Job Change For All: Summoner? You Call God

99 Void Pond, Son Of The Lotus! (Seek Full Order To Follow Up)

"Su Yu is about to make a move!"

"Let's stay away, don't offend this great god!"

When those people saw Su Yu open the portal, they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe.

He could only hide aside and mutter softly, watching Su Yu's next move~.

They know that Suning is now known as the strongest summoner in history.

As for the professionals below the legendary level, the world has already passed on Su Yu as a god.

It is even said that the level of the summoned objects he summoned can reach the level of gods!

I saw a terrible flame bird flying out from the portal.

Its feathers were burning with crimson flames, and it turned out to be a Vermilion Bird cub.

Although it is still in its infancy, it is far from reaching the power of the beast level in its heyday.

But based on its current strength alone, it is enough to match the level of a legendary professional.

"Good guy, as expected of Su Yu, he turned out to be a legendary creature with one shot.

Everyone knew at a glance that the interests of the pond had nothing to do with them.

Sure enough, under Su Yu's command, the flame bird made a high-pitched cry.

Immediately it opened its mouth suddenly, and hot flames spewed out from the mouth, sweeping towards the pond below.

Immediately, the spiritual void lotus in the entire pond already felt the threat of death.

They began to join together extremely quickly, desperately wanting to resist.

Their thick vines were pulled out violently, trying to disperse the flames ejected by the flame bird.

But in doing so, it is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg, and it will not have any effect at all.

Instead, the vines they stretched out were burned to death.

In the blink of an eye, these lotus flowers will be burned by the flames.

Finally, there was a muffled sound of "rumbling" in the pond.

Countless lotus flowers spread out in all directions, and a thick void water column collided with the flames.

Under the confrontation between the two forces in the air, they suddenly exploded and turned into a beautiful flower of heavenly maidens, falling back into the pool water.

Even a ghostly rainbow appeared above the water, making the whole pond even more beautiful.

"It seems that besides the lotus on the pond, there are other things under this pond."

Su Yu once again used his powerful mental power to perceive.

Only then did he realize that the lotus seemed to be growing on the pond.

But in fact these lotus have been integrated with the pond.

And the most powerful existence in this void pond is actually the pond itself.

It has already given birth to spirit matter, forming a life form similar to a demon.

And these void lotuses living in the pond are equivalent to the parasites on its body surface and have a symbiotic relationship with it.

If you want to untie the lotus on its body, you will naturally have to pass his test.

And judging from the means shown by this void pond, its combat power can already be compared to a legendary professional, and its level is extraordinary.

"It seems that this tomb of the Void God is indeed different, and I have to come up with more powerful means."

As Su Yu thought about it, another portal opened.

From the portal, a white tiger stepping out of the void turned out to be one of the four divine beasts.

It exudes a golden light like a scorching sun.

But at the same time, it carried an unparalleled coldness.

As soon as it appeared, the power naturally released from its body caused the water in the void pond to condense into ice cubes.

Surprisingly, the power that overflows from itself is enough to suppress the void pond.

Void Pond immediately felt a terrible threat.

Only then did it realize that Su Yu was not something he could deal with at all.

If this continues, today is the time for him to completely dissipate.

Immediately, he didn't hesitate much, and a state of encirclement came out.

It turned out to be choosing to communicate with Su Yu.


Su Yu was also taken aback when he felt the thoughts coming from the void pond.

"What do you want to say to me?"

A playful smile appeared on Su Yu's face.

He only heard that the void pond seemed to be begging with himself, and he was even willing to give a part of the benefits in exchange for the chance to survive.

Seeing this, Su Yu didn't kill them all.

After all, there are still many treasures in the tomb of the Void God, so it is impossible to search for them wherever they go, and it is enough to get some benefits.

"Okay, then you can bring it, but what you offer must satisfy me, otherwise I will continue to attack.

……………… Ask for flowers……

After Su Yuzhou said, the void pond agreed again and again, and immediately a large number of void lotus flowers were forcibly pushed to the shore by the pond.

"What? The Void Pond sent up the Void Lotus by itself. I, I don't have my eyes wrong, right?"

"My God, what kind of method is this Su Yu using?"

"But it's no wonder. Once that ice and snow white tiger appeared, Void Pond didn't have the ability to resist. It must have abandoned the car to protect the handsome."

The few people on the side looked excited, wishing that those things were for themselves.

But who dares to go up and get it?

Su Yu was not polite either, seeing that there were enough of these things, he immediately stretched out his hand and put them in his hand.


[Void lotus flower, the void lotus seed sprouted from it has a strong ability to enhance mental strength and physical fitness. After the first use, the mental strength and physical fitness will each be enhanced by 50 points. Continue to use, increase 5 points each time. 】

"This attribute is not bad.

After taking a look, Su Yu found that although the effect of the void lotus seed was far inferior to the bloody fruit he got just now.

But the advantage lies in the large number. If all of them are taken, the four-dimensional attributes that can be improved are extremely amazing.

In particular, Su Yu's current mental power has reached more than 10,000 points, and the increased mental power of a few hundred points after eating this time does not seem to be much.

But when the accumulation of small amounts becomes large, the level of Su Yu and others can be greatly improved.

Now Su Yu has only one goal, and that is to defeat or even kill God King Zeus.

Even a little improvement in spiritual power is extremely important.

What's more, Su Yu still doesn't know whether there are other strong people behind the Ragnarok scene.

Especially Ragnarok has been like a ghost in recent years, full of many secrets.

Until the end, Su Yu couldn't be sure how deep the water inside was.

So thinking of this, he immediately swallowed all the East Void lotus seeds directly, as if chewing beans, and obtained an improvement in attributes.

Without even looking at the other people around, he made big strides and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a magnificent beam of light suddenly rose from the far horizon.

The colossal power of the void soared into the sky, instantly radiating into the entire void garden. .

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