Job Change For All People: I Am Invincible With Waste Materials

Chapter 42 The Method Of The Final Exam Has Been Temporarily Changed

Xia Guo University Exam Day.

This may be one of the most important days in the lives of most Xia Guo students.

Except for some students with family backgrounds, this is the best way for poor students who want to be promoted to strong.

Entering a good school will allow you to enjoy all kinds of scarce resources in the school.

Otherwise, you can only be an ordinary adventurer.

Every day by killing monsters in exchange for money to maintain life.

Therefore, on the day of the big exam, every student will adjust their best state to face it.

Lin Feng came to school early.

In order to avoid being watched by everyone, he decided to put Dragon Girl and Katrin in the contract space first.

Let them out after the exam starts.

"Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng looked back, and it turned out that it was Zhu Nini who called him.

At this time, Zhu Niyi tied up her hair and wore a smart outfit, looking very energetic.

Because it is about to face a copy of various situations.

Therefore, most students will try to choose simple clothing, so as not to be unable to exert their full strength due to clothing problems.

There was once a student who wore a long floral dress during the final exam, but was bitten by a monster in the dungeon, fell to the ground, and was directly swallowed by the monster.

Of course, the exam dungeon is a fantasy dungeon created by various professionals.

A person who dies in it is not really dead.

It's just that premature death means poor grades.

It is said that she had a chance to be admitted to a good university.

In the end, because of the long skirt, he got a grade that he couldn't even get into an ordinary school.

Zhu Ni Ni ran to the front of Lin Feng.

She is not tall, she needs to look up at Lin Feng in front of him.

"I know you can definitely enter Qingxia, and I can too!"

"We will still be alumni by then."

Seeing that Zhu Nini spoke very confidently, Lin Feng felt a little curious.

Although Lin Feng saw that it was very easy to enter Qingxia, it was because of his system.

In fact, Xia Kingdom has a population of more than 10 billion, and more than 100 million people take the exam every year.

As one of the two top universities in Xia Kingdom, it is the dream university for more than 100 million students.

Countless students sharpened their heads trying to squeeze in.

And Qingxia enrolls 20,000 students every year.

It is not that simple to become the lucky 20,000 out of more than 100 million people.

Even if Zhu Ni Ni is a hidden occupation, it is not so easy.

Zhu Ni Ni seemed to see Lin Feng's doubts about her strength.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me."

"I'm also a Warcraft Summoner anyway, and I'll show you my strength later."

Lin Feng put away his contempt and said with a smile:

"Okay, I'll just wait for your performance."

In fact, if Zhu Ni Ni could go to Qingxia, it would not be a bad thing for Lin Feng.

At least one familiar person is at the same school.

If there are some dungeons that require a team to enter, he can go directly to Zhu Ni Ni.

After all, Zhu Nini treated Lin Feng very well.

When everyone thought that Lin Feng's awakening was a useless profession, she was willing to let her sister bring Lin Feng to the dungeon.

Although in the end it was Lin Feng who led them to kill the three hellhounds.

But Zhu Ni Ni's intentions cannot be denied.

In Lin Feng's class.

At this time, everyone was chattering about the big exam.

"Let's all form a team, don't form a team when the exam starts, then it's over."

"It has been formed a long time ago, and it has been running in for several days. Our team will definitely achieve good results today."

"I don't know how difficult this year's fantasy dungeon is, but I hope it's not too difficult."

In previous years, the dungeon of the big exam supported a maximum of four people to enter in a team.

Therefore, most of the students will find a good team before the big exam, and go out to run in the first few days after awakening,

Just like when Lin Feng met Jian Yirou and Hema and others in Youlin, the four of them planned to form a team to enter the copy of the big exam.

When Lin Feng entered the classroom, the people around couldn't help looking towards Lin Feng.

Some students lowered their voices to discuss Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng probably won't be able to form a team."

"Who says it's not? It takes a month to learn just one skill. Presumably he doesn't even have a skill now, so what's the use of going in."

"Ye Feng's mentality is quite good. I thought I had awakened a hidden profession, but I didn't expect it to be a useless profession. If I had, I would have been unable to stand it."

Although they had lowered their voices during the discussion.

But with Lin Feng's current mental strength, he could hear what they said clearly.

But Lin Feng didn't care about it, but instead recharged his energy and waited for the big exam.

At this moment, Lin Feng's class teacher hurried in.

The students fell silent immediately.

Then it was time to announce the information of the big exam to everyone.

He looked dignified and pondered for a moment:

"I just got the news that due to frequent monster invasions in recent years, the selection of students this year will be stricter than in previous years."

"This year's copy will no longer allow students to form teams, and the content of the copy will also be rearranged."

This news caught almost all the students off guard.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Can't form a team anymore? Isn't our running-in these days all wasted?"

"It's over, it's over, I'm a support job, how can I do a dungeon by myself?"

"Although I am a combat professional, I am a mage. What should I do if a monster gets close?"

After the students calmed down, the head teacher continued:

"You don't have to worry about supporting professions. For this exam, you choose two categories: combat and support."

"The auxiliary class will not allow you to fight monsters directly. In the illusion, you will be asked to choose a combat class to form a team. The test is what kind of help you can provide to the combat class."

"As for combat occupations, it's all up to you."

"No matter which kind of challenge you choose, there are 50 checkpoints to pass."

"The result is mainly based on the number of checkpoints. In the case of the same checkpoint, it depends on the speed."

"Passing 30 levels is considered a pass, 40 levels are good, and 45 levels are excellent."

"As for the 45th level and above, as long as you can pass the 45th level, you can be admitted to the top ten universities in China."

"Also" the head teacher hesitated for a while, but decided to say it: "I have a brother who works in the military department, and he told me that this examination model has actually been implemented in the military department for a long time."

"That is to say, the way to select students for the big exam is already based on the standards of the military department."

"I'm afraid the world will not be peaceful."

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