"This piece, this piece, and this piece..."

As Chu Ci walked, he pointed at a piece of raw ore from time to time.

The smile on Buell's face became more and more intense. The cheapest of these raw ores was a thousand pieces of black gold, and the most expensive ones were 70,000 to 80,000 pieces of black gold.

And the other party bought a lot.

While he was choosing, Chu Ci suddenly turned his head and said, "Is it true that you just said that it is forbidden to do anything here?"

Bull was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile, "Guests, don't worry, even if you open the mythical star crystal, no one will dare to attack you, and we will protect you."

Ping Gong on the side was also disdainful. This guy didn't really think he could get the star crystal.

It's not like they haven't tried before. Only one star crystal can be found out of a hundred raw ores, and they are basically ordinary grade.

It was also because they were losing too much by doing it themselves, so they sold the raw ore they dug out of Japan.

Rather than gambling, they prefer to sell directly and be safe. It is indeed impossible to get rich suddenly, but they will not lose money either.

Hearing Bull's words, Chu Ci nodded, and then continued to select. He had more than 1.4 million black gold, which was enough to select a lot.

It took more than an hour for Chu Ci to select thirty-two pieces of raw ore. It was not that he didn't want to choose.

There are only more than a thousand pieces of raw ore on site, so there are only so many in stock.

"There should be a second floor here, right?" Chu Ci glanced at the stairs at the corner.

"Yes, guest, but the raw ores on the second floor are relatively expensive. The cheapest one costs one hundred thousand black gold, and the most expensive one costs more than one million black gold." Bull nodded.

"First calculate how much black gold is needed for these raw ores." Chu Ci said.

"The guest has selected a total of 32 pieces of raw ore, and needs to pay a total of 524,000 black gold." Bull looked at Chu Ci with a smile.

And Heimiya Yechu also reacted, yes, this guy has chosen so many raw ores, does he have black gold to buy them?

More than 500,000 black gold is not a small amount, he only has more than 30,000 black gold, which was collected by their team of 100 people.

Ping Gong also planned to watch the show, but there is a rule here. If you buy something without paying, these goblins can attack the target unlimitedly.

If the target resists, he will be punished by the rules.

But just as the idea came to him, Chu Ci waved his hand, and 524,000 black gold appeared.

"How is it possible? How can you have so much black gold?"

Ping Gong Yezhong looked at the black gold with shock in his eyes.

It was obviously the first time for Daxia to enter the Black Abyss Secret Realm. He had no foundation at all before, and he only came in alone.

How could there be so much black gold? Is there a hidden way to make money in Happy Town and Baiping River that they have not discovered?

Bu Ke didn't care so much. Although he was a little surprised when Chu Ci took out so much black gold, the smile on his face became even stronger.

A big customer.

"Guest, this is the raw ore you purchased. Do you want to open it now?"

Bull gave the raw ore to Chu Ci, and the two parties completed the transaction.

"Don't worry, will you sell the raw ore he just sold you?" Chu Ci said and pointed at Ping Gong Yezhong.

"Of course it's for sale. I wonder which piece the customer would like to buy?"

As he spoke, Bull took out the raw ore he had just purchased, which amounted to more than three hundred pieces.

"Wait for me to see."

Chu Ci said while drinking, and it took him more than half an hour to choose two pieces.

One of them is the size of a human head, and the other is only the size of a fist, but it also has star crystals inside.

Only two of the more than three hundred pieces have star crystals. The explosion rate is indeed not high.

"How much?" Chu Ci asked.

"Well, the customer just needs to give me one hundred thousand black gold." Bull said with a smile.

Ping Gong on the side also secretly scolded the profiteer. Buer Ke had only given him three taels of star crystals for these two pieces of raw ore just now, which was only three thousand when converted into black gold.

Chu Ci didn't waste any time and directly gave the other party another hundred thousand black gold to complete the transaction.

"Do guests still want to continue choosing?"

After Bull put away the black gold, his face was filled with a smile, and his eyes were like looking at this big enemy.

"No, just drive on."

Chu Ci shook his head and said, he himself knows whether he is a big grievance or not.

Among these 34 pieces of raw ore are star crystals, which are worth more than 600,000 black gold.

As for why not buy some scrap materials, or even keep a low profile and not open it, because there is no need.

Is he afraid that these guys will do something to him?

Of course he is not afraid anymore, but he still wants it.

Regardless of whether it was Japanese pirates or these goblins, once they attacked him, there was only one end, and that was death.

If it weren't for the restriction of the rules, he would have killed everyone and looted everything, so there would be no need for such trouble.

He even asked for it to be played on the spot, so he was just fishing.

"Okay guest, please follow me."

Bu Ke didn't know what Chu Ci was thinking, so he took Chu Ci to the cutting area, where Chu Ci saw a large guillotine with a groove in the middle.

This thing is used to open materials, it is simple and crude.

"Guest, can we start?" Bull came to the guillotine and raised it.

Chu Ci nodded and took a piece of raw ore to give to the other party.

Ping Gong Yezhong also followed. He couldn't understand why Chu Ci had so much black gold.

But he wanted to see the scene where Chu Ci spent so much black gold and got nothing in the end. It would definitely be very wonderful.

Buell didn't waste any time. He put the fist-sized raw ore into the groove and gave it a guillotine blow. However, the guillotine stopped after it was halfway into the raw ore.


Bull's eyes were filled with surprise. The guillotine was unable to destroy the star crystal. Now it was only half submerged, obviously blocked by the star crystal inside.

Ping Gong Yezhong was also surprised. Is there any way for the other party to tell whether there are star crystals in the raw ore?

"Impossible. The Lighthouse Country didn't even see if there was anything in the raw ore when they held the legendary appraisal scroll. How could he possibly see that? It must be good luck. He bought so many raw ores, and there must be only This one is in stock.”

Ping Gong also comforted himself in his heart, even if a piece of money was really paid, the other party would still lose money.

Buell wasted no time and quickly opened the raw ore completely, revealing a star crystal.

"Hahaha, I thought it was such a good product, but it turns out it's just an ordinary star crystal, and it's about the size of a pea. Are there a few of these?" Heigong Yezhong looked at the exposed star crystal. Shi immediately laughed and mocked.

"Guest, this star crystal has 1.2 taels." At this time, Bull said.

Although it is only the size of a pea, it is heavier than gold.

Chu Ci glanced at Ping Gong Yezhong and said lightly: "One or two."

Ping Gong Yezhong felt as if his throat was being strangled, his face turned red and he couldn't speak. At the same time, he glanced at Bull. Could it be that the other party did it on purpose?

Bull ignored the other party's eyes. To him, Ping Gong Yezhong was just a wage earner. How could his status be compared with Chu Ci, a big client who spent more than half a million dollars in black gold.

"Humph, it's just good luck." Ping Gong said unconvinced.

Chu Ci smiled and did not argue with the other party, but took out another piece of raw ore.

This piece of raw ore is the size of a human head and is exactly what Heigong Yazhong sold just now.

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