Angus and Musashi Heizhang's pupils shrank when they heard Chu Ci's words.

They only gained more than 500,000 points this time, which was the combined gain of all of them.

As a result, this orc told them that they had obtained 50 million points?

What a joke.

It was also because this number was too exaggerated, so Angus and Musashi Hiraaki were filled with disbelief after being briefly surprised.

If the other party got hundreds of thousands of points, they would still believe it, but 50 million points is simply impossible.

What's more, the opponent is an orc and has no point mall at all. How is it's not impossible. After all, the opponent has access to the military arsenal.

Angus and Musashi Heizhang looked at each other. Although they knew that 50 million points was indeed impossible, their murderous intention towards Chu Ci became even stronger.

Chu Ci noticed everyone's expressions and smiled in his heart. He naturally knew that fifty million points was a bit exaggerated, but tens of millions of points were really there.

And he only used this method to strengthen these people's intention to kill him. It would be best if everyone went out of the city to kill him.

"The arsenal of your human race is really good. I will come back to replenish it after a while."

Chu Ci said another exciting word, then laughed wildly and walked towards the outside of the military arsenal.

Angus and Musashi Heizhang glanced at each other, and then more than ten people from each side quietly followed Chu Ci.

Although they are not allowed to do anything in the city, they can find out the details of Ci first, and then find a way to trick him out of the city.

Outside the military arsenal, Chu Ci naturally discovered that someone was following him, which made him smile.

"Now that I'm here, I'll give you a chance."

Thinking about it, Chu Ci continued to wander around the city aimlessly, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and occasionally taking detours.

"This guy is not stupid. He is taking a detour to get away from us." said a Japanese pirate who was following Chu Ci.

"So he discovered us?"

"No, he just guessed that we might be targeting him. He was not sure. The detour was probably just because he was too cautious."

The Japanese pirate was suddenly startled as he was talking, "No, where is the person? Why is he missing?"

The expressions of the others also changed. They had just seen Chu Ci bargaining with an orc at a stall, but in the blink of an eye he had disappeared.

Everyone hurriedly looked around. Not to mention Chu Ci, there was no tiger-headed man.

"Where's the tiger-headed man you were talking to just now?"

Several people hurriedly came to the stall where Chu Ci stopped just now and asked the stall owner.

The stall owner was a tauren. He thought he had business coming to his door, but he didn't expect that he just came to inquire about him.

"I don't know." The tauren snorted coldly.

They are not of the same race, and they don't have much favorable impressions of these foreign human races.

And he is not stupid. These humans are obviously following the tiger-headed man just now.

Although he had a quarrel with the tiger-headed man, it was only to argue about the price. Compared to the human race, the tiger-headed man was naturally closer to him as a half-orc.


"What? Want to do something? You can try."

Facing the anger of the Japanese pirates and the Lighthouse people, the Tauren looked disdainful.

Naturally, everyone did not dare to take action. Seeing that the tauren would not tell them, they stopped asking.

"Let's look for it first. You two can go back and let us know."

Then one person from the Japanese pirates and the lighthouse country each ran towards the military arsenal, while the others continued to search.

As for Chu Ci, he was standing less than ten meters away from them, watching them with interest.

But at this time, Chu Ci was no longer a tiger-headed man, but a werewolf, so naturally they couldn't find him.

"Let you be nervous first."

Chu Ci ignored these people and took a look at the sky. It was only noon, so he casually found a tavern, ordered some wine and food, and waited.

Five hours have passed quickly, and there are still about two hours until dark. The city gate will be closed by then, and a large number of monsters from the darkness will appear outside Huangmeng City.

Military arsenal.

"Haven't found it yet?" Angus asked, looking at his men.

"Your Excellency, we have expanded the search area, but we have not found the tiger-headed man at all."

Angus's face was gloomy. He sent out more than twenty people, but they actually lost track of them and turned out to be a bunch of losers.

"Musashi, how are you doing there?" Angus looked at Musashi Heichang.

"There is no news from our side. It's a pity. Huangmeng City is not small. If the other party hides casually, it will be difficult for us to find him."

Musashi Hiraaki said helplessly, "And after all, this is not our territory. There are many places where we simply cannot search."

Angus naturally knew this, but he was unwilling to give up like this.

The capital of their Lighthouse Kingdom has always regarded the general arsenal as its own treasure house. It would be fine if there was one more Japanese country. After all, the Japanese country cannot always stay in the secret realm of the Black Abyss.

But the orcs are different. The other party is a native of the Black Abyss Secret Realm and has always been in the Black Abyss Secret Realm.

He was afraid that the next time the Black Abyss Secret Realm was opened again, people from the Lighthouse Country would come to the military arsenal and find that the military arsenal was completely empty.

But now that he has lost him, he has no choice but to continue looking for him later. If he cannot find it, he will report the matter when he returns.

Just as Angus was thinking about it, two people suddenly ran in from outside.

"Found it, Captain, found the tiger-headed man." One of them shouted hurriedly after coming in.

As soon as these words came out, Angus and Musashi's eyes lit up.

"Found it? Where is it?" Angus asked, looking at one of them, who was from the Lighthouse Country.

"Are you sure you saw it right? Is it really him?" Musashi Heichang looked at the other person, who was from Japan.

This was also the case, so these two people just shouted it out directly at the door, because both parties knew it.

"Captain, at the city gate, the tiger-headed man has left the city."

"Yes, even though he made some cover-ups, we still recognized him. It's definitely him. Our people have followed him."

The two of them said one after another.

Angus and Musashi Heizhang looked at each other. In order to find Chu Ci, they had sent out hundreds of people, and the city gate naturally did not let them go.

Although he found it, Angus frowned, "Leaving the city? It's less than two hours until dark. What is he doing out of the city at this time?"

As a native of the Black Abyss Secret Realm, the Tiger-headed Man cannot possibly not know how dangerous it is outside the city after dark, but he still has to go out of the city at this time. If he is not careful, he will die outside.

"Is it possible that he has to leave the city?" Musashi Hiraaki said.

Angus was not stupid and quickly understood what the other party meant, "You mean the secret of his ability to use the military arsenal is outside the city, and the fact that he ventured out of the city at this time has something to do with it being dark?"

"Yes, I don't know what the secret is, but it should have something to do with Tenkuro. Maybe he colluded with those monsters in the darkness. After all, they are all monsters in the first place." Musashi Heichang nodded.

Angus did not speak, but pondered.

The question now for them is whether they should follow suit.

If you follow them, you will definitely be able to discover the secret of the orc, but you may also encounter danger. After all, it is not long before dark.

"What do you think?" Angus asked, looking at Musashi Hiraaki.

"We, the Japanese country, do not plan to go. Even if the orcs can use the military arsenal, it will not have much impact on our Japanese country. There is no need to take risks." Musashi Heizhang shook his head.

Angus frowned, knowing that the other person was telling the truth.

Although the Japanese country can also use its military arsenal, all harvests must be given to them as part of the lighthouse country, otherwise they will not agree to let the Japanese country come in.

The gains are not much to begin with, and even if they are completely gone in the end, there is not much loss.

But the losses for their lighthouse country are huge. After all, they have always regarded the arsenal as their own private property.

Angus thought for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, it's really too risky to leave the city now. He will definitely come back anyway, so people can continue to keep an eye on him."

"Okay, it's getting dark soon. I'll take people out for a while first. Those monsters are not easy to deal with." Musashi Heichang nodded.

"Well, speaking of monsters, the previous battles have reduced the durability of our weapons a lot. We just have time to repair them," Angus said.

Then both sides took people out of the military arsenal and walked in different directions.

A quarter of an hour later.

outside the city.

Musashi Heichang led a hundred people, and looked at Angus's hundreds of people. They both looked at each other and fell into silence.

Musashi Heiaki: "Didn't you say you wouldn't go?"

Angus: "Didn't you say you wouldn't go?"

The two were silent again.

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