
Although all the undead tribe outside the city have been dealt with, the atmosphere in Lincheng is still a bit tense.

Many people are working hard to improve their strength and are preparing for the undead to attack again.

Two consecutive monster sieges put Lincheng in danger, but many people also rose up as a result. Those who could survive the two monster sieges also had their strength greatly improved.

At present, Lincheng's overall strength has more than doubled compared to before.

When Chu Ci and Chen Binghe arrived in Lincheng, they could clearly feel the urgency of everyone in Lincheng to deal with the war when they saw the rush of people coming and going on the road. Even pedestrians wearing armor could clearly feel the urgency of the people in Lincheng.

"The Lord of Lincheng has met Mr. Chen."

A voice sounded, and the city lord who had received the news was already waiting here.

"City Lord, let's first talk about the current situation in Lincheng." Chu Ci said.

The city lord was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered Chu Ci, and wondered why his memory of Chu Ci was so vague before.

But that's not important. After hearing Chu Ci's question, the city lord first glanced at Chen Binghe, and when he saw that the other party had no objection, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

Chu Ci is one of the two top picks in Lincheng this year. It can be said that the entire Lincheng has enjoyed the glory.

Now that the other party is speaking, Chen Binghe has no objection, which shows that the status of Chu Ci is no worse than that of Chen Binghe, and even Chen Binghe is dominated by Chu Ci.

Although it was the first time for him to meet Chen Binghe, he was notified that he was a mythical powerhouse.

Being able to be treated like this by a mythical powerhouse shows Chu Ci's status.

"Classmate Chu Ci, I will keep the story short."

The city lord's eyes were full of smiles when he looked at Chu Ci. This was when they walked out of Lincheng. "Lincheng was besieged by more than 30 million undead before. Fortunately, I activated the city defense formation in advance and I was able to hold on." Reinforcements are arriving.”

"In addition to our second and third legions in Yunzhong Province, Qinglong College and many colleges in Yunzhong Province also came to support, and finally all the undead outside the city were cleared three days ago."

"Currently, only one-third of the Second Legion and our Lincheng City Guards are stationed in Lincheng. The others have already gone to Ziyuan Mountain, a hundred miles away from Lincheng."

"According to the information we received, Ziyuan Mountain is the source of the appearance of the undead tribe. Three mythical powerhouses were also sent here, and they are now also at Ziyuan Mountain."

"As for the situation over at Ziyuan Mountain, I don't know much. After all, I'm only at the extraordinary level. I can't help if I go there. It's better to stay in Lincheng."

Listening to the city lord's narration, Chu Ci nodded, and his understanding was not much different.

"In that case, let's go to Ziyuan Mountain first."

Chu Ci glanced at Chen Binghe as he spoke, and Chen Binghe nodded, "I have no objection."

"Well, classmate Chu Ci, one more thing is that classmate Liu Changhe also participated in the war this time, but because Liu Yun had an accident on the battlefield, he has been a little depressed these past two days. Why don't you find some time to check it out? Him?" The city lord hesitated and said.

Liu Changhe is also the top scorer in the college entrance examination. He naturally doesn't want the other party to be so depressed about their glory in Lincheng, and the only one who can persuade the other party is probably Chu Ci.

Chu Ci's face changed slightly and he hurriedly called Liu Changhe.

"Old Chu, are you back?"

Soon Liu Changhe's voice sounded on the other end of the phone, but compared to before, his voice was now more decadent and hoarse.


"at home."

"wait for me."

Chu Ci hung up the phone and looked at Chen Binghe.

"You go and take a look first. I'll go to Ziyuan Mountain to take a look at the situation."

Chen Binghe said.

"Okay, I'll rush there as soon as possible."

After Chu Ci finished speaking, he took a step forward, and a spiritual sword fell at his feet, turning into a sword light and disappearing.

"This this……"

The city lord looked at Chu Ci flying away with shock in his eyes. Although he guessed that Chu Ci must be very strong, he did not expect that the other party could already fly.

This is something only extraordinary people can do, and he is only extraordinary.

Chen Binghe nodded to him, then tore apart the space and disappeared.

Soon, Chu Ci came to Liu Changhe's home.

Taking out the key and opening the door, Chu Ci frowned, and a strong smell of alcohol filled the room.

"Mama Liu?"

Chu Ci glanced at the wine bottle at his feet, glanced around the room, and finally found Liu Changhe in the corner.

"Old Chu, you are here."

Liu Changhe, who had his head lowered, slowly raised his head and looked at Chu Ci, holding a wine bottle in his hand.

"What's wrong with you? Where are Uncle Liu and the others?" Chu Ci came to him with doubts in his eyes.

He specifically checked the friends column several times, and the portraits of Uncle Liu and Aunt Li were both on, which meant that they were still alive.

That's why he wondered what happened to make the formerly cheerful Mother Liu become like this.

The other party used to only drink calcium milk, but now he started drinking too.

"My dad is in the hospital, and my mom is with him in the hospital," Liu Changhe said.

in hospital?

Chu Ci frowned. Under normal circumstances, there was no need to go to the hospital. He could recover with a blood bottle.

"Uncle Liu, is he seriously injured?" Chu Ci said, but he wasn't too worried because he brought back a lot of good things from the elves, and he could save them with just one breath.

"My dad's right hand is gone."

Liu Changhe suddenly felt a sore nose as he spoke, "It's all my fault for being too reckless. I was targeted by two extraordinary monsters. My father got into trouble because he was trying to save me."

"You know, I saw my dad being injured at that time, and I wanted to avenge him, but I turned out to be a fucking shield, and even my attacks couldn't break the defense of those two monsters."

"In the end, I could only watch the two monsters run away without even a chance to avenge my father."


Chu Ci listened to Liu Changhe's words quietly, and finally understood why the other party looked like this.

The other party was blaming himself. As a shield, he couldn't even protect his own father, and he allowed his enemy to escape under his nose.

It would be fine if he really didn't have the ability, but he obviously had the ability, but because of the shield, he couldn't keep the enemy behind.

"Old Chu, I feel like I'm such a waste. I'm not a shield. I can't even protect my father." Liu Changhe said, taking another sip of wine.

Chu Ci was silent for a few seconds, then took out ten drops of life essence, "Send this thing to the hospital, Uncle Liu's arm will be regenerated."

Liu Changhe's eyes lit up slightly when he saw the effect of the life liquid. He raised his head and looked at Chu Ci, "I'll go to the hospital right away."

Then Chu Ci waved his right hand, and several jars of legendary spirit wine flew out, "Keep it warm at home and drink it when I come back."

"Okay." Liu Changhe nodded.

"By the way, clean up the room, the smell of alcohol is too strong."

"Okay." Liu Changhe nodded again, "Are you going to Ziyuan Mountain?"

Chu Ci stood up and looked out the window, "Kill some people and have a drink."

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