Armor, detectors, communicators, micro oxygen machines, everything is available... all high-tech styles that Ye Mo has never seen before.

Yu proudly introduced them to Ye Mo one by one.

"These equipments are the most powerful technological achievements of our Hunter Star Clan over hundreds of years!"

"Even in a harsh environment like the Tower of Babel, it is extremely useful!"

"Among the ten major star alliances, if we want to talk about which one has the best field equipment, it must be our Hunter Star Clan! We have been dedicated to field combat for a hundred years!"

Ye Mo,"……"

Professionally dedicated to field warfare for a hundred years?

Why does this sound weird?

Yu continued to introduce Ye Mo in a clattering manner.

"This is the God Hunter Space Armor, which is more than one level higher than the Space Armor that Meng gave you last time! It has a higher resistance to radiation! You see, after wearing this armor, my health value will no longer decrease! The effect is awesome!"

"This is a superconducting night vision device, which increases the field of view from 10 meters to 30 meters! Almost three times!"

"The Hunter Respirator is the same size as a pacifier! It produces enough oxygen! Even if it lasts for ten days and ten nights, there will be no shortage of oxygen!"

"This is……"

"These are for Ye Zhanshen! No need to be polite to me!"

Ye Mo understood what Yu meant.

In addition to getting closer to him, he also wanted to show off how good the equipment of his Hunter Star Clan was!

It was true that they begged Ye Mo to bring them, but that didn't mean they were useless.

Ye Mo smiled.

He knew that Yu wanted to prove the strength of the Hunter Star Clan, but he had found the wrong person!

"The influence of dark particles in the dark forest is offset by the guardian god's disregard for laws!"

"The radiation source of the dark forest was offset by the guardian god's disregard for laws!"


Ye Mo looked into the distance, and could see hundreds of meters away.

With the guardian god's disregard for the law, the restrictions of the dark forest were useless to Ye Mo!

If there were no trees blocking his view, Ye Mo's vision would be able to see farther!

What's the use of superconducting night vision goggles?

Alien black technology is good, but is it as good as his god-level profession?

In this world of Babel, he is the biggest black technology!

Ye Mo smiled and continued to explain,

"I said I don't need it, not because I don't have it, but because I really don't need it!"

"All environmental effects are useless to me!"

"What?!"Zhan Shen Yu and other gods of war couldn't believe their ears. There are people who can resist the effects of the cosmic environment without wearing Lu He's cosmic equipment! It's incredible! Zhan Shen Yu thought of something and asked,

"Ye Zhanshen, if you were teleported to the surface of a star……"

Ye Mo nodded,"I won't be affected at all. I will be fine even if a star explodes!"

"Any high-tech space equipment that adapts to the space environment is just a burden to me!"

After receiving Ye Mo's affirmative answer,

Yu Zhanshen took two steps back in fear.

He knew Ye Mo was very awesome, but he didn't expect him to be so awesome!

Ignoring the influence of any environment, your ability is amazing!

Doesn't that mean that our Hunter Star Clan is just a burden, and what's the use of following us?

Yu Zhanshen, who has been struggling in society for many years, knows how to deal with people very well!

If you want to live a long life, you must prove your value!

People without value will eventually be abandoned!

It's time to show technology and live ruthlessly!

Yu Zhanshen opened the storage ring and took out a huge metal instrument.

It looks like a small flying saucer with a diameter of five meters.

Ye Mo looked at the flying saucer speechlessly, are you Doraemon, one black technology after another, what is this thing?

"Let me introduce you to the high-tech product that our Hunter Star Clan is most proud of! The Tower of Babel treasure chest detector!"

"It is true that the Seven-Colored Treasure Chest in the Tower of Babel has the function of shielding detection! However, after years of research and development and technological breakthroughs by our Hunter Star Clan, we have finally created a detector that can detect the Seven-Colored Treasure Chest in the Universe!"

"You know, there are countless treasure chests in the Tower of Babel! With this detector, there is a 30% chance of finding a treasure chest within a hundred meters!"

"Ye Zhanshen, I'm not bragging to you!"

"This treasure chest detector has a very high technological content! Even the higher-level stars don't have it!"

"There is a treasure chest in the Tower of Babel?"Ye Mo's eyes lit up.

Ye Mo's words made Meng Zhanshen and the others confused.

"There are treasure chests starting from the 144th floor of the Tower of Babel! This is common sense! Doesn't Ye Zhanshen know?"

After the joint explanation by Meng and Yu,

Ye Mo understood.

Starting from the 144th floor of the Tower of Babel, there will be countless hidden treasure chests in the environment of this floor, which can reveal cosmic-level goodies!

It is called the Seven-Color Treasure Chest! There are seven colors: white, green, blue, red, purple, gold, and black!

White is the lowest quality, and black is the highest quality!

This can be regarded as a benefit that the Tower of Babel gives to each challenger.

However, these treasure chests are extremely hidden.

Some are buried hundreds of meters underground, some are hidden in rocks, and some are hidden in tree trunks...

The area of each floor of the Tower of Babel is extremely large, and the treasure chests are hidden very deeply, and they also have the function of shielding detection!

It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to find the treasure chest in one day!

Therefore, the treasure chest detector should be used.

Many star tribes wanted to create a treasure chest detector, but unfortunately they failed.

Only the Hunter God tribe succeeded!

Ye Mo nodded, closed his eyes and felt it.

No wonder he felt a lot of weak energy sources around him when he came in.

He was curious about what it was at first.

It seemed to be a treasure chest!

Ye Mo has the profession of stealing gods.

He can feel all the treasure chests within a certain range.

Ye Mo felt how big his perception range is.


about one thousand kilometers.


the range is so-so, anyway, it is a little stronger than the range of one hundred meters of the detector.

As for the effect of the god-level profession, there will always be something different...

I wonder if this perception range will increase with the level?

""Follow me!"

Ye Mo greeted Meng and the others and walked towards the two nearest treasure chests.

The treasure chests gave Ye Mo the feeling of two fire points in the dark.

The better the treasure chest, the brighter it was.

Meng and the others didn't know what Ye Mo meant, but since Ye Mo called them, they followed him.

The two treasure chests were not far from Ye Mo, only about three thousand meters away.

At the speed of Ye Mo and the others, they arrived in two minutes. Seeing Ye Mo dig out a strange tower-shaped white jade treasure chest from a black tree trunk , Meng and the others were stunned. How did he know?

"Don't worry, there's another one!"

Ye Mo ran a hundred meters away and dug out a white treasure chest of the same color under a rock. In less than three minutes, Ye Mo found two treasure chests.

"It’s not difficult to find this thing!"


War God Yu, what did you say your instrument was for?"……" other people,"……"

Forget it, I won't say anything!

Compared with Ye Mo's ability to find treasure chests, this treasure chest detector is nothing!

The more I get to know Ye Mo, the more I feel that Ye Mo is unfathomable...

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