Job Change For All: Summoner? You Call God

201 A Fantasy World That Doesn't Exist!

Perhaps it won't take long for these human professionals to become as powerful as the demons in the abyss.

It even surpassed them to become the most prosperous and powerful race among many planes.

Su Yu thinks they have the potential.

Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the elite among human professionals as much as possible in this battle.

I saw that Su Yu turned around and directly attracted power, using the huge power of the combination of the power of the void and the power of the spirit.

Suddenly, a huge summoning portal opened.

The portal suddenly opened, and countless heavy monsters flew out of it.

The sound produced by the "buzzing" wing instigator makes people feel a sharp pain in the ears.

But at the same time, the breath of power emanating from them made the demons not far away feel a sense of trepidation.

It seemed that the one flying in the air was a terrifying god of death capable of harvesting their lives.

These monsters summoned by Su Yu are like wasps.

Of course, their image is indeed very similar to the wasp, but they are in the form of energy.

It is a fusion of pure spirit and the power of the void, and it seems to come from an ordinary space plane.

It's a fantasy world that doesn't exist.

To be able to summon this method from the fantasy world, it should be the product of the fusion of spiritual power and void power.

The fusion of multiple powers can actually open planes that do not exist in the world.

After Su Yu realized this, his eyes could not help but brighten up.

He seems to have realized that the power of the mysterious summoning system he possesses can break the constraints of reality.

Su Yu thought again, if he mastered the power of the abyss in the future, if he merged the power of the void, the power of the spirit, and the power of the abyss again.

So isn't the dream reality that can be opened even more exaggerated?

At that time, the upper limit of combat power that I can summon is simply unimaginable.

When Su Yu imagined his bright future.

Those terrifying monsters like wasps have joined the battlefield.

Wherever it passed, the demons and demon army, which originally occupied an overwhelming advantage, scattered like birds and beasts.

…………… Ask for flowers 00

They suffered huge damage in a blink of an eye.

"My God, where did these monsters come from?"

"Could it be the terrifying monster summoned by the human summoner just now?"

"No, no, there are too many of them, and I can't resist, retreat quickly, retreat quickly!"


Before waiting for the demon lord Arsur who was sitting in the rear to give an order, the many demons and the demon army in front really couldn't hold on.

They fled to the rear one after another.

"Not good, then Su Yu is indeed extremely mysterious, it seems that I have to make a move."

"Otherwise, if this goes on like this, I'm afraid the entire army under my command will end up here.

Looking at the strange creature that Su Yu summoned, it was almost omnipotent, and it was harvesting his demon army crazily like harvesting wheat.

The demon lord Arsur finally couldn't hold on.

Immediately, he drew power and jumped in the air.

Immediately, he spread out his hands, and one after another energy flew out, opening one after another portal zero. .

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