innate skills, or even the comprehensive evaluation of the system, etc., he is completely weaker than Aphrodite.

so that,

Although they now seem to be level 90,

But the specific difference in actual combat effectiveness,

But it's still obvious!

Once they fight...

It is no exaggeration to say that his chances of winning are not even 100%!

"It seems that the disadvantage of the racial bonus is too great..."

"This gap is indeed quite obvious!"

Everyone is level 90, but why is there such an obvious gap in strength? Xiao Bai actually knows the answer to this question!

For this matter,

He even ran to ask Lamodia,

And finally,

He concluded that,

This is the result caused by the fact that his racial bonus is too bad!

What is a racial bonus? To put it simply, it is actually those powerful races that are stronger and have higher racial ranks, and they will have some powerful innate bonuses!

These powers may be reflected in its nascent four-dimensional attribute points! It may also be reflected in the strength and quantity of its natural skills awakening! And some other aspects... 0

In short, the higher the power of the race rank,

The greater its innate bonus is!

That's why,

At that very beginning,

Obviously he and Aphrodite are both scarlet crowned heroes, and they are both level 0, but he only has a few attribute points, and Aphrodite has thousands of attribute points!

This is the result of the difference in race bonuses!

they human race,

It's a Tier 0 race!

What about the Behemoth family? Tier 13!

Ov13 order!

The gap and the answer, right here!

The level of power is equivalent to the level of life!

In other words, although his current life level has reached level 13, the race bonus of his human race has not changed! It is still a human race, and it is still level 0!

In this respect...  

He is so bad!

so that it is difficult for him to pass the way of awakening,

Come to get those powerful talent skills with high intensity!

Therefore, this has caused his current situation! Even though he has successfully completed the evolution into a god, he has become a real god...

But he cannot be like that Aphrodite,

In this way to awaken new talent skills,


one more

Where there are gaps...

It is the progress of evolution!

There is also the small power level of the crimson crown hero!

Now, he is just a C-level crimson crown hero at the lowest level... But what about Aphrodite? He is already an A-level crimson crown hero! In fact, this thing

The power gap represented is not very big!

Generally speaking, at 5.0, at the same level and position, a b-level can completely defeat a c-level! And if that a-level, against a c-level, it should be able to completely crush it!

think of this,

Xiao Bai couldn't help shaking his head,

but without the slightest despondency,

On the contrary, he is still very happy now!

After all, if you want to say whether it is strong or still depends on who you compare it with!

Indeed, with his current strength, he is indeed not as powerful as Aphrodite, but the question is why he wants to compare with Aphrodite? Isn’t it good for him to compare with others?

what's the problem?

Besides, with his current strength,

should soon catch up,

or rather,

They should have caught up with Naramdia, right?

Isn't that enough?

Ha ha ha ha!

Can't help but laugh out loud,

Then, Xiao Bai opened the panel attributes of Naramodia again, and looked at it,

【La Modia】

Ace arms.

Race: Behemoth Behemoth.

God position power: lower gods (except for special attributes, all other all-round basic attributes +20%! And get the power of the god realm, and the life layer of the god existence

time coercion!)

Step position: 13th step.

Life: 180w





Talent skills: Beamon's blood, Beamon's rage, Beamon's body. realm of spirits. run smoothly. Esperience...

Potential Comprehensive Assessment: Grade A,

Comprehensive evaluation: ace arms 13th rank (53%+30%)


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