Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 141 The origin of the secret realm, a former military training place!

"Are you the city lord of Huangmeng City? Is Blood Mountain your clone?"

Chu Ci asked after calming down.

But he felt something was wrong, because he had seen before that Xue Shan was indeed the city lord, and it did not show that the other party was a clone.

"Clone? No, no, no, he was indeed the city lord before, but after you killed him, I became the new city lord." Anders shook his head.

As he spoke, Anders waved his hand, and suddenly a luxurious long table appeared in front of him, with various delicacies placed on it.

The most eye-catching thing was a bottle of blood-colored wine. When Chu Ci checked it, he found that it was not wine at all, but blood.

"Fresh blood tastes really delicious."

Anders picked up the transparent cup and drank a glass of blood in one gulp. His exposed fangs were dyed blood red, and his scarlet tongue licked the corner of his mouth, looking like he was enjoying it.

"Is this blood from those orcs who died in the strong competition yesterday?" Chu Ci said.

"Yes, this contest of strong men is really a good entertainment activity. It can not only release the ambitions of the orcs in the city, but also satisfy me."

Anders grinned, his blood-red fangs looking particularly cold in the dimly lit secret room, "I am really a genius who came up with this activity."

Chu Ci remained silent. He had more or less made some guesses about the competition between strong men.

After all, he had known from Ada that the city lord was a vampire, but there had never been any blood-sucking incidents in Huangmeng City. As a vampire city lord, he must have other methods.

The Strong Competition is an open and honest way to raise blood packs. Maybe other half-orcs in the city also have guesses, but even if they know, there will still be half-orcs who can't refuse the temptation to go to Tianyuan City.

"If you have anything you want to ask, just ask. I can tell you anything I know."

At this time, Anders smiled and said, "You alien humans should have a lot to know."

"How do you know I'm a human?" Chu Ci raised an eyebrow and asked, even the demigods couldn't see through the hidden cloak.

"After so many years, I have a deep understanding of the human race. Of course, the one I know best is the tauren."

Anders said, "The Minotaur clan does not have the means to wield a sword."

Chu Ci thought about it. The Minotaur's sword control was indeed a bit nonsense, and it was normal for the other party to see through it.

"It seems that you have convinced me. In that case, let's talk about Tianyuan City, or your relationship with Tianyuan City." Chu Ci said, "Tianyuan City should not ask you to recommend talents, right? ?”

"Yes, Tianyuan City does not need us city lords to recommend talents. As for my relationship with Tianyuan City, I escaped from Tianyuan City."

Anders shook the wine glass filled with blood and said with a look of reminiscence, "Tianyuan City is one of the five main cities in this world. It can be said that there are countless powerful people. There are indeed demigods in it, and there are more than one."

"But because of this, the forces inside are complicated. There are demigod families and mythical families everywhere. At level 70, you can only be a slave, at level 80, you can be a guard, and at level 90, you can barely get into the eyes of those families."

"Thousands of years ago, I was only level 60. I faced the threat of death every day in Tianyuan City, so I escaped and fled to Huangmeng City."

"To be precise, there was no Huangmeng City at that time. I discovered the military arsenal here, and there happened to be a lot of orcs in it, so I used the military arsenal as the foundation and took those orcs to build Huangmeng City. "

Anders took a sip of blood and said, "I am the first city lord of Huangmeng City."

Chu Ci was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party had such an experience.

"Tianyuan City allows defection?" Chu Ci asked. Since there are countless powerful people in Tianyuan City, it would be easy to capture a level 60 extraordinary person.

"Do you care that your ants went somewhere else today?" Anders asked.

"Level 60 extraordinary people are like ants in Tianyuan City. They are countless. No strong person will care about escaping. There are many cities in the endless wasteland. Basically, they are all because they can't live in the five main cities. They leave. The city was built later.”

Anders smiled and said, "And once a city is established, it will be protected by the rules of this world. Although there is still a risk of death, those strong people are too lazy to break the rules for some ants."

Chu Ci suddenly realized that this was how the many cities in the Black Abyss Secret Realm came to be.

"Although I left Tianyuan City, I gradually discovered the problem, that is, not only do I have to face monster attacks in the darkness in the outside world, my own strength cannot be improved, and I am also eroded by the rules."

Chu Ci didn't ask, but Anders continued to talk like a chatterbox, "That's when I really understood why Tianyuan City is so difficult to live in, but there are still so many people staying in Tianyuan City."

"It's not that it can't be improved at all, it's just that a lot of black gold needs to be consumed. I believe you also know that black gold can eliminate the erosion of rules."

"But now that I'm out, I'm not willing to go back. I built Huangmeng City, made those half-orcs citizens, and asked them to help me collect black gold."

"Two hundred years passed like this, and then I became desperate. In two hundred years, I only improved from level 60 to level 65."

"If I stay in Tianyuan City, two hundred years will be enough for me to become a level 70 epic level powerhouse."

Listening to the other party's words, it was difficult for Chu Ci to empathize with him, because it had only been more than two months since he had awakened his profession, and he had now reached level 49.

Thinking about it, Chu Ci asked a question, "Can you live so long?"

The human race can only live for two hundred years when they reach the transcendent level.

Anders didn't mind Chu Ci's interruption. Instead, he explained with a smile: "Our vampire race is different from your human race. The vampire race has a lifespan of five hundred years from the beginning. Once it reaches the extraordinary level, it can add another five hundred years to its lifespan."

In other words, a vampire who has reached the extraordinary level has a lifespan of one thousand years?

Compared with the human race, the lifespan of the vampire race is really long.

"You continue." Chu Ci said.

Anders smiled and continued, "At that time, I was very desperate and thought about returning to Tianyuan City. Unfortunately, I stayed outside for too long and was eroded by the rules. I couldn't even leave Huangmeng City. It’s been too long, let alone returning to Tianyuan City.”

"Since then, I have been thinking of ways to become stronger, but I have been looking for it for a long time and have not found it until more than three hundred years ago."

As he spoke, Anders's eyes became much brighter, "More than three hundred years ago, the passage between this world and the outside world was opened. I didn't know about it at first. I didn't know until you humans came to Desolate City."

Chu Ci knew that the other party was talking about the Lighthouse Country.

"I have heard about the human race when I was in Tianyuan City, but I have never seen it. It was also the first time I saw it at that time."

"I contacted a group of humans and asked them about the situation in the outside world. They were very cooperative. Listening to their stories, I knew that these humans were likely to come from the main world."

"The main world also has its own legend in Tianyuan City. It is said to be a world with complete rules. As long as you enter the main world, even breathing can increase your strength."

"I was over 800 years old at that time, but I had only reached level 69. If I couldn't break through, I would die in another two hundred years."

"I want to go to the main world, but I also know that I can't even leave Huangmeng City for a long time, let alone go to the main world, so I killed them and sucked their blood dry."

"Then I was pleasantly surprised to find that my strength began to increase. Unfortunately, there were not many humans in the first batch, only about a hundred people. For the sake of more humans, I let go of a dozen people and gave them some benefits secretly."

"Three years later, these human races came again, and the number reached a thousand. Can you understand how happy I was at that time? I killed 90% of the human races and drained their blood. My strength was finally The breakthrough reached an epic level.”

"As for the humans who were put back, I will still give them some benefits secretly as before, and look forward to their return in three years."

When Anders said this, his joy could no longer be concealed, "They are here again. Even if so many people died, they are still here. You humans are really greedy."

"Excuse me, they and I are not from the same human race." Chu Ci interrupted.

Anders said with a look of approval: "Understand, just like us vampires, we vampires who suck blood look down upon those vampires who suck moonlight the most."

"As long as you understand, continue." Chu Ci nodded.

"I killed a lot of people, and my strength also increased rapidly, but it was also to prevent those humans from being afraid and afraid to come in, so I took advantage of their greed, held a strong competition, and told the news about Tianyuan City come out."

"Then they came again. Every three years they would send a group of people in, and through a strong competition, I could drink blood openly, including those orcs in the city."

"This happy life lasted for a hundred years. At that time, I finally reached the legendary level. Drinking blood could no longer improve my power too much. After all, most of the humans who came in were only extraordinary and epic levels. not much."

Anders said, pointing at Chu Ci, or to be precise, at the space crack, "It was also at that time that I discovered this space crack."

"What's so special about this space crack?" Chu Ci asked.

"At first I thought it was nothing special, but as the crack gradually grew bigger, I realized that it was actually a space crack between two worlds, a crack between this world and the main world. In other words, I could pass through this space. Rift to the Overworld.”

Anders said, "I have been observing this space crack for a long time, and found that every time the human race comes in, that is, when the secret realm is opened, the crack will expand, but when the secret realm is closed, the crack will gradually heal, and so on. "

"If there is no other way, I will never be able to go to the main world through this crack in my life, so after many years of trying, I found a way to just block the crack and prevent it from healing."

"But the space turbulence is so strong that even a mythical strongman would have a hard time resisting it for a long time. Finally, I suddenly remembered the title of the leader of Huangmeng City. As long as I am in Huangmeng City, I can be immune to all damage."

At this point, Chu Ci finally understood that the value of co-writing with him was to block the space crack and prevent it from healing.

It is estimated that those who got the leader in previous years were also thrown here by the other party to get stuck in the cracks.

"If you become the leader yourself, can't you just come in directly?" Chu Ci asked.

"It's not that simple. The city lord cannot participate in the competition of strong men. This is a restriction of the rules."

"And the space crack is just stuck. You are inside now. I believe you understand better what is going on. You can't move even if you are inside. When the title effect disappears in a year, you will be crushed by the space turbulence."

Anders shook his head and said, "Unless I can reach the main world from this crack with 100% certainty, I will not dare to step inside."

"Didn't you say you can't leave Huangmeng City?"

"I have to thank you human race for this. I got a mythical item from your human race before, which can resurrect me after death and even clear all negative states. Of course, I can't guarantee that it will be 100% successful. There is always a chance. successful."

Chu Ci nodded, this prop must have been obtained from the Lighthouse Country.

"And there is also the arsenal, which can only be used by you humans, so I once captured some humans and used them to use the arsenal to gain points, and then exchanged them for a lot of good things in the points mall." Anders said with a smile.

Chu Ci thought of this. The other party had no shortage of black gold. Even if the military arsenal had not been activated before and the way to obtain points was through lottery, he would definitely be able to get a lot of points.

"You should have reached the myth level now, right? Doesn't it mean that blood can no longer help you quickly improve your strength?" Chu Ci continued to ask.

"It seems that you don't know how we improve our strength. You humans have attribute panels. You can gain experience points and improve your strength just by killing monsters. But we are different. We need to absorb the energy between heaven and earth to improve."

"Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible for me to improve so quickly, because except for the five major cities in this world, there is no such energy at all."

"But this space crack gave me hope. Although this space crack has not been completely connected to the main world, energy has already overflowed. It was by absorbing this energy that it took me nearly two hundred years to achieve Today’s strength.”

Anders smiled and said, "The reason why I tell you everything is firstly because I am confident that you can't escape the space rift, but also because I have reached level 99 and am only one step away from being a demigod. Even if you have a way Even if you escape, you won't be able to pass my test."

"That blood mountain..."

"It's still to guard against you humans. You humans are not strong, but you have a lot of mythical props. The blood mountain is just a scapegoat I randomly found to consume you."

Anders said, "In order to prevent you from using powerful tools to detect, I specifically transformed him into a vampire and gave him the position of city lord."

Chu Ci suddenly understood. No wonder there was no problem with the information he saw from Blood Mountain before. It turned out that the other party did it on purpose.

"Do you still have any questions? If not, I can tell you another big secret. This secret was something I accidentally learned in Tianyuan City."

Chu Ci didn't say anything, but Anders was very talkative.

"It seems you really think I'm dead." Chu Ci said with a bitter look on his face, "Just tell me."

"Do you know the origin of this world? That is how the secret realm of the Black Abyss, as you humans call it, appeared." Anders said.

Chu Ci shook his head. There are many reasons for the formation of the secret realm. This black abyss secret realm is obviously not simple, because there are even demigods in it, and there are more than one.

"It is said that this secret realm of the Black Abyss was once a military training ground for an ancient country of your human race. You have also seen those dark places."

"The countless monsters in the dark land are the countless monsters of all races that you, the strong men of the human race, have sealed in them, making them lose their intelligence and only retain the nature of killing, as a way to train soldiers."

Anders said with emotion, "I can't even imagine how powerful your human race is. The reason why those strong demigods have been hiding here seems to be afraid of your strong human race."

Hearing this, Chu Ci's heart also stirred up a storm. He had never thought about the origin of the dark place, and even thought it was a feature of this secret realm.

But now that he heard the other party's words, he understood that these dark places were man-made and just for training soldiers.

He thought of the military arsenal, and then thought of the old man he met in Baizhang Yuanhai. Maybe this was indeed the training ground of that ancient country.

"Since it is a place for military training, do you know why it became a secret place? Do you know a guy named Lester?" Chu Ci asked.

Anders thought for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know about that. As for Lester? I haven't heard of it."

Although the other party had never heard of it, Chu Ci already had a guess in his mind.

This place used to be a training ground for the powerful ancient country. Countless monsters were sealed in the darkness for training.

But later, a guy named Lester attacked and occupied this place. In order to avoid the human race's revenge, he used some means to turn this place into a secret realm and escaped into the void.

"By the way, there are also those orcs. They were once slaves of that ancient country, providing logistics for the ancient country's army." Anders continued.

Chu Ci didn't know what to say. He once again saw the power of that ancient country. Today's indigenous orcs were once just slaves.

"Fortunately, your human race is no longer as powerful as it once was. It seems that even demigods are rare? This way I can be safer when I go out."

"I am only one step away from being a demigod, but it is absolutely impossible to succeed here. Regardless of whether the rules allow it, once I reach the level of demigod, it will definitely attract the attention of the five major cities. Even if I am a demigod at that time It’s also hard to survive.”

Anders said, "This can be considered one of the reasons why I asked a substitute to be the city lord, so as to reduce the sense of presence."

Still want to go out?

If the other party is really allowed to go out, the unprepared human race will probably be in trouble.

"What is the real way to get to Tianyuan City?" Chu Ci asked the last question.

A big chapter of 5,000 words, thank you for your support!

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