Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 160 If you invade our territory, your entire clan will be killed!

[You used the [Sacrificial Wine] talent, and are connecting the long river of history with two jars of mythical spirit wine. The talent was successfully triggered, one ancestor... five... seventy-eight...]

Looking at the prompt, Chu Ci was also stunned. He didn't expect that two jars of mythical spirit wine would attract the attention of so many ancestors.

Wouldn't these ancestors fight for the chance to lower the projection?

Chu Ci shook his head and threw away this idea, probably... not.

Just as I was thinking about it, the prompt finally came to fruition.

[An ancestor is infected by millions of military souls, casts his gaze at you, and lowers his projection. 】

Chu Ci raised his head, wanting to see which senior stood out among the many seniors and lowered the projection.

But after waiting for a few seconds, no projection appeared.

At the same time, on the battlefield.

As countless bloody sword lights dissipated, the barrier supported by millions of military souls also shattered.

Although the millions of military souls have not damaged anyone, the figure of each person is extremely illusory at this time. Looking at one of them alone, it is even a little unclear.

The leading young people knew that they could not win and that what would follow them would be death.

But so what, they had already died on the battlefield, and now they were just dying again.


The young man's voice was filled with determination and nostalgia for this land, but without any fear.


Millions of military souls also roared. This was the last time they made a sound in this world. They used all their strength, as if they were venting the anger in their hearts, and they seemed to be saying goodbye.

But the weapons in his hands did not stop at all, and they all headed towards Lester.

"It's time to end it with an egg against a stone!"

Lester had a sneer on his face, and the bloody sword shadow fell, swallowing up the souls of millions of soldiers.

And just when the final blow between the two sides was about to come into contact, the world suddenly became quiet.

Time and space freeze.

Da da da……

A dense sound of horse hoofbeats sounded. The sound was not loud, but it fell into everyone's ears. Every sound of horse hoofbeats seemed to step into everyone's hearts.

"That is……"

Chu Ci looked for the sound and saw a chariot, a chariot pulled by six horses.

The emperor has six rides.

Chu Ci was shocked. Which ancestor is here?

As the chariot arrived on the battlefield, it also stopped.


A horse crow sounded, and the offensive of Millions of Army Souls and Lester disappeared instantly, as if nothing had happened, and time and space within the battlefield returned to normal.

"who is it?"

Lester was the first to react, his face changed drastically, and he looked at the chariot warily.

He is a true god, and a peak true god, and he was actually frozen in time and space just now.

The strength of the comer can be seen. If the other party wanted to kill him, he would be dead by now.

The millions of military souls also paused, and all looked at the chariot, but then everyone was shocked, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

The leading young man was trembling all over. He wanted to say something, but found that his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and his wide eyes gradually became hazy.

Chu Ci also saw it, and he saw a man standing on top of the chariot.

The man wears a crown with twelve strings of white jade beads, and a mysterious robe embroidered with twelve patterns: sun, moon, stars, mountain dragons, Chinese insects, Zongyi algae fire, pink rice and fur, and a tie on the left side of his waist. Wearing a jade pendant and a long sword.

Just standing there, a majestic aura hit his face.

When Chu Ci was thinking about which ancestor this was, he saw millions of military souls saluting in unison under the leadership of the young man.

"The guilty minister, along with the new army, welcomes His Majesty!"

"Welcome Your Majesty!"

Wearing armor, millions of military souls performed a solemn salute.

The millions of military souls that were already transparent now seemed to be reflecting back the light, and their bodies gradually became solid.

Everyone looked at the figure on the chariot, with excitement and guilt in their eyes.

Excitedly, their Majesty finally arrived.

What I feel guilty is that I failed to protect my territory and it was occupied by foreigners.

"The soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country and defended the territory with their undying will. What crime is there?"

The man spoke, his voice was not loud, but his words were full of majesty, "It's me, I'm late."

Hearing this, the millions of military souls did not cry during the deadly battle, nor did they cry when they were sealed in the abyss of a hundred feet, but now they finally couldn't help crying.

"W-who are you?"

At this time, Lester spoke, with fear on his face, and there was already a guess in his heart, but he still didn't want to believe it.

He has not seen him and is not qualified to see him.

But Leicester knew that if he found that his territory was occupied, he would not give up.

If he was still here, he couldn't have left this place alone for so many years.

When he heard Lester's words, the man frowned and said, "Noisy!"


The next moment, a terrifying force fell, Lester spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his only red horn broke, and he was directly suppressed to the ground.

"You, how can you be so strong? This is obviously a projection of you. I don't believe it, ah!!!"

Lester roared and mobilized all his strength to resist, but after trying for a long time, he found that it was useless.

"The anger of a mediocre man will rob you of the earth with his head." The man said calmly.

"Hahaha, you are really strong, but so what, this is just a projection of yours, you can't kill me, if the kingdom of God is not destroyed, I will live forever!"

Knowing that resistance was useless, Lester gave up and laughed wildly, "But all your soldiers are dead, I killed them, and even the remaining will will die today."

"The Kingdom of God?"

After the man finished speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed it. The surrounding space was suddenly distorted, and a city appeared in his palm in the next moment.

It is Tianyuan City.

At this time, the billions of orcs in Tianyuan City looked at the sky in horror. They could only see a pair of indifferent eyes.

Many mythical and legendary orcs launched attacks, but to no avail.

"A tiny place."

After the man finished speaking, he squeezed his palm and Tianyuan City instantly turned into powder, and the billions of orcs in it died instantly.


At the moment when Tianyuan City was shattered, the suppressed Leicester's body trembled, and the aura of the peak true god dropped instantly.

"No, it's impossible. You destroyed my Kingdom of God. How could you destroy my Kingdom of God?" Lester's face, which was already white, turned even more pale at this time.

Gods no longer have a lifespan limit. They can open the Kingdom of God and nourish their souls. The Kingdom of God will never be destroyed and the gods will not die.

At the same time, the Kingdom of God will also provide powerful power to the gods. The more powerful the Kingdom of God is, the stronger the combat power of the gods will be.

But the weakness is also the Kingdom of God. If the Kingdom of God is destroyed, the gods will be counterattacked and their strength will be greatly reduced.

Now Leicester's Kingdom of God has been shattered and his strength has been greatly damaged. Such losses have never happened even when he came to this training place.

Although all living beings in the Kingdom of God were dead or injured at that time, the Kingdom of God was still there after all, and it only took time to recover.

But in front of him, the Kingdom of God was directly shattered into powder, with no possibility of recovery. Even if he was lucky enough to survive today, he would become the weakest god in the future.

"If you invade our territory, your entire clan will be punished."

The man had an indifferent look on his face. Even if he killed billions of orcs, he would not be able to have any mood swings.

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