Lin Feng looked at Long Nu with a puzzled expression.

"You want to know how I learned that you have the blood of the ancestor dragon?"

The dragon girl nodded in bewilderment.

"The profession I awakened to is a scholar. The so-called scholar is a profession whose goal is to master the ultimate knowledge of this world."

"Now you understand why I know you have the blood of the ancestral dragon."

Lin Feng showed off his ability to fool around to the fullest.

Long Nu was a little dazed, and after a while, she seemed to have thought of a certain key point, and then a look of vigilance suddenly appeared on her face.

"Are you afraid that I won't let you go after I learn that you have the blood of Zulong?"

don't know why.

After Lin Feng awakened the scholar profession.

They often guess what other people are thinking.

This may be another characteristic of the profession of scholars.

It's just that his level is relatively low now, so he can't bring it into full play.

"Actually, you don't have to worry. Scholar is the only hidden profession, and it is one of the most powerful professions for human beings."

"Don't say that you just have the blood of the ancestor dragon, even if you are the ancestor dragon itself, after my strength becomes stronger, I may not necessarily like it."

Lin Feng was the best seller in his previous life.

Not to mention the dragon girl who is ignorant of the world, even Zulong came in person.

He believed that he could fool him if he wanted to.

Sure enough, Long Nu relaxed her vigilance slightly after hearing the words.

"What you said is true? Can you really use Thunder God Grass to activate the blood of the ancestral dragon on my body?"

The purpose of Dragon Girl grabbing Lei Gongcao is to restore her suppressed ability.

Never thought that Thunder Goddess could restore the blood of the ancestor dragon in her body.

Since Lin Feng can see that she has the blood of the ancestor dragon in her body, what she said has some credibility.

This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Dragon Girl.

Lin Feng looked into Longnu's eyes and said solemnly:

"You are my contracted servant now, you will listen to everything I say, why should I lie to you."

"Thunder God Grass combined with some materials, I can create [Thunder Dragon Secret Water]. You only need to drink a little to activate the blood of the ancestor dragon in your body."

This potion also has a strengthening effect on Lin Feng's affinity with thunder attributes.

In addition, improving Dragon Girl's strength is actually improving his own strength.

Therefore, Lin Feng's primary goal now is to produce [Thunder Dragon Secret Water] first.

"Scroll of Truth, tell me what is the formula of Thunder Dragon Water?"

A huge book that only Lin Feng could see unfolded before his eyes again.

"The materials used to make Thunder Dragon Secret Water need to use Dragon Blood Grass, Thunder God Grass, and Horned Dragon Heart."

Lin Feng habitually opened the shopping software to search for these things.

Except for the dragon's blood grass, the other two things cannot be bought on the website.

The price of dragon's blood grass is not low, one plant costs 200,000 yuan.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's ability to make money is pretty good now.

Although 200,000 is a bit more expensive, it is still within the acceptable range.

As for the ceratopsian heart.

Lin Feng remembered that the hidden boss of the copy of Xueze Cave was the Horned Dragon.

The so-called hidden boss means that it will not appear 100% of the time.

Even if the dungeon of Xueze Cave is killed, it will only appear with a certain probability.

Let's take a look at the information about the horned dragon first.

[Truth Scroll, Fairy Scroll, Silver Chapter]

【horned dragon】

[Introduction: Low-level monsters with a small amount of dragon blood have high attack and defense power, but their speed is relatively slow. If you generally need diluted dragon blood to make potions, horned dragons are preferred. 】

[Talent: Advanced Earth Attribute Affinity]

[Skills: horny skin, savage confrontation, death trampling, iron mountain]

[Weakness: head]

After reading the horned dragon's information, Lin Feng knew that his next target was the copy of the Xueze Cave.

However, it took an entire afternoon to make fifteen bottles of healing potions.

By this time the sky had darkened.

Just have to wait until the next day.

And the dragon girl has just recovered from her injury.

Although her recovery ability is far beyond ordinary people, she also needs to rest for a night.

When the dragon girl recovers, it will be more confident to clean up the copy.

In order to show that he is a gentleman, Lin Feng gave up his parents' room to Longnv and Katlin.

I still live in a small room.

As night falls, the blood moon hangs in the starry sky.

Since the alien invasion, the moon in the sky has been bright red.

Lin Feng consumed a lot of energy while making the medicine, so he was already asleep at this time.

On the contrary, Dragon Girl couldn't sleep.

She looked at the blood moon outside the window and asked Katrin next to her:

"What kind of person is he?"

Katrin showed a warm smile:

"The master is a very good person, and he also promised to help me avenge."

The dragon girl suddenly showed a surprised look: "You, why do you call him master?"

"He was my master."

After all, Katrin lived in a relatively long time, and she has been in a state of confusion since she became the witch's wraith.

So I don't understand what the master can't call.

"You can also call him Master."

Longnu shook her head vigorously: "No, don't call him master even if you beat me to death."

The two chatted and slowly fell asleep.

next morning.

Lin Feng is used to going to bed early and getting up early.

After he got up, he first stretched vigorously, and then turned over the quilt.

Since the alien invasion, every safe city is expensive.

Lin Feng's parents spent all their savings to buy such a small house of 50 square meters in Funing City.

Finally, it was renovated into two bedrooms and one bathroom.

Although the room is small, it is still very cozy.

After Lin Feng got up, he habitually opened the door and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When Longnu saw Lin Feng, she suddenly covered her eyes.

"Why don't you wear clothes?"

It was hot summer, and Lin Feng usually slept in his underwear.

After he saw the dragon girl, he suddenly remembered that there were two other women at home.

But this was in his own home, so Lin Feng definitely couldn't lose his momentum.

"Both of you are my personal servants, don't say I'm wearing a pair of underwear, even if I take it off, it's nothing."

Dragon Girl knew she couldn't beat Lin Feng.

I could only turn my head away angrily and ignore Lin Feng.

On the contrary, Katrin was generous and didn't show any abnormality from the beginning.

Lin Feng quickly finished washing up, and the three of them were ready to set off after eating the breakfast that Katrin helped them prepare.

After going downstairs, Lin Feng passed by the pharmacy and sold them the fifteen bottles of mental recovery potion made yesterday.

The waiter didn't expect Lin Feng's team to be so strong.

With Lin Feng's support, she has greater confidence in competing for store manager in the future.

There was something wrong with Shendu even with the way she looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng doesn't care about these.

He looked at the more than 100,000 extra property in the card, and he took the two of them to the teleportation array in the city with satisfaction.

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