After eating, Chu Ci called Ma Liu's parents again, and the two chatted for a while.

Chu Ci stayed in the college for the next few days and occasionally went to get out of class.

With the help of the Star Crystal, Liu Changhe's power control is also improving rapidly. Although not as fast as Chu Ci, he can reach 30% in a month at most and complete the breakthrough.

More than ten days passed in a flash.

On this day, Chu Ci came to the principal's office.

In addition to Feng Yun, Chen Binghe is also here.

"Xiao Ci, I have already reported your experience in the Black Abyss Secret Realm. The superiors attach great importance to it and have been holding meetings for several days."

"Soon, the higher-ups will send people to start cleaning up the corpses in Tianyuan City and sorting out the resources. With these resources, our Daxia's strength can be improved again."

"In addition, there has been a heated discussion above about your going to the outer realm. Although I strongly disagree, for the sake of your mission to break through the border, I can only agree."

"But this time, we will be more fully prepared. You can choose from various mythical props. You will know this when you go to the military headquarters."

"As for unique missions, this really stumps the higher-ups. Unique missions are rarer than mythical items. Currently, we in Daxia do not have unique mission props."

Chen Binghe said, "But there are a lot of mission props. We can't be sure whether there are unique missions in them. We will give them to you together when the time comes. We can only try our luck."

Chu Ci nodded. Unique missions are indeed not that easy to find. So far, he has only been exposed to three unique missions.

The first one was a mission from the elves, and he was lucky enough to get this one.

The second one was given by the old man when we were in Baizhang Yuanhai.

But the prerequisite for obtaining this mission is to pass the test. If it weren't for his high damage and the real injury, it would be impossible to obtain this mission.

The third one is the task of conquering the territory given by the ancestors. The method of obtaining this task cannot be copied either.

"The things you need have been sent to the military headquarters, and I will take you to pick them up when the time comes."

Chen Binghe said, "See if there is anything else you need. If there is anything, you can tell me now. I will ask them to prepare immediately. I will take you to the outside world in three days."

"Three days later? So anxious?" Chu Ci said in surprise.

"Well, since we have decided to let you go to the Outer Territory, as discussed above, in fact, during the time you entered the Black Abyss Secret Realm, the Outer Territory did not stop. The aliens launched several attacks and did not evacuate until half a month ago. .”

Chen Binghe nodded and said, "Not long after the war ended, those alien races also need to recuperate, so it will be relatively safer for you to go to the outside world at this time."

Chu Ci suddenly realized that he did not expect that there was a war in the outer realm during this period, but he had never heard of it. It should be that the higher-ups deliberately blocked the news and did not spread it to Daxia.

In this way, the peace and contentment of Daxia can be maintained.

"The sophomore seniors and the others..."

Chu Ci looked at Feng Yun. More than three months ago, all the sophomore students from Qinglong College had gone to the outside world and have not come back yet.

"Don't worry, although some people are injured, no one has died yet." Feng Yun said with a smile.

The students of Qinglong Academy were also lucky. They happened to be recuperating before the war, so they did not encounter foreigners directly outside.

"That's good."

Chu Ci breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Chen Binghe, "Mr. Chen, I have no problem. You can go to the outside world in three days."

"Well, in addition, you are now at level 59, and you are only one step away from the level 60 extraordinary. I am here to tell you what is different about the level 60 extraordinary." Chen Binghe said.

Chu Ci's eyes lit up. He only knew that after reaching the 60th level of transcendence, his lifespan would increase and he could fly. He really didn't know about other changes.

In fact, Qinglong College has these courses, but Chu Ci has too little time to attend classes, so he doesn't know about them.

"Level 60 is a threshold for our human race. The reason why it is called extraordinary is, firstly, because it can fly, and secondly, because it can increase lifespan. I believe you should know these."

"We in Great Xia have also done some research on this aspect. Once we reach level 60, although we are still human beings, we are the elites among them. We will be far superior to ordinary people in all aspects."

"For example, in terms of genes, after reaching level 60, the probability of the offspring awakening a powerful profession will also increase. If at level 59, the probability of the offspring awakening a high-level profession is 10%, then at level 60, The probability will increase to 30%."

Chen Binghe said, "The descendants of mythical powerhouses can at worst awaken rare professions, and generally awaken epic professions."

Chu Ci nodded. This was not surprising to him. It would be strange if a descendant of a god only awakened to an ordinary-level profession.

"There are many changes after reaching Transcendence. You can feel it carefully after you reach Transcendence. Next, let's talk about the changes in the panel after reaching Transcendence."

Chen Binghe asked with a smile, "You have also killed many monsters, and you have even seen the true gods. What do you think is the biggest difference between these alien panels and our panels?"


Chu Ci thought for a while and suddenly had the answer in his mind, "Did Mr. Chen talk about the life value?"

Comparing the panel data of the human race with the panel data of the alien race, other data are actually similar, but the gap in health points is too big.

Now he is level 59 and has only over half a million health points.

But when he was at level 39, Feng Yun brought him a level 39 Qingshan Blood Ox, which had a blood volume of up to 70 million.

This gap is not small.

Although they are of the same level, why are their human race's health points so different from those of monsters?

Chu Ci really didn't think about it carefully before, he just thought it was normal, but now that Chen Binghe said this, he felt it was abnormal again.

"That's right, for attributes such as strength and constitution, at the same level, although the monster's attributes will be higher, they won't be much higher."

"But the health value is different. The health value of a monster can easily reach millions, and our health value cannot be compared with it."

"But this will only happen before level 60. Once we reach level 60, our life level will be improved, and our health value will also be greatly increased."

Chen Binghe said: "What is your current health value?"

"More than 520,000." Chu Ci said.

Chen Binghe looked surprised. He thought Chu Ci's health was only a few hundred thousand at most, but he didn't expect it to be more than half a million.

"520,000 is quite a lot. When you reach extraordinary level 60, your health will first increase tenfold, which means it will reach 5.2 million."

"This is not over yet. The mission of breaking through the realm not only hinders us from quickly improving our level, but is actually a test for us. In addition to the mission rewards, there is also a hidden reward, which is the feedback of health points."

"If it is a normal-level mission, the health value will be increased by 2 times, a difficult-level mission will be increased by 4 times, a nightmare-level mission will be increased by 6 times, and a hell-level mission will be increased by 10 times."

"You need to complete 6 boundary-breaking missions to reach level 60. What you complete should be hell-level, and your health will increase by 60 times."

"This means that after you reach Transcendence, your health will directly reach more than 300 million."

Chen Binghe was shocked when he calculated this, because in the past, after reaching transcendence, one person could only have more than 100 million health points at most, but Chu Ci had three times as much health points as the other person.

The key is that Chu Ci is still the main combat class, and that person is a human shield support who specializes in adding some physical strength.

Chu Ci's original damage was terrifying. If his health points were increased, wouldn't he be invincible?

Chu Ci also realized this, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Although the health value of 300 million is still not as good as those monsters of the same level, his survivability can be greatly guaranteed.

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